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影响城市化模式选择的因素主要有:自然地理因素、经济因素以及政策和制度因素。廊坊区位、地形、环境、资源、交通等自然因素对城市化目标定位提出了独特要求;廊坊地区经济发展战略、水平、产业结构对城市化模式有深刻影响;国家发展理念、城市化战略、相关行政管理制度以及经济制度是影响廊坊城市化模式选择的制度和政策因素。  相似文献   

聂新伟 《城市》2022,(3):31-38
加快服务业制度型开放已成为我国主动应对全球服务贸易规则加速重构的战略选择.得益于自由贸易试验区和国家服务业扩大开放综合示范区等高能级开放平台,京津冀地区服务业扩大开放成效显著.然而,受开放权限有限,出口结构不优,现代服务业发展不均衡,以及区域产业"链式"融合度不够等因素影响,京津冀地区依然面临服务业制度型开放水平不够高...  相似文献   

企业集团由生产型向服务型的转型是企业在新的发展条件下对企业组织结构、业务模式、企业内部和外部资源进行重新调整和配置的必然结果。本课题聚焦于上海国有大型企业或企业集团,重点研究这类企业在经济全球化、信息化背景下,发展生产型服务业所面临的主要约束和障碍。具体而言,本课题重点关注:①企业集团发展生产性服务业的现状。②存在的问题及有益的经验和启示。③主要的制约因素。④突破口和路径选择。⑤相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

服务业FDI对东道国经济的宏观影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯志坚  肖黎 《城市》2008,(10):19-21
近年来,服务业FDI(国际直接投资)在全世界范围内快速发展起来,与此同时,众多的发展中国家竞相引进服务业FDI来促进本国经济的发展.服务业在国民经济中居于战略性地位,不仅包含的范围广泛,而且其发展程度的好坏直接关系到其他产业能否持续发展.服务业FDI对发展中东道国宏观经济的影响成为所有国家关心的重大问题,其中最突出的是其对就业和国际收支两方面的影响.  相似文献   

魏建 《科学发展》2012,(3):46-61
上海知识产权服务业的协调发展,是上海推进产业结构调整、转变经济增长方式、提升城市创新功能与企业竞争力的基础条件之一。从行业分工、服务过程、知识创新、政策支持和价值分配角度,系统培育和构建上海知识产权服务业产业链,是促进上海知识产权服务业全面发展的重要保证。上海知识产权服务业产业链系多维产业链总体结构,包括分工链、政策链、服务链、知识信息链、价值链,细分为上、中、下游诸行业。  相似文献   

上海现代服务业发展对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方名山 《科学发展》2009,(11):82-95
本文重点研究上海现代服务业定位与重点服务业发展。首先,对上海现代服务业发展现状进行分析,在肯定成绩的同时,也指出了当前存在的六大问题。其次,对上海现代服务业发展环境进行系统分析,着重指出世博会为上海加快现代服务业发展提供了良好的机遇。再次,根据地方经济、特色产业和行业发展需求,提出了上海现代服务业发展的总体定位是上海应成为全国现代服务业发展的龙头,其现代服务业的辐射能力应覆盖长三角地区,成为国际经济、金融、贸易和航运中心城市;产业定位是发展二三产业融合的生产性服务业,加快产业联动发展;区域定位是中心城区应立足增强综合服务功能,重点发展金融、航运、信息等现代服务业,郊区应立足增强经济发展水平,重点发展与先进制造业相融合的生产性服务业,实现二三产业互动融合发展。同时,本文提出了上海现代服务业发展的总体目标是以国际化提升上海服务业能级,以市场化做大服务业规模,以信息化提高服务业发展水平,以法治化创造服务业发展环境,着力提升功能型服务业,大力发展知识型服务业,延伸发展生产性服务业,改造提升传统服务业,加快构筑与社会主义现代化国际大都市相适应的"高增值、强辐射、广就业"的现代服务业体系,进一步增强上海服务全国的能力及国际竞争力。最后,提出了发展上海现代服务业的8点对策措施。  相似文献   

上海首批服务业综合改革试点工作取得了显著成效,但也面临着困境。为了加快构筑以服务经济为主的产业结构、加快完善与国际接轨的服务经济制度,上海亟需在首批服务业综合改革试点工作的基础上,开展新一轮的服务业综合改革试点,实现"以点上的探索突破,带动面上的创新发展"。同时,为了深入推进服务业综合改革试点,上海需强化服务业综合改革试点工作的总体指导;建立全市层面的服务业综合改革的评价考核机制;完善服务业综合改革试点单位的申报和淘汰机制;对服务业综合改革试点单位给予权限下放或政策倾斜;总结服务业综合改革试点的创新经验,开展第二批试点工作。  相似文献   

本文通过深入研究澳大利亚、香港、英国、新加坡以及其他OECD国家的服务业人才政策及其实施效果,总结出分类、吸引、留住、教育、培训、评估服务业人才的国际经验。尽管各国服务业人才政策各有不同,但政府高度重视,政府、社区、学校以及企业紧密配合是其共同特点。  相似文献   

天津滨海新区发展现代生产性服务业的战略取向与对策   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
刘重 《城市》2006,(3):12-14
十届全国人大四次会议通过的<中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划纲要>,明确提出要加快发展服务业的总体目标,其中,又以较大篇幅第一次提出要"拓展生产性服务业"的要求.生产性服务业,是指面向生产者的服务业,主要包括交通运输业、城市基础设施、现代物流业、金融服务业、信息服务业和商务服务业等.  相似文献   

马玫 《城市》2006,(6):25-27
近一段时间以来,服务外包业在我国发展极为迅速,潜力巨大,相对北京、上海、西安、大连等城市,天津的服务外包业发展相对滞后,而积极促进服务外包业的发展,对天津实现总体规划确定的北方经济中心和现代化港口城市的定位目标有重要意义.本文以作者为期9天的印度服务外包业专项考察为依据,通过对钦奈、班加罗尔、新德里三城市的近十个服务外包企业发展和区位选址的系统调研,在简要分析决定外包企业区位选择主要因素的基础上,提出了若干初步的政策性建议.  相似文献   

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - In the context of government regulation and social demand, Chinese foundations have increasingly faced pressure to make...  相似文献   

Because decisions related to contraceptive behavior are often made by young adults in the context of specific relationships, the relational context likely influences use of contraceptives. Data presented here are from in-person structured interviews with 536 Black, Hispanic, and White young adults from East Los Angeles, California. We collected partner-specific relational and contraceptive data on all sexual partnerships for each individual, on four occasions, over one year. Using three-level multinomial logistic regression models, we examined individual and relationship factors predictive of contraceptive use. Results indicated that both individual and relationship factors predicted contraceptive use, but factors varied by method. Participants reporting greater perceived partner exclusivity and relationship commitment were more likely to use hormonal/long-acting methods only or a less effective method/no method versus condoms only. Those with greater participation in sexual decision making were more likely to use any method over a less effective method/no method and were more likely to use condoms only or dual methods versus a hormonal/long-acting method only. In addition, for women only, those who reported greater relationship commitment were more likely to use hormonal/long-acting methods or a less effective method/no method versus a dual method. In summary, interactive relationship qualities and dynamics (commitment and sexual decision making) significantly predicted contraceptive use.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between attachment style, differentiation of self, and body dissatisfaction across culture and gender. The sample consisted of 115 Caucasians (85 females, 29 males) with a mean age of 22.2 years (SD = 5.81) and 119 Chinese individuals (93 females, 26 males) with a mean age of 22.8 years (SD = 2.35). Participants completed online self-report measures of body satisfaction, attachment style, and differentiation of self. Results indicated that high attachment anxiety and less differentiation of self were associated with lower body satisfaction for women but not for men of either cultural group. There were no significant cultural or gender differences in terms of overall body satisfaction; however, there were differences with regard to preoccupation with weight and self-perceived weight. It was concluded that culture had little impact on body dissatisfaction in the present sample but that the factors that shape body dissatisfaction differed by gender.  相似文献   

EGMs are a form of entertainment, and the gambling environment is an important contributor to the overall experience. Logically, to select a play-environment, EGM gamblers must choose the platform through which to access the EGM (e.g., internet, mobile application or land-based venue), a particular provider (e.g., specific website, app vendor or branded casino), and the game itself (e.g., based on graphical theme or bonus features; Thorne et al. in J Gambl Stud, 2016. doi: 10.1007/s10899-016-9601-2). A discrete choice experiment was conducted to identify the features of the platform, provider and game that are most strongly preferred by EGM gamblers. Participants were 245 EGM gamblers from clubs in Victoria, Australia and 7516 EGM gamblers from an Australian online panel. Results indicate that the ideal environment for the average gambler consists of: gambling at a club that is close to home; with a group of friends; in a relatively quiet place that has air conditioning, cheap food and a large space to play in; on a classic game with quality animations and small bet sizes; where you feel safe and secure; and where there is a wide variety of other games to play when you are done. Segmenting these results by problem-gambler status highlights important differences in preferences between problem and non-problem gamblers. Problem gamblers are less likely to give weight to the company they share and have a preference for larger venues. Using a powerful paradigm from marketing research, the present study was able to determine the relative value of different features of the EGM gambling environment, and also contributes important insight towards what constitutes a safer environment for recreational play.  相似文献   

The purpose of this survey was to explore volunteer preferences, perceived benefits and barriers, and the factors that influence volunteering among older adults living in a continuing care retirement community. This was a single group, one-time survey completed via a face-to-face interview. The sample included 127 older adults who were eligible and completed the survey. The majority were women (78%) and White (98%), with an average age of 88.0 (SD = 6.5) years. Engagement in volunteer activities ranged from 0 to 7, with a mean of .94 (SD = 1.30). Just under half (47%) of the participants were engaged in volunteer work, with the majority (87%) volunteering within the facility. Perceived benefits and barriers to volunteering were described. Chronic illness, age, time spent exercising, and resilience accounted for 25% of the variance in volunteer activity. Those who had fewer chronic illnesses, were younger, spent more time exercising, and were more resilient were more likely to volunteer. Findings from this study suggest that there are advantages to offering volunteer activities within senior living facilities. Ongoing study is needed to develop and implement successful facility-specific volunteer programs.  相似文献   

We examine factors which influence manager assessments of employee value in response to outside employment offers. Data were collected from 312 managers on counter-offer decisions. We found the size of manager counter-offers increase as a result of the attractiveness of the outside offer, the presence of a neutral, third-party recommendation and when the recommending direct supervisor has an incentive to minimize compensation costs. Additionally, we found a significant interaction between offer attractiveness and third-party recommendation, where counter-offers made to employees with highly attractive offers increased more dramatically when a neutral manager recommended the employee in addition to the immediate supervisor.  相似文献   

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