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The paper deals with the application of the activity theory in describing psychological determinants of the information searching activity. The notions of information behavior, information retrieval, information competence, information retrieval activity given in Russian and English scientific literature are compared. The research approach to the information retrieval activity based on the principles developed in the Russian theory of activity is described; and the fundamentals of G. Sukhodolsky's generalized conception of activity are presented for the first time. Analysis of empirical researches showed that specific features of information search depend on how the user evaluates information resources, information, conditions and results of search. Psychological determiners of information search may be detected as the system of evaluative alternatives, which is generated by the user during the process of his experience growth. We discovered that user's evaluation system is also related to his individual typological and personal regulative features and determines the choice of the search strategy.  相似文献   

Many research studies have found a positive link between information technology (IT) in the work place and wages. Using data from the December, 1998 Current Population Survey, we examine the impact of IT, as proxied by on-the-job Internet usage, on wages. After controlling for selectivity bias, we estimate an average wage gain of 13.5 percent for on-the- job Internet usage. This wage advantage is consistent with estimates from studies based on data collected earlier in the 1990s examining the impact of computers in the workplace. We also tested for differences across industries in the manufacturing sector. We conclude that industries marked by less intensive use of technology offered significantly higher wage premiums than industries characterized by more intensive use of technology. This finding undermines the argument that higher wages go to those working in high-tech firms, not to those with high IT skills. We also find evidence that high-tech firms sort workers by skill level, which is also consistent with earlier studies.  相似文献   

To predict the technology acceptance of a system before market release is one of the big challenges of today. Many models are concerned with the question if someone is going to accept the system or not. Within this work a first empirical investigation of a personal trait called Pleasure of Control (PoC) is presented. Pleasure of Control is a construct that divides people into those people enjoy having control over a technical system and those who do not. It is predicted that a high Pleasure of Control leads to a prolonged system usage and unwillingness to accept highly automated systems. This paper presents a first empirical investigation of Pleasure of Control with 10 Persons with focus on usage durations. An experimental study revealed differences in the usage durations of a technical system (Apple iPad) between users with high and user with low Pleasure of Control measures.  相似文献   

This research presents the findings of a rank order evaluation of corporate social responsibility attributes by a target public (N = 72) of a contemporary corporate social responsibility campaign. The results indicate that publics value corporate honesty above other corporate social responsibility behaviors.  相似文献   

Mattos LB 《Work (Reading, Mass.)》2012,41(Z1):5600-5602
The core of this work involves the study of cognitive ergonomics and production of Information Systems under the interdisciplinary of the Design or Industrial Design. It is assumed that in the dynamics of human and the systems, mediated by systematic technology, there are constant changes in social perceptions, that alter the shape of the subject dealing with the real world, concrete, adopting a pseudo-idea of the evolutionary process. Attentive to the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary groups as agents of this process, points to the danger of the emergence of the myth of innovation as a solver of social problems and suggests new ergonomics as a contributor in a different way of thinking the humanization beyond of the XXI century.  相似文献   

Using conjoint analysis the sensitivity for the four most important retail attributes: price, quality, assortment and locational convinience for food stores is measured for a sample of 400 consumers in Tilburg, The Netherlands. In a second wave the actual shopping behavior is measured using a self-administrated questionnaire. The sensitivity scores are used separately and in conjunction, as sensitivity patterns, to explain patterns of shopping behavior as well as separate shopping characteristics. The relationships found, suggest the usefulness of this kind of approach as it gives in-depth insight into shopping behavior and choice of grocery store.  相似文献   

I disagree with the practice of defining romantic jealousy in terms of other emotions, on the grounds that it is circular and redundant. Moreover, it appears implausible to me that the variety of private motives for protecting a relationship against an interloper can be accounted for by a unitary source of motivation, such as an emotion of romantic jealousy. I propose that the words romantic jealousy, instead of identifying an emotion of jealousy, refer to the situation characterized by the potential, or actual, loss of a loved one, or a mate, to a real or imagined rival. Reactions in such a situation, whatever they may be, are labeled as jealousy. On the basis of the assumption that individuals create culture to satisfy personal goals and are, in turn, affected by their cultural creations, I identify particular cultural factors as increasing the likelihood that an individual will be threatened by a jealousy event. The individual makes use of culturally sanctioned coping strategies for dealing with the threat. These concepts are discussed in the context of appraisal processes.  相似文献   


In this article we will briefly review how changes in brain and in cognitive and social functioning, across the spectrum from normal to pathological aging, can lead to decision-making impairments that increase abuse risk in many life domains (e.g., health care, social engagement, financial management). The review will specifically focus on emerging research identifying neural, cognitive, and social markers of declining financial decision-making capacity in older adults. We will highlight how these findings are opening avenues for early detection and new interventions to reduce exploitation risk.  相似文献   

This paper explores a wide range of cross-country determinants of life satisfaction exploiting a database of 90,000 observations in 70 countries. We distinguish four groups of aggregate variables as potential determinants of satisfaction: political, economic, institutional, and human development and culture. We use ordered probit to investigate the importance of these variables on individual life satisfaction and test the robustness of our results with Extreme Bounds Analysis. The results show that only a small number of factors, such as openness, business climate, postcommunism, the number of chambers in parliament, Christian majority, and infant mortality, robustly influence life satisfaction across countries while the importance of many variables suggested in the previous literature is not confirmed. This remains largely true when the analysis splits national populations according to gender, income, and political orientation also. We thank Stephen Lea, participants at the 30th IAREP conference in Prague and the referees of this journal for comments on earlier versions. Gilles Winkler provided excellent research assistance.  相似文献   

By using unique data from the section on social behavior of the Bank of Italy's 2004 Survey of Household Income and Wealth (SHIW), the paper studies the individual determinants of several aspects of social behavior: attitudes to cooperating with anonymous others; interest in politics; participation in groups and associations; and propensity to rely on favoritism both in finding a job and in dealing with government red tape. Our findings suggest that these different aspects of social behavior are only weakly correlated to each other and are explained by different individual determinants. We find that older and more educated individuals display a greater willingness to cooperate, a stronger interest in politics, and more intense association activity. By contrast, the likelihood of relying on favoritism does not depend on age and education. We also find that home-ownership is associated with good social conduct, while urban residence has mostly a negative impact on public behavior. Finally, having left-wing political opinions increases the interest in politics, while it does not affect the other aspects of social behavior.  相似文献   

A primary function of facial displays is to communicate messages to others. Bavelas and Chovil (1990) proposed an Integrated Message Model of language in which nonverbal acts such as facial displays and gestures that occur in communicative (particularly face-to-face) interactions are viewed as symbolic messages that are used to convey meaning to others. One proposition of this model is that these nonverbal messages will be shaped by the social components of the situation. The present study attempted to delineate more precisely the components of sociality that explicitly affect the use of facial displays in social situations. Frequency of motor mimicry displays in response to hearing about a close-call experience was examined in four communicative situations. In one condition, participants listened to a tape-recording of an individual telling about a close-call event. In two interactive but nonvisual conditions, participants listened to another person over the telephone or in the same room but separated by a partition. In the fourth condition, participants listened to another person in a face-to-face interaction. The frequency of listeners' motor mimicry displays was found to vary monotonically with the sociality of the four conditions. Actual presence and visual availability of the story-teller potentiated listener displays. The results support the proposition that facial displays are mediated by the extent to which individuals can fully interact in communicative situations.This study was conducted at the University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C., Canada, as part of the author's doctoral dissertation and was partly supported by a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada doctoral fellowship. I thank Janet Bavelas for her assistance in the development of the study and her valuable comments on earlier drafts. Alan Fridlund helped in the analysis of the data and provided comments on earlier drafts. Linda Coates, Jennifer Halliday, Laura Lane, and Doug Laurie assisted in the collection of data. Laura Lane also helped in the scoring of facial displays.  相似文献   

Voluntarism is pervasive among humans, but what factors explain this particular nonmarket activity? Does it result from altruistic motives to help those less fortunate? Is it the result of rational or instinctive behavior that enhances individual and group survival? In this paper we draw upon the works of Adam Smith, Gary Becker, Herbert Simon, and evolutionary biologists Matt Ridley and Richard Dawkins to construct a formal model of interdependent utility functions. We test the implications of our model with data on volunteerism for U.S. states. Our findings support theories of volunteerism based on mutual aid among people with a common race and language and a relatively even distribution of income.  相似文献   


The literature indicates systematic attempts have been made to combine the approach of cognitive therapy with behavior therapy. The following paper reflects that much research has been done in this area showing great promise. Certainly the cognitive variable is significant in the treatment of human behavior, yet it can not be considered in isolation of other dimensions of behavior. Significant contributions have been made in the treatment of depression, phobias, anxiety, and panic attacks. Treatment elements have been applied to a diverse range of conditions, yet practice research has not documented statistical evidence of the effectiveness of the results. Further study needs to isolate the aspect of treatment that is producing the outcome. Greater attention needs to be given to the generalization and maintenance of treatment. Certainly the inclusion of cognitive variables in the assessment of human behavior enables comprehensive treatment of the individual. The authors indicate that further clinical research is needed to isolate specific predictors for using cognitive therapy alone or in a combined regimen.  相似文献   

The welfare concept is central to economics and to some topical problems, requiring interdisciplinary research. Psychology, biology and pedagogics may be important contributors. Economists have overemphasized economic, and among these consumption, aspects. A learning process to reduce unhealthy consumption remains topical. On the production side the diversity of labor types has been neglected. Here a central problem is job choice by maximizing welfare. Variables needed are capabilities required by jobs and personality traits. We ignore the number of independent characteristics. Path analysis with inherited and learnable traits may be extended by data on grandparents and on non-cognitive capabilities. A more precise production function of education is badly lacking. Two methods of measuring welfare functions and the shape of the latter are discussed.  相似文献   

Japan has the highest suicide rates among the OECD countries and this public health problem seems to be accelerating in over the recent decades. Investigating and understanding the suicidal behaviour is of crucial importance to society and health policy makers. Such an investigation could provide with useful information for those responsible in formulating the national policies on suicide prevention. This study estimates dynamic econometric models for total, male and female suicides in Japan for the period of 1957–2009. Using the ARDL approach to cointegration, we find that the associations of suicide with sociological factors (divorce and fertility rates) were stronger than those with economic factors (per capita GDP and unemployment) for females.  相似文献   

"Life expectancy and mortality increasingly are analyzed in the context of social factors. This study analyzes the impact of social position, marital status, and religious confession on cohort life expectancy. The analysis is based on [German data from the] Socio-Economic Panel Survey, wherein proxy-interviewee's parents have been used to estimate cohort mortality. Results confirm a lower mortality risk of the upper classes and of married persons. However, as opposed to other studies, Catholics do not have a lower, but even a higher mortality risk." (SUMMARY IN ENG)  相似文献   

The author evaluates studies by Huw R. Jones and Russell King concerning the determinants of emigration from Malta and tests a new set of migration functions using cross-sectional and time-series data for the inter-censal years 1957 to 1967. Jones and King concluded that emigration was influenced more by socio-demographic factors than by economic forces. In the present article, the author concludes that economic factors did influence the decision to migrate from Malta. The policy implications of these findings are also considered. (summary in FRE, SPA)  相似文献   

《Social Networks》1987,9(2):109-134
There are problems within the area of network analysis that can be fruitfully explored with cognitive social structures (CSS). Such structures can be modeled as three-dimensional (N × N × N) network structures. A definition of such structures is presented, along with a review of some of the problems CSS might address. Three types of aggregations of CSS - Slices, Locally Aggregated Structures (LAS), and Consensus Structures (CS) - are proposed to reduce CSS to a tractable two dimensions for analysis. As an illustration, the CSS of a management team of a small manufacturing firm is analyzed comparing all three types of aggregations.  相似文献   

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