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本文将建国以来大学生就业制度变迁分为统包统分、市场导向两阶段。首先回顾了制度历程,以交易成本的和寻租成本的变化分析制度变迁的动因。而后分析了市场导向就业制度的现状和目前持续变革中的制度需求。一方面以学生的角度,制度需求为继续改革人力资本的产权制度,如取消户籍制度,同时完善对就业变迁中弱势群体的保护政策;一方面政府需要降低风险和管理成本,具体做法有:创造岗位供给、完善职业指导、中介组织、职业预警等。  相似文献   

王东  肖静 《经营管理者》2009,(14):226-226
并购是企业契约的重新组合协调过程,其实质是企业产权制度变迁,是"不均衡——均衡——不均衡"反复摩擦。在我国,并购制度的变迁正经历一个特殊的时期目前我国企业并购行政色彩还比较浓,以强制性激进式变迁为主,诱致性渐进式变迁为辅,忽视逐步推进式局部制度变迁和忽视无形资产的融合,同时忽视精神文化的移植培育,而且过分强调自我文化的优越性,致使并购后企业的整合相对困难。  相似文献   

现代科学技术的快速发展及竞争与资本流动的全球化趋势使得组织面临的环境更为复杂,组织变革与持续发展成为当今世界经济与社会发展的主流,组织变革研究也因此成为理论研究的焦点,不同学科从不同角度进行了多方面研究.本文首先对组织与制度、组织变革与制度变迁的概念及关系进行辨析评述,并试图以制度变迁理论为基础,提出关于企业组织变革的制度变迁理论,并对当前我国企业推进组织变革管理与实践工作提出建议.  相似文献   

李曼宁 《经营管理者》2009,(23):116-116
当前低效率的宅基地制度缺乏激励和约束机制迫切需要制度变迁,然而目前宅基地制度变迁比较缓慢,通过利益集团理论对相关利益集团进行分析,得知原因主要在于农民利益集团虚化,因此强化农民利益集团是宅基地制度变迁的关键。根据诺斯制度变迁模型和现实经验,宅基地制度创新需要在中央政府保持宏观调控下,地方政府推行强制性变迁和农民自发的诱致性变迁结合才能完成,最后提出宅基地制度变迁构想。  相似文献   

从制度经济学层面分析入世与我国制度变迁之间的关系,是一个崭新的理论视角。本文就与该主题相关的主要文献———入世的制度变迁意义、入世后制度变迁的趋势、机制、困难、具体领域的制度变迁等———进行了综述。  相似文献   

戚湧  周星 《中国管理科学》2018,26(10):187-196
MAH制度是国际公认通行的药品上市审批制度,具有生产形式多样化、技术转让自由、节约市场资源以及提升政府行政监管质量等优点。2016年,我国在北京、上海等10个省(市)开展药品上市许可持有人制度(MAH)试点工作。本文根据我国药品上市制度变迁的路径依赖问题,构建演化博弈模型,分别对由药品研发机构、药品生产企业构成的内部制度变迁和由政府、消费者构成的外部制度变迁进行分析,深入研究博弈主体行为的演化路径。研究表明:内部制度和外部制度路径依赖是制约我国医药产业发展和新药研发动力不足的主要原因,药品上市内部制度变迁主要通过规模效应和适应性预期影响药品研发机构和药品生产企业,从而产生药品上市内部制度路径依赖;药品上市外部制度变迁主要通过学习效应和协调效应影响政府和消费者,从而产生药品上市外部制度路径依赖。在此基础上,运用Matlab数值分析对药品制度变迁过程中的最优稳定策略进行探讨,解释了我国MAH制度变迁过程中存在的路径依赖问题,为完善我国MAH制度、破除路径依赖提供了一定参考。  相似文献   

伊娜 《领导科学》2013,(14):29-32
关于选举制度与选举程序,诸多学者做了大量深入的研究,但不能忽视其背后更深层次的思想文化问题。在此,笔者借用道格拉斯·C.诺斯提出的制度变迁理论,深入探析党内民主选举这一政治制度的变迁。一、路径依赖与党内选举制度变迁(一)制度变迁与路径依赖理论概述20世纪70年代前后,道格拉斯·C.诺斯提出了制度变迁理论,明确指出"对经济增长起决定性因素的是制度性因素而非技术因素"。制度(Institution),即经济学意义上的制度,"是一系列被制定出来的规则、服从程序和道德、伦理的行为规范"。由此定义,诺斯在后来的研究中,进一步把制度区分为正式制度(正式规则)与非正式制度(非正式规则)。  相似文献   

本文以演化博弈理论视角研究了企业内部控制制度变迁特点,阐述了变迁特点产生的原因,为以后的相关研究进行铺垫。  相似文献   

我国建立以制造企业为中心的供应链体系战略联盟是一种制度的选择和创新。制度的建立是为了减少交易费用,减少个体收益与社会收益之间的差异,激励个体和组织从事生产性活动,最终带来经济增长。对于我国制造业中心供应链的制度变迁模型可考虑选择诱致性制度变迁来克服这种制度的供给不足。  相似文献   

随着21世纪的到来,我国的经济发展水平越来越高,社会制度正经历着一个不断完善的变迁过程。不同的时期政府在社会保障方面的主导作用进行着角色的转换。本文尝试借助制度变迁相关理论,对社会保障制度变迁中政府行为进行探讨。  相似文献   

全面深化改革,必须走中国特色的改革之路。即,全面深化改革必须坚持在党的正确领导下,立足国情,以实现中国梦为根本价值追求,走中国道路,以中国制度为保障,以中国理论为指导、以中国力量为基础,以中国精神为支撑的中国特色改革之路。这是基于历史与现实的正确选择。只有坚持走中国特色改革之路,全面深化改革才具有明确的目标指向,才能得到制度护航和科学理论指导,获得广泛力量支持和强大精神支撑,全面深化改革才不会走上封闭僵化的老路和改易旗帜的邪路。  相似文献   

On Public Management Reform   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

The persistent debate on the consolidation versus fragmentation model of government is a result of a dualist conceptualization of governance reform by two competing theories—public choice and traditional reform. Both argue for reform, but their definitions of reform are diametrically opposed and there is no appropriate instrument to measure government reform. We propose an alignment of the traditional reform and public choice traditions and an instrument to measure governance reform by an index comprised of 1) form of government, 2) home-rule status, 3) methods of election, 4) number of elected officials, and 5) number of jurisdictions. The alignment of the two theoretical camps is supported by the selection of the five reform components and their particular operationalizations.  相似文献   

金融科技监管基于区块链、人工智能等技术手段,可降低信息不对称,以防范金融风险,保障金融行业有序发展。通过借鉴英国沙盒监管模式,提出我国融科技监管改革的路径增加科技在金融科技监管领域使用深度与广度,增强金融监管部门协作能力等。  相似文献   

2008年11月,国务院常务会议决定自2009年1月1日起,在全国所有地区、所有行业推行增值税转型改革.这项改革将要求企业改变固定资产会计核算方法,并对我国经济在这场全球性的金融风暴中保持持续平稳较快发展会产生积极的促进作用.  相似文献   

A dynamic structural model of labor supply, welfare participation, and food stamp participation is estimated using the 1992, 1993, and 1996 panels of the Survey of Income and Program Participation. Details of various policies including welfare time limits, work requirements, and Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) are incorporated formally in the budget constraint. Policy simulations reveal that the economy accounts for half of the increase in the labor supply of female heads of family between 1992 and 1999. A time limit results in a larger efficiency gain than a work requirement or a direct reduction in welfare benefits. A reform package can lead to both a reduction in the government expenditure and an improvement in utility. The EITC expansion results in a substantial efficiency gain among individuals with the lowest expected wage. These individuals are almost unaffected by the economic expansion, but their income and utility increase significantly under the reform package.  相似文献   

Reforming the public sector has been on the agenda of nations throughout the world since the late 1970s. Fiji is no exception. It has embarked on reforming its commercial and industrial enterprises since the late 1980s. The government of Fiji has reformed most of its enterprises with an avowed objective of enhancing profitability, productivity, efficiency and accountability. This paper makes an attempt to share some of the experiences of public enterprise reform process in Fiji. It aims to analyze the background, process, contents and impact of the reform and examine the factors impeding the reform program. It highlights that (a) both internal and external factors were responsible for introducing reforms; (b) the reform efforts have not been able to produce desired results; (c) the structural inadequacies in institutions and organizations have created bottlenecks in the reform process; and (d) uncertainty in the political sphere has contributed further to policy shifts.  相似文献   

会计信息化教学改革研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
李燕 《中国管理信息化》2009,12(14):126-128
随着信息化向纵深发展,传统模式培养出来的会计专业学生越来越不适应时代发展的步伐,而狭义的会计电算化的教学也难以满足社会发展的需求.目前高校会计专业在教学内容、教学模式和教学方法等环节对信息化视角重视不够.本文分析了我国目前会计信息化教学的现状,进而从社会需求的角度建立了会计信息化教学体系,并时会计信息化教学改革进行了比较深入的探讨和研究.  相似文献   

Samuelson stated in 1967 that “the beauty about social insurance is that ... everyone who reaches retirement age is given benefit privileges that far exceed anything he has paid in”. Such an optimistic belief seems to have been widely shared in Italy, where until the beginning of the reform process in 1992 social security could be described as a continuous succession of highly generous and diversified promises of payment made by the state to the different categories of workers on the basis of salary earned in the final stage of working life. The pension reform introduced by the Dini government in 1995 led to the adoption of a contribution-based method of calculation, which meant a return to the forgotten “golden rule” that the financial equilibrium of pay-as-you-go systems is ensured only if the implicit yield is equal to the rate of growth of the taxable basis of social security contributions. Equilibrium would thus be safeguarded, restoring itself automatically after any accidental disruption caused by demographic or economic upheaval, and operating regardless of the capacity and will of governments and of the majorities supporting them. The great efforts made to build up sufficient consensus with respect to such radical modifications of principle were, however, accompanied by a marked caution in bringing the system into full effect. This has left the country with the problem of accelerating transition to the new mechanism of calculating contributions, applied initially only to the newly employed and pro rata to workers with less than 18 years of contributions paid in, thereby making for a very long period of transition. In such a connection, a recent proposal has suggested that the state should try to induce workers to agree freely to a reduction in their accrued pension entitlements through the public system in return for a share in the process of privatization. If government were to repay the pension debt “below par”, this would allow for greater savings on future expenditure by using part of the revenues of privatization to pay off the pension debt in advance rather than by using these sums to pay off the national debt. More radical approaches aiming at cutting back social spending, would fail to take into account the risks involved in the collapse of public trust and of the structures that have hitherto guaranteed the cohesion of Italian society and the conditions for entrepreneurial commitment. On the other hand, an unbridled bottom-up proliferation of networks of social cohesion, supplementary voluntary bodies and non-profit initiatives may involve the risk of further arbitrary action being taken in the name of income redistribution. The social market requires bottom-up action on the part of associations, but also the guarantee of state-imposed rules that are equal for all parties and of a market that is free from the distortions of competition regulated from the top. A welfare state that has too often disguised the redistribution of resources in non-transparent forms must be replaced by a transparent welfare system effecting an explicit redistribution of resources and allowing a suitably regulated market to operate without indulging continually in further forms of “correction”. This calls for the introduction of a microchip “citizen card”, able to offer characteristics both of uniformity and of fine-tuning in terms of specific conditions of age, income, assets, education, etc., so as to permit forms of selection and/or cost sharing where desirable. Some of the rights to welfare services incorporated in the “citizen card” could in fact be assigned in monetary form but restricted to specific uses. Such “social money”, conveniently based on modern technological transaction structures, could become the money of the state sector, the private sector, and the third sector of non-profit organizations and associations, enabling all parties to respond to the objective demand expressed by citizens in conditions of competition that are free of supply-side distortion.  相似文献   

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