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SCI-TECH RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT EVALUATION AND THE CORRESPONDING SUGGESTIONS ON CHINA'S ENERGY INDUSTRY TONG He-feng( Institute of Science and Technology Information of China, Beijing 100038, China)JOURNAL OF SOUTHWEST PETROLEUM UNIVERSITY( SOCIAL SCIENCES EDITION) , VOL. 2,NO. 3,1 - 5,2009 ( ISSN 1674 - 5094, in Chinese)Abstract:Based on the analysis of the general sci-tech activities and the current sci-tech competitiveness of the en- ergy industries in China,this paper points out that China's energy industries still rates poor in overall sci-tech com- petitive power, and worse still, there are few innovative corporations with strong competitive power in this industries. Despite the considerable sci-tech support and input, the sci-tech output and technological innovation are not satisfactory. With reference to the sci-tech development trend of the foreign energy industries,  相似文献   

Taking Advantage of Local Medical Colleges and Universities to Serve the Development of Public Health Undertakings on the West Side of the Taiwan Straits
ZHENG Zu-xian, ZHAO Rong-qin, LIU Guo-you,ZHENG Zhen-quan ( Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou 350108, China)
Abstract:The paper sets out to analyze common problems existing in public health services on the west side of the Taiwan Straits, and then probes into potential roles local medical colleges and universities would play in the control and prevention of public health emergencies, building of public health care system in communities, and policy-making in relation to public health care, as well as the policy and financial support local governments are expected to provide. It is hoped that the ideas presented in this paper might provide beneficial references for further development of public health undertakings on the west side of the Taiwan Straits.
Key words: the west side of the Taiwan Straits; public health; medical colleges and universities  相似文献   

JIANG Hu-min, LIU Xun, HE Wei-yi, LUO Qiang (Sichuan Sales Branch, PetroChina, Chengdu Sichuan 610015, China)JOURNAL OF SOUTHWEST PETROLEUM UNIVERSITY( SOCIAL SCIENCES EDITION), VOL. 3 ,NO. 3,1 - 5,2010( ISSN 1674 -5094 ,in Chinese)
Abstract:The new refined oil pricing mechanism becomes a hot issue at present with fluctuation of international oil prices. This paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the current pricing mechanism, and studies measures to regulate the oil pricing mechanism and to make it suit China's national conditions. As a result,the following suggestions are presented:increasing national oil reserve,integrating state-owned retail outlet network to achieve orderly and monopolistic competition,using analytic hierarchy process to choose pricing plans and so on.  相似文献   

Abstracts and Key Words of Major Articles Wang Guowei and Gong Zizhen PENG Yu-ping (Department of Chinese, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510275) Abstract: The poems and Ci of Gong Zizhen are unique in style. Besides, situated in the Chinese transitional stage, the internal world that his works carried and the historical responsibilities his works assumed co-existed paradoxically. The six volume Gongding'an quanji edited by Wang Guowei was thus logically influential on Wang's literature and academic practice. This paper has Gong Zizhen's influence on Wang Guowei as the basic thread, with the large number of uses of "renjian" (human world) by both, and exposes their likely common derivation and the differences between them. There is strongly theoretical co-relatlon between Gong Zizhen' s zunqing (respect of emotion) and the natural expression of the real scenes and real feelings stressed in Wang Guowei's Jingjieshuo (theory of state). "Wan"(~) illustrated by Gong Zizhen was actually the basic principle on which Wang Guowei interpreted the works of Qu Yuan. In the process in which Wang Guowei absorbed some of the thoughts of Gong Zizhen, Wu Changshou, who edited Ding'an wenji (Anthology of Ding'an) and compiled Ding'an xiansheng nianpu (Chronicle of Mr. Ding'an), played an important role. From Wang Guowei, some of the influence of Gong Zizhen on the creation of poetry and poetic thoughts in the 20th century can be seen.  相似文献   

Abstract:Natural gas transmission and distribution is of a very high level of natural monopoly, which provides the basis for economies of scale but on the other hand has some drawbacks. For the purposes of consumer rights and sus- tainable development of natural gas industry, effective supervision must be implemented by government. Based on natural monopoly theory and natural gas supervision policies overseas, this paper suggests that supervision of natural gas transmission and distribution in China should cover the following aspects:establishment of natural gas network access system, restriction on pipeline transportation prices and franchise to natural gas transmission and distribution. Strategies of effective supervision are also suggested.  相似文献   

A CHAOS THEORY ANALYSIS OF COMPLEXITY OF GLOBAL OIL PRICE FLUCTUATION Yang Bo- wen, Ma Jing- hui ( School of Arts and Law, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, 610500 )
Abstract :The paper,from the perspective of complex system's chaos theory, aims to analyze the complexity of international crude oil price fluctuations and of international crude oil market running system. The analysis suggests that international oil price fluctuation is a nonlinear system network constituted by international economy, finance, oil production, trade, consumption and geopolitics. And from the non- equilibrium between the supply of oil production and the spatial distribution of the consumer market( imbalance of the regional structure of oil supply and demand) and imbalance between the economic attributes of oil and political, financial speculative property, we analyze the characteristics of uncertainty and chaos of the international oil price fluctuations, as well as the factors causing uncertainty in international oil price fluctuations.
Key words: chaos ; complexity ; global price ; uncertainty ; nonlinearity  相似文献   

Spatial Prediction and Changes of Groundwater Depth in Fengqiu County
LI Kai-li, TAN Man-zhi, CHEN Jie (1. College of City and Resource Environment, Jiaagsu Second Normal University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210013, China; 2. Institute of Soil Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210008, China ; 3. Institute of Natural Resources and Eco-environment, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, Henan, 450001,China )
Abstract: Groundwater depth is not only the important content of monitoring and evaluation of groundwater resources, but also one of the main driv- ing factors affecting the spatial distribution of habitats and agricultural production layout. Predicting the dynamic change trend of groundwater level and revealing groundwater depth and its spatial distribution variability are of great theoretical and practical significance for agricultural production and eco- logical environment protection. Based on the observed groundwater level data of 22 observation wells in 2008, the terrain attributes derived from 5m grid resolution DEM and the distance raster files of Yellow River, this research implements a spatial prediction of the maximum groundwater depth of Fengqiu County in 2008 through Regression Kriging method.  相似文献   

我国计算机产业过去主要依靠关税保护和实施"进口替代" 战略而得以发展,经过初步计算,目前关税有效保护率仍高达13.89%。由于我国计算机产业尚处于产业成长初期,"入世"后,应加强对非关税贸易壁垒和技术引进效率的研究,以促进我国民族计算机产业在竞争激烈的国际市场上健康、迅速地发展壮大。,The development of Chinese computer indust ry was benefit from trade protection and "import substitution" strategy in the past. In the paper, several methods to measure the trade protection degree are provided. And the present effective protection degree of computer industury is c alculated to be 13.89%. The result shows that it is necessary to take some prote cting measures to accelerate computer industry growing in the international mark et.  相似文献   

Fingerprint Classification Based on Genetic Programming
LIU Xiao
(Jiangsu Second Normal University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210013, China)
Abstract: A novel algorithm for fingerprint classification is proposed in this paper, which classifies fingerprints into five types: arch, left loop, right loop, whorl, and tented arch. First, the preprocessing of fingerprint images is carried out to enhance the image ; then a method based on GP ( genetic programming) is adopted to generate new features from the original dataset without any prior knowledge; finally BP (Back Propagation) network and SVM (Support Vector Machine) classifiers are used to classify fingerprints. This method can improve the computation efficiency and accuracy. The experimental results show that the algorithm used in the FVC2004 database, in the absence of any rejection of case classification, the accuracy rate of this classification reaches 93.6%.  相似文献   

明清贵州插花地研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper mainly reconstructs enclaves within Guiyang Prefecture and Anshun Prefecture of the late Qing Dynasty with the application of ancient maps,toponymy and GIS software.The distribution and formation of other enclaves within Guizhou Province are also discussed.It concludes:1) 81% of county level administration regions of Guizhou have enclaves,mostly concentrating on the prefectures of Anshun,Guiyang,Zhenyuan,Sizhou and Liping.2) The reason for the wide spread of enclaves in Guizhou is that the prefec...  相似文献   

通过对我国证券公司研究业务发展现状的分析,认为证券公司研究业务出现了过度竞争,探讨了过度竞争产生的原因,在此基础上,提出了中国证券市场良性运行的若干对策与建议。  相似文献   

从开放式基金的制度设计角度看,我国证券市场上的新兴力量———开放式基金面临较高的流动性风险,这必然会增加我国基金管理公司的整体风险水平。借鉴美国共同基金的经验,对照我国基金管理公司的不足,提出了规避与分散流动性风险性的建议。  相似文献   

证券公司自建柜台市场作为我国多层次资本市场底层市场的定位,已被明确为我国资本市场发展的方向.借助于地方政府的强有力支持,证券公司自建柜台市场区位优势明显,成本容易控制,服务灵活,业务空间广阔.证券公司柜台市场建设可分两步走,先支持有条件的证券公司建设单独的柜台市场,再适时推动建立证券公司间市场.  相似文献   

证券公司作为证券市场最主要的中介机构,效益好坏直接关系到证券市场能否正常运行等重大问题。本文从我国当前证券公司退出的诱因出发,探讨了我国的证券公司退出机制及其存在的问题。  相似文献   

随着证券行业佣金水平的不断下滑,证券公司已进入优胜劣汰的时代,增收节支既是增强证券公司市场竞争能力的重要抓手,也是提升证券公司经济效益的重要途径。本文从证券公司开展增收节支工作入手,分析了大力开展增收节支的必要性,提出若干在实践中具有可操作性的建议。  相似文献   

中国创业板市场的法律定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创业板市场是为中小型创业类企业提供融资和发展机遇的证券交易市场.在我国,创业板市场宜采用独立于主板市场的证券交易所模式,而且交易所最好采取股份公司形式.中国特色的创业板交易所分为两个层次:高级层次和低级层次,前者由目前深圳主板公司和中小板公司组成,后者是纯粹的创业板公司组成.创业板交易所(深圳证券交易所)与主板交易所(上海证券交易所)各自独立发展,相互竞争.  相似文献   

由于证券市场上非对称信息状态的存在,信息差别给证券投资者保护制度带来了不容忽视的道德风险结果,本文通过建立证券公司道德风险定价模型,计算出了证券公司向证券投资者保护基金机构缴纳保护基金的费率基准。据此,在保护证券投资者利益的基础上,证券投资者保护基金机构可以向证券公司按照给出的费率基准收取保护基金,从而减少证券公司道德风险的发生。  相似文献   

对市场经济国家而言 ,证券市场主要有两个功能 :企业融资和优化资源配置。而对中国的证券市场而言 ,其首要功能是为国有企业改革服务。事实证明 ,依靠将国有企业转变为上市公司并不能彻底解决企业的转制问题。而且 ,在政府力量和市场力量的双重制约下 ,中国证券市场的市场化进程显得磕磕绊绊 ,步履蹒跚。因此 ,改革现有的股权结构设置和上市选择机制以及政府的干预方式等 ,就成为证券市场发展的当务之急  相似文献   

中国金融控股公司风险传递研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文使用极值分布理论分析了我国银行业、证券业和保险业下偏风险相依性的特征,研究了我国金融控股公司的风险传递机制。研究结果表明,与保险业和证券业相比,银行业的风险相对较低,行业内部风险传染的概率要高于行业之间风险传染的概率,商业银行和证券公司混业经营风险传染的概率最低,这为组建金融控股公司会获得风险的分散效应提供了实证依据,并且给出了混业经营的政策建议。  相似文献   

中国上市公司两职设置与公司治理绩效关系的实证分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
合理的上市公司领导权结构对于提高上市公司的监督与决策效率至关重要。以代理理论以及资源依赖理论为理论依据,在对中国上市公司治理状况调查的基础上,对有可能决定公司领导权结构的因素进行了系统的实证分析。在充分考虑公司治理机制替代作用的基础上,建立两职设置指数模型。实证结果表明我国上市公司在选择领导权结构时充分考虑了环境稳定性以及董事会规模等因素;大股东性质不同的上市公司两职设置有较大差异;法人股股东的控制能力越高,两职分离的程度越高。我国上市公司股权结构的不合理,降低了财务杠杆的监督效应。研究结果的政策含义是上市公司董事长与总经理两职分设还是兼任不能一概而论,而应充分考虑上市公司自身的特点而定,同时应进一步调整上市公司不合理的股权结构,以充分发挥财务杠杆的监督作用。  相似文献   

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