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Black male adolescent HIV incidence and prevalence account for a disproportionate number of AIDS cases. Their cultural experiences are significantly different than other sectors of the U.S. population. Among adolescents, they constitute 37 percent of the cases, which is more than double their representation in the general adolescent population. The authors ask where do African American males receive information about HIV/ AIDS.  相似文献   

It is suggested that the massive costs incurred nationally in health care are in large part a fitting concern of Community Mental Health (CMH). There is considerable data available to suggest that as much as half of the variance in common health disorders is associated with behavioral factors. There is a rapidly growing movement to provide interventions geared toward these behavioral components in health disorders, but much of this has occurred outside of the traditional mental health environment. There are arguments to suggest that CMH should be more involved in the development of comprehensive behavioral medicine services, both in terms of the expertise and resources that it can bring to bear upon these problems, and its potential to reach segments of the population which are otherwise likely to be underserved, if served at all. Implications for CMH planning and financing are discussed, drawing upon a selective literature review and clinical illustrations.  相似文献   

This article surveys the main economic issues associated with the HIV/AIDS epidemic, paying special attention to sub–Saharan Africa. It explores the economic and behavioural determinants of HIV transmission, the microeconomics of market failures associated with high HIV prevalence, the prospects for regional development from a macroeconomic perspective and the efficient design of policies for coping with the epidemic. In line with the recent appeal by the UN Secretary General, the article argues that, without a decisive effort to halt HIV/AIDS, people living in the region are bound to experience a further fall in their standard of living in both relative and absolute terms. However, to be effective, anti–AIDS programmes must be rooted in sound economic principles.  相似文献   

In addition to being an outcome, workforce reentry is a process: People with HIV/AIDS attempting to go back to work must make initial decisions to engage in such an attempt, they then must go through a series of steps that may include re-education or retraining, job searches, résumé development, and other activities. Sustaining employment, in turn, entails its own set of activities. People attempting workforce reentry may also experience barriers on their journeys back to work, they may employ certain strengths to reach their goals, and they may use resources to facilitate preparation for work. Few studies have attempted to study this process. This study was designed to provide an initial attempt to study the process of workforce reentry. Abstracted information from the progress notes of 104 people with HIV/AIDS attempting workforce reentry was qualitatively analyzed using a grounded theory approach to identify themes. Three major themes emerged with reliability: Barriers to workforce reentry, staff-identified strengths, and resources used in workforce-reentry efforts. Although none predicted successful workforce reentry, participants in the study experienced substantial barriers in their workforce-reentry efforts, staff identified significant strengths, and participants used appropriate resources in their efforts to go back to work. Implications for workforce-reentry programs for people with HIV/AIDS are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The authors used a stratified cluster sampling design to inform campus sexually transmitted diseases prevention programs. PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: They conducted a cross-sectional study of students (N = 1,130) at a large, urban, minority-serving university in South Florida using the 2004 National College Health Assessment Survey instrument. RESULTS: Of the 1,130 participants, 14.0% reported risky sexual behavior (having more than 1 sexual partner in 1 year and not using a condom the last time they had vaginal intercourse), and 11.9% reported consistent risky sexual behavior (having more than 1 partner in 1 year and not using condoms most or all of the time during the past 30 days). In multivariable analysis, past-month alcohol use had the strongest independent association with both risky and consistent risky sexual behavior. Illicit drug use was marginally significant in both models. CONCLUSIONS: Administrators should address the use of alcohol and other drugs on campus in planning interventions to promote safe sexual behavior.  相似文献   

Through a comprehensive literature search, the authors of this systematic review identified 21 articles focused on primary prevention of HIV/AIDS for adults aged 50 and over. Three major challenges to providing HIV/AIDS education for older adults include health professionals' ageism, older adults' reluctance to discuss sexuality, and their misconception of their HIV risk. Clinical guidelines for social workers, nurses, and physicians identified the importance of sharing information and assessing risk, considering cultural diversity, and devising creative delivery strategies. Three models of HIV/AIDS education include group education programs delivered by social workers or other health professionals, peer education models, and one-on-one early intervention models including HIV/AIDS testing. Additional outreach and research on HIV/AIDS prevention among older adults is needed.  相似文献   

Community structure analysis compared cross-national coverage of responsibility to fight HIV/AIDS in newspapers in 18 countries, selecting articles of 250+ words from May 7, 2003, to September 13, 2013. The resulting 291 articles were coded for “prominence” and “direction” (“government,” “society,” including nongovernmental organizations [NGOs]/foreign aid or “balanced/neutral” coverage), and combined for composite scores in each newspaper's “Media Vector” (range = .4974 to ?.1465). Newspaper support for governmental versus societal involvement was 9 to 9 (50/50). Pearson correlations revealed significant relationships in privilege and vulnerability categories: public knowledge of HIV/AIDS preventative measures and general health of the population. Regression of national characteristics against Media Vectors yielded percentage of women who know condom use prevents HIV (63.7% of variance), percentage of men who know condom use prevents HIV, and percentage of population undernourished, collectively totaling 84.8% of variance, all correlated with support for government intervention. A second regression analysis excluding self-report variables found that “% population undernourished” and “% females in the workforce” (combined 52.8% of variance) were linked to coverage supporting government responsibility. “AIDS incidence” (13.6% of variance) was linked to support for “societal” intervention. Most of the variance was linked to coverage supporting government responsibility for HIV/AIDS.  相似文献   

This article elaborates a typology of organisational responses during the first decade of AIDS/HIV in a dozen Western European countries.Welfare mixes: that is, the division of task between all producers of welfare (both private and public), and the processes at work in these policies, are analysed. Three types are identified, presenting unexpected variants in respect to general typologies of Western welfare states. They underline the importance of non-profit actors and also argue that new forms of co-operation between those actors and public ones can lead to renewed management of the main social issues currently facing Western welfare states.  相似文献   

This article describes the results of research on the demographic, housing, psychosocial characteristics, and service needs of a sample of homeless people with HIV disease_ Results show that respondents are similar in demographic and housing characteristics to the general homeless population. On average, respondents report high levels of stress and depression, moderate satisfaction with perceived social support availability, moderate beliefs in their ability to influence health related outcomes, moderate levels of self-efficacy, and low levels ofphysical and psychosocial disability. A range of services was identified as both helpful and useful in supporting a stable living arrangement. Implications for social policy, service provision, and research are discussed.  相似文献   

This article describes the results of research on the demographic, housing, psychosocial characteristics, and service needs of a sample of homeless people with HIV disease. Results show that respondents are similar in demographic and housing characteristics to the general homeless population. On average, respondents report high levels of stress and depression, moderate satisfaction with perceived social support availability, moderate beliefs in their ability to influence health related outcomes, moderate levels of self-efficacy, and low levels of physical and psychosocial disability. A range of services was identified as both helpful and useful in supporting a stable living arrangement. Implications for social policy, service provision, and research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of peer groups and education on risk behavior for HIV among injection drug users (IDUs). The sample consisted of 682 participants in the Eastern Connecticut Health Outreach project, which compares traditional and peer-driven outreach interventions for IDUs. Participants are educated about safer injecting, subsequently administered a risk-reduction knowledge test, and given an extensive interview. Logistic regression shows that education alone is not a significant factor in reducing risky behavior in IDUs among the behaviors studied. A significant interaction was found between peer support for safer use and personal saliency of peer attitudes for both syringe and water sharing. Neither peer attitudes nor education affected cooker sharing. These results suggest that while education may be an important component in any intervention, it is not alone sufficient to reduce risky behavior. Our findings suggest that peer-directed interventions may be useful in reducing some forms of risk behavior among IDUs.  相似文献   

Many social work journal articles portray HIV as a chronic illness. Although HIV medical management has evolved, it is far from chronic for most of the world. With such rapid developments in the field of HIV/AIDS, this article examines validity of knowledge measurements developed pre-HAART. Further, what place does validity hold in the maintenance of these measurement devices? The authors review several widely used measurement scales utilized in developed nations—The Beliefs About Preventing AIDS, The HIV Knowledge Questionnaire, and The International IADS Questionnaire-English Version—to answer these questions and to promote understanding for social workers in the field of HIV/AIDS regarding validity of the instruments.  相似文献   


Community-level stress, such as pervasive substance abuse and violence, can yield negative health and mental heath outcomes for youth from disadvantaged communities. Community empowerment is a process whereby community members work together to increase control in their community. This qualitative inquiry analyzed in-depth interviews with adult stakeholders (n = 17) as well as focus group interviews with token youth (n = 85) to explore perceptions of community stress and empowerment in one disadvantaged locale. Each of the 102 total participants helped interrogate the research questions: What does it mean to live in a stressed community? How might youth and adults perceive themselves capable of impacting a stressed community’s quality of life? Emergent themes, which include a nod to the utility of coalition building, are explored. Implications for policy, practice, and future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

We sought to identify differences in health-related quality of life (HRQoL) among a sample of HIV positive individuals receiving case management services in northern Florida. Our study consisted of 97 individuals receiving HIV case management that included 56 males (57.7%) and 81 African Americans (83.5%) who were 47.05 years old (SD = 9.33). HRQoL was measured using the HIV/AIDS Targeted-Quality of Life scale (HAT-QOL). Results show significant group differences in HRQoL by race, income, tobacco use, alcohol use, drug use, and CD4 cell count, despite only 43% of this sample being able to recall their most recent CD4 count. Translating these findings to inform practice, HIV care providers need to provide continuing education to patients about their disease status, knowledge, and treatment as it relates to self-care. Also, HIV care providers should be especially cognizant of the impact that tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drug use has on HRQoL for persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA) by working to assess social support, identify readiness for change, and make appropriate referrals for treatment.  相似文献   

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