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张恒龙  宁可 《科学发展》2021,(4):96-107
实现城乡基本公共服务均等化是上海“十四五”期间的重大挑战,上海要秉承高质量发展理念,进一步提高城乡基本公共服务城乡一体化水平.规范转移支付制度,加强统筹城乡基本公共服务保障;综合考量人口、服务半径等因素,制定全面的基本公共服务资源配置标准;加大对人才激励的扶持力度,缓解郊区在专业人才上的匮乏问题;健全区以下财政体制,对郊区内部的财政扶持要合理统筹规划;充分利用社会各主体提供基本公共服务,推动社会服务业大发展.  相似文献   

保障农村公共服务供给的公平则是推进农村全面进步、实现城乡和谐的必然要求,也是社会主义新农村建设的重要内容.本文试图从理论上分析农村公共服务面临的公平问题,并尝试寻找解决公平问题的基本路径.  相似文献   

上海城乡二元结构的深层次问题突出表现为:城乡居民收入差距仍然明显,促进农民增收的难度加大;郊区人口持续导入,对公共服务和社会管理的要求提高;农村土地和产权制度改革滞后,深化改革的条件尚不成熟;郊区城市化进程加速,管理体制和管理模式亟待转变;新城和小城镇等城乡统筹载体建设有待加强。上海城乡统筹发展要牢牢把握公共服务均等化、发展成果共享化、发展权利平等化内涵,坚持以城带乡、城乡一体、互动发展,以推进新型城市化战略为主攻方向,以加强城乡规划一体化为前提,以加快新城开发建设为突破口,以土地管理、集体产权、社会管理制度改革为支撑,以基本公共服务均等化为着力点,大力推进工业向园区集中、居住向社区集中、农业向规模经营集中,努力实现优化农村土地资源配置方式、优化城乡资源要素流动方式、优化城乡统筹发展方式,推进城乡一体化发展。  相似文献   

实现城乡公共服务均等化,切实提高农村地区的公共服务供给水平,不仅可以提高农民的生活水平,并且对于维护社会稳定、促进国民经济持续、快速、健康发展也有很大的作用。本次社会实践通过对张家口市赤城县的实地考察,详细了解赤城县城乡公共服务均等化的基本现状,通过总结现状、分析原因提出了一些建设性意见供参考,本次社会实践对赤城县城乡公共服务建设具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

习近平同志在党的十九大报告中首次提出乡村振兴战略,乡镇公共服务在乡村振兴战略实施中扮演着不可或缺的角色。本文通过对乡镇公共服务在乡村振兴战略中的作用、现阶段乡镇公共服务供给现状、以乡镇公共服务推进乡村振兴战略三个方面来讨论以公共服务促乡村振兴。这对于推进农村城镇化进程以及城乡基本公共服务均等化、实现乡村振兴的各个分目标、推进乡村振兴战略、实现农村全面小康建设具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

兰晓红 《现代妇女》2014,(12):203-203
推进基本公共服务均等化是加快辽宁城镇化步伐和促进城乡统筹发展的直接动力,同时也是辽宁保障和改善民生、全面建设小康社会的重战略任务。虽然,辽宁省的基本公共服务体系建设取得了一些成绩,但是辽宁省基本公共服务供给不足、发展不平衡的矛盾仍然十分突出,实现基本公共服务均等化仍然面临许多困难和挑战。  相似文献   

城乡一体化过程中上海农村社会事业发展对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顾海英 《科学发展》2010,(11):52-77
城乡一体化是经济社会发展的一般规律,是传统农业社会向现代工业社会演变的必然过程,也是现代化的组成部分。城乡一体化的核心是城乡居民的地位一体化、机会一体化、保障一体化。必须从制度上建立一套保障城乡一体化的系统,其中,推进农村社会事业发展更是至关重要。农村教育、卫生、文化、体育、社会保障、社会服务等社会事业的发展水平,某种程度上可以用来衡量一个国家或地区经济社会的发展水平。因此,加强上海农村社会事业发展不仅与广大农民群众的切身利益和农村、农业的发展需要密切相关,而且对于破除城乡二元结构、加快城乡一体化进程、建设现代化国际大都市,实现"四个率先",以及对于探索转型期农村公共产品供给制度的创新、建立与完善农村公共产品和服务供给模式等,具有重要的战略意义、理论意义和应用价值。  相似文献   

张文明 《科学发展》2011,(6):109-114
通过对上海郊区农村调研,农村社会发展呈现出人口老龄化、外来人口日益增多、社会保障不足、基层组织在乡村事务发展中作用弱化等四大社会问题。面对当前郊区农村出现的社会问题,上海要从建设国际大都市的高度和要求出发,立足未来上海郊区农村发展目标,在养老服务、外来人口管理、农业现代化、社会保障等方面,合理、有序地推动市郊的城市化进程。  相似文献   

建立上海郊区差别化管理体制机制的总体思路是:以主体功能区划分为基础,根据各区(县)不同的主体功能和开发任务,实施差别化政策;按照"二级市"的要求,简政放权,增强郊区自主发展权和统筹协调权;适度调整市、区财政分配体制,使郊区各区(县)事权与财权相匹配;建立和完善财政转移支付、土地利用激励、财政激励、生态发展激励和绩效考核五大机制,促进郊区差别化管理,增强郊区统筹协调发展的能力;实施"强镇扩权",创新郊区基层管理体制机制,增强郊区发展活力。上海建立郊区差别化管理体制机制,还需适当调整郊区城市建设标准、制定全市统一的公共服务资源配置和设施建设标准、增加郊区人口导入区城市管理和公共服务资源配置、规范简政放权的工作机制。  相似文献   

正如重庆模式所要展示的,公共服务的充分化供给和均等化供给是实现城乡统筹发展的必然选择,也是走向城乡一体化的合理路径。  相似文献   

武汉市统筹城乡一体化发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
统筹城乡一体化发展是当前推动城乡经济社会发展的迫切任务。本文通过建立指标评估,发现武汉城乡一体化水平略高于城镇化水平;城乡人口、经济、生活和文化一体化进程中,城乡经济发展的差别最为明显,融合程度最低,而城乡居民生活方面则融合程度较高,人口与文化融合度持平。而城乡二元户籍制度、土地的合理开发利用及农民权益保障、农村公共服务投入不足、农村社会保障体系不完善是当前制约城乡一体化发展的重要瓶颈。文章从法律制度层面、财政层面及组织体制层面分析了破解城乡一体化发展瓶颈的重要举措。  相似文献   


The aim of this article is to discuss approaches to services integration for older people in urban and rural aging environments in The Netherlands, and the preliminary effects of these approaches on local aging conditions. In urban areas, services integration revolves around the creation of functional spatial hierarchy. In rural areas, the emphasis is on forging links between service providers. Outcomes for health and use of professional care services are similar. Out-comes for housing, informal care, and accessibility of services differ between urban and rural areas in ways that can be traced back to local aging conditions and elements of the specific approach to services integration used. In both urban and rural areas, much more could be done to connect formal programs to the lifeworlds of older dwellers.  相似文献   

Abstract The service sector has replaced manufacturing as the primary employer in the United States. Fastest growing within this sector are producer services, i.e., those businesses that provide service inputs to other businesses and government. Theorists posit that the propensity of producer services to locate in metro areas advantages cities in relation to rural areas. They argue that significant numbers of producer services are unlikely to locate in rural areas due to the economic and cultural benefits offered by central cities and that producer services in rural locations are qualitatively different from metro firms. Perceptions of the environment, management strategies, and community citizenship were analyzed with data from 259 producer service business owners and managers in Iowa rural, urban, and metropolitan communities. The findings point to qualitative differences between the businesses based on community size, but also many similarities were found. Rural producer services reported more community citizenship than other businesses.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. This article is based on the results of the first stage of a study of the Children Act (day care and preschool education), and looks at how the Children Act 1989 has been put into practice with respect to services for children under eight, in rural local authorities in England and Wales. It considers the duties given by the Act to local authorities from a rural perspective, including providing a range of services for children in need, reviewing the services that are available for all young children, and setting standards for day care services provided by the voluntary and private sectors. It concludes that although the Act has helped to focus attention on the needs of children in rural areas, there is a danger that nothing will be done to meet them because of the principle of targeting resources on children who are most in need. Rural isolation was rarely specified as an indicator of need, and other criteria often had an urban bias which may work against the development of services in rural areas. The article also argues that there is a particular need to develop new models of service delivery and ways of providing training and support to early years workers which are appropriate for rural areas.  相似文献   

Research suggests that partner stalking is associated with reassault and lethality as well as increased psychological distress for victims. However, there is a significant gap in information about stalking interventions and the responses of health, mental health, law enforcement, social services, and criminal justice professionals to women experiencing partner stalking. The purpose of this study is to examine the ideas about appropriate and effective responses to stalking victims from professionals in victim services and the justice system. The study also examined differences among rural and urban representatives because prior studies have shown significant differences between rural and urban areas on experiences and responses to partner violence. A total of 152 key informants (38 urban and 114 rural) were interviewed. Study results suggest a need for more training for victim services and justice system professionals on stalking and service needs of women who experience stalking in the context of partner violence.  相似文献   

解决农村贫困重度残疾人照护问题,既是党和政府的明确要求,也是残疾人和家属的热切期盼.湖南省农村贫困重度残疾人托养照护专项实践的主要启示:一是照护服务能有效改善农村重度残疾人生活质量和巩固脱贫攻坚成果;二是规划部署和经费配置是解决照顾问题的关键所在;三是"家庭自付+村社支持+政府补贴"的付费方式在实践中具有可行性和可持续性;四是农村地区需要优先发展保障急需的基本生活照护和寄宿照护服务,需要根据残疾人生活自理能力和家庭照护能力精准提供适合的照护服务.建议将"优先重点解决城乡低收入重度残疾人照护问题"纳入"十四五"规划及政府实事工程任务,加快建立以家庭照护为基础、社会化照护为支持、集中照护为补充的重度残疾人照护服务体系,完善以生活自理能力和家庭照护能力为核心指标的优先保障对象精准识别机制,通过"两补提标"、建立家庭照护和集中照护机构统一认定制度、评价制度和支持机制,完善残疾人帮扶机制.  相似文献   


This paper critically analyses competitive tendering as a model for the provision of welfare services. Competitive tendering, driven by National Competition Policy and other imperatives for greater efficiency and a smaller public sector, is now used extensively by governments to fund welfare services. However, the suitability of this funding model to welfare services generally, and specifically welfare services in non-metropolitan areas, can be criticised on both theoretical and empirical grounds. Competitive tendering is grounded in economic rationalist, urbo-centric assumptions that are largely inappropriate for welfare provision, and have limited validity in rural areas. There is little rigorous empirical evidence of improved efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery under this model. Conversely, there is mounting evidence about the negative impacts. In rural areas this includes the erosion of community service obligations, less collaboration and greater secrecy between agencies, the reduction of choice, limited opportunities for local planning, cost shifting, and threats to continuity of care. This paper concludes with a call for greater application of the ‘public benefit’ test under the provisions of the National Competition Policy, and the development of more sophisticated frameworks for assessing the contestability of welfare services. Social workers have a leading role to play in challenging the dominant ideology of competition-orientated welfare reforms.  相似文献   

This article presents an overview of the nature and service activities of rural Area Agencies (AAAs) with data from a recently completed national survey. Compared to their urban counterparts rural AAAs serve much larger, more sparsely populated areas with poorer and older elderly populations; have much smaller budgets and staffs; and support fewer services. This leads to a clear rural disadvantage in resources and services for the elderly. Policy makers need to examine and address factors identified as associated with this rural-urban inequity including SUA intrastate funding formulas, “rural” service models and training needs, and regulations regarding direct service provision. Important research and policy questions in need of further study are also identified.  相似文献   

乐昕 《科学发展》2013,(7):21-25
我国生育政策城乡一体化是人口转变与社会发展之必然。一方面,城乡二元的生育政策很难体现城乡公平,用生育政策的优惠来弥补社会保障功能的匮乏这一做法已越来越不符合社会发展趋势;另一方面,二元生育政策本身的复杂性增加了政策执行过程中的成本与困难。生育政策城乡一体化应以城市与农村均实行一孩半政策作为既简化又稳妥的改革方案。生育政策城乡一体化还应配备配套措施,完善生育政策的评估指标,将少生与不生纳入评估范畴,促进城乡医疗、养老、教育等公共服务机会均等化、户籍管理动态化,还要正确理解人口老龄化,为生育政策城乡一体化提供良好的执行环境。  相似文献   

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