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Generally, Coleridge's poems are mainly divided into two groups:one is to use common Language to depict commom things and common people; the other is to use unique imagination to describe supernatural things. "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"belongs to the second group. Some critics blame Coleridge for his lack of morals in this poem, but in fact,this poem contains lots of morals, as Coleridge himself said.Coleridge succeeds in exploring the theme of sin and punishment by his rich imagination and by the depicting of supernatural things. In "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner", Coleridge intentionally built a symbolic world of the supernatural wind, the bird, the sun, the moon ,the ship and the sea. All these symbols serve to develop the theme of Fall and Redemption, and play so important a part in the poem that we even can take it as a symbolic poem. In the following pages, I am going to devote to the functions of the supernatural wind in particular. Coleridge bestows the wind with a great deal of supernat  相似文献   

This paper tries to give an outline of the Norwegian educational system for primary schooland middle school and as understood by me during my visit to Vorway in September 1996. Myunderstanding is based on a introduction meeting in the ministry of Education, Research andReligion, and through meetings and talks with representatives for "Norges skoleforbund"(Teacher's association of Norway)and personal talks with teachers.  相似文献   

To paraphrase is a helpful method frequently used in English teaching. What does it mean? How to do paraphrase? The writer cites some sentences from textbooks and some teaching materials so as to sum up the way of paraphrasing in several aspects. One is paraphrasing the key words and expressions of a sentence in a paraghaph. The other is paraphrasing the rhetorical device by explaining or revealing the implication of the figure of speech and extending the meaning on the basis of the centural idea or in accordance with the logical coherence of the context.  相似文献   

This paper is about the philosophical and methodological foundation of artificial intelligence (AI). After discussing what is a good "working definition", "intelligence" is defined as "the ability for an information processing system to adapt to its environment with insuffcient knowledge and resources". Applying the definition to a reasoning system, we get the major components of Non-Axiomatic Reasoning System (NARS) , which is a symbolic logic implemented in a computer system, and has many interesting properties that are closely related to intelligence. The definition also clarifies the difference and relationship between AI and other disciplines, such as computer science. Finally, the definition is compared with other popular definitions of intelligence, and its advantages are argued.  相似文献   

The analysis of test paper is greatly significant to the improvement of testing and English teaching. This paper evaluates a College English archievement test by examining its reliability and validity, both of which are of primary concern in testing. And item analysis is also conducted to find out the problems of the test itself. Based on the evaluation, the paper is to call for teachers' attention of enhancing the quality of arckievement test.  相似文献   

SummaryAfter describing the economic institutions for agriculture and industry in China before 1978, this paper points out the reasons for and the key elements of economic reform. It then discusses the major issues currently being deliberated by the leading economic reform officials regarding reform of the price system, the administrative structure of state-owned enterprises, the banking system and macroeconomic control mechanisms, and foreign trade and investment. Finally future prospects of the reform and of China's economic development will be indicated.The transformation of the economy of the People's Republic of China from a planned to a more market-oriented economy is perhaps the most significant development in world history during the last quarter of the twentieth century what was the Chinese economic system like before 1979? why were reforms introduced? what are their essential elements? what are the important issues currently addressed by the reform officials? what are the future prospects? These are the questions to be answered in this paper. The Chinese economy is a complicated entity with many dimensions. Space permits discussion of only those aspects pertinent to the transition to a more market-oriented economy.  相似文献   

Textbooks, as the most important learning sources, are supposed to lead students to acquire knowledge by themselves. This paper, by analyzing the characteristics of the previous textbooks, puts forward that the editor might as well transfer teaching materials into learning materials while compiling textbooks. The specific measures include: first, to render content in the light of the learning process; second, to reserve the margin for students to do learning easily via textbooks ; third, to innovate the style and layout through the form of links and highlight inquiry - based learning and autonomous learning; fourth, to follow the learning methods and improve students' learning ability.  相似文献   

Taking Advantage of Local Medical Colleges and Universities to Serve the Development of Public Health Undertakings on the West Side of the Taiwan Straits
ZHENG Zu-xian, ZHAO Rong-qin, LIU Guo-you,ZHENG Zhen-quan ( Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou 350108, China)
Abstract:The paper sets out to analyze common problems existing in public health services on the west side of the Taiwan Straits, and then probes into potential roles local medical colleges and universities would play in the control and prevention of public health emergencies, building of public health care system in communities, and policy-making in relation to public health care, as well as the policy and financial support local governments are expected to provide. It is hoped that the ideas presented in this paper might provide beneficial references for further development of public health undertakings on the west side of the Taiwan Straits.
Key words: the west side of the Taiwan Straits; public health; medical colleges and universities  相似文献   

Prehistoric archaeology has progressed a large step since 1949 and manyquestions were solved after a great number of prehistoric sites had beendiscovered.It is generally accepted that in the neolithic age of China thereexisted two types of culture:the 1st is the well-known“Painted-pottery Culture”in the north-web,tern part,the 2nd is the“Black-pottery Culture”in the easternpart of China;while the 3rd one the“Printed Geometric-designed potteryCulture proposed by other scholars and the writer(In my former papersbeginning from“A Neolithic site in Wuping Fukien”read in the 3rd Congressof Far-eastern Prehistorians held in Singapore Jan.1938)as that of the south-eastern region of China has not yet been determined until now.The recentdiscoveries in this region including that of Hot'ien as dealt with in this paper,however,have provided many valuable evidences to this hypothesis.  相似文献   

This paper mainly focuses on investigating to what extent and how listening comprehension was affected by students‘anxiety, which was considered to be one of the factors to which EFL/ESL teachers must pay attention. The author of the thesis used a questionnaire on trait anxiety and one on state anxiety to look into students‘anxiety levels exhibited in the listening part of the College English Band IV Test. 52 subjects from the Inner Mongolia (Polytechn:c) University of Technology were involved in the investigation. Data collected from the investigation were statistically analyzed using SPSS 10. 0. The research findings indicate that anxiety is a factor to affect the students’ listening performances, that means the reduction of trait anxiety levels may facilitate listening performances of the students. Visualization is a promising technique for treatment.  相似文献   

探析“中国模式”的概念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国的发展已经引起了世人的广泛关注,"中国模式"的提出正是基于中国特色的现代化发展道路。本文从"中国模式"与中国特色社会主义理论的关系、"中国模式"与社会主义制度的关系、"中国模式"与其他发展模式的对比三个方面来理解"中国模式"的概念,最后总结出了把握"中国模式"需注意的三点。  相似文献   

本文讨论高邮话的动态助词“块”与“住”。“块”可以表示动作行为发生后所产生的结果、状态的延续或存在 ,可以用“在某处”替换 ;可以表示动作状态的持续‘。“块”还可表示动作在量上的特征 ,表示动作的量多或量大 (这是未完全虚化的用法 )。用在动词后的“住”在高邮话中或表示表示动作、行为的完成、实现 (有时兼有保持的意思 ) ;或表示动作状态的持续 ;或表示动作行为的正在进行。它与动词构成的有关结构及其重叠式 ,各自表示了一定的语法意义 ,本文进行了较为深入地研究与探讨  相似文献   

汉代在整理<缁衣>时将"君以民芒"句中之"芒"字读为"亡",因为难以理解君以民灭亡的意思,故又补上了"君以民存"之句.本文发现,"芒"、"(眩)"、"望"三字都从"亡"得声,而且文献中有具体混用的例子,故"君以民芒"句中"芒"可读为"望".据此本文推论,原来<缁衣>中"君以民芒"之句并不是要说君以民灭亡,而是表达先秦儒家的"民望"观念,这从<左传>和<孟子>中亦可见到.  相似文献   

本文从戴东原"群""欲"概念上溯先秦儒家礼义起源于饮食男女。饮食之道可以引喻个人与众人生命的安稳与否,男女婚配则可匹配天地五行之义,故所谓饮食男女,实又不仅仅止于饱食与性欲。儒家以血缘为基础,以两性生命之结合为开端,开展各种社群关系的价值,究其实则俱不离形体生命的繁衍;而价值观念的形成,也都不离血气心知合一的身体。自"欲"至"群",人类社会始简终大、始寡终众,儒家伦理价值观念由此而生。戴东原群、欲之论,与先秦儒典旧义有承继发展之关系。先秦儒者重视饮食男女之身体活动的道德价值提升与开展,东原则特别勾勒出一个分殊与一体并存的世界,注入儒典尤其是《孟子》之中,提揭其中的社群意识。东原的案例提醒了我们:对于先秦儒家经典的义理,在宋明理学典范性的解释以外,还有另一条康庄大道可以依循。  相似文献   

本文从汉语和日语的动词对比来分析它们在句子意义上的特征.日语动词由于有自动词和他动词的存在,它们在体现动词的"有意"和"无意"上分工明确.汉语是独立语,动词语意受大的语言环境的影响较大,所以汉语动词的"有意"和"无意"没有明确的界定.因此,笔者认为汉语句子里面是以动词为中心,外围成分向内影响,最终决定动词的有意或者无意.而日语正好相反,是以动词的有意或者无意为中心,从内向外围成分影响,最终决定整个句子的有意或者无意.也即是说,汉语是大的语言环境意合后决定中心动词的意向性,日语是中心动词的意向性决定整个语言环境意合的意向性.  相似文献   

“关公文化”在黑社会(性质)犯罪中的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"关公文化"在中国传统道德观念中占有举足轻重的地位,其所体现的"忠、义、信、勇"是中华民族灿烂的文化瑰宝和丰厚的文化遗产.在黑社会(性质)犯罪危害日益严重的今天,"关公文化"被黑社会所扭曲、利用,奉为神灵.深入分析"关公文化"对黑社会(性质)犯罪的影响,有助于正确认识、分析黑社会的特点和本质,更有力地打击、铲除这一社会毒瘤.  相似文献   

论“三个代表”的理论创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
理论创新是"三个代表"的灵魂.从时代性看理论创新,"三个代表"站在历史的制高点,高瞻远瞩,总揽全局,是时代课题的回答和时代精神的升华.从现实性看理论创新,"三个代表"是对当前影响中国大局、左右发展趋势的新的重大实际问题的科学回答,是面向实际,冲破禁锢,又一次解放思想的理论成果.从实现的新突破看理论创新,"三个代表"围绕"共产党始终代表先进"这一主题,依托历史规律,饱含时代内涵,解决了在新时期执政党面临的一系列新问题,开辟了马克思主义的新境界.  相似文献   

本文在吸取众多学者有益成果的基础上 ,对传统“六书”作为汉字构形的演化 ,尤其对其中“假借、转注、形声”提出了新的解说 ,以重现许慎《说文》的本原意义  相似文献   

析"像X似的"结构关系——兼与张斌、陆俭明等先生商榷   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对“像X似的”进行静态的句法切分 ,可以得到两种结果 :(甲 )像 /X似的 ;(乙 )像X/似的。本文首先从“像”、“似的”的实际用法出发 ,将“像X似的”短语分化为两类格式 :A、“像X似的”比况短语 ;B、“像X似的”揣测短语。然后着重对A类的传统 (甲 )式切分进行否定 ,提出新的看法。  相似文献   

《西风颂》是英国诗人雪莱最重要的抒情诗之一,其思想内涵与艺术形式均堪称浪漫主义诗歌的典范。本文旨在分析《西风颂》的三个中译本中对呼告修辞格、韵律的翻译再现,探讨译文与原文的切合度、呼告修辞格,以及韵律等诗歌艺术表现手段的再现与译文整体风格的一致性。  相似文献   

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