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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 62 毫秒
Peer Recovery Workers Gaining Foothold; Their Role May Grow Under Health Reform McLellan to Leave ONDCP Primary Care Physicians Needed in Addiction Treatment Workforce Methadone Staffers Need Training: AATOD and NAMA Code of Ethics for Methadone Advocates NAADAC Prepares First National Scopes of Practice ABAM Certification Hoped to Lead to Official Addiction Specialty Workforce Development Tools Seen in Health Reform Law The Graying Workforce Briefly Noted Resources Coming up  相似文献   

SUDs a Core Benefit in Both Health Care Reform Bills, But Hard Work Ahead CSAT Head: Data on Alcohol and Suicide Should Put All Providers on Notice Minnesota Governor to Cut Chemical Dependency Treatment Rates Is Health Care Reform Possible Without Workforce Development? United Nations Report Calls for Increase in Treatment Access DOJ Appropriations Bill Includes Increases for Drug Courts, No MH Merger Briefly Noted State News Business Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

NAATP: Goodbye to Last Year, Hello to Health Reform, New CEO TASC Stays Focused on Reform Despite Illinois Budget Challenges Childhood ADHD Found to Predict SUDs 10 Years Later FDA Says Okay to Give Vivitrol or Suboxone Without Counseling California Set to Eliminate ADP; Counties Would Administer Funds Briefly Noted Resources Coming up  相似文献   

California Might Lose All Offender Treatment, Including Proposition 36 Treatment Institute Seeks to Help Drug Courts With Tracking Progress Merger With Mental Health Averted Tarzana Under Fire for Executive Pay and Board Conflicts of Interest SBI is Key to Keeping Addiction on Health Care Reform Agenda Poll: Addiction Treatment Should be Part of Health Care Use ‘Substance Use Disorders,’ Says Whole Health Campaign Briefly Noted State News Coming up  相似文献   

Health‐Care Reform: Addiction Field Starts Building a Coalition Center Offers Interest‐Free Financing; Others Cautious About Extending Credit OxyContin Settlement Funds to Benefit Virginia Providers NIDA‐NIAAA Merger to be Decided by NIH Panel RAND Study Finds Methamphetamine Cost U.S. $23 Billion in 2005 Ohio Governor Proposes Stimulus Funds to Pay for Treatment N.Y. Drug Sentencing Reform Urged with Focus on Treatment Briefly Noted State News Coming up  相似文献   

Finance Committee Health Care Reform Bill Includes Parity Illinois Providers Now Treating More Insured Patients as Public Dollars Shrink West Virginia Legislature Softening Methadone Stance Contaminated Cocaine Linked to Potentially Fatal Blood Disorder Poll Finds Strong Support for Including Treatment in Health Care Reform Congress Presses Administration to Issue Parity Regulations on Time Briefly Noted State News Business Coming up  相似文献   

Block Grant, Health Care Reform, Parity Challenges for Field Despite Uncertainties, Providers See Working in Primary Care as a Must More Trends and Developments from 2011 Reflections from Readers: Hopes and Fears for 2012 Coming up  相似文献   

Obama Budget: Safe and Drug Free Schools Cut, Block Grant Level Funded Providers See Facility Licensure Rules as Barrier to Integrated Treatment Ala. Treatment Funding Increases Help Department in Lean Times How to Comment on the Parity Request for Information (RFI) Health Care Reform: Parity Included in Senate Committee Report Briefly Noted State News Business Coming up  相似文献   

Health Care Reform and Parity: Twin Worries for the Field Affiliation Enhances SA Continuum for Largest Community‐Based Provider Providers' Role in Preventing and Treating Problem Gambling Montana Treatment System Gets Additional $3 Million Methadone Induction Death Raises Questions Briefly Noted State News Resources Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Study Highlights Dilemma of Coordinating Care for Methadone Patients Lagging Foundation Support Forces Colorado Provider to Shut Operations Congress Moves Closer to Health Care Reform Bill Level Funding for Addiction Treatment in South Dakota Remembering Joel Hernandez: A True Recovery Hero Antipsychotic Drug Being Abused by Addicts Briefly Noted State News Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Providers Temper Hopes for Health Reform, but Predict Other Progress with New Leader Policy Experts Expect Federal Drug Policy Shift Toward Demand Reduction Study of Young Adults Shows Risks of Short‐Term Suboxone Parents Receptive to SBI in Pediatrician Offices SAMHSA Study: SBIRT Reduced Illicit Drug Use 67.7 Percent Briefly Noted State Watch Business Coming up  相似文献   

SAMHSA Budget: Good News for BG and Prevention, but New Insurance Tap North Dakota Center Hopes State Will Shore Up Financial Picture SA‐MH Integration in LA: People with COD Come First Cape Cod Times Series Focuses on Opioids, Insurance Problems Glitches and Still No Parity for Health Care Reform Obamacare: ‘Navigators’ are Replacing Insurance Brokers State News Coming up  相似文献   

Study Shows That Basing Coverage on Drug Costs Alone May Not Be Cost‐Effective TC's Venture in Supportive Housing Seeks to Build Continuum of Care Health Reform in Massachusetts: Lessons Learned So Far CRC's Herschman on Choosing MAT for Opioid Addiction 2011 Drug Strategy Released Betty Ford's Legacy Coming up  相似文献   

SAMHSA Issues Core Principles for Field in Health Care Reform Counties Mull Local Factors in Deciding Whether to Privatize Treatment Operations NIDA Reminder to Treatment: Counseling is Part of MAT New York State Tells Counties to Improve Access and Efficiency All Eyes on Alcohol Tax in New Jersey Briefly Noted State News Resources Business Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Tight Economy Favors Cutting Prison Spending: Will Treatment Benefit? Oklahoma's Certified Counselors Face Loss of Payment for Core Services NASADAD Selects Morrison as Executive Director Acadia Hospital Expands Program to Two Tracks, One for Long‐Term Recovery Comparison of Selected Substance Use Disorder Provisions in Health Reform Legislation Briefly Noted State News Coming up  相似文献   

HHS Gives States Flexibility in Implementing Health Care Reform Center Sees Affiliation Responding to Managed Care, Client Needs The 10 Benefit Categories More Reflections from Readers: Hopes and Fears for 2012 The ‘Last’ House on the Block: Higher Power or Personal Power? SAMHSA's New Recovery Definition Applies to MI and SUD FY 2012 Budget Bill Includes Increases to SAPT Block Grant Briefly Noted Coming up  相似文献   

SAMHSA Issues Final Rule Allowing OTPs to Dispense Take‐Home Buprenorphine Vt. Hospital Program Manages Planned and Unexpected Growth Program to Screen Staff for Relapse Risk after DUI Tragedy Where Recovery Residences Fit in Health Care Reform Bill White ‘Retiring’ but Will Continue Work in the Field Study: Binge Eating in Teens Associated with Initiating Drug Use Resources Obituary Coming up  相似文献   

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