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文章从分析国有企业就业体制形成的制度背景出发,运用内部劳动力市场理论,研究国有企业在劳动用工、工资决定上的制度性特征以及内部人与外部人待遇差异对企业效率的影响,探讨国有企业就业效率低下进而对整个绩效影响的深层原因。文章认为,要提高国有企业的绩效就应重塑企业和劳动者在劳动力市场中的主体地位,打通内外部劳动力市场,建立有效的激励约束机制,让市场机制在国有企业内部劳动力市场中充分发挥调节作用。  相似文献   

论传统体制下国有企业过剩就业的形成及深化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用劳动力的边际生产力原理和非瓦尔拉均衡理论,在借鉴刘易斯二元经济发展模型的基础上,构造了传统计划经济体制下国有企业过剩就业的形成模型。该模型揭示了传统计划经济体制下国有企业过剩就业形成原因及不合理的劳动工资制度能够得以长期维持的原因。之后,笔者又在生计工资不变和国有企业资本深化的假设条件下,构建了计划经济体制下国有企业过剩就业的深化模型,并揭示了1952~1978年这一阶段,国有企业过剩就业的深化并未造成严重经济损失的内在原因。  相似文献   

本文通过对国有企业下岗职工状况的调查,运用有关社会学理论,就目前国有企业对下岗职工委托管理的再就业模式进行理性探讨。笔者认为,从改革、发展的趋势看,国有企业富余职工及下岗职工的再就业,必将从以企业内部分流、消化为主逐步向市场化方向发展,即通过市场机制解决国有企业职工流动问题将是历史的必然。但目前就业市场化的条件还不够成熟。“托管”是在目前市场体系各要素还未健全情况下的一种“准市场”,其运作既有政府行政行为,又有社会管理职能,还有颇大的市场经济成份,在一定程度上发挥着劳动力资源配置的中介作用,并具有社会整合的功能。  相似文献   

自然失业率的存在是市场经济条件下资源自由流动、实现优化配置和技术进步的必然产物。随着社会主义市场经济体制改革的深化,中国的劳动就业体制正在由“低工资、高就业”数量型体制向“高增长、高投资、低就业”效益型体制转变。这一方面反映了发展中国家走向市场化、国际化、现代化的必然趋势,另一方面将使中国面临巨大的就业压力。只有实施效益型就业战略,有效地控制人口的数量、提高人口的质量,通过产业结构高度化,资本大众化,工资增长低度化,就业观念市场化等,开拓国际国内市场,才能创造有效的就业机会  相似文献   

东北大中型国有企业比较多,国有企业下岗失业问题严重,由于社会保障制度落后于国有企业改革的步伐,不仅影响了就业问题的解决,而且导致东北地区城市贫困问题越来越突出。目前,东北三省先后成为社会保障改革试点省份,试点的目的就是"做实个人账户",即养老保险基金中个人账户里的资金不被统筹账户占用,根本的途径是扩大养老基金的资金来源和改革管理模式。  相似文献   

高学历人口是经济增长、产业升级和技术进步的人力资源基础,而近年来东北地区高学历人口的流失已成为制约东北经济发展的重要因素。本文基于吉林大学2013-2017年毕业生就业数据,采用面板Logit模型和Ordered Logit模型,结合毕业生的个体变量差异和宏观经济形势,分析东北地区高学历人口流失的原因及对专业-行业相关度的影响。研究发现,男性高学历人口流失的程度明显大于女性,东北地区生源的毕业生更愿意留在东北工作,本科生和硕士生更倾向于在非东北地区工作,自然科学专业的毕业生流失状况相对于社会科学专业更为严重,但其所学专业与所在行业的关联性更强,有强烈意愿进入国有单位工作的毕业生大多会留在东北,且专业-行业相关度较高。宏观经济形势对毕业生就业也产生重要影响,本科生和硕士生更倾向于在经济高速发展的地区工作,东北地区的低房价是吸引毕业生留在东北的因素之一。因此,为了更有效地留住高学历人口在东北发展,应规范劳动力市场,政府给予财政支持,对东北国有企业的招聘制度进行有效改革,大力发展东北地区的私营企业和三资企业,积极引进与高学历人口相匹配的高新技术产业,提高毕业生就业的专业-行业相关度。  相似文献   

随着经济体制改革特别是国有企业改革的深化、经济结构的调整和劳动就业方式的转变,职工下岗失业的数量不断增多,就业与再就业难已成为一个突出的社会问题。要搞好就业与再就业,关键要实现以下九个方面的转变。一、就业体制由安置消化型向市场竞争型转变传统的就业体制基本特征是国家对城镇劳动力以行政手段实行统一计划、统一招收、统一调配,实现劳动者全面就业。在这种就业体制下,国家是劳动用工的主体,实际从微观到宏观的高度集中,企业只是国家领导下的生产单位,不但没有劳动用工自主权,而且还必须承担国家分配的安置就业任务。…  相似文献   

随着中国市场化改革的深入,劳动力就业困难日益凸现。如对妇女就业歧视就日益引起社会,特别是妇女界和政府的高度重视,但这并没有有效地扼制就业歧视现象的蔓延。在妇女就业问题上,两种不同声音的争论也各执一词。本文在回顾我国不同体制条件妇女就业状况的基础上,对我国妇女就业歧视问题上两种观点产生的背景、成因、分歧和理论依据作一评述,分析它们各自形成的内在机理,并在此基础上提出解决妇女就业歧视的对策和途径。一、两种体制下妇女就业歧视的比较人们对人与事物认识的基本看法与标准,是基于人们在长期的共同生活中逐渐形成和建立起…  相似文献   

就业不充分是当前就业领域中最突出的难题,总量不足与结构矛盾并存,隐性就业与隐性失业并存,学历 失业逐渐增多。产生这些就业困难的原因,体制转型是大背景,同时,经济和投资的高增长没能相应带动劳动就业的高增长、庞大的就业人口压力以及国有企业和乡镇企业吸纳劳动能力的下降,都是非常重要的因素。  相似文献   

转轨时期的就业政策选择:矫正制度性扭曲   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随着城乡经济体制改革的深化,城市劳动力市场形成一种二元结构:国有企业与非国有经济的就业体制与工资形成机制并存且彼此消长。经济增长速度放慢、产业结构调整和企业改制导致失业、下岗现象的严峻化,迫切要求深化劳动就业体制改革。本文通过对就业及其体制现状的分析,提出进一步改革从而根本解决失业现象的政策建议。  相似文献   

谢勇  赵亚普 《南方人口》2009,24(3):49-56
文章使用南京市部分高校的微观调查数据,对人力资本、社会资本与大学生的就业概率、起薪水平和就业部门之间的关系进行了实证研究。发现:人力资本因素与大学生的就业概率、起薪水平之间均存在着非常显著的正相关关系。但是对于大学生能否进人政府机关、事业单位等公共部门就业却没有显著影响;社会资本与大学生的就业概率之间没有显著关系,对于起薪的高低具有一定的积极影响,但对于大学生进入公共部门内就业具有重要作用。  相似文献   

The paper summarises the empirical results of a study on the impact of liberalisation and privatisation of public services on employment, working conditions and labour relations and links these results to a broader sociological debate on the current restructuring of work and employment in the emergence of a market-oriented accumulation regime. The consequences of liberalisation and privatisation include a massive cut in public sector jobs, an extension of atypical forms of employment, a reduction in wage costs and a substantial deterioration of working conditions. Another result is the decentralisation and fragmentation of bargaining structures in public services. Privatisation and liberalisation, hence, do not only alter public ownership and governance structures of public sector firms, but also change the character and function of the public employment regime that played a decisive role in the post-war model of development. With privatisation and liberalisation the political character of employment standards in the public sector is increasingly questioned and subjected to supposedly non-political market mechanisms. The result is not only a marketisation of work and employment as indicated by the concept of the market-oriented accumulation regime, but also a far-reaching flexibilisation, precarisation and henceforth recommodification of labour.  相似文献   

《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(4):485-498
While previous research has focused on measuring employment discrimination based on sexual orientation and establishing the need for laws that protect against such discrimination, very little research has evaluated the effectiveness of current nondiscrimination laws. This exploratory research considers the addition of sexual orientation to New York State's Human Rights Law as it relates to employment. In an effort to better understand the implementation and overall effectiveness of the law, attorneys in New York who specialize in employment law were surveyed. The survey results, based on the responses of 34 attorneys, provide insights into how well the law has initially protected individuals from discrimination, and how well it has provided redress for claimants of employment discrimination. The initial results of the research suggest that employees mostly seek redress for a hostile work environment, that potential claimants are concerned with confidentiality and retaliation, and that more training for employees is needed to combat employment discrimination based on sexual orientation.  相似文献   

金融危机对我国劳动力就业的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
现阶段,由美国次贷危机引发的金融危机席卷全球,在全球经济一体化背景下,我国自然无法置身事外。金融危机对我国的影响表现在方方面面,其中对劳动力就业的冲击是最重要的问题之一。在现阶段的就业问题中,大学生就业和农民工返乡成为最为重要的两个方面。要应对金融危机对我国劳动力就业的影响,缓解就业压力,需要中央、地方政府、企业和个人的密切配合,从多方面入手寻求解决问题的根本途径。  相似文献   

This study aimed to find out how heterogeneous temporary employment is reflected in later labour market attachment. Using data from Finnish Quality of Work Life Surveys in 1990, 1997 and 2003 merged with an 8-year register follow-up, we compared permanent workers with three categories of temporary employees: substitutes, common fixed-term (e.g. project workers), and periphery (seasonal, on-call, temporary agency and employment subsidy) workers. First, we applied sequence analysis to identify the main activities at the end of each follow-up year for all employees with permanent and temporary contracts. On this basis, we formed six typical employment sequence clusters. Second, we performed multinomial logistic regression to find out whether there are statistically significant differences between temporary and permanent employees in terms of how they are divided between the sequence clusters. Four in five permanent employees were in stable employment over the following 8 years, compared to only two in five temporary periphery workers. The corresponding proportion for substitute workers was 70% and for common fixed-term workers 64%. Compared to permanent workers, those in common fixed-term or periphery temporary employment were more likely to become unemployed, whereas substitute workers were not. Our major finding is that periphery employment clearly increases the risk of being edged out of the labour market through retirement, especially on disability pension.  相似文献   

Since the Agenda 2010 temporary work is even economically and politically a success story in Germany. Inside that branch you also find Ethnic Business, id est that the director of the conferrer and the employees are belonging to the same ethnic group. The recruiting strategies are most informal within the ethnic group and working for an “ethnic conferrer” oftentimes means the last chance for migrants who get no other job on the formal job market. But the temporary work-business in Germany has a bad reputation and a lot of questions are going along with Ethnic Business in that particular branch: What are the migrant’s motives for working to an ethnic conferrer? What are the attractive aspects of founding an ethnic model of temporary employment agency? Have ethnic conferrers the ability to create new stability for the migrants inside a highly unstable branch?  相似文献   

In the United States and in other economically advanced countries, rapid productivity growth in the material‐producing sectors has been the major source of productivity growth for the entire economy. Over the next several decades, continuing structural change will result in a decline in employment in the material‐producing sectors to near or below 10 percent. A simulation exercise is employed to demonstrate how continued slow productivity growth in the service sectors dampens the rate of productivity growth of the entire economy. It is unlikely that productivity growth in the US economy can be sustained at anywhere near the relatively high rate achieved since the mid‐1990s.  相似文献   

Structural Change and the Aggregate Poverty Rate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper measures the extent to which recent increases in the aggregate poverty rate are attributable to the changing distribution of employment across industries. We decompose the total poverty rate change over the 1976-1983 period into components attributable to changes in employment shares and changes in the incidence of poverty within industries. Our results show that the poverty rate increase resulted primarily from the decline in employment rates in general and from increases in the incidence of poverty within all industries, rather than from the shift of employment opportunities between sectors. The growth of service sector employment in particular has not contributed to the increased incidence of poverty in the United States.  相似文献   

本文从有效就业的视角对我国经济增长与失业之间的关系进行的研究认为,我国企业储备了大量的无效就业人员,有效就业率低,是奥肯定律失效的微观原因。对有效就业与经济增长的协整检验表明:90年代中期以来,我国经济增长和有效就业之间存在长期稳定的均衡关系,表现出协同变化的一致性。  相似文献   

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