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To reduce the personal, social and economic costs of road accidents caused by drink driving, a wide variety of countermeasures have been tried. However, the problem facing policy makers has been to find measures that are effective deterrents to drink driving, yet cause minimal inconvenience to the driver population as a whole. This paper presents an overview and discussion of those counter measures which are aimed at modifying driver behaviour.  相似文献   

Christopher R. Long and James R. Averill, Solitude: An Exploration of Benefits of Being Alone, pp. 21–44.
Historically, philosophers, artists, and spiritual leaders have extolled the benefits of solitude; currently, advice on how to achieve solitude is the subject of many popular books and articles. Seldom, however, has solitude been studied by psychologists, who have focused instead on the negative experiences associated with being alone, particularly loneliness. Solitude, in contrast to loneliness, is often a positive state—one that may be sought rather than avoided. In this article, we examine some of the benefits that have been attributed to solitude—namely, freedom, creativity, intimacy, and spirituality. In subsequent sections, we consider the environmental settings and personality characteristics conducive to solitude, how time spent alone is experienced differently across the life span, and the potential dangers related to the attractiveness of solitude. We conclude with a brief discussion of the theoretical and practical implications of solitude.  相似文献   

An Experiment in Helping Foster-Carers Manage Challenging Behaviour   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A randomized controlled trial was implemented with groups offoster-carers to test the effectiveness of cognitive–behaviouralmethods in the management of difficult behaviour. Contrary toexpectations, no statistically significant differences werefound between the groups with regard to behaviour managementskills, the frequency and/or severity of behavioural problems,and placement stability. In contrast, foster-carers expressedsatisfaction with the overall training programme and increasedconfidence in dealing with difficult behaviour. Discussion ofthe results focuses on a number of competing explanations forsuch findings and concludes with recommendations for futurework.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an exploration of the methodology of utility functions that distinguishes interpretation from representation. While representation univocally assigns numbers to the entities of the domain of utility functions, interpretation relates these entities with empirically observable objects of choice. This allows us to make explicit the standard interpretation of utility functions which assumes that two objects have the same utility if and only if the individual is indifferent among them. We explore the underlying assumptions of such an hypothesis and propose a non-standard interpretation according to which objects of choice have a well-defined utility although individuals may vary in the way they treat these objects in a specific context. We provide examples of such a methodological approach that may explain some reversal of preferences and suggest possible mathematical formulations for further research. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

方洪鑫 《社会》2019,39(3):57-92
本文是从道德的视角考察全球公益事业及其地方实践的民族志。人类学研究中常见“道德”一词,但对道德的概念内涵及用法本身的阐述并不多,在回顾近年两位人类学家提出的道德框架之后,本文尝试根据田野经验,从体验、思考道德和伦理的三个层面进行阐释:作为正常/规范的道德,作为善之实践的道德和作为情动力的生命伦理。在作为正常/规范的道德出现动荡与不确定性的境况中,当地一个公益组织响应全球人道主义的呼唤,从事一项为了善的生命道德事业,改善了边城的健康与发展状况。在实践这项道德使命的过程中,以妇女为主体的组织员工创造了一个不断进取的与国际公益理念接轨的“生命-环境”,其中特别突出的是一些农村的HIV感染者妇女,她们以草根志愿者的身份参与公益事业,在奉献中体验到生命情动力本身的飞扬与实现,从而实践着一种生命伦理。通过这个道德人类学的探索,本文试图为公益组织的实践如何落到实处,以及社会变迁中人如何实践更美好的生活,提供一些经验的及理论的参照。  相似文献   

赵春荣  卢智浩 《探求》2010,(1):11-16,63
广州市越秀区经过3年多试行"两委一站"社区自治管理运作模式的实践,探索政府行政事务和社区事务相分离的社区管理体制,实现政府行政管理和社区居民自我管理的有效对接,虽然有成功的经验,但在实践中仍存在一些不清晰、不协调的地方,需要从实现社区自治组织的再造、建立社工队伍专业体系和"大社工"新模式、探索新的社区财政机制、创造社区民主意识和社区参与的引导机制等方面探求新的突破。  相似文献   

Regarding the approach of reducing risks of settlements, a system is considered to be resilient if it can address temporary and permanent risks and adapt itself to rapidly changing conditions without losing its functionality. To this end, a dynamic management approach on a local scale is needed for realizing resilience. Due to the importance of local management in improving resilience in cities, this study aims to assess the resilience capacity of the local risk management in terms of exposure t...  相似文献   

It is clear that divorce shapes children's and adolescents lives in a variety of ways and that these are largely negative – they have worse physical and psychological health, they are less well‐off financially and have an increased likelihood of themselves divorcing. Aside from outcomes which are easily measurable, less is known about the ways in which divorce impacts on long‐term relationships ‐ particularly those between children and their parents. This exploratory paper looks at the relationships between divorced mothers and their adult children and finds that, like other studies, their relationships are marked by intimacy, but unlike other studies, this intimacy is neither enjoyed nor embraced. The participants report that their mothers were damaged by the separation, that their anger is ongoing many years afterwards. It is argued that these factors, amongst others, contribute to the ambivalent relationships some of the participants perceive they have with their mothers today and their uncertainty about caring for them in the future.  相似文献   

邱仁富 《学术交流》2007,(11):37-41
和谐文化是我国社会发展到一定历史阶段的必然要求,是社会全体成员团结进步的重要精神支撑。文化共生与和谐文化有着密切的联系,和谐文化是在文化共生基础上形成的高级形态,它们是辩证统一的,又是相互依存、相互渗透的。文化共生具有结构性的特征,其横向结构表征为不同国家之间、不同意识形态之间的多元文化共生,国家内部多民族文化之间的多元共生,不同文化群体的共生和主流文化与亚文化的共生;其纵向结构表征为传统文化、现代文化、后现代文化之间的共生;其立体结构表征为文化共生的形式维、内容维与和谐维。和谐文化具有层次性的特征,包括低度和谐、一般和谐和高度和谐,它是由初级不断向高级发展的文化形态。文化共生的结构性与和谐文化的层次性昭示了多元文化发展的递进式、螺旋式上升规律。  相似文献   

There are great differences in the level of income that state governments provide to poor families with children. This study attempts to identify, through a stepwise regression analysis, statistically significant determinants of maximum monthly AFDC payments in the state. Controlling for other variables in the multiple regression model, the percentage of nonwhite population in the state is found to be the strongest predictor of the level of maximum monthly AFDC payments (a negative relationship). Per capita personal income and tax effort in the state are also found to be statistically significant predictors of the dependent variable (positive relationships).  相似文献   

陈黎 《社会》2010,30(4):163-178
本研究发现,珠三角外来工感受到的经济排斥较其感受到的心理排斥强烈。从社会关系网络角度来看,外来  相似文献   

马小丰 《求是学刊》2004,31(3):105-109
本文通过对弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫小说的深入剖析,揭示了其创作中的两大主题———孤独和死亡,再现了伍尔夫在描写现代人所遭受的精神痛苦方面所达到的深度,并分析了伍尔夫在其生理状况和心理机制的作用下产生的孤独及死亡感及其对作品的影响。  相似文献   

The devastation, chaos, and horror that characterize combat reveal aspects of the human condition that most individuals, and much of society, would rather remain unseen. And the reality of killing renders most individuals viscerally and existentially uncomfortable, and thus is often turned away from. Civilian psychotherapists are not immune to this. This article explores how civilian therapists’ subjectivities manifest in therapeutic work with service members who have killed or think they may have killed in combat. The experiences of previous generations of psychotherapists as well as findings from interviews with current-day clinicians point to significant ways in which the distressing and dissonant reverberations of killing in combat are manifest in the dyad between civilian therapists and service members.  相似文献   

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