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This paper draws together bounds for the efficiency factor of block designs, starting with the papers of Conniffe & Stone (1974) and Williams & Patterson (1977). By extending the methods of Jarrett (1983), firstly to cover supercomplete block designs and then to cover resolvable designs, a set of bounds is obtained which provides the best current bounds for any block design with equal replication and equal block size, including resolvable designs and two-replicate resolvable designs as special cases. The bounds given for non-resolvable designs apply strictly only to designs which are either regular-graph (John & Mitchell, 1977) or whose duals are regular-graph. It is conjectured (John & Williams, 1982) that they are in fact global bounds. Similar qualifications apply to the bounds for resolvable designs.  相似文献   

An interchange optimization algorithm to construct partially-latinized designs is described. The objective function is a weighted linear combination of up to five functions, each of which corresponds to a blocking factor of the required design. Nested simulated annealing is used to address local optima problems. The average efficiency factors of the generated designs are assessed against theoretical upper bounds.  相似文献   

Upper bounds are derived for efficiency factors in block designs with particular types of variety or block concurrence matrices. These bounds compare favorably with existing upper bounds.  相似文献   

The paper describes an algorithm which constructs optimal or near optimal resolvable row-column designs. Its performance is assessed against available tables of two-replicate designs.  相似文献   

Experimental designs which use extensive blocking and which are particularly useful in plant and tree breeding trials are discussed. They can be constructed either to accommodate field restrictions or take advantage of favourable plot layouts. Computer software is available to generate these design types for use in practice. Examples cover latinized row-column designs, t -latinized and partially-latinized designs and designs with unequal block sizes.  相似文献   

A variety trial sometimes requires a resolvable block design in which the replicates are set out next to each other. The long blocks running through the replicates are then of interest. A t -latinized design is one in which groups of these t long blocks are binary. In this paper examples of such designs are given. It is shown that the algorithm described by John & Whitaker (1993) can be used to construct designs with high average efficiency factors. Upper bounds on these efficiency factors are also derived.  相似文献   

An upper bound for the efficiency factor of a block design, which in many cases is tighter than those reported by other authors, is derived. The bound is based on a lower bound for E(1/X) in terms of E(X) and var(X) for a random variable X on the unit interval. For the special case of resolvable designs, an improved bound is given which also competes with known bounds for resolvable designs in some cases.  相似文献   

Resolvable block designs for v varieties in blocks of size k require v to be a multiple of k so that all blocks are of the same size. If a factorization of v is not possible then a resolvable design with blocks of unequal size is necessary. Patterson & Williams (1976) suggested the use of designs derived from α -designs and conjectured that such designs are likely to be very efficient in the class of resolvable designs with block sizes k and k – 1. This paper examines these derived designs and compares them with designs generated directly using an interchange algorithm. It concludes that the derived designs should be used when v is large, but that for small v they can be relatively inefficient.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
David Griffiths, W. Douglas Stirling, and K. Laurence Weldon, Understanding Data: Principles and Practice of Statistics
Ingwer Borg and Patrick Groenen, Modern Multidimensional Scaling: Theory and Applications
Jeffrey H. Dorfman, Bayesian Economics Through Numerical Methods: A Guide to Econometrics and Decision-making with Prior Information
Marek Musiela and Marek Rutkowski, Martingale Methods in Financial Modelling: Theory and Applications
Aad W. van der Vaart and Jon A. Wellner, Weak Convergence and Empirical Processes  相似文献   

For positive-valued random variables, the paper provides a sequence of upper bounds for the harmonic mean, the ith of these bounds being exact if and only if the random variable is essentially i-valued. Sufficient conditions for the convergence of the bounds to the harmonic mean are given. The bounds have a number of applications, particularly in experimental design where they may be used to check how close a given design is to A-optimality  相似文献   

Two series of efficiency balanced designs with v*+ 1 treatments have been constructed using balanced incomplete block designs having v* treatments.  相似文献   

This paper describes an effective algorithm for constructing optimal or near-optimal resolvable row-column designs (RCDs) with up to 100 treatments. The performance of this algorithm is assessed against 20 2-replicate resolvable RCDs of Patterson & Robinson (1989) and 17 resolvable RCDs based on generalized cyclic designs (GCDs) of Ipinyomi & John (1985). The use of the algorithm to construct RCDs with contiguous replicates is discussed.  相似文献   

Adjusted orthogonality in nested row-column designs is defined and a sufficient condition established for its existence. It is shown that the properties of an adjusted orthogonal nested row-column design are directly related to those of its separate row and column component designs. A method for constructing efficient adjusted orthogonal designs involving a single replicate of every treatment in each of two blocks is given.  相似文献   

We consider a family of effective and efficient strategies for generating experimental designs of several types with high efficiency. These strategies employ randomized search directions and at some stages allow the possibility of taking steps in a direction of decreasing efficiency in an effort to avoid local optima. Hence our strategies have some affinity with the simulated annealing algorithm of combinatorial optimization. The methods work well and compare favourably with other search strategies. We have implemented them for incomplete block designs, optionally resolvable, and for row-column designs.  相似文献   

Current methods for the design of efficient incomplete block experiments when the observations within a block are dependent usually involve computer searches of binary designs. These searches give little insight into the features that lead to efficiency, and can miss more efficient designs. This paper aims to develop some approximations which give some insight into the features of a design that lead to high efficiency under a generalized least-squares analysis for a known dependence structure, and to show that non-binary designs can be more efficient for some dependence structures. In particular, we show how neighbour balance and end plot balance are related to the design efficiency for low-order autoregressions, and that under moderate positive dependence, replication at lag two can sometimes increase efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper defines a broad class of resolvable incomplete block designs called αn–designs, of which the original α–designs are a special case with n = 1. The statistical and mathematical properties of α–designs extend naturally to these n –dimensional designs. They are a flexible class of resolvable designs appropriate for use in factorial experiments, in constructing efficient t –latinized resolvable block designs, and for enhancing the existing class of α–designs for a single treatment factor.  相似文献   

This paper presents an algorithm for the construction of optimal or near optimal change-over designs for arbitrary numbers of treatments, periods and units. Previous research on optimality has been either theoretical or has resulted in limited tabulations of small optimal designs. The algorithm consists of a number of steps:first find an optimal direct treatment effects design, ignoring residual effects, and then optimise this class of designs with respect to residual effects. Poor designs are avoided by judicious application of the (M, S)-optimality criterion, and modifications of it, to appropriate matrices. The performance of the algorithm is illustrated by examples.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new class of designs called equi-neighboured designs. An equineighboured design has the property that every unordered pair of treatments occurs as nearest neighbours equally frequently at every level. These designs are defined in Section 4 and shown to be balanced when neighbouring observations are correlated. Some equineighboured designs are constructed using a complete set of orthogonal Latin squares. Cyclic equineighboured designs are also defined.  相似文献   

Interchange algorithms are widely used to construct efficient block and row-column designs. We provide simple recursive formulae for updating this average efficiency factor, so that it is no longer computationally expensive to calculate it after each possible interchange.  相似文献   

Suppose the probability model for failure time data, subject to censoring, is specified by the hazard function λ(t)exp(βT x), where x is a vector of covariates. Analytical difficulties involved in finding the optimal design are avoided by assuming that λ is completely specified and by using D-optimality based on the information matrix for β Optimal designs are found to depend on β, but some results of practical consequence are obtained. It is found that censoring does not affect the choice of design appreciably when βT x ≥ 0 for all points of the feasible region, but may have an appreciable effect when βixi 0, for all i and all points in the feasible experimental region. The nature of the effect is discussed in detail for the cases of one and two parameters. It is argued that in practical biomedical situations the optimal design is almost always the same as for uncensored data.  相似文献   

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