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The workplace is a crucial locale for understanding three important issues in contemporary debates on gender and organizations; the processes by which work becomes gendered, the origins and nature of gender segregation and the role of trade unions in delivering gender equality. This article presents data from a study of workplace transformations in Royal Mail, and demonstrates the dynamic interplay of factors over time, which have sustained postal work in the UK as a gendered occupation and continues to disadvantage women in the workforce. The article shows that the position of women in postal work has been historically and contemporaneously linked to the relations between the trade union, management, male and female workers. The data illustrate that the power relations between the main actors have sustained the dynamic of women’s disadvantage. Furthermore, the processes that have sustained postal work as a gendered job continue to segregate men and women’s work at the level of the workplace.  相似文献   

German federal law has increased the potential duration of maternity leave five times since 1985. A theoretical model demonstrates that the cumulative return probability at potential duration cannot decline unless the mother's employment conditions or career expectations change. We estimate return to work hazards from the German Socio-Economic Panel for women bearing children in the period 1984–1991 and predict cumulative return probabilities for first-time mothers and mothers with a previous birth. The pattern of cumulative return probabilities as potential duration increases is consistent with the hypothesis that employment conditions or career expectations frequently change for mothers taking longer leaves.  相似文献   

This article explores clinical issues related to self-disclosure to clients following a traumatic event in clinicians' lives. In particular, special attention is paid to the role of self-disclosure in clinical work when clinicians are conflicted about whether or not to share personal information or how to communicate it to clients due to the nature of the trauma. Therapeutic implications, both short and long term, associated with such self-disclosure are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper aims to describe the current Work Injury Rehabilitation (WIR) System in China with its background, basic principles and the attempts to explore and build up different types of WIR system in different areas in China in accordance with the existing situation. Seven points taken as the focus of perfecting and building up new WIR have been presented: the study and formulation of an overall development plan for the WIR system in China, improving WIR policy, establishing a system of standards for WIR, improving the administration system for WIR, developing a WIR service system, strengthening the training of professional staff for WIR, conducting scientific study and international cooperation for WIR. These points may serve as guidelines for future development of the WIR system in China.  相似文献   

Abstract Drawing on secondary data and interviews, this paper traces the economic and socio‐cultural roots of contemporary policies to promote full participation of people with disabilities in mainstream German society. Underlying such policies and related practices has been a concept of rehabilitation through work that evolved within a context of labour shortages, Protestant work ethics, and German welfarism at the beginning of the 20th century and that has yielded rather ambiguous consequences. I argue this elective affinity among economic, cultural, and socio‐political imperatives has undermined potentials for integration and self‐actualization of people with disabilities. Not only was rehabilitation subordinated to a productivist logic and provoked forms of ill‐paid or even forced labour; rehabilitation policies and measures have also been part of a system of social governance that effectively helped to segregate the “able” from the “unable” and that promulgated an ethos of productivism. Significantly, this essentially utilitarian ethos – which rendered health and rehabilitation into a social obligation and valued each wo/man according to his/her fitness and motivation to contribute to socio‐economic development – evolved within capitalism but was equally pronounced in East Germany under state‐socialist rule. Contrary to the egalitarian principles of both “socialist humanism” and “Western enlightenment”, policies and practices trans‐societally focussed on the promotion of those who could – potentially at least – contribute to the regime of industrial production. As the example of East Germany demonstrates, social participation through paid work remains incomplete, at best, and provokes further segregation – even in times of severe labour shortages. The paper concludes that notwithstanding contemporary rhetoric, rehabilitation through work has remained a central pillar of contemporary welfare policies. In times of unbroken structural unemployment, the productivist paradigm and ensuing policies have become increasingly problematic – not only for the inclusion of people with disabilities. Experiences with the productivist modes of participation and with rehabilitation in East Germany suggest a post‐productivist paradigm of inclusion that seeks participation beyond paid work.  相似文献   

This article defines the concept of ideational conflict as it applies to the process of identifying a problem and developing a plan of action for resolving the problem. Then the article examines and illustrates how the ideational conflict that is generated by brainstorming can lead to creative thinking that resolves disparate points of view. The illustration extends the generally accepted view of brainstorming and applies it to identifying a problem related to the university/college work environment. The problem situation is that of the loss of high ability faculty and sutdents to other institutions.  相似文献   

The 'accessible' job market of the 1990's has given way to a challenging job market in a climate of economic uncertainty in the early Twenty-First Century. For vocational rehabilitation professionals this change requires the strategic use of workplace supports to increase the value and sustainability of work performed by people with disabilities in competitive jobs. An analytical framework for leveraging the natural supports of the workplace is provided by the workplace ecology as a bounded environment in which relationships between workers and supervisors promote learning and enhanced performance. The dynamics of the workplace ecology are explored with particular reference to workers with disabilities receiving supported employment services. Recommendations are made for leveraging the workplace ecology to the benefit of the supported worker. Implications for supported employment services in the new millennium are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the use of dream work as a component of individual counseling for cancer patients. Motivated by the work of experts in the field, who use dream work with their clients facing life-threatening illness and corroborated by a review of the literature, this therapeutic modality was introduced with cancer patients at a social service agency. The clinical work seems to indicate that the use of dreams helps create a safe environment for therapy by encouraging clients to discuss the emotional aspects of their disease and introducing topics, like death and dying, which are normally difficult to discuss.  相似文献   

This article confronts the Sociology of Work with the nature of women's work, arguing that this long-standing sociological speciality is threaded through with numerous ontological conceptions that make it difficult not only to understand women's work, but also the changing contours of men's work. On the basis of three key areas in the Sociology of Work — the definition of work, the nature of the firm/organization and the definition of skill — the disjunctures with the nature of women's work are underlined. Feminist research — on housework, homeworking, the link between the productive and reproductive spheres, the sexuality of organization, the gendered nature of skill and on emotional labour, to mention only a few examples — is argued to have contributed profoundly to our rethinking of the workplace for both women and men. Examples of recent feminist conceptualizations of work are provided as illustrations of the direction in which the Sociology of Work could proceed.  相似文献   

Drinking in the workplace is a serious concern for both unions and managements. The typical response to this problem is increased monitoring of blood-alcohol levels, a practice unions find offensive and managements find expensive. This note analyzes the advantages of controlling drinking in the workplace by substituting lower blood-alcohol limits for monitoring blood-alcohol levels.  相似文献   


Although therapeutic communities (TC) have achieved promising results in the treatment of substance abusers, several areas have been identified which might further enhance TC treatment effectiveness. Two of these, resiliency theory and the role of social work practitioners, are discussed. Resiliency theory provides a framework for re-conceptualizing interventions as they apply to therapeutic communities. Resiliency is explicated and illustrated via a case study of a therapeutic community TROSA (Triangle Residential Options for Substance Abusers), a non-profit TC in Durham, North Carolina. A number of contributions that social work practitioners can make to TCs are described.  相似文献   

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