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Narcissism is characterized by traits such as dominance, self-confidence, a sense of entitlement, grandiosity, and low empathy. There is growing evidence that individuals with these characteristics often emerge as leaders, and that narcissistic CEOs may make more impulsive and risky decisions. We suggest that these tendencies may also affect how compensation is allocated among top management teams. Using employee ratings of personality for the CEOs of 32 prominent high-technology firms, we investigate whether more narcissistic CEOs have compensation packages that are systematically different from their less narcissistic peers, and specifically whether these differences increase the longer the CEO stays with the firm. As predicted, we find that more narcissistic CEOs who have been with their firm longer receive more total direct compensation (salary, bonus, and stock options), have more money in their total shareholdings, and have larger discrepancies between their own (higher) compensation and the other members of their team.  相似文献   

Through a comparison of the life and career trajectories of thirty male and thirty female CEOs of large organizations, this study offers insights into the genesis of gender disparity in corporate leadership positions, discusses the implications for leadership development, and puts forward a model explaining the disparity in CEO roles. We found gendered patterns in the accumulation of career relevant experiences stretching back to birth into working lives that created significant and cumulative limitations upon the ability of women to access CEO roles and the types of CEO appointments available to them. Limited access to career relevant experiences in childhood, adolescence and in organizations lead to on-going limitations in capital accumulation throughout women's careers. Implications of our findings for both theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated how leaders' gender interacts with anger and sadness expression and followers' attributions for their emotional expression on evaluations made by followers. In a laboratory study concerning hypothetical leaders, people evaluated the competence of male and female leaders differently depending on their emotional displays (anger vs. sadness). These differences were observed only when observers made high dispositional attributions for leaders' emotional expression. Perceived leader role-based emotional expression mediated these relationships. In a field study concerning actual leaders, dispositional attributions for sadness and anger expression were negatively related to follower perceptions of the leader, and these attributions moderated the relationships between leader gender and various follower perceptions of the leader. Leader prototype fit mediated these relationships. We discuss the implications of these findings for leadership research and practice.  相似文献   

M&A scholars have generally assumed that post-acquisition integration is a self-contained process. However this ignores that this process rarely unfolds as the only ongoing initiative in an organization. We contend that post-acquisition integration is not detached from other simultaneous change processes in the organizational context and this has important implications for our understanding of how integration dynamics actually evolve. To further understand this embeddedness we examine the unfolding of a post-acquisition integration process in a company faced with an unanticipated drop in demand due to the global economic crisis. Through a qualitative, longitudinal study conducted over three years, we carried out 151 interviews to uncover the unfolding of the post-acquisition process. We find that post-acquisition integration is embedded in a set of co-evolving processes. We highlight four mechanisms (coordination, cohesion, disconnection, alienation) that arise from the co-evolution of processes that either facilitate or impede integration. Our findings contribute to our understanding of post-acquisition integration dynamics by recasting the integration process as embedded in a set of co-evolving processes that shape its unfolding.  相似文献   

We study the impact of appointing women to top executive positions from an investor perspective. We analyze whether shareholders value announcement of appointment of women to top positions differently than they do appointment of men. This study uses an international sample of 100 announcements of top executive appointments of women who replace men and investigates how shareholders respond to such appointments. This research combines an event study with a matched pair analysis to compare the response from investors regarding appointment of female versus male CEOs and CFOs. We establish that investors do not seem to value appointment of women significantly differently from that of men. This finding suggests that, from the investor perspective, there appears to be no business case for a particular gender when it comes to appointing a CEO or CFO.  相似文献   

Acquisition and divestiture studies remain surprisingly disconnected, although both fields address corporate restructuring modes that are tightly linked. Acquisitions entail buying a business that another company divests or even, in many cases, a subsequent sale of formerly acquired activities. In this paper, we adopt a seller perspective, explore cross-fertilization areas, and identify important complementary and challenging insights that divesture research can bring to acquisition research. Focusing on sell-off, a major divesture type that is considered symmetrical to an acquisition, we discuss how divestiture research can shed novel light on pre- and post-acquisition stakeholders and processes. We propose two ways in which a divestiture perspective invites rethinking: 1) regarding actors, by stressing the need to consider triadic (divester–target–acquirer) rather than dyadic configurations (target–acquirer) and 2) regarding processes and time, by enlarging the temporal horizon of acquisition processes by divestiture processes, which precede but also sometimes exceed the acquisition. We contribute to acquisition research by providing a fresh look at stakeholder and process perspectives and identifying important future research avenues.  相似文献   

All CQI/TQM efforts share a common purpose: to learn something that can correct past mistakes and/or to create better futures. Because learning is a dynamic circular process, the information about a problem or an opportunity will be limited unless four perceptions of the truth--each valid, and each incomplete--are accepted. These four types of learning styles or ways of perceiving are: abstract conceptualizers, active experimenters, concrete experiencers, and reflective observers. Unless all the stages of the learning process have been fully completed, unless all the strokes work in harmony, we cannot be confident that a CQI effort has added its full value. A CQI team's interpersonal process, the tools by which individually limited truths are forged into a consensual holistic truth, must ensure that the group's effort goes "around in circles."  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2022,55(6):102212
While research on mergers and acquisitions (M&A) capabilities is accelerating, our understanding of their antecedents and performance implications still remains rather fragmented. Previous research has outlined the importance of learning for building M&A capabilities, but no work has attempted to summarize previous empirical findings regarding different learning mechanisms and their impacts on M&A performance. Mainly drawing upon organizational learning theory and the dynamic capabilities perspective, this study consolidates research on the relationship between different learning mechanisms, post-acquisition integration strategies, and M&A performance. Using meta-analytical techniques, our study shows that the capability-building mechanism relying on deliberate investments in learning tends to be more effective than the capability mechanism based on mere experience accumulation. In addition, our findings indicate that a higher degree of integration is associated with enhanced M&A performance among firms with more developed experiential learning, highlighting the need to explore mediating effects of integration strategy choices on the experiential learning-performance relationship.  相似文献   

Directors commonly “punish” CEOs for overly risky behavior by rebalancing their compensation to include more restricted stock and fewer stock options. This paper extends the behavioral-agency model to describe how CEOs will manage their holdings of stock and stock options in response to this form of compensation rebalancing. In doing so, it finds that CEOs respond by selling existing stock holdings and accumulating option holdings. This behavior achieves the opposite incentive structure that such rebalancing intends to create, raising questions about the effectiveness of compensation rebalancing in reducing risky decision making.  相似文献   

Today's Chief Executive may think of himself as a great business leader. But he's wrong. This so-called business leader is not within spitting distance of possessing the qualities expected of him by his management team. In a tightly-structured survey of over 1,500 top and middle managers, chief executives were found seriously wanting in critical areas that have been defined as key parts of the leadership equation for decades.That is the basis of the following article. It holds many lessons, and hints at the managerial anatomy of the successful future business leader.  相似文献   

以 2009 年 ~ 2016 年间 A 股上市公司为研究样本,采用双重差分法研究明星 CEO 成名后负面信息的披露策略. 以 CEO 是否登上媒体发布的榜单作为明星 CEO 的代理变量,研究结果表明: 明星 CEO 上榜将显著增加隐藏负面信息的可能性,验证了“名声俘获假说”; 明星CEO上榜后发生财务重述的概率显著增加,而一旦退出榜单其隐藏负面信息的可能性则显著降低,验证了名声的负面效应. 机制检验表明明星 CEO 通过管理层权力抑制负面信息披露. 另 外,上榜前盈余质量较低、代理问题较严重的公司,其明星 CEO 隐藏负面信息的可能性更高.文章丰富了 CEO 个人特质对信息披露行为的影响及其经济后果的研究,对于资本市场的健康发展具有一定的启示意义.  相似文献   

As little as five years ago, most hospital board members scoffed at the idea of hiring physicians as chief executive officers or chief operating officers. Physicians, they maintained, belonged at the bedside, not in the board room. For the most part, physicians didn't take issue with this thinking. Profit and loss statements, strategic planning, and other CEO duties were alien. Besides, being a "suit" was unconscionable, a total fall from the true grace of medicine: patient care. Dramatic changes in health care have wrought dramatic changes in the mindsets of both board members and physicians. Today, both sides have developed a new perspective on physicians in top hospital administrative positions. In this article, the author reports on the experiences of physician executives who have made the trip to the top.  相似文献   

Although scholars have studied outside executive succession for decades, there is still no clear definition of the term outsider. We focus on a new dimension of outsiderness, the industrial background of executives hired from outside the firm into a CEO position. This paper examines the antecedents of boards' decisions on the industry origin of outside successors as well as the short-term stock market response. We find that firms with more independent boards and with blockholders owning large amounts of stock are more likely to hire industry unrelated successors. However, the board's decision does not strictly follow the rhetoric of stockholder's interests. The stock market reacts more positively to outside CEO succession announcements when the CEO comes from an industry related firm. These findings support our theoretical arguments that the boards of directors may use a logic or rule of appropriateness in deciding the industrial origin of outside successors.  相似文献   

This study examined relationships among CEOs' facial appearance, gender-linked traits, and the financial performance of their company as indicated by Fortune 1000 rank and company profits. Naïve college students rated traits based solely on the facial appearance of male and female CEOs whose companies were matched by Fortune 1000 rank. Female CEOs were rated higher than male CEOs on communal traits (supportiveness, compassion, warmth), whereas male CEOs were rated higher than female CEOs on agentic traits (dominance, leadership, powerfulness), consistent with social role theory. Correlations with company rank and/or profits were found for powerfulness for male CEOs, and for supportiveness, warmth and compassion for female CEOs. For female CEOs, a communal composite predicted company rank and profits, and an agentic composite marginally predicted company rank. The findings do not indicate why these variables are related, but implications for the association of gender-linked traits with top corporate leaders are discussed.  相似文献   

Journal of Management and Governance - This paper seeks to understand the structure of corporate networks in the period following the dissolution of Deutschland AG (“Germany Inc.”). For...  相似文献   

Operating rooms are probably the most difficult of all hospital areas to manage. This article describes a number of common management problems in operating rooms and identifies four broad management areas that must be adequately addressed to ensure an effectively run O.R. It also suggests possible approaches for dealing with the four areas.  相似文献   

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