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中国教育个人收益率研究:一个文献综述及其政策含义   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
文章通过对中国教育个人收益率研究的文献回顾,揭示了教育与收入、收入分配及劳动力市场之间的关系及其政策含义。首先说明教育个人收益率研究的意义与方法,然后依次概述了中国教育收益率的基本特征、从制度和技术角度对教育收益率估计值的解释、计量方法的改进对估算教育收益率的影响、转型期中国教育收益率的特点以及教育收益率的变化特征对收入不平等的影响。  相似文献   

农民工教育收益率较低并存在明显的地区差异。基于中国流动人口动态监测数据和劳动力市场化指数,本文运用工资方程的多层线性回归模型分析劳动力市场化及其主要维度(户籍管制和部门分割)对农民工教育收益率的影响。结果显示:农民工教育收益率约为3.19%,明显低于城镇职工的教育收益率;劳动力市场化对农民工教育收益率具有显著的积极影响,如果一个城市的劳动力数量配置指数比全国平均水平高出0.1,则该城市农民工的教育收益率将比全国平均水平高0.30%;户籍管制放松是导致农民工教育收益率提高的主要原因,而部门分割在经过多年的国有经济改革后不再是农民工教育收益率的重要影响因素;随着农民工受教育水平的提升,劳动力市场化对其教育收益率的促进作用将愈发显著;与女性和体力工作者相比,劳动力市场化对男性和技术工作者教育收益率的促进作用更为显著;随着劳动力市场化进程的推进,户籍开放度的省间差异大幅缩小,劳动力市场化的省间发展差异不再是导致农民工教育收益率省间差异的重要影响因素。因此,政府部门应在大力发展农村地区高中及以上教育的同时,积极推进劳动力市场化改革,这将有助于农民工教育收益率的显著提升,进而有助于农民工收入水平的显著提升。  相似文献   

关于城乡教育投资收益率的比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对城乡教育投资收益率进行了分析及比较。本文主要结论:(1)因城乡人口流动性大,定量估算的横截面教育收益率不能代表城乡居民真实收益率,利用其作经济分析应十分慎重;(2)农民由于收入较低只能在较高的边际收益率下停止对子女教育支出,所以农民的家庭教育支出较少,收益率反而较高,因此更多教育资本向农民倾斜将提高全社会经济效率。  相似文献   

教育扩张下教育收益率变化的实证分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章利用中国健康与营养调查数据分析中国高等教育扩张过程中居民工资收入的变化规律,重点分析高等教育收益率的变化情况,以反映在长期内高等教育扩张的工资(收入)效应.考虑劳动力市场分割等因素,明瑟人力资本方程的回归结果显示,随着市场化程度的提高和高等教育的扩张,高等教育的教育收益率经历了1991~2000年的快速增长之后,2004~2006年增长势头减缓,甚至出现停止增长的迹象.说明近年教育扩张对高等教育的教育回报有明显的压缩效应,高等教育扩张所引发的工资效应正在逐步显露出来.同时,中国劳动力市场开始出现高学历对低学历的替代效应.  相似文献   

通用个人教育收益率计算方法的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
半个世纪以来,对于各种估算教育收益率方法的准确程度及有效性是学者们一直争论的问题.文章通过对几种常用估算方法的介绍(包括最小二乘法、工具变量法、匹配法和固定效应法),并比较其优缺点和实证检验结果,作者认为,传统的OLS估算法仍是比较可靠且易于操作的教育收益率的计算方法,并建议根据不同数据库,选择适用的估算方法.  相似文献   

曹子坚  付婷婷  许红 《西北人口》2009,30(6):27-30,36
教育收益率是考察教育与收入分配关系的主要研究方法。本文基于课题组实地调研的数据和资料,在对西北四省区农村教育发展进行总体认识的基础上,利用广泛应用的明瑟模型,对不同类型的农村劳动力和不同教育级别的农村劳动力的教育收益率作了实证分析。并对实证结果进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

连片特困少数民族农村地区是我国实现全面脱贫的攻坚区域,教育扶贫是彻底稳定脱贫的重要推手.以新疆南疆三地州少数民族农民微观调查数据为基础,通过明瑟分位数回归法,实证研究不同层级教育水平对少数民族贫困农民收入的影响.研究发现:由于南疆三地州少数民族和连片贫困的特殊性,不同层次教育对该区域少数民族农民收入的影响具有明显的差异性.其中,双语教育、高等教育、技能培训对收入增长的促进作用显著,初中教育和职业教育对收入影响不显著,职业教育处于"有功不明"的状态;而高中教育与收入增长呈现负相关关系,与高等教育的教育收益率显著为正形成悖论.因此,要完善连片特困少数民族地区教育结构,目前重中之重是全面普及高中教育,重视职业教育,跨出"教育门槛",解决教育的断崖式贫困问题.  相似文献   

传统明瑟收入函数中收入取决于个人受教育程度、潜在市场工作经验和潜在市场工作经验平方项,其中受教育程度由受教育年限代表,不包含在校读书期间工作经验,然而,学生在毕业前往往能积累一定工作经验.因此,教育收益估计值包含了在校工作经验收益,导致教育收益估计值存在偏差.为了消除教育收益率估计偏差,使用哈尔滨市就业市场问卷调查数据,估算了两个收入方程——含在校工作经验变量的收入方程和不含有在校工作经验变量的收入方程.估算结果显示,后者较前者在教育投资回报系数上高出28%-44%(取决于对能力偏差的控制程度),这些结果表明传统明瑟收入函数过分夸大了个人受教育程度对收入的影响.  相似文献   

城镇居民收入与教育收益率性别差异成因研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对我国城镇居民收入性别差距现状的分析,分别估算了城镇男性和女性的明瑟教育收益率,证实了城镇女性教育收益率高于男性的结论。本文认为人力资本差异、性别歧视、补偿性工资与非货币收益以及社会分工是造成女性收入低于男性的重要原因。  相似文献   

中国城镇教育回报率及其结构变动的实证研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章利用中国健康与营养调查数据资料,考察中国城镇教育回报率的变化趋势,重点研究不同教育水平的收入结构和教育回报率结构的变化趋势,并采用相关的计量方法,有效地控制教育和收入的测量误差,以及样本选择性偏差的问题,以期对中国城镇教育回报率及其结构变动做出较为精确的估算。研究发现,在收入和教育回报率总体上升的同时,不同教育水平之间的收入差距和教育回报率差距呈现扩大的趋势;教育测量误差将导致教育回报率的低估;考虑样本选择性偏差的影响得到了高于OLS的估计结果。  相似文献   

Using the Swedish military enlistment test, this paper estimates the return to schooling for individuals belonging to different parts of the ability distribution. It also attempts to predict whether an endogenous test score causes bias in the “ability-specific” returns to schooling that varies with the test score. A significant finding is that a higher score in the test is associated with a higher return to schooling, but that the positive association is diminishing in the test score. In general, the bias in the ability-specific returns to schooling does not seem to vary with the test score level.
Martin NordinEmail:

随着我国经济的快速发展,劳动力市场的教育回报率受到广泛关注。利用三省20个村庄近3 500个农村劳动力的大样本调查资料,采用改进的Mincer模型,分析我国城乡流动人口教育回报状况以及地区间的差异。研究发现,我国城乡流动人口年平均教育回报率约为2%,其中初中、高中及以上的教育回报率约为3.3%,高于小学及以下的教育回报;城乡流动人口接受职业培训的回报率显著高于教育回报率,这暗示职业培训在城乡流动人口的人力资本积累中起着非常关键的作用;不同区域之间的教育和职业培训回报率存在明显差异,这些差异说明由于迁移成本等原因,当前我国非农部门对农业部门的溢出效应还存在一定的区域性。  相似文献   

In this study, I examine the contributions of childrens schooling to fertility decline in Africa. I use cross-sectional data collected in the late 1980s to look at how household child schooling patterns and community access to schools affect contraceptive use among rural Ghanaian women. My results indicate that the schooling of children is associated very strongly with increased use of modern and traditional contraceptive use and thereby suggest that educational policy has played a role in initiating and sustaining fertility decline in Ghana and possibly elsewhere in Africa.  相似文献   

农民工的流动儿童生存环境与就学的相关分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李朝晖 《南方人口》2006,21(4):40-47
本文从湖南省湘潭市部分农民工的流动儿童就学状况出发,对其生存环境与就学率及学校取向影响作了简要分析,得出几点结论:其一,以户籍为基础的教育财政体制是农民工的流动儿童就学难的根源,有必要建立与人口流动性相配套的财政投入机制来解决教育经费的区域划拨矛盾;其二,农民工流动性过强、公立学校借读费过高以及文化教育程度的限制导致了流动儿童失辍学率居高不下,政府应当逐步弱化按教育成本投入确定的入学收费制度,通过继续教育来提升农民工家长的文化素质,为孩子创造相对稳定宽松的学习环境;其三,民办学校办学资格的缺失及城乡歧视形成的心理负荷导致流动儿童教育质量低下,政府应当渐近性地完成民办学校合法化整改工作,在城市主导价值观念下加速流动儿童的城市融合过程。  相似文献   

家庭教育背景对个人教育回报和收入的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
家庭背景是个人收入的重要影响因素,忽略家庭教育背景会导致个人教育回报的高估。随着个人受教育水平的提高,家庭教育背景对个人教育回报的影响逐渐增大;与父亲的教育背景相比,母亲的教育背景对个人教育回报的影响相对较大。随着父母受教育水平的提高,其对个人收入的正面影响逐渐增大;与父亲的教育背景相比,母亲的教育背景对个人收入的影响相对较大。因而,教育投资不仅可以提高劳动者自身的收入水平,而且可以对其子女的收入水平起到积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

This paper examines the influence of adult market wages and having parents who were child labourers on child labour, when this decision is jointly determined with child schooling, using data from Egypt. The empirical results suggest that low adult market wages are key determinants of child labour; a 10% increase in the illiterate male market wage decreases the probability of child labour by 22% for boys and 13% for girls. The findings also indicate the importance of social norms in the intergenerational persistence of child labour: parents who were child labourers themselves are on average 10% more likely to send their children to work. In addition, higher local regional income inequality increases the likelihood of child labour.
Jackline WahbaEmail: Fax: +44-23-80593858

In this paper, a longitudinal data set covering 5% of all Danish wage earners over a 9-year period is used to shed light on the observed wage differentials due to gender. A human capital model is used to isolate the effects of changes in experience, schooling and unemployment, together with other factors. The model is specified as a fixed effect model that takes into account unobserved factors such as individual skills, the tendency to have an extra job and other factors. Despite the observation from macro statistics that women have had the highest observed increases in wage rates, the models show that this increase is mainly due to an improvement in their background characteristics and that men still receive a higher return to their characteristics. The main difference between genders appears to be that female workers do not, in general, get any return to their experience. The estimates also show negative effects on the wage rate of previous spells of unemployment.Peder J. Pedersen, the labour workshop at the Aarhus School of Business and two unknown referees are thanked for valuable comments. However, only the authors are responsible for any remaining errors. The Danish Research Council of the Social Sciences has provided the necessary funding.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper analyzes self-selection of returning immigrants. We propose an empirical model for this purpose, and apply it to Israeli-born immigrants who arrived in the United States during 1970–79 and returned to Israel during 1980–89. The results, based on analyses of the 5 per cent Public Use Microdata Samples (PUMS) of the 1980 and 1990 United States censuses, suggest that those who return from the United States to Israel have reached a higher level at school than those who remain in the United States. However, the income analysis suggests that, at each schooling level, those who returned to Israel would have been less successful in the United States labour market than Israelis of similar schooling (and other measured characteristics) who remained in the United States. These results were corroborated using Israeli census data that include information on returning Israelis.  相似文献   

Using U.S. census data, the authors analyze the earnings of Arab males who completed their schooling before migrating to the United States. There is little return to precollege education, but education beyond 12 years is rewarded highly. Although Arabs share a common ethnicity, they are not a homogeneous group. Returns to education vary significantly by source-country, e.g., high for immigrants from Kuwait, low for Yemeni immigrants. Returns are related to economic development in the source-country and to pupil/teacher ratios. These findings have implications for immigration policy and point to the hazards of generalizing on the basis of ethnicity.  相似文献   

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