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转型期企业创业的一个综合研究模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章提炼出了一个包括转型期创业机会、创业环境、企业家特征、组织结构和创业过程管理的综合研究模型,并指出了未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

孙其民 《经理人》2014,(9):96-96
正处于初创期的公司,时刻面临着生死的考验,在IT领域,创业型公司的生命周期一般是3-5年,很多企业都是昙花一现,只有一小部分能最终存活下来并茁壮成长。很多人认为,创业公司首先应考虑的是生存问题,在初创时谈企业文化是奢侈品。那么在这个阶段的企业要不要考虑企业文化建设呢?  相似文献   

国际创业是指企业开发新的国际市场的过程。企业内中高级管理人员的创业意愿无疑会对企业的国际创业产生直接影响。本文在Timmons创业模型框架下,就影响创业的9大因素通过发放调查问卷的方式对汽车行业的中高层管理人员进行了调查。实证结果表明,就国内汽车行业而言,影响中高级管理人员创业的关键因素依次是:团队建设,包括创业带头人、人员结构、团队的整体素质;商业机会和其他财务及资产等创业资源。这与新创企业的情况有所不同。  相似文献   

金融知识、创业决策和创业动机   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用2013年中国家庭金融调查数据研究了金融知识对家庭创业决策和创业动机的影响。本文发现,金融知识水平的提高可显著推动家庭参与创业活动,并显著促进家庭主动创业。进一步分析发现,金融知识主要通过改善家庭借款渠道偏好、提高家庭正规信贷需求和正规信贷可得性以及改善家庭的风险态度来降低金融约束等对创业精神的抑制作用,进而提高家庭创业意愿。本文的政策含义是政府应大力普及金融知识,这不仅有助于激发家庭创业精神、增进家庭福利水平,还有利于推动我国金融市场和就业市场的健康运行。  相似文献   

一、女企业家的创业与发展必须依靠创新一)女企业家的创业与创新第一,女企业家创业与创新是全球化、新经济所提供的机遇与要求.  相似文献   

创业管理:管理工作面临的新挑战   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
进入新世纪以来,创业与创业精神受到广泛关注,人们并不单纯研究个体的创业行为,而是将创业与创业精神拓展到已经存在的公司甚至是大公司,拓展到非赢利组织和整个社会,创业与创业精神成为动态复杂环境下管理者的思维模式和行为准则。创业管理作为一门新兴的交叉学科已经受到广泛关注,创业管理是对传统管理理论的一种挑战。本文以个体创业与公司创业的差异为主线,揭示了创业管理领域的一些具有创新性的研究课题,希望对创业管理理论和实践的探索能够起到推动作用。  相似文献   

创业企业成长中离不开企业家的战略领导能力,企业家肩负着管理和培育企业创新的重任。在界定企业家战略领导能力内涵基础上,分析企业家战略领导能力、组织学习、战略创新与创业企业成长关系,并提出基于企业家战略领导能力的创业企业成长整合模型。  相似文献   

近30年来,在世界范围内有越来越多的女性创业者崛起,使女企业家的队伍蔚为壮观。她们在创造财富和创造就业机会方面所作的贡献是令人瞩目的。  相似文献   

创业型企业的成长:基于企业家团队资本的实证研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
贺小刚  沈瑜 《管理世界》2008,(1):82-95,114
本文基于企业家团队资本构建了一个创业型企业成长模型,即"企业家团队资本—组织能力—经济环境—创业企业成长",并以我国402家IPO上市企业为研究对象,从企业家团队资本、组织能力的单因素、综合因素以及它们的相互作用3个方面,进行了实证分析,检验结果表明:(1)企业家团队的抱负水平与创业企业的成长存在正相关关系,尤其是年龄和在位时间的影响非常显著;(2)企业家团队的决策能力促进了创业型企业的成长,尤其是企业家教育水平的积极作用非常明显;(3)企业家团队的异质性对创业企业的影响作用并不大,但团队成员之间持股的差异性将有助于改进企业绩效;(4)企业家团队资本的综合指标ETC与创业企业成长存在显著的稳健的正相关关系,并且ETC与创业型企业的组织能力之间存在显著的互补关系,即在组织能力较强的制度环境下,企业家团队资本所发挥的功能更加明显。  相似文献   

面对当前经济形势的转变以及高校扩招政策实施的情况,大学生就业与创业问题成为大家日益关注的重点。而不同高校的学生看待就业与创业的比重也有所侧重。随着就业形势的不断严峻,大学生自己对毕业以后的选择也逐渐开始重视并分析就业与创业利弊并形成自己的看法与见解。本文主要简单分析不同类型的高校大学生分别对就业与创业的态度,帮助大家了解大学生的想法从而更好的使得大学与企业社会接轨解决社会就业率这一问题。  相似文献   

本文利用浙江、重庆等东西部省市家族企业的调查数据,实证检验了资源/战略需求、关系治理、权力结构、企业家特质对家族企业网络化成长模式的影响及机制,结果发现,资源需求对二级网络持久度有显著的负向影响,对二级网络开放度有显著的正向影响;合作机会对网络范围、二级网络强度有显著的正向影响;关系管理对一级网络强度、二级网络开放度有显著的正向影响;家族所有权对一级网络范围有显著的正向影响,对二级网络强度有显著的负向影响,家族管理权对一级网络范围有显著的正向影响;企业家年龄对一级网络强度有显著的负向影响,企业家行业工作经验对二级网络范围、网络持久度有显著的正向影响,企业家文化程度为大学本科的家族企业二级网络强度、二级网络开放度明显大于其它类型家族企业。研究结论对中国家族企业成长实践有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

Certain business practices include legal but ethically questionable activities. Surveys intended to determine the nature and extent of such activities must employ questioning methods which mitigate the inherent threat of sensitive questions and account for social desirability effects. This study uses a national mail survey of chief executive officers (CEOs) of manufacturing firms to compare the performance of direct questioning, scenario, and randomized response methods for estimating the prevalence of several sensitive business practices. The direct questioning and scenario versions used self-reporting (individual-based) questions, as well as the CEO's perceptions of the extent to which others engage in questionable activities (other-based). In general, the estimates of the prevalence of selected questionable activities were lowest when the individual-based direct questioning was used and highest when other-based (either direct questioning or scenario) methods were used. The individual- based scenario and randomized response estimates represented intermediate estimates. Suggested guidelines for using the three methods for eliciting sensitive information are discussed.  相似文献   

公司企业家精神培育的系统理论假设模型及验证   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
企业家精神是企业永续发展的不竭动力。是21世纪推动一个国家经济发展最主要的动力之一。本文从微观角度出发,研究公司如何采取有效的措施促进公司企业家精神的培育,进而提高公司的经营业绩。笔者在国内外相关领域研究成果的基础上,提出了影响公司企业家精神培育的系统理论假设模型,并通过实证研究验证了假设模型。  相似文献   

经理人职能与职业化发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有关文献研究表明,现代化社会的职业经理人承担着一些企业家的职能。要获得社会信任,经理人职业必须发展专业知识和职业伦理,走职业化的道路。本文回顾了西方经理人的职业化历程,从人力资本和社会契约论等方面解释了职业经理人权力所具有的合法性基础,指出推动经理人群体职业化,是解决发展中国家企业家能力短缺问题的重要途径。  相似文献   

The author draws on his experience teaching business concepts to executive students from former centrally-planned economies of the Confederation of Independent States, particularly Tashkent. Several lessons can be learned. Most important is that the students' perceptions of Western business knowledge is very different from those in the West. To bridge these different perceptions, the author suggests starting from a common knowledge base, using only concrete and specific work situations, making tacit knowledge explicit through imagination, analogies and metaphors, and giving priority to the process of introducing new business practices.  相似文献   

Despite a voluminous literature, business model research continues to be plagued with problems. Those problems hinder theory development and make it difficult for managers to use research findings in their decision-making. In our article, we seek to make three contributions. First, we clarify the theoretical foundations of the business model concept and relate them to the five elements of a business model: customers, value propositions, product/service offerings, value creation mechanisms, and value appropriation mechanisms. A clear definition of a business model enables theory to develop systematically and provides coherent guidance to managers. Second, we suggest that value configuration is a contingency variable that should be included in future theorizing and model building. Each of the elements of a business model is affected by a firm's value configuration depending on whether the firm is a value chain, value shop, or value network. Third, we link business models to organization design. We show how organization design is affected by value configuration and how new collaborative organizational forms enable open and agile business models. We derive the implications of our analysis for future research and management practice.  相似文献   

商业谈判是商业活动中一个必不可少的组成部分。为了了解影响中国商业谈判的因素,笔者在北京、温州和邯郸三个城市的几十家企业里组织了102组商业模拟谈判,并对相关数据进行了分析。数据结果揭示了中国商业谈判者的个人特征、谈判策略及谈判气氛等因素对谈判结果所产生的影响,以及这些因素之间的相互作用。文章最后针对这些分析结果提供了相应的现实商业谈判操作启示。  相似文献   


The global telecommunications changed from a number of co-operating national monopolies offering a restricted range of services to a competitive, growing market with players of many types and sizes, offering a large range of services. How can vertically integrated incumbents align themselves and their systems to best compete in this environment? Business patterns and enterprise modelling offer a tool to model a large organization as a number of smaller enterprises that can compete with and co-operate with smaller specialist players in the market. In order to identify enterprises, this paper proposes that there are only a limited number of types of enterprise (manufacturer, service supplier, reseller, that these enterprise types can only interact in a limited number of ways (component supply, aggregation supply, resell supply, trading, end-supply and commission). With the use of examples, this paper illustrates these types of enterprise and enterprise relationships, and how they can be combined to build both internal and external supply chains, and discusses some of the conclusions that can be drawn from this analysis.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a model of decision under ambiguity deemed vector expected utility, or VEU. In this model, an uncertain prospect, or Savage act, is assessed according to (a) a baseline expected‐utility evaluation, and (b) an adjustment that reflects the individual's perception of ambiguity and her attitudes toward it. The adjustment is itself a function of the act's exposure to distinct sources of ambiguity, as well as its variability. The key elements of the VEU model are a baseline probability and a collection of random variables, or adjustment factors, which represent acts exposed to distinct ambiguity sources and also reflect complementarities among ambiguous events. The adjustment to the baseline expected‐utility evaluation of an act is a function of the covariance of its utility profile with each adjustment factor, which reflects exposure to the corresponding ambiguity source. A behavioral characterization of the VEU model is provided. Furthermore, an updating rule for VEU preferences is proposed and characterized. The suggested updating rule facilitates the analysis of sophisticated dynamic choice with VEU preferences.  相似文献   

A questionnaire survey of career attitudes and intentions was administered to 1646 middle managers from eight organizations in the UK finance sector. Lengths of time in the organization, in previous and in present job were shown to predict career attitudes and intentions. Longer-serving managers were less ambitious and were unwilling to accept various career options. Those who had spent longer in their present job neither expected any change nor were willing to accept it. While decreased inter and intraorganizational mobility are consequences of cost-cutting and recession, it is argued that efforts to increase mobility are likely to pay dividends. Other measures may also succeed, given the finding that organizations differed in terms of their managers' career attitudes and intentions over and above the effects of mobility.  相似文献   

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