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The present stage in the development of the social sciences in our country is characterized by an effort to arrive at a more precise understanding of their place and function in present-day life; to find new forms and methods for the application of special knowledge to the solution of pressing problems of progress toward communism; to correctly combine works of generalization on the historic level with systematic studies of the social and cultural processes of our times. The next 20 years will doubtless be marked by a rise in the significance of the social sciences, whose function is to generalize from experience and to validate theoretically the establishment of higher forms of social relations, politics and culture, and to play a decisive role in the establishment of that abundance of intellectual riches without which communism is unthinkable.  相似文献   

作为现代社会理论的开创者之一,韦伯从"知识宰制"(学术为业)、"心性结构"(新教伦理)以及"技术政治"(支配社会学的类型重建)等三个维度为"未竟的现代性事业"作出了巨大的贡献.其中,技术政治作为合法性论证的一条至关重要的理论进路体现在韦伯学说的各个角落.当代社会,政治科学使得政治的实质日益被中立化的知识和科学的话语外观所遮蔽,韦伯关于技术政治的论述不仅将这种外观以类型学的方式重新表述出来,而且引导我们对技术政治中政治的实质加以反思与追问.  相似文献   

This article reports on die study of folklore as a source of national culture and of formal art. Appearing in a journal issued by the USSR Academy of Sciences, it indicates the studies currently in progress and some organizational features of Soviet folklore research. ("Urgent Problems of Folklore Research," Vestnik Akademii Nauk, 1960, No. 7, 1960—slightly abridged.)  相似文献   

本文首先分析了政教分离的宪法原则所包含的法律与宗教关系的实质内涵,进而从法律的目的、法律权威的依据和法律的根基等三个方面指出了宗教对于世俗法律的提升意义。本文认为,法律与宗教的关系问题涉及法律背后的价值基础。尽管法律在有限的范围内是自主性的,但法律的最终价值或道义之根基,是法律自己无法给出来的。因此,对法律进行宗教视角的分析,探讨法律的正义性基础仍然是十分必要的。  相似文献   

杜谆 《北京社会科学》2015,(12):115-120
民俗与思想政治教育本应寻求合作、共谋发展,但事实上二者之间是一种貌合神离的共存状态.过去与将来、民间与官方的时空关系,造成民俗与思想政治教育历史上已经发生、现实中依然存在的兼容困境.为实现合作共赢,要打破民俗与思想政治教育不相为谋的惯性思维,探索、创新二者之间互惠互利的有效路径,进而为中国的文化建设做出贡献.  相似文献   

This article explores the politics and practices of qualitative research, in particular by interrogating the "gap" between qualitative and quantitative approaches to research. Two main claims are elaborated: first, that despite being recommended on grounds of ethical superiority (such as of nonmanipulation and instrumentality), qualitative research is not immune from such problems and may indeed harbor its own practices of exploitation; second, and correspondingly, that the moral high ground associated with qualitative research arises from the ways it is used rather than from any intrinsic features of the methodology. The argument is made that it is important to maintain this distinction in order to counter the tendency toward methodological fetishism so prevalent in scientistic (i.e., aspiring to "natural" scientific status) disciplines such as psychology. After framing these issues with some comments on the current popularity of qualitative methods, the article illustrates these claims by exploring 5 key ways that the positivist agenda of the discovery and control of a natural world can return in qualitative research, especially when this is mistakenly evaluated according to criteria formulated for quantitative analyses. The article concludes with a consideration of the epistemological and political status of attempts either to bridge or exacerbate the gap between qualitative and quantitative approaches.  相似文献   

本文从巴基斯坦国内政治与宗教的互动、国际政治与国内宗教的互动以及政治—宗教动员与宗教政党的互动考察了巴基斯坦宗教、政治与极端主义的关系。巴基斯坦政治与宗教的互动走过了一段从政府培植、利用宗教力量到完全失控的过程;国际政治与巴基斯坦国内宗教的互动推进了走向极端主义的步伐;宗教政党对于政治、法律、学校、军队、外交等方面的渗透,使宗教战斗性加强,宗教极端主义和好战的原教旨主义于是将国家一步一步地推向深渊。巴基斯坦重回温和、改良的宗教传统,任重而道远。  相似文献   

Though providing baths in the community for disabled and older people has long been an area of service dispute, it has received little academic or policy attention. This is partly because bathing and washing are assumed to be common-sense activities. This paper suggests instead that washing and bathing are far from straightforward or common-sense and that specific meanings attach to them in ways that affect how people experience the receiving of help in these areas. It explores the history of bathing and washing and the significance of touch and nakedness in service provision. It then turns to the service providers who have traditionally undertaken such work—the community nursing and home care services—exploring the rationales that underlie such patterns and the implications of current changes in community care.  相似文献   

This article describes local, state, and federal policies related to collecting, aggregating, and reporting data on student race and ethnicity in U.S. K-12 and postsecondary education. It traces data policy from the 1997 decision by the Office of Management and Budget to change from single-race reporting to a format that permits respondents to choose more than one race, to the October 2007 issuance of final guidance from the Department of Education. Taking a K-20 perspective, I consider how policies for data collection and reporting may affect educational and developmental outcomes for students, as well as local, state, and national education policy environments.  相似文献   

虽然修昔底德自许为客观史学家,其经典历史著作<伯罗奔尼撒战争史>中却隐含着一部悲剧.修昔底德比一般政治悲剧家更为深刻的是,他认识到在历史最为有价值的、美好的事物当中蕴藏着悲剧.美好理想的强者由于自身的错误导致悲惨后果是一个标准的希腊悲剧.而如果为了避免政治的悲剧性,人们又不得不躲避崇高和美好,规避人性,永远生活在平庸当中.揭示这一几乎无解的悖论使修昔底德能够为刚刚诞生的现实主义政治理论注入深刻的问题意识,其思考对于普遍关心大国崛起的今天或许依然具有启发意义.  相似文献   

This article addresses the politics of social policy in the context of the 2004 American presidential election. It examines the divisions in American society and their distinctive agendas. It also explores the record of the Bush administration on key social policy issues and shows how it relates to the broader conservative tradition as well as to the Clinton administration's reform of welfare. Finally, it examines the election results. The article argues that the Bush administration has a distinctive agenda on social policy issues and that its approach is likely to reduce further the role of the social government in the provision of social policy, by emphasizing market forces and philanthropy as well as cutting taxes. It also notes, however, that the Bush administration has taken a strong stance on traditional moral values and that its opposition to abortion and homosexuality is an important part of its political strategy.  相似文献   

新世纪中国民主政治发展与政治学的使命   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
胡伟 《浙江学刊》2004,7(1):99-105
社会主义市场经济、民主政治、法治国家作为中国现代化的基本趋势和目标,意味着我国现代化建设应当是经济发展和政治发展的统一.从21世纪的战略视野出发,现阶段应当加强民主政治和法治国家的建设,把政治发展提到一个更加重要的地位,其中,民主相对于法治又具有目标上的逻辑优先性.在民主政治建设方面,中国政治学应发挥应有的作用.与社会学、经济学等对民主政治发展的研究更多地侧重于国家-社会、政府-市场关系等"体制外"问题不同,政治学直接触及到政治体制改革和制度建设这一民主化的"体制内"层面."体制内"与"体制外"是一种互补和互动的关系,但又有各自的发展逻辑.政治学所研究的国家、政府和政党及其制度,对于民主政治有着直接的决定性作用.当前我国政治学的重要任务应当是建构中国21世纪的政治发展理论,探索中国的体制内民主化道路,特别是把党内民主提升到民主政治发展的关键地位.  相似文献   

马兴国 《日本学刊》2001,(2):110-124
民俗是民族文化的重要组成部分 ,是人类各集团共同生活中普遍具有的代代相习的社会事象。它作为人类物质文明和精神文明的一种积淀 ,集中表现着一个国家或民族的民众生活习惯、行为方式、伦理观念以及心理结构等方面的传统特征 ,构成民族文化和精神文明的原动力。民俗作为一个科学研究的对象 ,在世界现代人文科学中成为一门重要的学科 ,当是在 1 9世纪。人们普遍地将英国人汤姆斯 ( William John Thoms)提出“民俗学”的 1 84 6年 ,视为国际民俗学运动史之发端。一日本有关民俗的记述 ,从广义上讲 ,可以溯源到记纪神话时代。《古事记》( 7…  相似文献   

中国民俗文化产业知识产权保护问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵文广 《社科纵横》2006,21(2):62-63
中国民俗文化产业知识产权保护问题是一个相当复杂的问题,一方面,我国民俗文化产业发展过程中由于知识产权归属发生了大量案件必须处理,各地司法机关及行政管理部门都按照自己的认识和理解来处理案件;另一方面,关于我国民俗文化及产业知识产权保护的法律法规还未出台。既如此,各地法院凭什么审理和判决案件,它的公正性又如何得到保证?这种实践的超前性与立法的滞后性矛盾严重影响着我国民俗文化产业知识产权保护工作的健康发展。基于此,作者在参阅了国内外大量文献案例的基础上,结合我国民俗文化产业发展的历史现状,对涉及我国民俗文化产业知识产权保护问题从理论和实践做一探讨,以期有所借鉴。  相似文献   

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