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This article examines the status of girls globally and demonstrates that acculturation and development processes favor boys and marginalize girls. Even more than women, girls experience the consequences of gender-based discrimination and such discrimination occurs irrespective of societal and personal socioeconomic levels. Recognizing that gender when combined with age provides the more formidable nexus for disability, the article seeks recognition among development’s strategists and scholars that the key to women’s development lies in the extent to which girls are protected, nurtured and empowered. Drawing on cross-cultural and comparative data to establish the greater vulnerability of girls in various development sectors such as health and survival, nutrition, education, employment, and acculturation, the article concludes with specific pointers to development planners, governments and other policy framers to successfully mainstream girls in development strategies as a way of ensuring a more gender-equitablechild andadult world.  相似文献   

杨宪益的汉诗英译可以分为前后两个时期,从前期的《楚辞》翻译到后期的《红楼梦》诗词翻译,不同时期的译本体现出译者迥异的诗学理念。结合相关回忆性材料,对杨氏在不同时期关于“诗歌能否翻译”与“诗歌如何翻译”两个问题的诗学理念进行考察,揭示其汉诗英译诗学理念变迁的轨迹,同时客观描述了该过程中伴随发生的译者对翻译本身兴趣的变化,最后指出译者兴趣因素对于翻译行为的重要影响。  相似文献   

商务印书馆2017年整理版戈公振遗著《世界报业考察记》,嘉惠学林甚大,然其中有少量文字讹误,对此略做校正与辨析。  相似文献   

通过分析卢思源与蔡基刚两位学者的相关论述,揭示专门用途英语(ESP)教学理念的以下“是”与“非”:ESP的“专门”是指“用途”而非“英语”;ESP是语言课程而非专业课程;ESP应主要培养专业学习技能及较高层次的交际技能而非日常的社会交际技能;ESP教学应是大学英语教学的“替身”或“本身”而非“延伸”;ESP教材特别强调的是真实性而非循序性;ESP教师应是多重角色集于一身者而非单纯的授课者。  相似文献   

外来人名的汉译国内虽有《世界人名翻译大辞典》可以参考,但对既定文本中出现的不少人名却依然无能为力。在讨论人名翻译的对等原则和罗曼语系人名汉译的特点基础上,以《公共外交》中繁杂的外来人名汉译为例,提出网络检索、官网核查、邮件交流三种策略来解决文本中生僻人名的翻译问题,认为译者在汉译外来人名时,必须要在参考权威辞典的基础之上,充分利用网络带来的便利条件多方求证,力图做到人名汉译的对等与可信,以期为新时代的外译汉研究提供借鉴和思考。  相似文献   

李子建、邱德峰的《新时代教师队伍建设改革——回应和展望》,从国际教师教育比较的角度,指出推动学校改进和教师发展机制的完善,应该积极利用佐证方法和大数据;同时,教师政策的落实,并不仅限于政府、学校和教师的投入,还需要家长的配合及社会资金的支持。李军的《从加拿大的经验看中国全面深化新时代教师队伍建设改革》,以加拿大人口最多的安大略省教师队伍建设为例,强调教师队伍建设是一个持续的、不断改进的专业化进程,其价值取向在于坚持专业的独立性,有效兼顾和平衡法治、政府职责和公众利益。王箭、王国祥的《关于中国教师教育新政策的几点思考》,聚焦4类教师教育政策(体系建立、内容改革、队伍建设、师范生录取与培养以及毕业生录用),以促进多角度和多层次的相关分析。苏智欣的《美国卓越教师教育的必备条件及其对中国教师教育的启示》,围绕美国当代著名教育家约翰·古德莱得博士总结的19个卓越教师教育条件,分析、对比中美两国教师教育的异同,找出中国的优势,取长补短。王如哲的《全面深化新时代教师队伍建设改革之解读》,以国际教师教育经验为参照,指出未来教师队伍建设需要切实了解中国教师的现状,建立目标检核机制,确保教师教育持续精进,同时关注新的教师教育问题。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the complex and contradictory ways that migration changes women's status in New York City—both for better and for worse. The focus is on the impact of women's incorporation into the labor force. On the positive side, migrant women's regular access to wages—and to higher wages—frequently improves their position in the household, broadens their social horizons, and enhances their sense of independence. Less happily, many migrant women work in dead-end positions that pay less than men's jobs. Immigrant working wives also experience a heavy double burden since the household division of labor remains far from equal. the author of several books on immigration, including Jamaica Farewell: Jamaican Migrants in London and New Immigrants in New York.  相似文献   

王振华教授编著的《新编系统功能语言学教程》一书是一本适合中国学生使用的系统功能语言学教程。该书涵盖了系统功能语言学的经典理论以及近年来在该范式下发展创立的新的理论和观点。通过对该教程进行介绍,并对其特点进行综述,可知该书对系统功能语言学的研究及该领域近年的重要成果进行了介绍,其中不乏独到的见解。该教程理论介绍联系实际语篇分析,是研究者学习和了解系统功能语言学的好教材。  相似文献   

ESP再探   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
此文为作者近年发表的三篇文章(《ESP/EST纵横谈》、EST as I See It、《ESP管窥》)的续篇。从ESP的教师、学员和教材等角度,探讨如何以最为有效的教学方式使学员在有限的学习期内尽快获得英语习得的最佳效果。内容覆盖面颇广,涵盖了“学习需要”“学习技能”“学习策略”“项目规划”“课程内容”“教材编写”“收集资料”等多方面。与此同时,论述ESP师生应如何扮演好教师和学员的角色,以解决ESP教学中所出现的各种问题。  相似文献   

《侵权责任法》第87条对侵权人不明的高楼落物侵权责任的承担进行了规定,具有保障受害人得到补偿、统一司法实践、降低致害概率的积极意义。但是,该规定也存在许多不足之处,主要表现为不利于社会和谐、容易引发道德风险、预防功能不充分、适用前提不明确等,没有很好地解决高楼落物侵权所面临的困境。采取社会救济、高楼落物赔偿基金、保险赔偿等多种途径相结合的救济方式,行政法、刑法与《侵权责任法》相配合的惩罚制度,不仅可以使受害人得到及时的、充分的补偿,而且可以有效预防此类侵权损害的发生。  相似文献   

对外新闻是我国对外宣传的重要渠道,其编译的成功与否直接影响我国国际形象,乃至国际话语权的确立。对外新闻是国家对外讲述中国故事,传播中国声音的行为,其编译本质上是新闻再叙事行为。通过尝试在对外新闻编译研究中引入叙事理论视角,以环球时报中英文网的新闻语料为例,从时空建构、选择性采用、标示性建构以及参与者重新定位等角度探讨对外新闻编译中叙事建构策略的具体运用,为提高我国对外新闻编译传播效果探索新的策略和路径。  相似文献   

从城市美学、移民/流散群体的生活状态、文化翻译等多个领域,分析了米克·巴尔的文章《食物、形式和可见性:瓜子与日常生活美学》中吃瓜子这一外来的日常习惯如何实践了巴尔在文化分析中所倡导的“概念旅行”,如何将移民、流散所含的负面含义转化为充满正能量且含义深刻的文化符号,从而批判性地颠覆了人们头脑中固有的东西方对立传统,展现了二者之间互补、双赢的关系。  相似文献   

This article first reviews the political, economic, and cultural context within which Japanese during the Tokugawa era (1600–1866) mastered Kanbun 漢文 as their elite lingua franca. Sino-Japanese cultural exchanges were based on prestigious classical Chinese texts imported from Ming (1368–1644) and Qing (1644–1911) China via the controlled Ningbo-Nagasaki trade and Kanbun texts sent in the other direction, from Japan back to China. The role of Japanese Kanbun teachers in presenting language textbooks for instruction and the larger Japanese adaptation of Chinese studies in the eighteenth century is then contextualized within a new, socio-cultural framework to understand the local, regional, and urban role of the Confucian teacher–scholar in a rapidly changing Tokugawa society. The concluding part of the article is based on new research using rare Kanbun medical materials in the Fujikawa Bunko 富士川文庫 at Kyoto University, which show how some increasingly iconoclastic Japanese scholar–physicians (known as the Goiha 古醫派) appropriated the late Ming and early Qing revival of interest in ancient Chinese medicine rather than continue to follow more recent Song-Jin-Yuan 宋金元 medical practices (Goseiha 後世派) based on Song interpretations of the Huangdi neijing 黃帝內經 (Yellow Emperor’s inner classic). This group favored ancient treatment formulae and empirically based diagnoses, which drew on the Shanghan lun 傷寒論 (Treatise of Cold Damage Disorders) as a medical text and Zhang Zhongjing 張仲景 as a pioneering physician. Although many Japanese physicians favored Western medicine (transmitted via Dutch Learning 蘭學) over Chinese medicine in the mid-nineteenth century, most in the mid- and late-eighteenth century focused on mastering classical Chinese, and then Ming and Qing medical books entering Nagasaki from China. These new, critical currents of Chinese medicine in Japan provided the impetus later for growing Japanese interest in Dutch Learning and modern Western medicine.
Benjamin A. ElmanEmail:

Hout M 《Gender Issues》1999,17(2):3-34
The political debates about legal abortion in the United States have intensified the ideological content of the issue. At the time that Roe v. Wade legalized abortion nation-wide, conservatives were divided on the issue, as were liberals. By the late 1990s, conservatives had moved toward a pro-life stance while liberals reached consensus on supporting choice. Women began the politicization, beginning to split along ideological lines in the late 1970s; men followed in the 1980s. Attitudes toward women's roles and sexual morality are strongly correlated with opinions about abortion, and they explain about one-third of the recent ideological gap on abortion. They do not account for the trend toward politicization, however. This article arose as a tangent to his recent project on class voting in the United States. Most of his work is in the areas of social inequality and social mobility. His most recent book (with five Berkeley co-authors) is Inequality by Design: Cracking the Bell Curve Myth (Princeton University Press, 1996).  相似文献   

This article discusses the reception of Chinese qigong in a Western context by focusing on the learning and experiencing of qigong in Norway. Drawing on ethnographic material from fieldwork among participants of a style of qigong referred to as Biyun medical qigong, I in particular explore the variety of body–mind states that Norwegian qigong students experience. I have differentiated five “stages” of Biyun practice. Using these stages as a framework, I demonstrate the gradual progression in the learning of qigong. “Body,” “concentration,” and qi (“life energy”) are all important constitutive dimensions in the practice, but as the learning progresses, qi becomes more and more prominent. Drawing on a definition of the body as “learning to be affected” and “learning to affect” (Despret, Body Soc 10:111–134, 2004; Latour, Body Soc 10:205–229, 2004), I suggest that qigong may be perceived as a practice that, at its core, involves learning to be affected by qi as well as to affect qi.
Gry SagliEmail:

Gender scholars have long argued that workplace culture is an important key to understanding how informal norms create, maintain, and sometimes undermine gender and sexual inequality at work. Although most studies have defined workplace culture as occupational culture, less emphasis has been placed on the importance of organizational culture. This article addresses the importance of both aspects of workplace culture by examining the occupational and organizational dress and appearance norms of men and women who work as editors and accountants at a heterosexual men's pornographic magazine and at a feminist magazine. This comparative case study demonstrates that workers face different expectations about the appropriate split between “personal” and work identities, depending on what they do and where they work. These informal, unwritten occupational and organizational norms play a large part in workers' definitions of appropriate and inappropriate expressions of gender and sexuality at work and should be attended to more carefully in attempts to achieve equality for men and women in all workplaces. Kirsten Dellinger is an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Mississippi. Her research focuses on gender and sexuality in the workplace. She has published on organizational culture and sexual harassment (Social Problems, 2002), organizational sexuality (American Review of Sociology, 1999), and make-up at work (Gender & Society, 1997).  相似文献   

Feminist thought and the women’s movement have had a major influence over most of the disciplines and many institutions of higher education. Women's Studies has matured as a field of study, and programs and departments may be found throughout the United States and around the world that combined high academic standards and critical feminist perspectives. Nonetheless, Women's Studies programs continue to be widely criticized and many are under-resourced. This article describes the successful efforts of one Women's Studies program to develop a rigorous multi-disciplinary curriculum, collaborate with departments and colleges across the university, and build ties with community organization through strategies of expansion, gender mainstreaming, and internationalization. Valentine M. Moghadam is Director of the Women's Studies Program at Illinois State University, and Associate Professor of Sociology. She teaches “Women, Gender, and Society” and “Contemporary Social Movements.” She is the author of Modernizing Women: Gender and Social Change in the Middle East (Lynne Rienner, 1993) and Women, Work and Economic Reform in the Middle East and North Africa (Lynne Rienner, 1998). She has edited five books, including Democratic Reform and the Position of Women in Transitional Economies (Clarendon Press/OUP, 1993) and Patriarchy and Economic Development: Women's Positions at the End of the Century (Clarendon Press/OUP, 1996). Her current research is on globalization and transnational feminist networks, and on women, citizenship and civil society in the Middle East and North Africa.  相似文献   

Rose Weitz 《Gender Issues》2011,28(4):192-208
Numerous researchers have explored how individuals alter their bodies to conform to or challenge gendered bodily norms. In contrast, most that live with scars must after the fact either reconcile their changed bodies with those norms or change their ideas to better match their changed bodies. This article uses narratives written by 284 male and female college students to explore the meanings individuals assign to unwanted scars, focusing on what this process tells us about the gendered body. The three most common meanings—scars as reminders of overcoming adversity, reminders of loved ones, and markers of athleticism—occur equally often in narratives written by men and women. The data illustrate how both gendered bodily norms and recent moves toward degendering affect young people’s embodied experiences.  相似文献   

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