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与以往依赖于小汽车的出行定位相比,珀斯对公共交通基础设施的投入不断增强。然而,为低密度城市设计一个能与小汽车抗衡的交通系统却面临着严峻挑战。珀斯最新的一条客运铁路的规划和线路设计主要以土地利用规划为基础,并积极寻求公交导向型开发的契机。它带来了不同的融合模式,包括吸引过往客流和舒缓剑拔弩张的机动车环境的公交导向型开发,以及通过西澳大利亚州的交通管理机构协调交通换乘站中的各种运输模式,从而使公交出行的吸引力最大化。本文旨在考察各种模型所带来的机遇和局限。  相似文献   

Most charity organizations depend on contributions from the general public, but little research is conducted on donor preferences. Do donors have geographical, recipient, or thematic preferences? We designed a conjoint analysis experiment in which people rated development aid projects by donating money in dictator games. We find that our sample show strong age, gender, regional, and thematic preferences. Furthermore, we find significant differences between segments. The differences in donations are consistent with differences in donors’ attitudes toward development aid and their beliefs about differences in poverty and vulnerability of the recipients. The method here used for development projects can easily be adapted to elicit preferences for other kinds of projects that rely on gifts from private donors.  相似文献   

A national survey of Public Relations Society of America members (n = 267) was conducted to examine the relationship between public relations roles and media choice based on the integration of public relations theory and media richness theory. Respondents were identified as either public relations managers or technicians using confirmatory factor analysis, corroborating previous research. Managers reported spending more time in oral communication than technicians, whereas technicians spend more time using written communication. E-mail use in public relations and related communities is discussed, and areas for future research on new media and media choices in public relations are explored.  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of two public transit policies, subsidization and privatization, on the wages of taxi drivers. In theory, transit operating subsidies benefit transit firms at the expense of the taxi industry and its employees. By contrast, the privatization policy of contractingout transit service to lower cost private providers is potentially beneficial to taxi firms and their drivers. Estimated wage equations confirm that transit operating subsidies have negatively affected taxi driver wages even as they have bolstered transit drivers’ wages. Transit privatization has had the predicted positive effect on taxi driver wages, all else held constant. These results suggest that a more accurate assessment of the effect of transit operating subsidies on labor costs must encompass their net effects on the labor costs of the entire urban transportation sector, not just the public transit industry.  相似文献   

This paper examines the earnings of public transit bus drivers for both the pre-Reagan and Reagan-Bush eras using Current Population Survey data. The findings show that union drivers were consistently paid a significant wage premium over nonunion drivers, a premium which also exceeded that for unionized private nontransport operatives — suggesting that special institutional features of the public transit industry have collectively conferred market power on unionized public transit workers. During the Reagan years, the earnings of public transit drivers, union and nonunion alike, rose relative to those of private and public nontransport operatives in spite of federally-spearheaded cost containment policies. In 1990, these earnings fell relative to those of private and public nontransport operatives, suggesting that the effects of these policies may be beginning to be felt. Helpful comments were provided by Don Bellante and an anonymous referee  相似文献   

Many public transit agencies consider increasing fares when faced with budget shortfalls. This paper analyzes the Alameda–Contra Costa (AC) Transit District's five alternative fare proposals introduced for public discussion in March 2005. The proposals combined fare hikes, base fare reductions, eliminations of free transfers, and discontinuation of periodic passes. Using the agency's 2002 on-board survey data, the study assessed the impacts of individual fare proposals on different subsets of riders and evaluated if they were equitable; and estimated potential fare revenues, using alternative price elasticities to estimate changes in ridership due to changes in price. The analysis revealed that proposals that increased the cost of transfers or eliminated unlimited-use passes produced dramatically unequal impacts on certain riders. Proposals for flat fares per ride were found to be least equitable, even when the base fare was lowered, because lower income riders, youth, and minorities made more trips and transferred more frequently than their more affluent counterparts. Proposals that maintained existing pass instruments and allowed transfers for small fees were the most favorable. The paper demonstrates the utility of on-board surveys and details an approach that could be widely used for evaluation of equity in public transit and other areas.  相似文献   

Poor sleep quality is associated with numerous physical and mental health problems. The purpose of this study is to analyze the occupational and demographic factors associated with sleep problems among a sample of urban transit operators. The sample consists of 676 workers (44% female, 67% African American) at a Northern California public transit agency who participated in a cross-sectional worksite tobacco survey. Approximately 27% of the sample reported that they often had trouble going to sleep or staying asleep in the past 12?months. Results of multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that frequency of job stressors (e.g., equipment problems, road or traffic problems, poor access to bathrooms) and amount of time needed to unwind and relax after work were significantly associated with often experiencing insomnia symptoms (odds ratio [OR]?=?1.76 and 2.44, respectively). Younger workers, females, and nicotine-dependent smokers were more likely to report often experiencing sleep problems than older workers, males, and nonsmokers. Employment length and work shift were not associated with the outcome. The findings indicate that transit operators experience elevated prevalence of past-year sleep problems, and occupational factors play a role in their occurrence. Future research should explore if policies that help reduce frequency of job stressors can mitigate poor sleep quality among this occupational group.  相似文献   

More than a trillion of taxpayer dollars are currently being used to bail out the US banking, mortgage and car industries. This invokes an interesting connection to public relations the last time drastic US government involvement with corporations was contemplated. This pre-First World War crisis of the free enterprise system involved a deficit not of money but of favourable public opinion. The requirement was for vast amounts of public opinion and public policy work by a reported at least 1200 – what were at that time called – press agents. This was the period when public relations emerged as a fundamental plank of US and ultimately of global culture. The thesis of this article is that many aspects of the world we live in cannot be properly understood without a better analysis of the first bailout of US corporations—the public relations bailout.  相似文献   

The literature on the meaning of “home” has generally focused on creating lists without giving much attention to the context that shapes meanings. Recently, scholars have argued that to understand “home” it is important to know the range of meanings that different people in different contexts give it. In this article, we focus on the meaning of “home” for public housing residents and consider how they construct the meaning of “home” and if they find that meaning in public housing. Our findings suggest that respondents consider their public housing residences to be “home,” and they construct this meaning using the dimensions of home identified in the literature. However, how respondents used these dimensions were, in some ways, different because of the context of living in public housing. Respondents emphasized the social dimension, and this dimension appeared to organize the other dimensions. As such, our findings support arguments that context matters to the meaning of “home.” They also suggest that policymakers need to broaden their understandings of public housing, as places that can be “home,” and use this understanding when making decisions about housing transformations.  相似文献   

We evaluated a training course called “Orientation to Transit Procurement”, designed and conducted by the National Transit Institute. This course is designed to provide Federal Transit Administration (FTA) grantees an overview of regulations and best practices related to the procurement process. Our objective in conducting the evaluation was to understand how transit agency staff made changes in procurement practices in response to the course training. The evaluation was mixed mode: an Internet survey followed by in-depth interviews with a small group of respondents. Survey respondents were also provided with an open-ended question providing us with additional context for our evaluation. Results show that the training is substantially successful at meeting the goal of improving procurement practices at transit agencies; indeed, most respondents report making changes at their agencies as the proximate result of the training. This was at odds with our exploration of knowledge of procurement topics, as most respondents gave inaccurate answers on multiple-choice “knowledge questions”. This may have been due to question structure or, more likely, the nature of online surveys. Suitable training on the procurement of information technology was also a main concern. The lack of training in this area is indicative of the broader challenge facing public transit agencies in how to incorporate new forms of technology into their existing practices and bureaucratic structures.  相似文献   

South Africa is a regional hub for migration on the African continent and is home to a growing documented international migrant community. Foreigners in the country, however, often face violations of their established rights and are the victims of abuse. This paper examines public support for policies that would exclude international migrants from the country. Data from the 2013 South African Social Attitudes Survey, a nationally representative opinion poll (N = 2739) of all adults in the country, are used. This poll found that many South Africans favoured restrictive immigration policies and opposed granting foreigners the same rights as citizens. Multivariate analysis is employed to discern determinants of this opposition. Respondents’ perceptions of the population sizes of foreigners in their communities did not affect support for inclusion. It can be inferred, therefore, that the growth of the immigrant population has not provoked exclusionary attitudes in the country. Rather, results revealed, it is national pride (cultural versus political) and fears about the consequences of immigration that drive such attitudes. Programmes and policies designed to improve public perceptions of how foreigner impact society and the promotion of a nationalism characterised by inclusive multicultural civic patriotism may improve public support for the inclusion of international immigrants.  相似文献   

The pre-treatment marital perceptions of 36 continuing couples were compared with those of 13 couples who terminated conjoint family therapy prior to the third session. Few statistically reliable differences between the groups were found in this pilot study, but the over-all pattern of results was consistent with clinical theory and empirical findings in related areas. Compared to terminators, continuing husbands had a more positive view of family life and perceived themselves as more closely allied with their wives. Continuing wives were more dissatisfied with matters in the family than either their husbands or terminating wives, but they also had more power vis a vis their husbands than did terminating wives. The results were interpreted in relation to a negotiation model of conjoint therapy.  相似文献   

Treatment for women who are survivors of child sexual abuse and who have a history of substance abuse has largely involved gender-specific interventions. This study examines the use of conjoint couple therapy with a cohort of women who were survivors of child sexual abuse and who are in addiction recovery and with their partners. A comparative case study analysis incorporated standardized clinical measures with client and therapist interviews. Brief conjoint therapy was found to assist couples in the specific relationship skill areas of communication and mutual problem solving. Further, substantive gains were found in the realm of affective relations. The women reported an increase in support from their male partners, and the men reported a decrease in negative emotional atmosphere in the relationship.  相似文献   

To further the understanding of how communication executives make tough calls in times of organizational-public conflict, we use a conjoint analysis to identify key drivers for organizational stance decision-making. This is the first-ever conjoint analysis applied to advancing the contingency theory of strategic conflict management by examining the relative importance of key contingency factors as determined by practitioners with varied individual characteristics. This study investigates: 1) the relevant importance of and dynamics between three key contingency factors (i.e., external threats, organizational characteristics, and dominant coalition characteristics); 2) the influence of individual characteristics (e.g., gender, experience, and personal ethics) in stance decision-making process; and 3) how different types of organizational stances (i.e., general stance, action-based accommodation, and qualified-rhetoric-mixed accommodation) are determined by these contingency factors and individual characteristics in different conflict situations. Results generated among our communication executive participants include: individual characteristics (i.e., gender, ethics and social responsibility, whistleblowing tendencies, and over 20 years in the communications field) are influential for their strategic conflict management decision-making. Implications for refining the contingency theory and unearthing complex public relations decision-making processes via novel statistical techniques are discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Rural Studies》2001,17(1):113-125
This paper examines dependence on the car in rural Scotland, assesses the impact of the fuel duty escalator on rural communities and discusses the role of the new Scottish Executive in shaping future rural transport policy. Questionnaires, interviews and travel diaries were used in five areas and revealed that households in rural Scotland enjoy high levels of car ownership, and that the car is used for over three-quarters of all journeys. Isolation and income levels are the most significant predictors of car use. Those living in ‘removed’ areas — i.e. locations distant from main roads and/or bus routes — are more likely to own vehicles and make a higher proportion of their journeys by car. Affluent households enjoy higher levels of car ownership, and make more journeys over greater distances by this mode than those on low-incomes. Less affluent households are also more likely to have disposed of a vehicle without replacing it, suggesting a more fluctuating dependence on the car. Although those living in rural Scotland appear to count on the car, a distinction is made between those who have no alternative (structurally dependent) and those who have alternatives but rely on their vehicles. It is difficult to predict the exact impact of the fuel duty escalator, but it is argued that the majority of households will cope with increases in the cost of motoring, while a significant minority of low income households in isolated areas will struggle to absorb the extra cost. The study highlights the need for the Scottish legislature to secure additional funding in order to sustain rural communities in the face of the rising fuel costs and suggests that an appropriate policy response might be to support isolated shops and services, i.e. subsidising alternatives to the journey as well as alternatives to the car.  相似文献   

通过分析伦敦的交通规划、建设、运营与管理措施,发现我国中心城市的严重交通拥堵主要源于落后的城市交通规划理念,大量引入多层高架公路进入市中心而忽视轨道交通建设,对公交优先存在认识上的误区和执行不力;城市公共交通工具营运各自为政,缺乏有效的协调与接驳;运营的低效率和管理不当,由此造成了典型的“大城市病”。根据后现代主义城市建设思想,结合当前中心城市公共交通体系建设的现状,提出了广州市综合交通体系建设的12项具体措施。  相似文献   

This article seeks to unpack the gendered dynamic of transit migration through a case study of North Korean women escapees in China. Drawing on the notion of situated agency, which implies that agency is a kind of social embedding, this paper analysed 30 interview narratives of North Korean women to capture the structural factors that shape their risky journeys and precarious lives in transit. The content analysis reveals key gendered dimensions of transit migration. The feminized marketization in North Korea caused a dramatic increase in the outflow of women to China. The border-crossing and deportation experiences of female escapees are precipitated by a complicated smuggling and trafficking industry. Despite their hyper-precarious lifeworlds in the transit country, these women show varying degrees of resilience and resourcefulness that enable them to move on to their next steps of life. The findings broaden our understanding on the meaning of gendered mobility in transit migration shaped by the deterrent border regime.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the attitudes and perceptions of 15 Latina mothers towards Latina lesbian parents. A semi-structured interview guide was used to collect the data. While most respondents reported that Latina lesbians' parenting children was normal, they were concerned that by being raised by the Latina lesbian mothers, the children would be confused about their own sexual preference and that they would be teased by their peers. Respondents also reported that children raised in a lesbian household without having a male figure might experience difficulties in adjustment. Respondents reported that religion, how they were raised, and the Latino culture impacted attitudes toward lesbians as parents. Implications of findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The current study presents a growth curve analysis of self‐esteem among Black, Latino, and Asian American high school students. A series of hierarchical linear models were used to examine patterns and predictors of change in self‐esteem over time. Results revealed an average increase in self‐esteem with age. Although boys and girls experienced similar trajectories of self‐esteem, ethnicity was a significant moderator of developmental change. Black adolescents reported higher self‐esteem, while Asian American adolescents reported lower self‐esteem, compared with their Latino peers. Latino adolescents experienced a sharper increase in self‐esteem over time compared with Black adolescents. The unique and conjoint effects of adolescents' experiences with peers, family, and school were examined in relation to self‐esteem trajectories. Results revealed that each perceived context was significantly associated with self‐esteem trajectories when examined independently, but family experiences emerged as most strongly related to changes in self‐esteem. Results underscore the need to examine change at the individual level, as well as the importance of studying the unique and conjoint effects of individual and contextual‐level variables on developmental processes among ethnic minority adolescents.  相似文献   

Childhood sexual abuse affects both survivors and partners; however, the common therapy modalities for survivors (individual and individual group therapy exclude their partners. In-depth interviews with the husbands of survivors were used to examine partner issues around the survivor's therapy. Several thems, both positive and negative, emerged from the qualitative analysis of the in-depth interviews. The authors suggest that therapists should consider integration conjoint couple therapy as an adjunct to, not a replacement for the traditional modalities of individual and individual group therapy for adult survivors.  相似文献   

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