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在困难的经济形势之下运作的各个企业中,雇主们比以往任何时候都更积极地寻找各种廉价的途径来开展自己的员工健康项目。  相似文献   

在我国社会主义市场经济的发展过程中,小微企业逐渐成为国民经济增长的重要引擎,提供大量就业,增加财政税收.但同时,小微企业的生存现状堪忧,尤其是在融资方面存在重重障碍,严重影响了小微企业的成长性、盈利性及产业升级能力,因此采取相应措施,如建立地方小微企业信用评级档案及共享系统、定期公布有关较高信用等级小微企业的政府推荐名单等等,来改善我国小微企业融资难的现状,不仅对企业自身成长有利,而且对国民经济整体发展也有着重要价值.  相似文献   

江苏远东集团是创办于1990年的民营股份制企业集团,公司从一个手工作坊式的“小不点”起步,在现任公司董事长、总经理蒋锡培的带领下,经过13年市场经济大潮的洗礼,迅速发展壮大,到今天已成为拥有总资产13亿元、员工2500多名,12家核心企业和控股公司的国家级大型企业集团、江苏省重点企业集团。经营范围除电线电缆外,还涉及新材料、医药、投  相似文献   

时近盛夏,台湾首富、鸿海集团董事长郭台铭将迎来他的甲子之寿。然而,现在的他却如陷寒冬。如何带领鸿海帝国走出产业困境,郭台铭面临或将推演成一个标志事件的关口。  相似文献   

符淼  张海虹  刘洋 《城市观察》2013,27(5):77-85
米兰市虽地理规模不大,却在世界时尚排名中稳居前四。米兰市的成就得益于成熟的产业网络。在结构上,米兰以制造业为基础,在政府规划和政策的指导下促进产业的集聚和产业网络的形成和发展。在产业网络的运作中,以核心企业为经济和技术的增长极,以公共服务机构为纽带,辐射和带动整个网络的技术进步和产业升级。网络的存在,促进了企业和稀有资源的连接,共享了成员企业的专业功能,降低了中小企业的进入门槛和创新成本。  相似文献   

老师是个神圣的职业,不仅教书,更关键的是育人。古语道:亲其师,信其道,渊博的学识、高超的技能的是让学生亲师的资本,关心学生、肯定学生、尊重学生、平等相待、严格要求学生是学生信道的最佳途径。有了亲师之道,教育不再是难题。  相似文献   

黄睿 《职业》2012,(34):46-47
在2012年10月举办的全球领导力论坛上,万宝盛华雇员服务总经理徐一平女士,凭借自身的管理经验,从人力资源专家的角度与各位在场嘉宾共同探讨分享了东成西就:企业多元团队包容性管理与跨文化人才培育的议题,同时也深入讲解了不确定经济形势下企业的用工之道,赢得了在场观众的阵阵掌声.  相似文献   

圣石  余洋 《公关世界》2009,(7):45-46
这篇文章,缘于一位青年朋友广西大泽联合商业公司董事长聂峰辉先生,给笔者讲的一件事。聂峰辉先生是广西大泽的老板,他的企业员工数百人,年营业额过亿。在市场打拼10数可说颇有造就,同时他也是性情中人,虽不能称侠肝义胆,却是乐善好施的仁慈智者。  相似文献   

In this article, we develop frameworks to study the notions of thoughtfulness and generosity in sequential choice situations involving two individuals. In such situations, by taking particular actions, an individual (the first mover) can induce various sets of alternatives to be available for the other individual (the second mover) to choose from. We view those sets of alternatives as opportunity sets reflecting degrees of thoughtfulness or generosity exhibited by the first mover toward the second mover. We axiomatically study several specific rules for ranking opportunity sets in terms of either thoughtfulness or generosity.  相似文献   

张万花 《职业时空》2005,(10):20-21
师德,即教师的职业道德,是教师在长期的教育实践活动中形成的比较稳定的道德观念、行为、规范和品质的总和。教师的职业就是教书育人,所从事的是崇高的社会公益事业,担负着培养社会主义事业建设者和接班人的神圣使命。正如邓小平同志指出的:“一个学校,能不能为社会主义建设培养合格人才,培养德、智、体全面发展,有社会主义觉悟的有文化的劳动者,关键在教师。”所以,从某种意义上讲,作为开发人力资源,培养和造就各种专门人才的“工程师”的教师,其职业道德已经不是个人意义上的品德问题,而赋有深刻的社会意义。高校绝大多数教师爱岗敬业,任劳任怨,为高等教育事业的发展做出了很大的贡献。但是,由于种种原因,在师德师风方面均程度不同地显露出一些不足,一定程度上损害了教师的声誉和为人师表的形象。因此,加强教师职业道德建设已成为一个迫切需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

浅析当代青年"我行我素"的个性特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从青年"我行我素"个性成长的社会背景入手,分析"我行我素"个性的三大表现用自我的眼睛看世界,独立自主地思考做事,崇尚自由、乐于表现,希望得到社会认同.并强调呵护和关心青年个性的发展.  相似文献   

The current economic and social context calls for a renewed assessment of the consequences of an early transition to parenthood. In interviews with 55 teenage mothers in Colorado, we find that they are experiencing severe economic and social strains. Financially, although most are receiving substantial help from family members and sometimes their children's fathers, basic needs often remain unmet. Macroeconomic and family structure trends have resulted in deprived material circumstances, while welfare reform and other changes have reduced the availability of aid. Socially, families' and communities' disapproval of early childbearing negatively influences the support young mothers receive, their social interactions, and their experiences with social institutions.  相似文献   

The availability of family can be considered a protective factor for aging well. In this article, we examine to what extent the family situation of older people creates vulnerability with respect to their quality of life. Because not everyone is vulnerable to the same degree, we try to identify the conditions under which older people benefit more from having family resources. Based on the resources perspective, we argue that the impact of family resources on life satisfaction is stronger for older people with fewer resources at both the individual level (material, physical and non-familial social resources) and the country level (welfare state services targeted at older adults). To test our hypotheses we make use of the fourth wave of the European Values Study, and the MULTILINKS Social Policy Indicators database. In general our data offer support for the idea that the presence of intimate family ties (with partner and children) can be considered an important resource for achieving psychological well-being, whereas their absence or loss may act as a constraint. Our vulnerability argument is partly supported by the findings. Partner resources are more important for the life satisfaction of older people with a low education and health problems. Similarly, having children only improves the life-satisfaction of lower educated older adults. However, family resources are not more important for older people with fewer material resources or for older people living in countries with low services levels targeted at older adults.  相似文献   

I find that state policies affect county and metropolitan area unemployment rates, particularly their policies with respect to unemployment compensation. A generous compensation system is associated with higher unemployment rates, and greater experience rating is associated with lower rates. I also find that greater unionization is associated with higher unemployment rates. Secular manufacturing growth has a weak negative association with unemployment rates in nonmetropolitan counties, but no association in metropolitan areas.  相似文献   

FOUR days after the adjournment of the 8th Chinese Women's National Congress, President Jiang Zemin received all the newly-elected members of the executive committee and several deputies at Zhongnanhai. Gu Xiulian, Vice President and the First Member of the Secretariat of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), briefed Jiang on the congress. She said deputies had reached consensus on certain issues: that women should capitalize on their abilities in the overall social participation; that the uplifting of women's quality should be seen as a long-term strategy; and that women's development requires a supportive social environment. Jiang Zemin listened attentively to the speeches delivered by seven deputies. Jiang Daguo, president of Hubei Provincial Women's Federation, from one of the  相似文献   

陆易农 《城市》2004,(6):61-62
2004年新年刚过,人们惊喜地发现在我国西部的大地上,出现了3座最年轻的城市,这就是由新疆维吾尔自治区直辖、新疆生产建设兵团(以下简称兵团)按石河子市管理方式成立的五家渠、阿拉尔和图木舒克3个县级市.新疆的城市数量也由此增加到22个.  相似文献   

西部大开发是我国跨人新世纪以来的一项重大举措,也是促进西部地区经济腾飞、缩小地区经济差距的必由之路.鉴于西部地区的特点和现在的市场条件,我们不能套用当年东部大开发的模式,必须探索一条新的发展道路.因此,当前认真学习和运用江泽民的创新思想,对于西部大开发的战略决策显得尤为重要.  相似文献   

The goal of recovery has emerged as a core value in the reformation of public and private mental health services in the last twenty years. However, definitions of recovery remain as varied as methods of implementation. Through an ethnographic lens, we examine meanings of recovery in the context of a major statewide reform of mental health services in New Mexico, focusing specifically on provider-voiced concerns regarding recovery and recovery-oriented care. We argue that the concept of recovery functions as a symbol that seemingly reconciles the long-standing tension between biological and social explanations of mental illness. Drawing upon provider perspectives, we also discuss concerns that popular rhetoric about recovery may mask some needed fundamental changes to transform the mental health system to a recovery orientation. Finally, we consider recovery from a capabilities standpoint and discuss how this view lends itself to addressing both individual and social components of mental illness.  相似文献   

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