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随着硕士研究生招生与培养规模的不断扩大,硕士研究生心理问题受到越来越多的关注.本文分析了硕士研究生存在的主要心理压力以及由这些心理压力所产生的心理矛盾,并就研究生培养单位如何缓解硕士研究生的心理压力提出了几点对策.  相似文献   

丁红瑞 《职业时空》2009,5(2):83-85
介绍当前我国工科研究生的学位制度以及工学硕士和工程硕士培养模式的区别,详细阐述当前工学硕士、工程硕士在其培养模式下所存在的问题,提出解决问题的建议。  相似文献   

我国会计专业学位研究生规模逐年增大,教学条件、教学管理的改善却相对滞后。基于内涵式发展,提高会计硕士研究生教育质量显得尤为重要。本文以西安外国语大学为例,在课程教学、实习实践和论文研究三方面培养过程中探索全日制会计硕士专业学位研究生的过程管理工作,凝练出优化课程设置、实行1+1+1三导师模式、实行定期检查指导模式、增强实习实践能力、重视论文各环节控制,运用网络化信息化手段六大抓手,解决了会计专业学位研究生因规模扩张而带来的培养质量问题。  相似文献   

社会经济环境、用人单位观念、硕士研究生培养教育情况及硕士研究生自身问题等因素是硕士研究生就业困难的主要原因。本文主要针对以上原因,提出相应的解决硕士研究生就业困难的指导对策,即调动社会各方力量,关心硕士研究生就业,建立政府主导的研究生就业管理服务系统,加快高校改革,培养社会需求人才与增强职业指导实效,提升就业能力。  相似文献   

刘雪 《现代交际》2014,(11):208+207-208
我国翻译硕士专业学位研究生自2007年开始设置以来取得了较快的发展,目前翻译硕士专业学位研究生培养的主要问题之一,是如何把理论学习与职业资格认证的衔接,高效提升翻译硕士研究生的职业能力。本文从更新课程设置、优化校内外师资队伍结构,以及加强实习实践基地建设三个方面提出对策研究。  相似文献   

硕士研究生教育是河南省研究生教育的重要组成部分,是实现"科教兴豫"发展战略的重要推动力量。硕士研究生教育作为高等教育的最高层次,承担着为国家提供创新科技人才的重要责任,硕士研究生教育的质量问题直接影响到国家的科技发展和自主创新能力。本文立足于河南省硕士研究生教育的现状,分别从规模、质量、结构问题方面探究河南省硕士研究生教育存在的问题,如规模小,质量不高,课程结构单一等。在此基础上,提出了使河南省硕士研究生教育健康发展的主要对策:一是扩大河南省硕士研究生教育的发展规模;二是扩大规模的同时要注重质量问题的提高;三是结合河南省地方行业的现状,调整河南省硕士研究生教育的学科结构;四是深入贯彻落实"双导师制"的推进。  相似文献   

自2007年国务院学位委员会设立汉语国际教育硕士专业以来,国际汉语教师的培养越来越受到关注。本文首先对比分析了2007《国际汉语教师标准》(以下简称2007《标准》)和2012《国际汉语教师标准》(以下简称2012《标准》),对二者进行了详细地解读,2012《国际汉语教师标准》更具适用性和完善性。之后,针对2009《全日制汉语国际教育硕士专业学位研究生指导性培养方案》(以下简称《培养方案》)进行简要介绍,说明其对国际汉语教师培养的重要作用。最后,以渤海大学汉语国际教育硕士培养为例,分析了2012《标准》为汉语国际教育硕士培养所带来的启示与思考,从而对汉语国际教育硕士培养提出建议。  相似文献   

为适应现阶段中医硕士专业学位研究生培养模式,建立中医硕士专业学位研究生与住院医师规范化培训并轨培养制度以达到适合医院发展规划的目的,本文针对新疆医科大学附属中医医院开展并轨工作的实际情况调查,对目前研究生培养中产生的问题及解决方案进行探讨,将有助于提高研究生的临床能力培养,提高研究生培养的质量,为培养高层次住院医师提供新方式。  相似文献   

创新是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。作为国家高层次人才的研究生,其科研创新能力不仅是衡量研究生教育质量的关键指标,是建设国家创新体系的关键,更是抢占未来知识经济制高点的关键。文科研究生的科研创新成果虽然不能直接用于生产实践,却间接作用于社会的发展与进步。目前,有关文科研究生科研创新能力的研究比较少,已有的研究也主要是对文科硕士研究生科研创新能力的影响因素及培养途径做出的理论分析或经验总结,实证研究比较少。本文分析了文科硕士研究生科研能力的影响因素,并针对影响文科硕士科研能力的因素提出了相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

设置临床医学硕士专业学位是我国医学学位制度改革的重大举措,改变了多年来医学研究生教育单一的"科研型"培养模式。从我国医学教育近30年的发展状况来看,培养体系已经基本建立,但其核心建设内容——创新能力的培养方式仍在不断地探索之中。鉴于临床医学专业学位研究的职业性本质,以及其与临床的紧密结合和高度的可应用性,使得研究生创新能力的培养更具有实际的意义,如何培养临床科研意识、创新思维和实践能力成为临床医学硕士专业学位研究生教育的重要课题。  相似文献   

This paper reviews 119 articles by Latin American psychologists, which have been published between 1990–1998 in the Revista Interamericana de Psicologia/Interamerican Journal of Psychology (RIP, ISP). As the official publication of the Interamerican Society of Psychology, the journal plays a prominent role, especially in Latin American psychology. It is concluded that Latin American psychologists have been active in many research areas and are seeking solutions for many pressing societal problems. While interested in a variety of general theoretical issues, Latin American psychologists have focused above all on applied studies.  相似文献   

This article reviews the development of social psychology in Mexico by summarizing major trends in the field and their representation in La Psicología Social en México [Social Psychology in Mexico] and in the Revista de Psicología Social y Personalidad [Journal of Social Psychology and Personality], both published by the Asociacion Mexicana de Psicologia Social [Mexican Association of Social Psychology, AMEPSO] between 1986 and 1998. Over the years, the Mexican Association of Social Psychology has facilitated the professional advancement of many psychologists, whose diverse research areas include applied psychology, environmental psychology, social psychology, cognitive psychology, Mexican ethnopsychology, developmental psychology, ecological psychology, personality, and gender relations. Special emphasis is placed on the discussion of the current state of psychological methodology in Mexico and the importance of designing culturally relevant instruments.  相似文献   

This article advances the psychology of working theory by developing a parallel change‐based paradigm to guide interventions at the level of individuals (i.e., the psychology of working counseling) and systems (i.e., the psychology of working systemic intervention). The change paradigm presented in this article includes (a) a needs assessment encompassing survival, social connection/contribution, and self‐determination and (b) input on the mobilization of agentic action that includes critical reflection and action, proactive engagement, social support, and community engagement. The needs assessment and agentic action aspects of this approach can be used to foster change in individual counseling, advocacy, and systemic intervention. Case examples reflecting a systemic intervention and an individual counseling vignette are presented along with implications for research, such as explorations of the impact of these change models on client outcomes and systemic change efforts.  相似文献   

This article delineates the historical background specifying the academic conditions within which my clinical experience evolved. Three main themes guided this development: (a) creating the academic context deemed necessary for acknowledging and supporting clinical psychology as a discipline in Egypt, (b) shaping with care the ensuing relationship with psychiatrists, (c) carefully figuring out an adequate orientation to guide decisions concerning the administration of available techniques of assessment and treatment to Egyptian clients. Such an orientation had to be based on an insightful balance and compromise between considerations of proper methodology and pressures of practicality. Some provisional solutions are discussed.  相似文献   

This special issue of the International Journal of Group Tensions examines the contribution of psychology to societal transformation worldwide and the impact of societal transformation on psychology. In this introduction, I review the aims and scope of the journal and the focus of the special issue. Second, I identify several key consequences of societal transformation that are not bounded by culture, nationality, or politics, underscoring the psychosocial outcomes. Third, I articulate the role of psychology in societal transformation, highlighting the conceptual, methodological, and practical tools available to describe, study, and effect change. I also address psychosocial explanations of resistance to societal transformation. Fourth, I discuss the impact of societal transformation on psychology as a discipline and profession, noting how such transformation has influenced academic training and professional practice in psychology. I also note how societal transformation has altered public opinion about psychology. I conclude by providing an overview of the articles that comprise the special issue, underscoring their shared themes.  相似文献   

After nearly a 30-year absence from the curricula of higher education, sociology as an academic discipline was reestablished in China in the late 1970s. Like Chinese sociology in the pre-communist era, contemporary sociological research in China embraces an applied orientation. This article reviews issues confronting Chinese sociologists and explains why Chinese sociology continues to evolve as an applied science. A directory of major sociology departments and research centers in China is provided.  相似文献   

In this article, we present a broad-based view of psychology in the Arab countries. We begin by casting light on the relevant contributions by ancient Arab scholars in the Middle Ages. Given that systematic scientific investigation of this legacy has been minuscule, we argue that in the future, scholars seeking to provide a more balanced and comprehensive history of Arab psychology should reanalyze these works. We point out that in the early decades of the modern twentieth century, Western psychology was introduced in the Arab countries, especially in Egypt—the gateway through which such psychology was introduced and practiced. By the early 1960s, a number of universities had been established in some Arab countries, and Egyptian academicians, including psychologists, were invited to perform teaching, research, and administration tasks. Their legacy was a discipline bearing most of the strengths and weaknesses of Egyptian psychology, although in spite of such commonalties, there exist also some interesting differences characterizing psychology in the various Arab countries. The final section of the article summarizes some key aspects endemic to psychology in the Arab countries.  相似文献   

What do psychology professors today typically tell their students about the case of Sybil (F. R. Schreiber, 1973)--once considered the classic case of multiple personality disorder (MPD), until gradually revealed to be a fraud by new evidence (R. W. Rieber, 1998)? A 14-item survey was completed by a national sample of 125 college psychology teachers. It was found that a sizable minority of teachers discuss MPD (35%) or Sybil (23%) in their classes, 40% continue to regard Sybil as a classic case of MPD, and 83% report being only slightly or not at all familiar with new revelations about the Sybil case. Psychology teachers are offered 5 guidelines for accurately teaching about Sybil today.  相似文献   

What do psychology professors today typically tell their students about the case of Sybil (F R. Schreiber, 1973}—once considered the classic case of multiple personality disorder (MPD), until gradually revealed to be afraud by new evidence (R. W Rieber, 1998)? A 14-item survey was completed by a national sample of 125 college psychology teachers. It was found that a sizable minority of teachers discussMPD (35%) or Sybil (23%) in their classes, 40% continue to regard Sybil as a classic case of MPD, and83% report being only slightly or not at allfamiliar with new revelations about the Sybil case. Psychology teachers are offered 5 guidelines for accurately teaching about Sybil today.  相似文献   

Published uninterruptedly since 1984, the Mexican Journal of Psychology (MJP) has been recognized as one of the most important periodicals in Spanish-language psychology. After coping with financial impediments and a lack of scientific contributions, the significance of the MJP emerged. The journal remains vital in the development of Latin American psychology. It is today recognized as having the highest impact of all Latin American psychology journals as well as having the second highest impact of all psychology journals in the Spanish language. The goal of the present study was to review the profiles of the MJP from 1990 to 1998 by using a bibliometric classification procedure. Four indicators were employed in the present analysis of the articles including measurement techniques, methodology, field of psychology, and main results.  相似文献   

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