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We introduce the 2nd-power skewness and kurtosis, which are interesting alternatives to the classical Pearson's skewness and kurtosis, called 3rd-power skewness and 4th-power kurtosis in our terminology. We use the sample 2nd-power skewness and kurtosis to build a powerful test of normality. This test can also be derived as Rao's score test on the asymmetric power distribution, which combines the large range of exponential tail behavior provided by the exponential power distribution family with various levels of asymmetry. We find that our test statistic is asymptotically chi-squared distributed. We also propose a modified test statistic, for which we show numerically that the distribution can be approximated for finite sample sizes with very high precision by a chi-square. Similarly, we propose a directional test based on sample 2nd-power kurtosis only, for the situations where the true distribution is known to be symmetric. Our tests are very similar in spirit to the famous Jarque–Bera test, and as such are also locally optimal. They offer the same nice interpretation, with in addition the gold standard power of the regression and correlation tests. An extensive empirical power analysis is performed, which shows that our tests are among the most powerful normality tests. Our test is implemented in an R package called PoweR.  相似文献   

Several unconditional exact tests, which are constructed to control the Type I error rate at the nominal level, for comparing two independent Poisson rates are proposed and compared to the conditional exact test using a binomial distribution. The unconditional exact test using binomial p-value, likelihood ratio, or efficient score as the test statistic improves the power in general, and are therefore recommended. Unconditional exact tests using Wald statistics, whether on the original or square-root scale, may be substantially less powerful than the conditional exact test, and is not recommended. An example is provided from a cardiovascular trial.  相似文献   

The asymptotic non-null distribution of the locally most powerful invariant test for sphericity is derived under local alternatives and the power is compared with that of the likelihood ratio test, which is admissible (Kiefe and Schwartz (1965)) and has a monotone power function (Carter and Srivastava (1977)). Up to 0(n -3/2) the powers are essentially the same.  相似文献   

The comparative powers of six discrete goodness-of-fit test statistics for a uniform null distribution against a variety of fully specified alternative distributions are discussed. The results suggest that the test statistics based on the empirical distribution function for ordinal data (Kolmogorov–Smirnov, Cramér–von Mises, and Anderson–Darling) are generally more powerful for trend alternative distributions. The test statistics for nominal (Pearson's chi-square and the nominal Kolmogorov–Smirnov) and circular data (Watson's test statistic) are shown to be generally more powerful for the investigated triangular (∨), flat (or platykurtic type), sharp (or leptokurtic type), and bimodal alternative distributions.  相似文献   

We consider a class of test statistics including the Dempster trace criterion in the case of two groups without assuming equal covariance matrices. The test statistics in the class are valid when the dimension is larger than the sample size. We obtain asymptotic distributions of the test statistics in the class and use these distributions to derive the limiting power in each case. We obtain the most powerful test in the class with respect to this limiting power.  相似文献   

In the analysis of clinical trials of combination therapies, the min test is often used to demonstrate a combination therapy's superiority to its components. Although uniformly most powerful within a class of monotone tests, this test is excessively conservative with low power at certain alternatives. This paperdemonstrates that more powerful tests may be found outside of this class. Some such alternative tests are suggested and compared with the min tests on the basis of their actual significance levels and powers. The proposed tests are observed to be less conservative and uniformly more powerful than the min test.  相似文献   

The modified Tiku test and the modified likelihood ratio test proposed by Tiku and Vaughan (1991) for k=2 exponential populations are extended to . k > 2 populations. These tests are shown to be more powerful than the test proposed by Kambo and Awad (1985). Unlike the Kambo-Awad test, the proposed tests are shown to have almost symmetric power functions. Further, these tests can be applied when there is both left or right censoring present, in contrast to the tests of Sukhatme (1937), Bain and Englehardt (1991) and Elewa et al. (1992), who assume that there is no left censoring.  相似文献   

In 1935, R.A. Fisher published his well-known “exact” test for 2x2 contingency tables. This test is based on the conditional distribution of a cell entry when the rows and columns marginal totals are held fixed. Tocher (1950) and Lehmann (1959) showed that Fisher s test, when supplemented by randomization, is uniformly most powerful among all the unbiased tests UMPU). However, since all the practical tests for 2x2 tables are nonrandomized - and therefore biased the UMPU test is not necessarily more powerful than other tests of the same or lower size. Inthis work, the two-sided Fisher exact test and the UMPU test are compared with six nonrandomized unconditional exact tests with respect to their power. In both the two-binomial and double dichotomy models, the UMPU test is often less powerful than some of the unconditional tests of the same (or even lower) size. Thus, the assertion that the Tocher-Lehmann modification of Fisher's conditional test is the optimal test for 2x2 tables is unjustified.  相似文献   

In this paper, classical optimum tests for symmetry of two-piece normal distribution is derived. Uniformly most powerful one-sided test for the skewness parameter is obtained when the location and scale parameters are known and is compared with sequential probability ratio test. An ad-hoc test for symmetry and likelihood ratio test for symmetry for large samples, can be found in literature for this distribution. But in this paper, we derive exact likelihood ratio test for symmetry, when location parameter is known. The exact power of the test is evaluated for different sample sizes.  相似文献   

A modification to Tiku's (1981) test, which may be seriously biased, is proposed. The modified test is only marginally biased if at all and is substantially more powerful. A ratio test based on Tiku’s (1967) modified likelihood function is also proposed, and shown to have power comparable to the power of the ratio test based on the likelihood function. The proposed ratio test is, however, much easier from a computational viewpoint.  相似文献   

In the two-sample location-shift problem, Student's t test or Wilcoxon's rank-sum test are commonly applied. The latter test can be more powerful for non-normal data. Here, we propose to combine the two tests within a maximum test. We show that the constructed maximum test controls the type I error rate and has good power characteristics for a variety of distributions; its power is close to that of the more powerful of the two tests. Thus, irrespective of the distribution, the maximum test stabilizes the power. To carry out the maximum test is a more powerful strategy than selecting one of the single tests. The proposed test is applied to data of a clinical trial.  相似文献   

The properties of three lack-of-fit tests that are related to non-parametric cosine regression analysis are examined in the context of testing for a constant mean function. Analytic power comparisons of these tests vs a most powerful test are made using intermediate asymptotic relative efficiency. In particular, a data-driven test is produced which is asymptotically as efficient as the most powerful test over a class of alternatives. A small scale simulation experiment is conducted to ascertain the extent that the large sample comparisons are applicable to finite samples.  相似文献   

Uniform scores test is a rank-based method that tests the homogeneity of k-populations in circular data problems. The influence of ties on the uniform scores test has been emphasized by several authors in several articles and books. Moreover, it is suggested that the uniform scores test should be used with caution if ties are present in the data. This paper investigates the influence of ties on the uniform scores test by computing the power of the test using average, randomization, permutation, minimum, and maximum methods to break ties. Monte Carlo simulation is performed to compute the power of the test under several scenarios such as having 5% or 10% of ties and tie group structures in the data. The simulation study shows no significant difference among the methods under the existence of ties but the test loses its power when there are many ties or complicated group structures. Thus, randomization or average methods are equally powerful to break ties when applying uniform scores test. Also, it can be concluded that k-sample uniform scores test can be used safely without sacrificing the power if there are only less than 5% of ties or at most two groups of a few ties.  相似文献   

Normality tests can be classified into tests based on chi-squared, moments, empirical distribution, spacings, regression and correlation and other special tests. This paper studies and compares the power of eight selected normality tests: the Shapiro–Wilk test, the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, the Lilliefors test, the Cramer–von Mises test, the Anderson–Darling test, the D'Agostino–Pearson test, the Jarque–Bera test and chi-squared test. Power comparisons of these eight tests were obtained via the Monte Carlo simulation of sample data generated from alternative distributions that follow symmetric short-tailed, symmetric long-tailed and asymmetric distributions. Our simulation results show that for symmetric short-tailed distributions, D'Agostino and Shapiro–Wilk tests have better power. For symmetric long-tailed distributions, the power of Jarque–Bera and D'Agostino tests is quite comparable with the Shapiro–Wilk test. As for asymmetric distributions, the Shapiro–Wilk test is the most powerful test followed by the Anderson–Darling test.  相似文献   

The problem of testing for equivalence in clinical trials is restated here in terms of the proper clinical hypotheses and a simple classical frequentist significance test based on the central t distribution is derived. This method is then shown to be more powerful than the methods based on usual (shortest) and symmetric confidence intervals.

We begin by considering a noncentral t statistic and then consider three approximations to it. A simulation is used to compare actual test sizes to the nominal values in crossover and completely randomized designs. A central t approximation was the best. The power calculation is then shown to be based on a central t distribution, and a method is developed for obtaining the sample size required to obtain a specified power. For the approximations, a simulation compares actual powers to those obtained for the t distribution and confirms that the theoretical results are close to the actual powers.  相似文献   

The delta-corrected Kolmogorov-Smirnov test has been shown to be uniformly more powerful than the classical Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for small to moderate sample sizes. However, the delta-corrected test consists of two tests, leading to a slight inflation of the experimentwise type I error rate. The critical values of the delta-corrected test are adjusted to take into account the two-stage nature of the test, ensuring an experimentwise error rate at the nominal level. A power study confirms that the resulting so-called two-stage delta-corrected test is uniformly more powerful than the classical Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, with power improvements of up to 46 percentage points.  相似文献   

Bayesian alternatives to classical tests for several testing problems are considered. One-sided and two-sided sets of hypotheses are tested concerning an exponential parameter, a Binomial proportion, and a normal mean. Hierarchical Bayes and noninformative Bayes procedures are compared with the appropriate classical procedure, either the uniformly most powerful test or the likelihood ratio test, in the different situations. The hierarchical prior employed is the conjugate prior at the first stage with the mean being the test parameter and a noninformative prior at the second stage for the hyper parameter(s) of the first stage prior. Fair comparisons are attempted in which fair means the likelihood of making a type I error is approximately the same for the different testing procedures; once this condition is satisfied, the power of the different tests are compared, the larger the power, the better the test. This comparison is difficult in the two-sided case due to the unsurprising discrepancy between Bayesian and classical measures of evidence that have been discussed for years. The hierarchical Bayes tests appear to compete well with the typical classical test in the one-sided cases.  相似文献   

In this article, we assume that the distribution of the error terms is skew t in two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Skew t distribution is very flexible for modeling the symmetric and the skew datasets, since it reduces to the well-known normal, skew normal, and Student's t distributions. We obtain the estimators of the model parameters by using the maximum likelihood (ML) and the modified maximum likelihood (MML) methodologies. We also propose new test statistics based on these estimators for testing the equality of the treatment and the block means and also the interaction effect. The efficiencies of the ML and the MML estimators and the power values of the test statistics based on them are compared with the corresponding normal theory results via Monte Carlo simulation study. Simulation results show that the proposed methodologies are more preferable. We also show that the test statistics based on the ML estimators are more powerful than the test statistics based on the MML estimators as expected. However, power values of the test statistics based on the MML estimators are very close to the corresponding test statistics based on the ML estimators. At the end of the study, a real life example is given to show the implementation of the proposed methodologies.  相似文献   

Situations where scale parameters are not nuisance factors to be controlled but outcomes to be explained arise in many contexts such as quality control, agricultural production systems, experimental education, the pharmaceutical industry and biology. Tests for homogeneity of variances are often of interest also as a preliminary to analysis of variance, dose-response modelling or discriminant analysis. The literature on tests for the equality of scales is vast. A test which usually stands out in terms of power and robustness against non normality is the modified Levene W50 test, however in the literature no test is found to be the most powerful one for every distribution. The goal of the article is to propose an effective method for comparing scales. More precisely, we propose a test for the equality of scales that, even though was not the most powerful one for every distribution, it has good overall performance under every type of distribution. This test has the form of a combined resampling test. It is important to note that non combined tests show good performance only in particular contexts. Size and power of the proposed test are studied via simulation and compared with many other robust tests for scale. A practical application to industrial quality control is discussed.  相似文献   

A nonparametric procedure, called the analysis of means using ranks (ANOMR), is proposed for testing the equality of several population means. The ANOMR procedure may be used graphically in the form of a Shewhart control chart and so has the advantage of pinpointing which population mean, if any, is significantly different from the others. Exact and asymptotic critical values are given for the implementation of ANOMR. Results from a Monte Carlo power study are presented which indicate that for light-tailed distributions such as the uniform and the normal, ANOMR is only slightly less powerful than the parametric competitive procedures based on analysis of variance and analysis of means. For heavy-tailed distributions such as the Cauchy, ANOMR is shown to provide greater power than the parametric procedures. The results also indicate that for both light and heavy-tailed distributions the use of the ANOMR test instead of the Kruskal-Wallis test leads to only a small loss of power for a range of alternatives.  相似文献   

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