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Jails, Probation Speak Out in Favor of Methadone Treatment NY Treatment Providers Get $8.5 Million for Higher Counselor Salaries, Health Insurance Mexican President Demands Changes in Decriminalization Bill Categories of OASAS Awards Programs Receiving OASAS Residential Treatment Program Awards Cost Report, Court Ruling Lend Momentum to Canada SA Efforts COJAC Puts Substance Abuse and Mental Health on Equal Footing, in Philosophy if Not in Dollars AHRQ Study: $2 Billion on Alcohol Abuse for Inpatients Briefly Noted Resources Coming Up  相似文献   

Private Programs Use More Charity Care and Start Cutting Some Costs OASAS Vows to Serve Current Clients in Parolee Programs Losing N.Y. Funding Report Stresses Need to Add Primary Care Component SAMHSA Recognizes Organizations for Evidence‐Based Interventions NIAAA Grant to Study ‘Smart Phone’ Technology for Aftercare Briefly Noted State Watch Resources Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Definition of Recovery is Vague, Measures Elusive, Even as Taxpayers Fund Services Center Sees Clinical and Business Case for Comprehensive Alumni Programs NIDA Statement on Recovery SAGE Commission Consolidation in New York May Affect OASAS Annual GAO ONDCP Audit Says Agencies Need Budget Guidance Sooner Furor Erupts Over Lancet Letter on Vivitrol Kerlikowske to Stay as ONDCP Director In the States Funding Opportunity Coming up  相似文献   

New Jersey Budget Would Move Teen SA Treatment to DCF Funding is Priority for Family‐Oriented Program Contracted Providers OASAS Awards 5 NYC Providers Housing Grants Recovery Focus Grows, Even if Under the Surface Winning Grantees TCA and Lawmakers Focus on Family Treatment Briefly Noted State News Coming up  相似文献   

Success Story: Partnership Between TC and Methadone Clinic Counselors — and Management — of Color Needed in Treatment Field OASAS Non‐Discrimination Regulation Meeting Schedule to Introduce Methadone to Palladia Staff Fledgling Day‐Treatment TC in Bulgaria Seabrook House Establishes Self‐Pay Program for Mothers Incarcerating with Treatment, or Treatment as an Alternative Briefly Noted Names in the News Coming Up  相似文献   

Treatment Leaders Move to Recovery Focus, But Warn of Potential Misuses of Concept New York Comptroller Finds $20 Million in Overpayments; OASAS Disagrees NAATP Terminates Ron Hunsicker's Employment Strategy Moves Drug Use Into Public Health Arena Illinois Legislature Still Out; Governor Cuts Treatment 8 Percent Parity Lawsuit: Both Sides Rest Their Case and Await Court Ruling Briefly Noted State Watch Coming up  相似文献   

Providers Ready for Parity Battle as Final Rule Effective Date Nears Many Market Factors Contribute to High Interest in Accreditation McLellan on the State of Evidence‐Based Treatment Letter to the Editor State Comptroller Rebukes OASAS for Questionable Payments Coming up  相似文献   

Hill to OMB: Don't Cut SAMHSA Prevention Funds Richmond Agency Serving Homeless Says Growth Will Fulfill Mission ONDCP Stresses Importance of Treatment, Not Incarceration Federal Agencies Release Third Set of FAQs on Parity OASAS to Fund Housing for NYC Homeless Families Briefly Noted Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

MTF: College Students' Daily Use of Marijuana at 30‐Year High No Instant Formula for Inclusion as Managed Care Network Provider National Council‐SAAS Merger: The View from Two States Marijuana Money Shunned, Mostly, by Treatment Field OASAS Launches ‘Combat Heroin’ Public Awareness Campaign Briefly Noted Coming up  相似文献   

As States Move to Embrace Gambling, Treatment Providers Urged to Get Training A Community Health Focus Drives Diversification at Mass. Agency Commentary: CSAT's Clark Rebuts McLellan‐Tai Article Clarification: Primary Care SBIRT Information Integration: Threat or Opportunity? N.Y. Governor Proposes $3.5‐Million Reduction for OASAS Briefly Noted Resources Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Treatment for Child Welfare Families Continues Amid Lawsuit Over Jail Terms Governor Restores $3 Million to Florida's Treatment Programs Toll‐Free Lines Help Connect Callers to Local Treatment Programs Stimulus Package: Still no $100 Million for Block Grant Case Management Helps Substance Abusing Women on Welfare Briefly Noted State News Resources Business Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Attitudinal Barriers Pose Greatest Obstacle to Methadone Treatment Programs in Jails SAMHSA Brings Integrated Treatment to Provider Level with Release of TIP 42 New Mexico Legislation Addresses Methadone Treatment in Jails AATOD Cites Progress in Project to Increase Access to Methadone Treatment SAMHSA Making Strides in Treatment of Co‐Occurring Disorders Security of Health Information – The Latest HIPAA Deadline Names in the News Resources Briefly Noted Coming up…  相似文献   

RWJF to Stop Funding Addiction Treatment and Prevention: Current Grants to Finish ADHD Medication Misuse Raises Questions for Treatment Providers Conduct Disorder and ADHD Grant Project Will Seek to Link Addiction, DD Services Maryland Makes Slow Progress in Stressing Treatment Over Jail New Grants for Community‐Based Programs Treating Adolescents and Families Briefly Noted Grants and Funding Coming Up  相似文献   

Congress Considers Two Bills Expanding Veterans Treatment Study of Naltrexone Buoys Hopes for Viable Gambling Treatments PTSD and Substance Use Disorders Who was Justin Bailey Nebraska Surveys Consumers on Addiction Treatment Topiramate Improves Life and Health for Alcoholics, Study Finds Thoughts on Amenities and Costs of Addiction Treatment Programs Briefly Noted State Watch Coming up  相似文献   

Proposition 36 Report Identifies Promising Practices in Treatment of Offenders Okla. Agency Finds Creative Application of Incentives to Spur Family Involvement Investor Group Wants to Buy Treatment Programs Magellan Seeking State Contracts to Manage Integrated Care Briefly Noted State Watch Business Call for Participation Coming Up  相似文献   

ACA Impact: Residential Treatment Threatened by Lack of Data, MAT Livengrin Defines Special Programs but Avoids Abundance of Tracks Model Recovery Community Centers Focus on Engagement HD Videoconferencing Offers a Treatment Alternative Botticelli Finally in as Deputy Director at ONDCP Briefly Noted Coming up  相似文献   

Rob Kent, longtime general counsel for the New York Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS), is leaving April 1 for a new position with the American Association of Orthodontists in St. Louis. A masterful negotiator with a progressive view toward substance use disorders (SUDs), which made him beloved by treatment providers and harm reductionists alike, Kent also knew and could articulately discuss nuances of legal and regulatory issues affecting the state's SUD treatment providers. We talked to him last week to get his perspective on the high points and challenges of his career at OASAS, which he joined in 2007; before then, he was with the state's Office of Mental Health (OMH).  相似文献   

Cocaine Deaths and Treatment Admissions Rising in Maine Utah Initiative for Offenders Links Treatment, Probation Methadone Overdoses and Medical Examiners For‐Profit Entity Growing Rapidly in Developing Faith‐Based Homes Residential Treatment Expansion in Montana Cough Medicine Abuse Reported in New NSDUH Analysis Successful Prisoner Reentry: Full Circle Recovery Programs at San Quentin Prison Briefly Noted State Watch Resources Grant Announcements Coming up  相似文献   

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