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随着互联网等信息通信技术(Information Communications Technology,简称ICT)的飞速发展和在日常生活中的广泛应用,ICT使用对个体生活质量的影响越来越受到学界关注。以往研究表明,ICT使用对个体生活质量有重要影响,但研究结论上尚具有矛盾性。同时,以往研究较少基于中国社会文化背景分析ICT使用对中国老年人生活质量的影响,也缺乏对其内在作用机理的分析。基于2019年中国社会状况综合调查数据(Chinese Social Survey,CSS),通过使用多元线性回归模型(OLS)分析ICT使用对中国老年人生活质量的影响,通过使用倾向值得分匹配法(PSM)检验ICT使用对生活质量影响结果的稳健性,通过使用中介效应分析方法检验社会互动在ICT使用与生活质量之间的中介作用。研究发现,ICT使用能显著提高中国老年人生活质量,且社会互动中介了ICT使用对中国老年人生活质量的影响。研究结果表明,ICT使用对中国老年人生活质量有积极的促进作用,不仅能直接提升中国老年人生活质量,而且通过社会互动间接提高中国老年人生活质量。研究结果启示,在中国互联网等ICT快速发展和广泛应...  相似文献   

利用西安交通大学人口与发展研究所"安徽省老年人生活福利状况"调查数据,采用随机效应模型,研究农村老年人提供孙子女照料对家庭代际支持的影响。研究发现不管对儿子还是对女儿,提供孙子女照料都会加强其对老年父母的代际支持。但是子女与老年父母居住距离的差别,造成照料孙子女作为结合家庭的中心资源所起到的作用有所不同。其中由于儿子被寄予养老的主要责任,与老年父母代际交换关系受居住距离的影响更大。老年父母与儿子之间的服务性(生活照料)互惠关系随居住距离的增加而增强,但情感回馈则被削弱,且老年母亲通过向儿子提供孙子女照料得到经济回报的互惠关系强于老年父亲与儿子的互惠关系。老年父母向其子女提供孙子女照料帮助符合合作群体模式下交换的目的是增强回报能力的原则。  相似文献   

文章基于“可持续生计框架”生计资本理论,利用西安交通大学人口与发展研究所2015年在安徽巢湖地区进行的“安徽省老年人福利状况”调查数据,研究在中国劳动力外流背景下子女迁移对农村老年家庭户生计资本的影响.研究结果发现,子女迁移导致老年家庭户人力资本减少、社会资本增加;但没有直接增加老年家庭户的金融资本和物质资本.虽然子女迁移在一定程度上改变了老年家庭户生计资本的水平和结构,但这种影响是以家庭结构为条件的.子女迁移拉大了与子女同住的老年家庭户在金融资本上的差距,弥补了不与子女同住的老年人在物质资本、人力资本和社会资本的劣势,而自然资本作为农村老年人生产生活的重条件不受其子女迁移的影响.  相似文献   

子女的代际支持行为对农村老年人生活满意度的影响研究   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
本文利用西安交通大学人口研究所2001年在安徽省巢湖市进行的“安徽省老年人生活福利状况”抽样调查数据,采用多元线性回归,结合农村实际状况,详细分析了代际支持网络的性别差异、居住距离、规模和密度对老年人生活满意度的影响。研究结果表明,子女在中国农村老年人社会支持网络中占据核心地位,父母的需求、性别偏好、居住空间距离对代际支持与生活满意度之间的关系具有重要调节作用。  相似文献   

社会支持与老年人生活满意度相关关系研究对提高老年人口生活质量、积极应对老龄化具有重要意义。本文基于"2013年上海市老年人口状况与意愿调查"数据,通过多元线性回归验证三种类型的社会支持对老年人生活满意度的积极作用。本研究引入躯体健康、心理健康两个重要的中介变量,形成多元多重中介模型,通过对该模型的检验阐述社会支持对老年人生活满意度的影响机制。社会支持的三个维度中,陪伴关爱支持对老年人生活满意度的积极作用最大。而相比躯体健康,心理健康在社会支持对生活满意度影响过程中的中介作用更大。  相似文献   

重视非正式支持,提高老年人生活质量   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
主观感受是衡量老年人生活质量的最终指标。由于非正式支持能够满足老年人紧急援助、情感交流、安全心理的需要 ,在我国重家庭重亲情的环境中 ,构成了老年人心理的主要依托 ,从而成为影响老年人主观感受并进一步影响老年人生活质量的重要方面  相似文献   

路阳 《南方人口》2001,16(1):28-32
生活在乡村文化中的人们,在由“自然人”生长成为“社会人”的社会化过程之中自始至终受控于乡村文化。本文运用社会学、经济学理论试分析乡村文化对村民生育心理的正面及负面影响。探讨村落生育行为的决策的转变、发展趋势以及由此应运而生的新型社会问题──村落空巢家庭问题。  相似文献   

中国老年人口抑郁症状分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
抑郁对于老年人的身心健康和生活质量具有非常重要的影响,应引起家庭和社会的高度重视。2006年全国性的调查数据表明,我国老年人抑郁症状的发生率比较高,特别是在农村地区。不同健康、经济以及社会支持状况下老年人群的抑郁症状发生率及抑郁程度存在显著差别。因此,提高对老年人精神卫生工作的认识,尽快建立基层工作机制和干预机制是十分重要的。同时也应加强老年人心理问题的质性研究,以深化对老年人心理问题产生和影响机制的认识。  相似文献   

本文运用1990年人口普查及1992年中国老年人供养体系调查资料,将老年人口生活质量分解成3个核心方面,共选择7个核心指标。利用综合评分法建立老年人口生活质量指教,并运用这个指数对我国老主人口生活质量的综合状况、地区之间或城乡之间发展的不平衡状况进行定量的描述和分析。得出如中国老年人口生活质量普遍低下;老年人口物质生活水平不能完全体现老主人口生活质量;中国老年人口生活质量发展的不平衡性主要体现在城乡之间的差异;引起老年人口生活质量城乡差异的主要内在因素是农村老年人口文化水平落后于城市较远等结论,为我国进一步改善老年人口生质量提供理论上的对策依  相似文献   

本研究在积极老龄化的框架下,使用2016年中国老年社会追踪调查数据,在微观个体层面分析使用互联网这一行为对老年人的健康、社会参与和生活满意度的影响。本研究通过主观自评健康、抑郁倾向和社会适应三个指标来测量健康水平;主要使用老年人的社会活动参与项目数量来衡量社会参与水平。另外,本文还分析了使用互联网与老年人生活满意度之间的关系。研究使用描述统计、一般线性回归和倾向值匹配方法得到以下结论:互联网使用对老年人实现积极老龄化有显著的正向促进作用,使用互联网不仅能提高老年人的自评健康、心理健康、社会适应水平,也能促进老年人的社会参与,还能够提高老年人整体的生活满意度。老年人使用互联网的功能越多,各方面指标的正向提升越大。在使用互联网的老年人中,不同的互联网功能(聊天、看影视剧、玩游戏、看新闻、购物、炒股等)会对老年人的各项指标产生不同的影响。本研究结果具有重要的政策启示意义:在国家大力推行"互联网+"养老和智慧养老的背景下,应鼓励老年人接触和学习使用互联网,提高老年人互联网使用率;为老年人提供接触和使用智能手机的途径;为老年人提供上网培训,使老年人学会使用网络的多种功能。  相似文献   

通过对面子竞争实现村民之间的差别,进而形成村庄社会分层,仍是面向向内村庄的主要特征。在X自然村的研究中发现,由子孙辈的职业、经济、组织、文化等资源构成的社会地位是当前家长竞争面子的一个重要内容。家长们通过面子竞争完成X村的社会分层,建立了一个基于伦理道德和村落文化等传统权威基础上的社会控制,并构建了X村尊卑有序的和谐格局。因此,在面向向内的乡村社会分层中应考虑子孙辈社会地位这一指标。  相似文献   

本文基于对鄂、川、赣三省34个村庄农民的问卷调查数据,运用定序Logistic回归模型,分析了村庄因素尤其是宗族对于农村居民入住养老机构意愿的影响。研究发现:虽然现阶段机构养老成为了部分农村居民的养老选择,但总体来看,多数农民入住养老机构的意愿较低。村庄的宗族结构和功能在一定程度上影响农村居民入住养老机构的意愿。有非正式宗族网络的农村居民比没有宗族网络的农村居民入住养老机构的意愿低,有正式宗族组织的农村居民入住意愿最低。宗族在公共服务中的功能越强,农村居民入住养老机构的意愿越低。同时,家庭在村庄中的经济社会地位处于非下层的农村居民比处于下层的农村居民入住意愿更低。  相似文献   

光棍在传统社会中成为一种依附性的力量,嵌入到村庄结构中。光棍是弱势的文化指涉始终是乡土社会实践的“非意外结果”。由此,学者通过“婚姻挤压”和“婚姻排斥”导演出光棍的“被迫性”问题。但是,随着差序格局的理性化和传统村落社区的解体,光棍的“弱势”意蕴逐渐得以“祛魅”。基于经验调查,本文从“主位”视角出发展开对光棍社会地位的再研究,从经济条件的优厚者、婚姻的高价者、家庭结构中的当家者、人情的积极互动者、关系和资源的拥有者五个方面来呈现出光棍较高的社会地位,打破光棍弱势之迷,光棍只是作为一种生活方式的选择而已,这样就将光棍研究进一步推向“主位选择”的纵深层面。  相似文献   

Jiang Sannu, a physician in China's Jiang Jia Village (Shaanxi Province), opened a family planning clinic in her own home in March 1987 to increase accessibility to contraceptive supplies and information among rural couples. Jiang was the elected head of the village women's federation. During the day, Jiang Sannu travels door-to-door throughout the village, providing information on issues such as prenatal care, breastfeeding, and family planning policy and methods. She provides gynecologic and pediatric medical services as well as midwifery. The nearest maternity hospital is 2-3 kilometers from the village, so Jiang has to date delivered over 20 infants. In the evenings, she disseminates Communist Party Central Committee documents on family planning regulations through the village tweeter. There is widespread agreement among villagers that this family planning facility is well suited to the needs of the local community.  相似文献   

Social capital has been studied by academics for more than 20?years and within the past decade there has been an explosion of growth in research linking social capital to health. This paper investigates social capital in Hamilton, Ontario by way of a telephone survey of 1,002 households in three neighbourhood groups representing high, mixed and low socio-economic status (SES). A Social Capital Measurement Tool is proposed as a straightforward way to account for differences in social capital perceptions and actions among residents. Consistent with the literature, the paper found that there was a strong association between social capital perceptions and health, particularly mental health and life stress. Social capital was greater in the high and mixed SES neighbourhoods and much weaker in the low SES neighbourhoods. With respect to social capital actions, both volunteering and voting was associated with positive overall health and mental health. Finally, the paper identified the social capital ??elite????respondents with high or above average perceptions and who participated in the two social capital actions??voting and volunteering. Prominent among the social capital elite in Hamilton is the ??health wealthy?? senior, a positive development for the continued social well-being of the city.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research study was to examine the relationship between race, ethnicity, foreign-born status, and social capital among single women who use welfare. It was hypothesized that the utilization of various types of social capital would vary by group. This study analyzed Wave 2 (2005–2007) data from the Making Connections Cross-Site Survey database. 1,428 women with no spouse/partner present in the household who indicated use of a TANF/welfare office in the last 12 months were selected for inclusion in the study sample. Structural equation modeling was used to answer this study’s research question. Black women had a higher level of bridging, support giving, and support receiving social capital. Hispanic women had a lower level of bridging social capital. Foreign-born women had a higher level of bonding and value sharing social capital. Implications for policy, social work practice, and research are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper addresses itself to some linkages between macro-social structure (industrialization, social class), social psychological variables (husband-wife decision making), psychological variables (attitudes), and fertility. A total of 726 currently mated women with proven fertility in five Brazilian communities were interviewed to determine various attitudes, their work experience, their participation in family decisions, their fertility ideals, and actual fertility. The five communities were selected along a rural-urban-industrialization continuum to include a village, two non-industrial cities, and two industrial cities (one of which was Sao Paulo). Family size in the industrial cities was small in all social strata, while in the non-industrial cities family size was large in the lower strata and declined in the upper strata. Further analysis revealed that smaller family size is associated with generally higher levels of status among women—higher educational levels, greater social contacts and more skilled employment, and equality in family decision making. Our analysis supports the hypotheses that industrialization influences fertility through shifts in the social status of women, both in their work and at home. New education and work opportunities facilitate the emergence of modern conceptions of the role of women in society and egalitarian decision making in the family. These attitudes and patterns of husband-wife interaction are related to smaller family size ideals and lower fertility.  相似文献   


Using longitudinal data from the China Family Panel Studies, this study provides insights on comparative wellbeing outcomes for older people who are institutionally segregated into clusters that produce uneven social capital. We present the first study that examines how institutionalized social capital inequality, measured by the social capital gap generated by hukou (household registration) status in China, affects the wellbeing of older people. Our results show that high levels of social capital inequality are associated with lower subjective wellbeing, measured by life satisfaction. This general conclusion is robust to a number of sensitivity checks including alternative ways of measuring subjective wellbeing and inequality. We also find that the negative relationship between social capital inequality and subjective wellbeing is strongest for people with a non-urban hukou living in urban areas. Our findings highlight the need for policies aimed at narrowing the social capital gap and the dismantling of institutional structures that hinder upward social capital mobility.


Xu  Dingde  Deng  Xin  Guo  Shili  Liu  Shaoquan 《Social indicators research》2019,144(1):113-131

Research on the association between rural households’ livelihood capitals and livelihood strategies has long been of interest in geography, management, economics, ecology and other disciplines. However, the existing micro-empirical studies are mostly small-scale surveys of rural households; there are much fewer large-scale investigations at the national level. Meanwhile, few empirical studies have analyzed the sensitivity of rural households’ livelihood strategies to various types of livelihood capitals in different types of villages, from the perspective of village type. This study uses survey data from 8031 rural households in 226 villages from 27 provinces (cities) of China; the villages were divided into three types: plain villages, hilly villages and mountainous villages. The livelihood capitals and livelihood strategies of rural households in different types of villages were examined, and ordinal logistic regression models were construed to explore the sensitivity of rural households’ livelihood strategies to various types of livelihood capitals in different types of villages. The results revealed that: (1) the sample of rural households had similar livelihood asset structures and livelihood strategy selections across the different types of villages. Among them, human capital was the most important livelihood asset for rural households, while rural households had the lowest dependence on natural capital; off-farm work was the main livelihood strategy for rural households, followed by on-farm work, while the proportion of households engaged in part-time work was the smallest. (2) Rural households’ livelihood strategies had different sensitivities to various types of livelihood capitals, and there were also differences in the sensitivities among different types of villages. For the total sample, as well as the hill and mountain village sub-samples, human and financial capitals had significant positive impacts on livelihood strategy, while nature and social capitals had significant negative impacts on livelihood strategy; physical capital had no significant impact on livelihood strategy. For the plain village sub-sample, human and physical capitals had significant positive impacts on livelihood strategy, while nature capital had a significant negative impact on livelihood strategy; financial and social capitals had no significant impacts on livelihood strategy. This study enhances our understanding of the characteristics of rural households’ livelihood capital structures and livelihood strategy selections as well as the sensitivity of rural households’ livelihood strategies to various types of livelihood capitals among different types of villages in China. These findings provide reference for the formulation of policies related to the improvement of rural households’ livelihoods in different types of villages.


本文采用定量统计和回归分析的方法,试图从借贷网络视角来考察大龄未婚男性的社会资本状况,以发现婚姻状况和地域差异是否会影响农村大龄未婚男性的社会资本。结果表明,不同婚姻状况的农村男性和不同地域的农村大龄未婚男性社会资本数量和来源有显著差异,婚姻状况对农村男性社会资本不存在影响,地域因素对大龄未婚男性社会资本也不存在影响。  相似文献   

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