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本文介绍了当前钢贸企业面临的生存环境,就近期国内市场钢材价格波动的原因进行分析,提出了分析预测价格走势的方法.提出钢材价格是供求关系、宏观经济、货币政策、汇率政策、出口因素、原材料成本、钢厂产量、市场库存、国际市场、期货和电子交易等多方面因素共同作用的结果.  相似文献   

柯使进 《经营管理者》2012,(4X):389-389
众所周知,制造业对于生产工人的工资选择不外乎两种:计时工资和计件工资。计时工资,是按照生产工人的劳动时间核算工资,按照生管部门的任务安排,与计件数量无直接关系;计件工资,即按照工人所生产完成的产量计算所得工资,与生产时间的关系也不是很大。当然,两种方式相比较,计件工资方式更能提高生产工人的实际劳动生产率,因为工人的所得直接与所完成的产量相挂钩的,工人会努力提高自身的技能以完成更多的产量,从而获得更高的计件工资。  相似文献   

本文对2009年西南财经大学应届毕业生年工资薪金高低的影响因素进行实证分析,首先综合了几种关于影响工资薪金所得和初始收入分配的重要因素的理论观点,其次建立了理论模型并收集了相关数据,然后利用EVIEWS软件对所设定的经济模型进行了参数估计和相关检验,最后对所得的分析结果作了经济意义的分析并提出一些不足之处和有关建议。  相似文献   

心理所有权前沿研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱沆  刘舒颖 《管理学报》2011,8(5):784-790
通过对主要理论文献和最新实证研究的回顾和梳理,从概念、前因变量和生成机制、结果效应3个方面全面考察了国内外心理所有权研究的前沿进展,归纳出近年来心理所有权研究的几个重要发展,即从关注个人占有体验发展到关注社会交往过程;从关注主效应发展到关注复杂的调节效应;从关注西方的科层式组织情境发展到关注其他文化下多种形态的组织情境。最后,在此基础上提出了未来研究值得关注的议题。  相似文献   

朱瑜  张浠铃  陈浩 《管理评论》2015,(3):163-173
近年来,组织不端行为已成为国内外组织行为学研究的热点问题,然而目前国内组织不端行为的相关研究还比较薄弱。本文通过对现有文献的梳理和整合,对组织不端行为的概念内涵、内容、判别、影响因素与影响效应进行了分析,探讨了目前现有研究存在的不足并对未来该领域的研究方向进行了展望,以期对国内今后的研究提供启示。  相似文献   

职业倦怠自从被提出后,引起了社会各界的广泛重视.教师这个特殊的职业,服务的对象是正在成长的学生,其自身的倦怠则会间接影响学生的身心发展.总结了影响教师职业倦怠的相关因素,大致可分为心理健康,社会支持和应对方式以及人格这三个方面;最后在总结前人研究的基础上,提出了现有研究的不足,为将来的研究提供一定参考.  相似文献   

本文从风险投资的运行过程、风险投资退出渠道、影响因素及新兴国家地区风险投资等方面进行综述。并弥补了实证方面研究。  相似文献   

企业中高级管理人员对于企业的发展至关重要,如何合理确定高管薪酬以留住人才成为企业不可忽视的问题。本文对国内外学者关于高管薪酬影响因素的研究成果进行总结,归纳出影响高管薪酬的主要因素,为企业构建合理科学的高管薪酬体系提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

建立高质量的关系对企业而言,是其基本需求得以满足的重要途径之一。与合作者之间拥有良好的关系对企业的稳定发展也有极为重要的意义。本文在前人研究的基础上,从参与者特征、关系特征、产品或服务的特征和环境特征四个方面对影响企业间关系质量的因素进行了系统的梳理,以期能够进一步了解企业间关系的影响机制,为丰富关于关系质量的相关研究,以及帮助企业获得更为紧密、稳定的关系做出贡献。  相似文献   

本文对户外游憩需求研究从户外游憩需求分析和户外游憩需求影响因素分析两大方面进行了全面的总结,综合了国内外旅游研究的研究现状。在市场竞争不断激烈的条件下,如何开发出适销对路的产品已成为各类产品开发成功与否的关键,因此,对户外游憩需求的了解和研究是非常必要的。  相似文献   

知识员工的工作关键不在于数量而在质量,难度是表征质量的重要变量。本文在综述工作特征研究的基础上,提出从工作难度这一基础管理变量出发研究知识员工工作特征。通过对从事典型知识型岗位的工作者进行问卷调查,采用结构方程模型分析形成的知识工作难度因素结构,不仅为知识工作的评级和测量提供了可行框架,而且为进一步研究知识员工工作特征提供了有利途径。  相似文献   

我国企业知识型员工知识转移的影响因素实证研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在我国企业428名知识型员工问卷调查的基础上,首先用因素分析的方法,证实了我国企业知识型员工的知识转移动机包括:兴趣动机、个人成就感、个人利益和组织情感四个维度;然后,利用结构方程模型对影响知识转移的主要因素及其效应进行了分析.研究结果对我国企业促进内部知识转移的制度设计有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

This paper studies the determinants and consequences in the early stages of the hiring process of unemployed workers' wage demands using direct data on workers' wage requests. We show that most unemployed workers want a wage close to their previous wage, and thus much more than they get in unemployment benefits. However, some groups, such as women, tend to demand lower wages. Moreover, we find that workers with high wage demands are contacted by firms less often than otherwise similar workers with lower wage demands. Thus, our results suggest that too high wage demands may contribute to high unemployment.  相似文献   

Since the end of the 1970s Italy has moved from being an out-migration country to being a foreign immigration country, but very few studies have addressed the factors determining the wages of immigrant workers, owing to the lack of available data. In this paper we analyse the determinants of the wages of immigrants in some areas of Latium and Campania, where the share of illegal immigration is relatively high, using the results of a set of sample surveys which collected information on several aspects of the immigration process in the years 1993–94. The purpose of the article is to shed some light on the factors underlying wage distribution among the immigrants using an estimation method that controls for sample selection problems. According to the empirical results, income differences seem to be relatively high among immigrants. Differences in labour market integration among sexes and area of origin clearly emerge from the results. Moreover, legal status plays an important role in the explanation of the wage gap between documented and undocumented immigrants, also because of the different occupational sector structure in the two groups.  相似文献   

Using data from a sample of 1,099 workers, this paper investigates the determinants of employment and wages for workers in the United Arab Emirates. The paper further examines the wage distribution and the decomposition of the wage gap between the public and the private sectors. Results of the study are consistent with the dual labour market theory and indicate that the labour market in the United Arab Emirates is segmented based on sectors (public versus private) and types of workers (nationals versus non‐nationals). The study concludes with a discussion of the implication of these findings for the effectiveness of labour and economic policy.  相似文献   

Robert Girtz 《LABOUR》2012,26(4):455-471
I use the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 to estimate the effects of adolescent measurements of self‐esteem and locus of control on adult wages using propensity score matching. An adolescent possessing high self‐esteem will experience between 8.5 and 9.2 per cent higher wages as an adult. This result is statistically significant and robust to the addition of cognitive skill and family background characteristics. When cognitive skill and family background characteristics are controlled for, locus of control as an adolescent is insignificant in explaining adult wages. This result is contrary to findings in the literature.  相似文献   

Gino Faustini 《LABOUR》1987,1(2):71-91
ABSTRACT: Wage indexing, which has been in operation in Italy since 1946, never gave rise to any perplexities for a long time, until the innovations introduced in 1975. At this point, numerous criticisms were raised by both politicians and economists, and following this, the system was modified, starting from 1986. In this article the author illustrates these modifications and redimensions the criticisms which he retains excessive. It was only during its first years of being applied, between 1976 and 1978, that there was a high level of indexation, and then it subsequently decreased. After various resistances and contestations, the decision to reduce the degree of indexation was also accepted by the trade unions, and thus it was possible to attenuate the inflation expectations, and bring inflation under control.  相似文献   

This paper brings together the microeconomic‐labor and the macroeconomic‐equilibrium views of matching in labor markets. We nest a job matching model à la Jovanovic (1984) into a Mortensen and Pissarides (1994)‐type equilibrium search environment. The resulting framework preserves the implications of job matching theory for worker turnover and wage dynamics, and it also allows for aggregation and general equilibrium analysis. We obtain two new equilibrium implications of job matching and search frictions for wage inequality. First, learning about match quality and worker turnover map Gaussian output noise into an ergodic wage distribution of empirically accurate shape: unimodal, skewed, with a Paretian right tail. Second, high idiosyncratic productivity risk hinders learning and sorting, and reduces wage inequality. The equilibrium solutions for the wage distribution and for the aggregate worker flows—quits to unemployment and to other jobs, displacements, hires—provide the likelihood function of the model in closed form.  相似文献   

In this lecture, it is argued that Schumpeterian Growth Theory, in which growth is driven by a sequence of quality‐improving innovations, can shed light on two important puzzles raised by the recent evolution of wage inequality in developed economies. The first puzzle concerns wage inequality between educational groups, which has substantially risen in the US and the UK during the past two decades following a sharp increase in the supply of educated labor. The second puzzle concerns wage inequality within educational groups, which accounts for a large fraction of the observed increase in wage inequality, although in contrast to between‐group wage inequality it has mainly affected the temporary component of income.  相似文献   

工作场所偏离行为是企业普遍存在的亟待解决的问题,但国内的学术界对此议题的研究相对匮乏。该文献整理了工作场所偏离行为研究的发展的三个阶段:早期零散研究阶段、起步阶段和发展阶段,借以加深学术界对这一组织行为学新兴的研究议题的理解和重视。  相似文献   

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