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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 93 毫秒
Army Homicide Investigations Highlight Role of Unaddressed Substance Use House Appropriations Committee Clears Field‐Related Spending Bill Treatment Providers Don't Fare Too Badly in Conn. Budget Florida Drug Strategy Sets Goals for Treatment and Prevention Michael Jackson's Death Raises Questions About Abuse Potential of Propofol Briefly Noted State News Resources Call for Comments Coming up  相似文献   

Goodyear Plan Uses EAP to Limit Substance Abuse Benefits Panel Vote Against Opioid Risk Strategy Shows Concern Over Voluntary Training Arizona SSA's Grim Message to Providers: Cuts Now and Later VA Allows Medical Marijuana Where It's Legal Cocaine‐Crack Sentencing Disparity Reduced by Legislation IC&RC and NCC to ‘Speak With One Voice’ Briefly Noted Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

SAMHSA Pushes SBI to Address Baby‐Boomer Drug Use Prosecutor Leadership, Coordination Contribute to S.D. Reentry Strides Drug Could Increase Drinking but Reduce Other Problems NIAAA's Drug Development Goes Beyond Alcohol Problems ADAW Wins Journalism Awards for Parity and State Budget Watch Stories Illinois Treatment Providers Have Backlog of Unpaid Claims Congratulations! Briefly Noted State News Call for Applications Coming up  相似文献   

‘Fear of the Unknown’: Dropping Coverage Because of Parity Dogs Welcome at California Center; a Barrier to Care is Lifted Shooter's Drug Use Should Have Prevented Gun Buy: Schumer ATR Grant Will Help Arkansas Expand Treatment, Recovery Services Reducing Prison Costs by Providing Treatment to Offenders Briefly Noted State News Business News Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

McLellan Returns to TRI as CEO — Urges Business Approach to Treatment New Pain and Addiction Center Open to Maintaining Opioid Use Calif. Advocacy Group Seeks Insurance Amendment to Parity Bill Good FY for S.D., but SA Treatment Providers Still Scared Illinois Budget Would Slash Prevention, Cut Prison Rehab USA Today Reveals Lapse in Army Alcoholism Counseling Briefly Noted State News Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

As States Move to Embrace Gambling, Treatment Providers Urged to Get Training A Community Health Focus Drives Diversification at Mass. Agency Commentary: CSAT's Clark Rebuts McLellan‐Tai Article Clarification: Primary Care SBIRT Information Integration: Threat or Opportunity? N.Y. Governor Proposes $3.5‐Million Reduction for OASAS Briefly Noted Resources Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Field Cautious About Prometa; Clinical Trial Results Awaited III. Providers, Political Leaders Coalesce as Heroin Overdose Deaths Rise State Associations of Addictions Services Holds First Annual Conference Suicide Top Liability in Addiction Treatment Late Breaking News Specific Types of Pain Relievers Used During the Past Year Among Initiates of Nonmedical Use of Pain Relievers Briefly Noted Names in the News Coming Up  相似文献   

CSAT Letter on Take‐Homes: Methadone Treatment Providers Cry Foul State Lawmakers, Prosecutors Continue to Target Pregnant Substance Users California Tackles Meth Use by Gay and Bisexual Men Praise for New Mexico's ‘Four‐Pillar’ Approach to Methamphetamine Bush Budget Promises Flexibility on Use of NOMs Performance Awards Briefly Noted State Watch Coming up  相似文献   

Counseling on the Internet Found Effective in Small‐Scale Study In‐Prison Treatment Changing to Reflect Demands for Effectiveness Ariz. Treatment Providers Protest Against Uncompensated Care Diversification Pays? NIDA‐NIAAA Merger Would Hurt Alcoholism Issues, Says NAATP President ‘Committed’ to Filling SAMHSA Administrator Post ADAW Publisher Sponsors National Council's Excellence in Innovation Award Briefly Noted State News Resources Coming up  相似文献   

Adolescent Painkiller Use May Increase Risk of Addiction, Heroin Use Women's Component of NASADAD Offers Guidance Document for State Systems Parity Bill Attached to Tax Extender Bill Treatment Funds in Illinois Caught in Apparent Stalemate Substance Abuse: A 12‐Step Primer for Change No Drug Abuse, Underage Drinking or Smoking Allowed on YouTube Briefly Noted State Watch Names in News Call for Applications Coming up  相似文献   

Can Electronic Medical Records and Patient Confidentiality Coexist? Latest Drug Court RFAs Reflect Broader Programs, Tough Requirements Non‐Fatal Opioid Overdoses in Pain Patients Linked to High Doses Whither Health Reform and Parity? HHS Announces TANF Funds Can be Used for Substance Use Treatment Maine's First Report Card From Substance Abuse Commission: C Briefly Noted Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Tight Economy Favors Cutting Prison Spending: Will Treatment Benefit? Oklahoma's Certified Counselors Face Loss of Payment for Core Services NASADAD Selects Morrison as Executive Director Acadia Hospital Expands Program to Two Tracks, One for Long‐Term Recovery Comparison of Selected Substance Use Disorder Provisions in Health Reform Legislation Briefly Noted State News Coming up  相似文献   

Treatment and Medicaid Questions Persist After Supreme Court Ruling Transition Plan at Calif. Center Illustrates Magnitude of Changes NASADAD Meeting: ACA Ruling, Budgets, Medicaid and MH Louisiana Providers Facing Changes with Magellan Partnership More Medicaid, Less Grant Funds for Treatment in Maryland Briefly Noted State News Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Good News for SBI: Medicare May Pay for Alcohol Misuse Screening Facility's Social Media Policy Mirrors Rules on Other Interaction Partnership at Drugfree.org Acquires Join Together SAMHSA Pushes All Providers for MI and SUD Assesments Alcohol and Marijuana Dominate Probation/Parole Referrals Illinois Providers in Two‐Week Limbo, Still Face State Defunding Briefly Noted In the States Resources Coming up  相似文献   

Omnibus Spending Bill Passed; SAPT Block Grant Increased, ‘Tap’ Eliminated Leaders Urge Diversified Approach to Advocacy at the State Level Pre‐Conviction Diversion is Best for Outcomes: TASC Report Study Finds Lack of Medicaid Providers May Limit Access to SUD Treatment Drug Courts Found Biased against Methadone, Buprenorphine Briefly Noted State News Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Full Court Press for Addiction Field on Capitol Hill TC Programs See Benets of Offering Dental Services Access to HBO's Addiction Tobacco Up for FDA Regulation; GAO on State Use Funds Final NJ OIG Report Blasts Addiction Treatment Provider Group Briefly Noted Resources Call for Applications Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Health Reform Means More Covered Patients for Addiction Treatment Field Keen Interest in Medicaid Compliance Course as N.Y. Agencies Question Audits New Software Allows Providers to Match Patients to Other Services SAMHSA: Treatment Programs Lax in Arranging for Infectious Disease Screening Utah Study Finds High Rate of Chronic Pain in Rx Drug Overdoses Not Having Addiction Providers on Panels Would Violate Parity Briefly Noted State News Employment Call for Comments Coming up  相似文献   

Methadone Mortality Summit Shifts Focus From OTPs to Pain Prescribing Lack of Cash Could Persuade California Counties to Tax Marijuana SAMHSA Says It Won't Change Confidentiality Regulations Congress to SAMHSA: Use Drug Court Money for Treatment Briefly Noted Business Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

SUDs a Core Benefit in Both Health Care Reform Bills, But Hard Work Ahead CSAT Head: Data on Alcohol and Suicide Should Put All Providers on Notice Minnesota Governor to Cut Chemical Dependency Treatment Rates Is Health Care Reform Possible Without Workforce Development? United Nations Report Calls for Increase in Treatment Access DOJ Appropriations Bill Includes Increases for Drug Courts, No MH Merger Briefly Noted State News Business Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

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