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Work-related musculoskeletal discomfort and injuries are reported by optometrists. The purpose of this paper is to describe the process used to investigate work-related discomfort in Australian optometrists. A multistage project was conducted which included questionnaires, interviews and onsite observations. Participants, with and without self-reported discomfort, included clinical optometrists, optometry students and clinical teachers. The various stages of the study developed over the course of the project, primarily in response to results collected at various stages. A multistage approach proved valuable for confirming results and testing hypotheses, and for investigating different groups of workers (clinicians, teachers and students). General guidelines to reduce the risk of work-related discomfort in optometrists can be developed from this project. Specific recommendations and teaching curricula have been identified in this project as areas of future research and development.  相似文献   

This study of 114 workers in the hydrocarbon industry was conducted to identify the relationship between stress and musculoskeletal discomfort, and to view the roles played by such factors as age, schooling, obesity, workplace and job seniority. All factors except seniority were found to affect the presence of musculoskeletal discomfort in some area of the body.  相似文献   

Vyas R 《Work (Reading, Mass.)》2012,41(Z1):2398-2404
Farming is a physically arduous occupation that places farm workers' at potential risk of musculoskeletal disorders, which has been observed to impose a greater impact on their health. Each activity in agriculture brings about certain stress and strain on bones and muscles leading to work-related musculoskeletal disorders which can lead to several permanent diseases and disabilities. The purpose of analyzing musculoskeletal problems among male and female workers engaged in agriculture was to know about the risk factors dangerous to health so that interventions can be planned for mitigating them thereby increasing the efficiency of work. Educational intervention included audio-visual aids as well as printed literature. It was hoped that awareness of these factors through dissemination of information would contribute at preventing hazards amongst farmers and their families. The results revealed that the workers reported very severe to severe pain in low back while performing agricultural activities. Weeding was the most strenuous activity for females and threshing crop for males. Training and education on MSDs through educational intervention proved that the knowledge of the farm workers could be enhanced and can help reduce risk of many musculoskeletal problems. It can be help in empowering the community and mitigate MSDs in agriculture.  相似文献   

Children's computer exposure is rapidly growing. Several studies have suggested children using computers may be at risk of developing musculoskeletal symptoms. General models and theories relating to the causality of negative musculoskeletal outcomes in adult workers demonstrated relationships between workplace factors and musculoskeletal outcomes. When examining children's computer exposure it is evident that their use is different. Even though risk factors may be similar, due to the nature of children and their computer environments, the potential risk factors and thus a proposed model of causal relationships between exposure and outcomes may differ. Objective: To develop a model of factors influencing computer exposure and musculoskeletal symptoms in children. Methods: 1351 children (or their parents for Year 1 children) in school Years 1, 6, 9 and 11 (ages ~ 6,11,14,16 years) from 10 schools in Western Australia were surveyed on a range of user characteristics, computer exposure and musculoskeletal symptoms. Results: Potential risk factors for childrens' computer exposure and musculoskeletal outcomes were multivariable. Factors such as age, gender, somatic complaints, flow, computer anxiety, computer, TV and physical activity exposure, and SES were related to computer exposure and children's reports of musculoskeletal symptoms. Significance: Developing a child-related computer exposure model to understand relationships between potential risk factors and musculoskeletal symptoms will assist academics, teachers and parents to develop a better understanding of the risk factors for children's computer exposure.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the posture, muscle activities, and self reported discomforts of neck pain notebook computer users on three monitor tilt conditions: 100°, 115°, and 130°. Six subjects were recruited in this study to completed typing tasks. Results showed subjects have a trend to show the forward head posture in the condition that monitor was set at 100°, and the significant less neck and shoulder discomfort were noted in the condition that monitor was set at 130°. These result suggested neck pain notebook user to set their monitor tilt angle at 130°.  相似文献   

In addition to consistent use, condoms must be used correctly. The purpose of this study was to identify prevalence and types of condom-associated discomfort among university students, the outcomes of this discomfort, and the role of discomfort in condom breakage. We conducted a cross-sectional study of 206 students attending a private university in the southern United States. We assessed 3 potential outcomes: breakage, not using condoms throughout sex, and low condom-use motivation. Nearly one third reported discomfort, including tightly fitting condoms, vaginal irritation, and loss of sensation. Discomfort was associated with breakage (p = .0001), incomplete use (p = .0001), and less motivation to use condoms (p = .018). Gender moderated the latter 2 findings. Adjusted findings indicate that students reporting discomfort were 3.6 times more likely to also report breakage (p = .0009). Continued investigation of this topic is warranted. Prevention education may benefit university students by promoting several key practices, such as adding lubricant to condoms before they dry out and acquiring condoms that fit properly.  相似文献   

Objective: To examine the associations between sensation seeking and ever and current e-cigarette use in Texas young adults (18–29 years old). Current cigarette use was examined as a potential effect modifier of the associations. Participants: Participants included college students enrolled in four-year and two-year colleges in four metropolitan areas in Texas (n = 5,418) who completed the survey between November 2014 and February 2015. Methods: This cross-sectional study utilized mixed effects logistic regression to determine the associations between mean sensation seeking scores and ever and current e-cigarette use after controlling for covariates. Results: After controlling for covariates, significant associations between sensation seeking and both ever and current e-cigarette use were observed; however, these associations were significant for noncurrent smokers only (adjusted odds rations [AOR] = 1.55, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.39, 1.73; AOR = 1.82, 95% CI = 1.54, 2.15, respectively). Conclusions: Sensation seeking is an important factor in identifying college students who may be at increased risk for e-cigarette use behaviors.  相似文献   

Studies have shown that increased computer use among adults in occupational settings is associated with the development of cumulative trauma disorders; however, the need to address how adult-sized mice and keyboards are affecting children is becoming increasingly important as both access to and use of computers is increasing among today's youth. To address the potential mismatch that exists between child stature and computer input device size and activation force, we have applied existing, age-specific, anthropometric data to elements of device design, including mouse size (length, width, height, switch location), and mouse-button activation forces. Trends supported the development of smaller computer input devices with lower activation forces for smaller statured individuals including children. Distinct and consistent trends in size delineations were seen across gender and age groups-trends that correlate well with grades and schooling in the United States education system . Three to four mouse sizes would be recommended: a mouse sized for adult and high school males; one for adult and high school females and junior high males; one for elementary school children, aged 6 to 10 years; and possibly a mouse for the smallest users who are less than six years old.  相似文献   

Despite the burgeoning literature on suicidal behavior, there are meager data available on the relationship between suicidal ideation and emotional abuse in childhood; adult physical or sexual victimization; and adult re-victimization in those with a history of childhood maltreatment. This study addressed these gaps in the literature. In a sample of 494 female undergraduates, current suicidal ideation was assessed dichotomously using an item from the SCL-90 and victimization was assessed retrospectively with validated multi-item measures. Analyses revealed an association between suicidal ideation and emotional and physical abuse in childhood and a history of partner violence. No relationship was found between childhood sexual abuse or forced sex in adulthood and suicidal ideation. Additionally, results of multiple logistic regression analyses did not support the hypothesis that the relationship between childhood victimization and SI is moderated by re-victimization in adulthood.  相似文献   

Helpful keywords in accessing literature on the use made of hospital accident and emergency (A&E) departments are ‘misuse’ ‘abuse’ and ‘inappropriate’. While the medical literature is inclined to present patients (and, in the case of children, their parents) as irresponsible, or misguided, social scientists looking at similar data have tended to act as apologists for patients, explaining A&E attendance in terms of poor access to GPs, mistaken beliefs about the relative skills of hospital-based doctors and GPs and ‘lay’ health beliefs. Both of these approaches see the patient (or parent) as passive recipients of health care, rather than active caretakers of their own or their children's health. On the basis of a study of minor ailments presenting at a children's A&E department, this paper explores the differing views of health workers and parents. It suggests that a view of patients (parents) as largely passive custodians of their own or their children's health is inadequate. Patients (parents) can and do play an active part as providers of primary health care and their decisions to use A&E are not as irrational as health providers sometimes suppose. In this light, attempts to ‘re-educate’ parents to use A&E in a way which would be more acceptable to health providers is unlikely to succeed.  相似文献   

Minna S  Mika N 《Work (Reading, Mass.)》2012,41(Z1):3753-3756
Construction work consists of numerous factors that influence workers' occupational health and that load the musculoskeletal system in particular. Musculoskeletal disorders are responsible for over a third of all sick leaves lasting over nine days in the construction industry. Occupational health services (OHS) were organized for 85% of the construction workers in our study. The proportion of construction workers who had suffered from chronic or repetitive neck and shoulder, shoulder or arm, or low-back disorders was 55.6%, 44.8% and 42.1%, respectively. Those who felt that they had received enough information, advice or guidance from OHS concerning work posture, work performance or work tools were more often those who had not suffered from shoulder or arm disorders (60.9% vs. 39.1%, p=.024, respectively) or low-back disorders (63.6% vs. 36.4%, p=.034, respectively) during the last month than those who had. Those who had received enough support from OHS concerning maintenance of work ability were more often workers who had not suffered from low-back disorders during the last month than those who had (63.3% vs. 36.7%, p=.004, respectively). OHS should focus more on workers who would really benefit from their activities at a particular time and in a particular situation (primary, secondary or tertiary prevention) and who are themselves devoted to improving their health.  相似文献   


Computer technology is now an every day aspect of both our personal and professional lives. Recently however, concern has been raised as to the preparedness of social work students to use this tool effectively when entering the practice setting. This paper sets out to address the issue by investigating the extent and ways in which computer technology is included in four-year full time Australian social work degree programs. A national study of Australian academics was conducted and the main themes to emerge were: 1) information and computer technology was considered important for social work education and practice; 2) educators need to understand technology if they are to incorporate it effectively within their curricula; 3) the inclusion of technology in social work education should be approached with caution to ensure it is used appropriately to enhance students' learning while maintaining the guiding values and principles of practice of the social work profession; and 4) that students are aware of the legal and ethical use of technology in practice.  相似文献   

The population of people using computers is increasing in home, school and work environments [20,21]. Research suggests that more computer usage may lead to increased incidence of upper extremity cumulative trauma disorder (UECTD) and other work related musculoskeletal injuries [8]. Yet, proper computer workstation ergonomics training is not readily available. This pilot study attempts to better understand the gap between ergonomic interventions and the initiation of work-practice change. The pilot study used self-report through an anonymous Internet survey to explore university faculty and staff training in computer workstation ergonomics, assess UECTD and other computer-use related symptoms, and learn about the respondents' success implementing their knowledge of computer workstation ergonomics. The 55 respondents ranged in age from 21 to 65, and spent an average of 5.3 hours at the computer during a typical workday. Over 70% of respondents experienced symptoms associated with excessive computer use. Although 60% of respondents had exposure to computer workstation ergonomics information, less than 10% reported implementing their knowledge of computer workstation ergonomics in their tasks. This paper looks at organizational and individual issues preventing the implementation of computer workstation ergonomics in the workplace. The Transtheoretical Model for Health Behavior Change [25,27] is used to further evaluate effectiveness of ergonomic interventions. Recommendations for interventions and future evaluations are presented.  相似文献   


Objective: The constant deterioration of the physical fitness of college students has been a popular topic in China, thus this research analyzes the potential health risk of inadequate physical activity among college students. Participants/methods: During the national student fitness test (NSFT) in 2012, 1500 students from Tsinghua University were recruited and asked to complete the international physical activity questionnaire. Finally, 1414 (94.3%) students completed the study. Results/conclusions: Compared with those students who actively participate in exercise, the risk of obesity in college students lacking exercise was 1.25 times higher. Likewise, the probability of failure in the grip strength test and the standing long jump was also higher, with increases of 2.39 fold and 1.39 fold, respectively. Moreover, the total score of physical fitness test was the same. Consequently, this study suggests that college students should exercise regularly to increase their physical fitness.  相似文献   

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