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通过介绍鲍德里亚符号消费理论的主要内容以及分析大学生符号消费行为的成因,来探析大学生的消费行为,对如何促进大学生理性消费以及树立良好消费观提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

本文是将张飞置于现代消费社会之中,从符号消费的视角考察张飞这一历史名人如何被建构成一个消费符号,张飞这个符号又是如何进入到消费系统之中和如何被消费的,以及在符号建构和消费过程中存在的各种力量相互作用。通过对张飞符号建构和消费的分析,进一步讨论张飞作为符号在消费过程中与当地社会、政治、经济和文化之间的关系。  相似文献   

唐钰林 《现代交际》2012,(5):145-146
鲍德里亚作为法国著名的哲学家、社会学家,对消费理论的研究可谓造诣颇深。他的符号消费理论思想体系是整个后现代理论研究中最具创造性和影响力的理论。他的一生研究领域十分广泛,如哲学、社会学、艺术学、文学、政治学、精神分析学和符号性等等学科都有所涉及。正因如此,他的消费理论思想具有很强的综合性和创新性。这种跨学科的研究最终使他在符号消费理论研究中作出了里程碑式的贡献。  相似文献   

在信息化和网络化高速发展的今天,作为国家的新生力量,大学生的文化消费水平的提高是必须的也是迫在眉睫的,我们不能只关注物质消费问题,更要注重文化消费问题,大学生文化消费是大众文化消费的核心,是让中国传统文化传承的强大载体。本文从大学生自己、高校、家庭和社会等方面分析原因并从中找出对策。  相似文献   

当代大学生作为一个非常特殊的群体,正面临着新的消费观念的影响,如果不及时纠正大学生的消费观念,准确指导大学生的消费行为,大学生的消费观可能逐渐偏离,甚至会直接影响大学生世界观的形成与发展。本文调查了大学生消费的现状,同时对大学生的消费行为进行分析,提出了正确引导大学生消费观的对策和建议。  相似文献   

"网络自拍"作为自媒体时代嵌入人们生活的记录性符号,已成为青年大学生日常社交互动、自我个性叙述与文化理念表达的消费式符码和仪式化表征。基于多位大学生深度访谈与文本分析,采用程序性扎根理论的研究范式,借助QSR NVivo 12.0的质性分析工具对大学生日常性"网络自拍"进行了自下而上的解构式理论陈述与编码式模型构建。研究发现,大学生符号消费式"网络自拍"具有表意生活风格、展演角色身份、分享精彩惊喜与消解情绪孤独的符号性价值生产作用;也有重构自我认同、美化自我认知、巩固社交网络、记录成长经历的记录式价值强化作用;还有调整自我目标规划、端正生活态度、自勉奋斗激情与沉浸仪式陷阱的消费式价值再生产的影响。由此,形成大学生网络自拍式社会展演的内在逻辑详释与作用机理深描。  相似文献   

符号消费已经远远超过物质消费,相应的,符号生产也超过物质生产,这导致了符号的泛滥危机。究其原因在于人的主体是由符号所建构的,由于符号的价值在于符号之间的差异,因此人的价值就因这些不同的符号而产生了,人们必须不断地消费符号以显示自己的与众不同。面对此种危机,我们不能消除符号,只能利用国家、媒体的力量来创造并宣扬更多的真善美的符号,以此建立新型的社会秩序。  相似文献   

手机作为大众消费品,在日常生活中的普及率非常高。如今随着电子科技的发展和大众传媒的推波助澜,手机已经超越了纯粹作为通讯工具的功能性被赋予了形形色色的符号意义,包括炫耀性、审美性、时尚性等符号价值。而苹果无疑是手机帝国的佼佼者。本文通过对苹果这一品牌建立的符号化过程进行切入,探究消费者累积消费苹果系列这样一种符号消费倾向的内在机理有助于帮助消费者理性消费。  相似文献   

大学生作为一个特殊的消费群体,他们的消费行为和消费理念很大程度上将引领社会未来的消费行为和消费理念。本文通过对西安外国语大学学生消费情况的调查,研究当代大学生的消费现状,分析并发现大学生消费行为和理念中存在的问题,并给出相关建议,旨在帮助大学生树立科学合理的消费观,有利于未来良好消费风气的形成。  相似文献   

This study examines how diasporic Korean youth engage with the recent global circulation of South Korean pop music (‘K-pop’). It explores how young diasporic Koreans negotiate K-pop as an ethnic and/or global cultural form in their transition to adulthood. Drawing on interviews with young people of Korean heritage in Canada, the study addresses how a diasporic sound, which connects the nostalgia for the ancestral homeland and the global mediascape, is appropriated for young people’s identity work. By examining diasporic Korean fans’ consumption of K-pop, this study suggests a perspective for understanding the recent K-pop phenomenon as a diasporic youth cultural practice.  相似文献   

This article interrogates the participation of youth in constructing and defining the African urban landscape. It seeks to examine youth popular culture and performance practices that combine indigenous sound aesthetics with enactments of cultural memory to construct the urban landscape of Botswana. Particularly, the article examines youth cultural and expressive forms such as hip-hop and Kwaito musical genres, popularised traditional music, and the satirical dramatic impersonations of radio personality Dignash Morapedi. These performances elaborate African syncretic formations that underscore the power of African popular culture to integrate, reinvigorate, and transform various social spaces and identities. Urban youths use these performance forms to demonstrate how innovative practices could be used to interrogate social realities such as unemployment, poverty, and HIV/AIDS. Using the notion of “urban noise,” the article teases out a strategy of critique that articulates the various ways that the youth acoustically construct, produce, and navigate the African city.  相似文献   

A remarkable present-day phenomenon in rural areas in the Netherlands is that young people, mostly males, often meet in small groups in self-built or at least self-fitted out sheds or caravans (keten). At first glance, these keten seem to be substitutes for more official entertainment sites in the relatively sparsely populated parts of the Dutch countryside, and male rural adolescents, especially, seem to use them as places to drink a lot of alcohol. The drinking image of keten has recently been strongly emphasized and perhaps exaggerated by the popular media. This study intends to find out whether this first impression is true, by examining other activities performed in and identities attached to keten, primarily by using a quantitative approach. The paper shows that an important aspect of the keten culture is that keten provide their members with a place of their own, where they can do whatever they want without having to consider the rules of parents and other educators. The key differences between keten and other hang-outs are that keten are located in private space, relatively close to the parental gaze, and that they are almost exclusively accessible only to friends and acquaintances.  相似文献   

A key but often overlooked aspect of intentional, out-of-school-time programming is the integration of a guiding theoretical framework. The incorporation of theory in programming can provide practitioners valuable insights into essential processes and principles of successful programs. While numerous theories exist that relate to youth development practice, they often remain inaccessible to practitioners. Therefore, the goal of this article is to synthesize two theoretical perspectives, the social development model and self-determination theory, into a practitioner-friendly programming framework. The resulting social development programming model outlines specific components, processes, and outcomes of effective and intentional youth development programs.  相似文献   

In this article I argue the need for critical evaluation of qualitative research methodology in sociological studies of the relationship between youth culture and popular music. As the article illustrates, there is currently an absence of critical debate concerning methodological issues in this field of sociological research. In the first part of the article I begin to account for this absence by illustrating how early research on youth and music rejected the need for empirical research, relying instead on theories and concepts drawn from cultural Marxism. The second part of the article illustrates how the legacy of this early body of work in youth and music research manifests itself in current research which, although empirically grounded, is characterized by an almost total lack of engagement with methodological issues such as negotiating access to the field, management of field relations and ethical codes. Similarly problematic is the uncritical acceptance on the part of some researchers of their insider knowledge of particular youth musics and scenes as a means of gathering empirical data. In the final part of the article I focus on the issue of insider knowledge and the need for critical evaluation of its use as a methodological tool in field-based youth and music research.  相似文献   

Drawing on evidence from a recently conducted study of the everyday lives of young people in Manchester, UK, this article considers the place of cars in contemporary youth culture. The article acknowledges the recent beginnings of sociological and social science discussion of cars but concurs with the view that this topic has been much neglected. More specifically the study of young people and personal mobility has been constrained by approaches that emphasise the problematic nature of this phenomena or locate it within a theory of subculture. Taking its cue from recent studies of consumption, this paper offers an alternative theorisation. Refinement of the work on television consumption by Roger Silverstone leads to a discussion of more affluent young people's relationships to cars under three heads: anticipation, use and meaning. It is suggested that car use must be seen in the framework of sociability and networks and that it also critically and suggestively mediates ordinary consumption with imaginative possibilities.  相似文献   

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