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伊斯兰是世界三大宗教之一。中国有10个少数民族信仰伊斯兰教,人口约1600万。十一届三中全会以来,我国学术界认识到伊斯兰教等宗教不仅是一种信仰,也是一种文化,有很多值得肯定的方面,注重了对它们的研究,并陆续发表了一批专题论文、著作译作、资料集录。1990年问世的《伊斯兰教历史百问》和《伊斯兰教文化百问》是关于伊斯兰教的最新成果之一(以下简称《历史》和《文化》)。  相似文献   

我国北方各民族,包括东北和西北的阿尔泰语系各民族,自古以来一直信仰原始宗教—萨满教。尽管一些民族后来信仰了现代宗教,如伊斯兰教、藏传佛教,但萨满教的痕迹还在,依然影响着他们的生活与习俗。本文从北方古代民族的萨满教信仰论起,直到现代民族的萨满教传承与遗存,对北方民族与萨满教的关系进行了阐述。  相似文献   

甘肃省是一个多民族、多宗教的省份,现有伊斯兰教、佛教(包括汉传佛教和藏传佛教)、道教、天主教和基督教五种宗教。伊斯兰教在回族、东乡族、保安族、撒拉族、哈萨克族等少数民族中几乎为全民信仰;藏传佛教在藏族、蒙古族、裕固族、土族等少数民族中几乎为全民信仰;汉传佛教和道教主要为汉族信仰;天主教和基督教信仰者主要是汉族,有的少数民族中也有少数人信仰。截止1995年底,全省信教人数约为210万人,占全省总人口的8.7%,其中信仰伊斯兰教和藏传佛教的人数约为202万人,占全省信教总人口的96%。  相似文献   

伊斯兰教是世界三大宗教之一,它自7世纪初穆罕默德在麦加创传,迄今已有1380多年的历史。它作为一种思想信仰和意识形态传入世界各地后,在不同的历史和文化背景下,对许多国家和民族的社会发展、政治结构、经济形态、文化风尚、伦理道德、生活方式和习俗等产生了不同程度的影响。  相似文献   

不同历史时期,不同社会形态的国家或民族,都有其不同的道德规范,用以制约人们的道德行为。穆斯林社会的道德规范,充满着浓厚的宗教色彩,它从属于伊斯兰教的信仰。通常情况下,穆斯林社会十分重视伊斯兰信仰,之所以如此,就在于它是一种道德召唤,它来自穆斯林内在的义务和职责感。 (一) 穆斯林个人道德与伊斯兰教道德的关系是怎样的?有的学者认为,个人道德产生于个人的需要,是个人自我实现、自我完善的  相似文献   

明末清初,中国伊斯兰教金陵学派在坚持"认主独一"信仰的基础上,不仅丰富了伊斯兰教义的内容,深化了对"认主独一"的认知,也在哲学层面上回答了伊斯兰教学术界一些有争论的问题,创立了具有中国特色的伊斯兰教思想理论体系。在宗教实践上,他们主动适应中国的政治制度,把教法限制在宗教和日常生活的道德伦理层面,并用汉语创立了中国伊斯兰教的话语体系。金陵学派开创的伊斯兰教学术思想和传承形式,不仅对中国伊斯兰教民族化进程和思想理论体系的形成产生了重要影响,而且对今天和未来中国伊斯兰教的传承和发展都有极其重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

本人多年从事穆斯林社会及伊斯兰文化研究,主要利用两种分析模式——知识体系论和社会结构论。这两种理论模式反映了伊斯兰教在中国不同穆斯林社会中的实际融入路径。这种伊斯兰文化论的理论基础是宗教文化类型分析法,是改革开放以来我国民族学人类学理论发展过程中演化发展来的理论模式。伊斯兰文化与各信仰民族的社会文化融合,形成具有不同特征的宗教文化复合体,我们可以对其进行客观合理的分类分析。使用宗教文化类型概念,可以对分布在全国各地不同穆斯林社会中伊斯兰教的传播发展方式进行整体特征分析,为比较研究奠定一个合理的学术基础,然后再深入各个地区了解不同穆斯林群体中伊斯兰教的特点,最终形成对伊斯兰教中国化的多样模式及其发挥作用的实践形态的有效研究。  相似文献   

伊斯兰教是以道德为本的宗教。在伊斯兰教中 ,宗教信仰是基础 ,伦理道德是核心。离开信仰 ,道德无以寄托 ;离开道德 ,信仰无以落实。信仰之路也就是道德完善之路 ,信仰的最高境界也就是道德的至境。无论是伊斯兰兴教的出发点、最终目的 ,还是伊斯兰教的主旨 ,都说明伦理道德在伊斯兰教中居于核心地位。阐明伦理道德在伊斯兰教中的地位 ,对于我们正确理解伊斯兰教的真谛具有积极意义。  相似文献   

伊斯兰教传入中国已有1300多年的历史,信仰伊斯兰教的少数民族有10个,人口业已达到2千多万。庞大的穆斯林群体,以统一的宗教信仰为核心,形成了内涵一致,表现多样的伊斯兰文化风韵,极大地丰富了中国传统文化。 伊斯兰作为一种宗教,它的文化、生活方式及其社会制度,对中国10个穆斯林民族的影响是广泛而深入的。本文试图从研究伊斯兰教在中国发展的一般特点出发,着重探讨中国伊斯兰教的诸种社会功能,以就教于伊斯兰教界和学术界的朋友。  相似文献   

试析中国伊斯兰哲学的“真一”论罗万寿伊斯兰哲学是信仰伊斯兰教的各民族穆斯林对自然界、人类社会和思维发展的规律性认识,是脱胎于伊斯兰教教义而形成和发展起来的世界观体系一在伊斯兰教历史上,阿拔斯王朝(750~1258)是一个光辉灿烂的历史时期,尤其是在第...  相似文献   

苏联解体与民族宗教问题密切相关。在苏联改革时期,戈尔巴乔夫重视东正教,忽视伊斯兰教,厚此薄彼的做法激活了穆斯林民族对于伊斯兰宗教与文化的向往,导致宗教和民族热情高涨,民族间流血冲突不断,东正教徒和穆斯林矛盾加剧。苏联穆斯林的行为表明,伊斯兰教是穆斯林社会生活不可分割的组成部分,他们希望国家保护信仰伊斯兰教的权利,并非要反对国家政权和谋求分离。因此,重新认识苏维埃国家和穆斯林民族的互动关系,对于多民族国家处理好穆斯林民族问题具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This article focuses specifically on the population of Muslims in New Zealand, and highlights their demographic and socio-economic characteristics in a worldwide comparison. Globally, Islam is the fastest-growing religion and Muslims are the second largest religious group. In particular, the population of Muslim migrants in the multicultural and westerns societies is also remarkably growing fast. This also applies to the multicultural setting of New Zealand where have witnessed a substantially increasing growth of Muslim population during the recent decades. Holding a wide range of ethnic and religious groups from throughout the world as well as a variety of Muslims from different parts of the Islamic world, the multicultural field of this study serve as a unique human and cultural laboratory to approach properly the key research objectives of this analysis. The discussion is mainly based on the customized data of population census. This article specifically addresses the main demographic and socio-economic patterns and differentials associated with the population of Muslims in this multicultural context in a global comparison.  相似文献   

伊斯兰教在伊斯兰文明中占有支配性的地位,伊斯兰文明具有政教合一、复古倾向、文化统一性以及因强大的适应能力导致的多样性和区域化倾向等文化特点。对于中国穆斯林中的回族而言,文化自觉包括对中华文明和儒家文化的研究,对伊斯兰文明的研究,以及对西方文明的研究。对于伊斯兰文明的研究,特别需要关注伊斯兰文明的网络结构以及伊斯兰文明对于当代社会的适应性。文化自觉的意识源自危机和危机感。近代以来中华文明和伊斯兰文明所面临的生存危机,必须从文明内部寻找原因,并从内部和外部全方位寻找解决的办法。在这一过程中,中华文明的文化自觉可以从中国伊斯兰文化和域外伊斯兰文化中受益。  相似文献   

This paper examines the reasons why the European Court of Human Rights remains ineffective in protecting the freedom of religion, especially as this issue applies to Muslims. I discuss these reasons under four broad categories: religion-specific, non-Christian religion-specific, and Islam-specific. First, there are problems that adversely affect everyone's freedom of religion. Despite expansive rights for the freedom of religion and belief that are provided in the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the Court has devised some methods that largely limit the scope of these rights. Second, these problems are much more salient in the Court's dealings with non-Christian religious traditions. Third, I claim that among these non-Christian relations, the Court's handling of cases involving Muslims is particularly problematic because of fears both about Islam and Muslim visibility and demands. Fourth, the Court's desire to promote the principle of secularism has allowed it to ignore government's “assertive secular” policies even when such policies conflicted with human rights of Muslim individuals.  相似文献   

回族通常被认为是全民信仰伊斯兰教的民族,而笔者实地调查的结果显示,在台儿庄区93·3%信仰伊斯兰教的回族群众中,真正了解教义、实践宗教功修的人却比较少。这说明散杂居回族已逐渐改变着认同方式,并正在向血缘、公民身份、宗教等多元化的认同准则转变。  相似文献   

通过伊斯兰教了解回族群体的生存状态、历史发展,考察回族文化的变迁与特色;反之,从回族的角度考察伊斯兰教,以便从回族群体的精神层面角度把握伊斯兰教,了解回族的深层心理和情感依托;通过对民族认同和宗教认同的比较解析两者的涵摄关系。借鉴民族宗教学理论探讨伊斯兰教和回族之间的关系,探讨伊斯兰教的民族性和回族的宗教性。  相似文献   

Islam and Muslims in Sri Lanka have a history of more than a millennium. During this long period their economic and religious experience had been one of fluctuating fortunes beginning with harmony and prosperity under Buddhist monarchs to repression and misery under Western colonialists. Economic freedom under native rulers, mercantilist restrictions under the Portuguese and Dutch and open economy under the British brought alternative episodes of economic affluence and depression to Muslims. After independence, however, under a democratic polity the community adopted a pragmatic approach to a new situation, which allowed Muslims and Islam to enjoy once again decades of peaceful coexistence and relative prosperity, until political and economic circumstances of the country changed dramatically to create an environment of anti-Muslim and anti-Islam phobia. What follows is a historical narration of these vicissitude retold from a religio-economic and political perspective.  相似文献   

马效佩 《回族研究》2007,(4):104-112
世界三大"一神教"犹太教、基督教和伊斯兰教被称为"亚伯拉罕宗教",它们在圣贤人物、历史渊源、教义理论以及地理位置上存在着千丝万缕的联系。围绕着如何看待耶稣这个宗教历史神秘人物而形成的神学信仰和教义体系,是其中最令人瞩目的一个篇章。三大"一神教"因各自看待耶稣的立场不同而朝不同的方向发展,从而巩固、创新或者构建了各自的神学信仰和教义体系。站在比较宗教学的多元视角上,把它们对耶稣所持的不同立场进行比较研究是一个非常有趣的课题,不但具有追求宗教间相互理解、和谐共存的现实意义,而且对我们当前建设和谐社会、构建全球伦理也有理论启迪意义。  相似文献   

This paper examines processes of residential settlement and incorporation of Lisbon's Muslims arriving first in the post-colonial period and later as international labour migrants. Issues related with Islam in the city are under-researched and seen as unproblematic in Portugal due to lower levels of segregation and the contemporary narrative of Portuguese tolerance. Based on an analysis of the spatiality of Islam in the metropolitan area and the individual accounts of 102 Muslims, this paper explores processes of incorporation, residential choice and belonging. The fragmented mosaic of Muslim settlement in local communities shows the role that religion can play alongside culture in creating spaces of belonging producing multiple experiences of the city. In three different localities—the inner city, an inner suburb and on the urban margin—I investigate the ways in which the cumulative action and agency of Muslim migrants over time transform local spaces and emerging structures for consecutive migrants. This paper argues that urban diversity and temporality provide a lens through which to reconceptualise the traditional choice and constraint debate to better understand the complexity of minority residential patterns and their outcomes.  相似文献   

By examining a news story and reader responses published in the Daily Mail Online (DMO), our study discursively argues that this daily newspaper promotes an Orientalist perception of Islam and Muslims. The religion and its adherents are both framed and perceived as a threat to British society and its “Western values”, thus reinforcing Islamophobia within society. This study also argues that the DMO espouses the perceived Orientalist threat posed by Islam through juxtaposition, exaggeration and manipulation of facts, through lexical choices and visual images that eventually establishes the perception of a cultural clash. In addition, by examining the readers’ responses toward the news story, this study demonstrates that the vast majority of respondents perceive Islam and Muslims as a threat to “the West”. Their comments, as triggered by the text, also contribute to the discourse of Islamophobia and the perceived Orientalist view of an Islamic threat.  相似文献   

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