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Two topics are presented in this paper: a short history of the Polish economic transformation, begun in 1989, and analyses of aggregate data describing the life conditions of Polish households in the period immediately following the transformation.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the development of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in Poland, as a case study of the sector's development in the Central and Eastern European countries of transition. It is argued that, in this situation, the development and growth of the NGO sector though shaped, as in the West, by a set of legislative, political, economic, cultural, and historical forces, nevertheless is circumscribed by the specific conditions of political transformation. The nature of and the power with which legislative, fiscal, or organizational forces condition the development of the sector varies according to the scale at which they operate (local, national, or international). Moreover, it is argued that the position of NGOs is significantly regulated by the state's political ideology, and the formative and evolving character of the latter translates into instability in states' actions vis-à-vis the nonprofit sector.  相似文献   

Most segregation studies have focused on industrialized nations where the economic structure is stable. However, when an economy experiences rapid development, the changing nature of industries and occupations may have a profound impact on gender segregation. This study uses a rapidly developing economy—Taiwan—to examine this issue. Based on the Yearbook of Manpower Survey Statistics, the gender representation was stable across industries and job status during the study period (1978–1997). However, occupation segregation increased dramatically. Rather than signaling a rise in discrimination, we find evidence that points to a benign, welfare improving self-selection, rather than gender discrimination. We speculate that this demonstrates occupation choice of women is more family-oriented when economic growth and development allows them this luxury.
Jack W. Hou (Corresponding author)Email:

Scott M. Fuess Jr.   is Professor of Economics and Chair of the Department of Economics, University of Nebraska, Lincoln. He is also Research Fellow of the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn, Germany. Jack W. Hou   is Professor of Economics, California State University, Long Beach. He is the senior coeditor of Contemporary Economic Policy, and the President of the Western Social Science Association. He is also Distinguished Adjunct Faculty of Nankai University, China.  相似文献   

《Sociological Forum》2018,33(2):334-353
Moral attitudes justifying economic inequality are often embedded within conservative religion and politics in the United States, even as traditional Christian values assert the need for compassion toward the poor. Using the Baylor Religion Survey, we assessed the role of religion in influencing partisan attitudes about poverty, finding that Republicans not only oppose federal policy aimed toward redistribution of wealth but also articulate less of a personal moral obligation to help the poor. However, Republicans who believe in a highly engaged God are strikingly similar to Democrats on these economic justice issues, suggesting that some types of religion do make conservatives more “compassionate.”  相似文献   

傅京燕 《城市观察》2010,(2):111-117
气候变化与经济发展方式的关系日益受到重视。本文首先对气候变化的现象及其影响进行了分析,然后阐述了中国当前粗放型经济增长方式对资源环境的影响。本文认为,解决气候变化和粗放经济增长方式的重要途径是借鉴发达国家的经验,大力发展我国的低碳经济以应对气候变化,并促使经济增长方式的转变。  相似文献   

徐诤 《科学发展》2011,(11):25-30
台资电子资讯企业在上海信息产业构成中占据较大比重,与上海本土电子信息产业相比,上海台资电子资讯企业具有代工型特征、发展态势良好且技术溢出效应正在逐步显现等特点,因此,未来上海大型台资电子信息企业发展路径将可能是通过代工领域高端化、产业价值链高端延伸、结构调整升级等途径实现"转型"与生产基地向内陆"转移"。上海应在正确认识台资电子资讯代工型企业的作用之基础上,加强政策的规划引导和支持力度,建立与完善产业发展与投资促进、协调等机制,有步骤地为台资电子企业完成转型提供良好的政策环境和市场环境。  相似文献   

Pensioner political movements emerged in the interwar years in America and Europe. Documentary and empirical analyses confirm the influential role such movements played in helping shape the postwar social security systems of Western societies. Pensioner movements, qua pensioner movements, have failed to retain their influence, despite that “old age” and its demographic significance have become more salient. We propose three explanations for this: the first concerns the failure of old age to connect with the generational ethos of identity politics; the second reflects the nature of the actors now involved in the governance of old age; and the third concerns the individualization of retirement as a phase of life.  相似文献   

新加坡的经济发展、经济转型和产业升级在过去50年取得了巨大的成功,研究和分析新加坡的成功经验以及成功背后的动力和原因,可以为中国今天的发展提供一些有益的思考与借鉴。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the nexus between the governance of U.S. nonprofit organizations and their ability to secure the resources necessary to effectively execute their missions. Different sources of nonprofit income are associated with alternative stakeholders. Viewing these constituencies as beneficiary groups, we consider how the particular mix of income sources influences the capacity of nonprofits to generate resources, especially if there is competition among stakeholder groups for control of the organization’s policies and practices. We then ask how nonprofit governance might be modified to improve the ability of the organization to generate resources through a regime of economic stakeholder governance.  相似文献   

“十二五”时期是上海经济转型的重要时期。上海大力发展航运业,建设国际航运中心有利于促进城市产业规模的提高,带动城市产业升级与经济转型,实现腹地城市之间的互动发展;同时也会带来城市环境污染、交通拥挤和港口非良性竞争等负面效应。因此,上海国际航运中心建设需要借鉴国际经验和惯例,通过先行先试,不断创新体制、机制和政策,必须从过去单纯追求“量”的外延式增长转变为注重“质”的内涵式发展,由传统意义的货物集散中心迈向现代意义的资源配置中心。为此,上海港口与航运服务业必须率先转变发展方式、调整产业结构、创新服务功能、实现错位异构发展。在上述分析基础上,提出上海城市转型时期国际航运中心建设的主要对策。  相似文献   

Based on focus groups and in-depth interviews with young leftist political party activists in Uruguay, this article analyzes the dilemmas faced by young people as they use images from the past to interpret and orient their situation in the present and their aspirations for the future. They are the heirs to a highly romantic image of what it means to be a political activist on the Left; in this sense, the shadow of the radical Sixties and the omnipresent image of armed struggle and military dictatorship define them. But the reality of politics in contemporary democratic Uruguay is that of pressing for incremental and routine social reform inside a ‘Broad Front’ where ideological definitions for the future have become hazy. This paper explores the various ways that young Uruguayan Leftists work to reconcile these different senses of time and how these mediate their relationships with ‘significant generational others’. In so doing, I place the concept of time, of the perceived and socially constructed sense of acting in the current of a particular historical time, at the center of analysis.  相似文献   

For twenty years, technocratic planning and management approaches have dominated good‐governance reforms in developing countries. This is true even for newer ‘participatory’ and ‘citizen‐driven’ reforms that still struggle to engage with powerful informal forces affecting public service delivery. This article presents evidence from a case study of decentralised education‐system reform in Guinea, revealing a wide range of influential dynamics outside the technical realm. These corroborate the argument for ‘good‐fit’ alternatives to traditional governance approaches and concrete measures to better capture the constructive and disable the destructive effects of informality on development.  相似文献   

台湾儿童保护服务的发展近30年,已实现儿童保护服务的专业化与职业化。台湾儿童保护服务的法制架构与行动信念包含初级预防、次级预防和三级预防等不同层次,其中,家庭维系和家庭重整是当下台湾儿童保护服务的重要转向。  相似文献   

The paper proposes to discuss the issue of civicness in the governance of social services by analyzing policy changes relative to the regulation and governance of social services in Europe. The empirical analysis is structured around the concept of “governance regime.” The paper shows that modernization processes within the field of social services in Europe develop along two radically different regulative conceptions reflected into two different governance regimes: market-based or competitive governance vs civic-based or partnership governance. The governance of social services in Europe appears to take place within a mix between two ideal-typical governance regimes: the market-based and partnership-based governance regimes.
Bernard EnjolrasEmail:

陈峥嵘  朱蕾 《科学发展》2012,(11):18-30
现代证券市场制度效率理论表明,证券金融公司的成立是促进我国融资融券业务发展的客观需要和必然选择,这决定了中国证券金融公司作为转融通的业务主体以及融资融券市场组织者、建设者和推动者这一双重角色。通过考察日本证券金融公司的主要做法,我们认为其成功经验为中国证券金融公司提供了有益的借鉴,也即:在组织架构和治理结构上,建议设立资金证券部、借贷交易部和托管与结算部等类似的业务部门,并增设"研究部"之类的专业研究部门,以充分发挥中国证券金融公司市场组织者、建设者和推动者的功能;在风险管理上,建议运用统一的量化风险管理模型来度量信用风险、市场风险、流动性风险、操作风险和技术风险,并采用分散控制和集中管理的方法,尽可能降低和控制中国证券金融公司面临的各种风险。  相似文献   

In this article, I utilize the perspectives of economic sociology to examine the structural background of forest devastation in Japan. First, I explore the factors behind cited problems for the forestry industry and demonstrate that expanded imports of inexpensively priced foreign-sourced logs do not sufficiently explain those issues. On that basis, I then demonstrate that the concepts and analytical tools offered by economic sociology are essential to a full understanding of relevant problems. Next, to understand how the current crisis differs from that experienced by forestry households in the 1980s, I turn my focus to changes in the social networks that supported the trade in wood products. The crisis witnessed a transformation that involved disembedding sawmills from the traditional wood trading networks that had relied on cooperative ties with forestry households. Eventually, social relationships between forestry households and sawmills were severed and these households became unable to address their economic difficulties through their existing practices. Given that context, I then examine the contrasting economic behavior of sawmills and forestry households and demonstrate that exposure to global price competition forced forestry households into uncontrolled over-cutting. Finally, I assert that economic sociology is better able to provide a more precise understanding of the true nature of the problems facing forestry in modern-day Japan than conventional economics with its adherence to the useful but insufficient principles of market competition and economic efficiency.  相似文献   

胡彬 《科学发展》2016,(12):27-37
为推进长江经济带发展,上海城市转型应扮演起开放导向的枢纽节点、功能体系的网络核心、空间组织的核心协调者等多重战略角色.围绕这些内容,建议扩大城市区域的腹地范围;建立组织有序、运行高效的空间网络与传导机制;构建全方位的战略通道;建立多层次的长江经济带区域协调机制;健全区域合作机制等.  相似文献   

齐勇锋  陈曼冬 《城市观察》2011,12(2):167-173
加快澳门结构调整,推动经济适度多元发展,是未来一个时期澳门继续保持繁荣和稳定的战略抉择。本文就澳门博彩业和文化创意产业的关系,以及在调整经济结构、发展文化创意产业中如何发挥政府的作用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

欧美在中东展开的民主治理是各自全球治理的重要组成部分,双方成为在中东实施民主治理的两个最大国际行为体,尽管它们对民主的侧重点、伊斯兰与民主关系、中东战略地位以及中东民主化的主导权等方面虽有不同认知,但对民主和中东民主的必要性与有效性存在相同认知,深究其因,双方中东民主治理的差异源于欧美所处的历史阶段、发展起点与路径以及利益攸关地区的根本不同.只有打破将西方视作铁板一块的旧有观念,才能对中东与欧美在民主等问题上的关系产生更理性的认识.  相似文献   

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