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民族与民族主义研究:从实体论迈向关系实在论初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在民族和民族主义研究中,实体论具有重要地位,它包括客观实体论与主观实体论。前者长于民族的客观属性分析与内生分析,但忽略了民族的主观属性,忽略了他者和关系对民族自我的塑造作用;后者最为看重民族的主观属性,强调民族主义对民族的塑造作用,但放大了民族的主观属性,且落入从民族主义与民族两者的关系来界定民族的窠臼。文章引入关系实在论来阐释民族和民族主义,旨在消解民族的实体本体论地位,并将民族"自我"视为过程性、动态性与稳定性的关系化实体。在此基础上,文章区分了两个层次的流动的、关系化的民族自我和不同类型的民族主义:(1)国家民族(主义),公民民族(主义)和族群民族(主义)之间的竞争共生关系;(2)在第一个层次之上的民族自我与其他内部他者、外部他者之间的竞争共生关系。  相似文献   

民族是在一定历史时代形成的。每一个民族形成之后,都会与其他民族发生社会关系。在我国的56个民族中,有些民族之间可以互相通婚,有些民族却只允许在本族内部联姻。各民族之间的通婚问题,是民族关系的一个方面,也是研究人类自身生产的重要课题之一,对这个问题的探讨,无疑具有重要的现实意义。本文拟对我国各民族之间的通婚关系,进行初步分析,望读者指正。 (一) 从五十年代开始至现在,根据中央和各地方少数民族社会历史调查组的调查,我国各民族之间的通婚,大致有三种情况:  相似文献   

民族问题理论论民族与民族主义 〔英〕A·D·史密斯1·(8)民族关系在群众思想中的反映 〔苏〕A oJI。沃罗诺夫3·(1了)民族学者不了解“民族” 〔日〕续部恒雄5·(17)马来西亚的民族、民族关系和教育 〔美〕C oL·沙马3·(1)马来西亚的民族与政治 〔新西〕拉季·K,瓦西尔3·(12  相似文献   

赵荣 《民族论坛》2005,(8):30-31
为了进一步促进少数民族地区的快速、健康发展,巩固平等、团结、互助的社会主义民族关系,3月中旬,我们深入到江华瑶族自治县(以下简称江华)、双牌、道县、江永等县的民族乡村,就少数民族群众的生活状况与他们所面临的困难和问题进行实地调查,并与有关部门的同志进行了研讨。下面是我们这次调查的情况和不成熟的建议。(一)近年来永州市民族地区经济和社会各项事业都有所发展,但比较而言,民族地区生产力水平依然低下,经济、社会、文化发展相对落后,生存问题、发展问题、民族问题已成严峻的社会现实问题。1、生存危机。永州市少数民族地区森林…  相似文献   

民族关系是民族生存和发展过程中相关民族之间的相互交往、联系、作用和影响的关系。民族地区良好的民族交往和民族互动,会使各民族之间形成较高的国家认同和民族认同。本文通过对内蒙古地区民族关系的调查,以各民族之间的社会交往、当地民族与外来人员之间交往的包容性、民族身份在日常生活中的不便利性、各民族对于当地及国家民族关系的主观评价以及民族冲突状况等方面进行论述,以期全面真实地反映内蒙古地区的民族关系现状。  相似文献   

随着现代化进程的加快,民族间的交往与互动更加频繁,民族关系模式与类型被赋予了新的内涵,影响民族关系变动的因素也呈现出了新的特点.笔者选取了循化撒拉族自治县道帏藏族乡的唯一一个汉族村落--起台堡村为田野调查点,深入实地进行了民族学传统的"田野工作",对该社区所处空间的民族关系状况作了调查,从一个新的研究视角对影响民族关系的因素作了实证性的分析.  相似文献   

本文分析了贝尔宾(Belbin)的“角色模式”和卡尔通(Kirton)的“认知模式”与甘肃少数民族在组织中扮演的角色的关系,发现甘肃少数民族在适应型角色的扮演方面是成功的,在创造型角色的扮演方面则存在明显不足。本文的调查资料来自400位甘肃的少数民族人士。  相似文献   

本文基于国家治理的理论,从中央与地方政府(民族地区)关系的角度,进一步论述了国家—民族关系.国家治理的理论是深化认识国家—民族关系的重要基础;中央对民族地区的财政转移支付,是国家—民族关系的重要机制;项目则是中央处理国家—民族关系,促进民族地区发展的重要措施.国家通过财政支付和项目制,促进了民族地区经济发展和社会稳定,体现国家对民族地区的有效治理.  相似文献   

关于民族的自治和发展间题正确认识和处理社会主义初级阶段 民族间的矛盾关于自治权及其行使与保障的思考刘克甫谈共同心理素质与民族自我 意识间题关子社会主义初级阶段民族问题的 几点思考苏联民族问题的新思维斯大林民族理论模式驳议 一一民族谈话录之一与刘克甫书再谈民族共同心理素 质l’of题要稳定和调动民族地区汉族干部 的积极性关于西藏与祖国的关系和人权问题江平(1,1)刘先照(1.7)武国瑞(2.1)贺国安(2 .8)何润(3.1)赵龙庚(3。6)贺国安(4.1)熊锡元(4.14)李心春(4,19)姚兆麟(5。7)张国英(5.10)吴从众(5 .12) 区商品经济‘杜幼德(3 .…  相似文献   

作者通过实地访淡与问卷调查相结合的方法,从认同问题、整合程度与影响民族关系的因素三个方面,对2008年新疆疏勒县的维汉关系进行了调查,并与王海霞、杨圣敏2004年在阿克苏地区库车县的民族关系调查进行了比较分析.调查结果显示,世纪之交新疆维汉关系确实处于良好状态,但评价民族关系的核心指标——通婚率极低,说明良好的趋势非常脆弱.当地居民对维汉通婚的态度较宽容,现实通婚状况与通婚态度的差异说明新时期民族团结工作需要实质性的新思路.  相似文献   

广西水库移民与生态移民比较研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
广西是我国的移民大省(区)。生态移民和水库移民是广西两种最主要的移民类型。其二者之间既有区别,又存在诸多共同点。正确地分析和认识这种区别与共同点,进而揭示其相互之间的联系,对于今后进一步做好广西的移民工作,具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

外来犹太移民作为以色列构建国家的基石,不仅促进了城市人口的增长,推动了新城的建立,加快了产业结构的升级,也提升了以色列城市化的发展水平。在外来移民的助推下,以色列的城市化先后经历了自发发展与政府推进两个阶段,城市规模日益扩大,城市数量显著增加,城市布局不断优化,成为当今世界城市化成功的典范。  相似文献   

民族传统文化是维系民族认同与团结、生存与发展的“灵魂”,它对于今天民族地区正在进行的经济建设活动,同样具有十分重要的意义。广西红水河梯级电站水库移民安置的实践,充分证明了这一点。  相似文献   

My research examines the role of patron saint celebrations in how the children of indigenous Oaxacan immigrants living in Los Angeles, California form ethnic, community, and national identities. Religious practices among immigrants have been characterized as a reterritorialization of religious practices (McAlister in Gatherings in diaspora: Religious communities and the new immigration, 1998). Importantly, legal status may influence transborder movement for undocumented immigrants thereby affecting the extent and character of immigrants’ transnational activities, including their religious practices (Menjívar in J Ethn Migr Stud 28:531–552, 2002). In cases when immigrants may be unable to return their country of origin, rituals figuratively transport immigrants between the sending and receiving community (Tweed in J Am Acad Religion 70:253–277, 2002). Thus, religious identities and practices also enable immigrants to sustain membership in multiple locations, allowing them to affirm continued attachments to a particular sending community or nation even if they are unable to return to their home country (Levitt in Int Migr Rev 37:847–873, 2003). Playing in village-based bands, performing traditional dances, or attending patron saint festivities facilitate indigenous youths’ social integration into the U.S. by fostering a strong sense of ethnic pride in the face of anti-indigenous discrimination from within the Latino population or anti-immigrant hostility from mainstream society. This article explores the racism at structural and individuals levels the children of indigenous immigrants contend with, as well as the effects of these on patterns of identity formation for the children of undocumented indigenous immigrants and on their children’s transnational practices.  相似文献   

本文以亦剌思、阿都儿火者等人为例,探讨明朝对入附的撒马儿罕回回的安置及这些入附人员在明政府中的作用。入附明朝的撒马儿罕回回人有十多批,明廷多将他们安置在南京、北京、甘州等地。这些入附的回回人大体上享有与故元归附人员同等的待遇。他们与西域其他各地入附的回回人一道成为明代回回人的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the consequences of Donald J. Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric and policies vis-à-vis his travel ban on Muslim immigration experiences. The paper looks at the impact of Trump’s and like-minded European leaders’ Islamophobic rhetoric and policies on dominant cultures, public policies, and assimilation of Muslims in the U.S. and in Europe. The review correlates said rhetoric and policies with public attitudes about Muslims, the rise of hate crimes and violence against Muslims, public policy changes, and assimilation (including civic engagement) of Muslims. The paper contrasts the differences in attitudes and responses of Muslim and non-Muslim communities in the U.S. and Europe. It concludes that U.S. and European Muslims retain overall positive attitudes about their new home countries and institutions and are politically engaged against the rise of anti-Muslim xenophobia, which varies between America and Europe, based on their respective histories, cultures and economies.  相似文献   

石德生 《西藏研究》2008,(4):93-103
文章通过急促城市化过程中三江源生态移民生活状态和社会适应的分析,讨论了制度性急促城市化带给生态移民观念的影响与变迁.认为虽然两年多的城市化进程导致生态移民的"心理振荡"和"边际人格",但由于生态移民的社会流动与分化现象较少,职业分化与异质性不深,观念的理性化、世俗化进程较慢,生活方式的现代性、多元化特征尚未成型,移民的生活方式仍然有着浓郁的传统性特征,城市化进程尚处于初级状态.  相似文献   

Research on Chinese Americans often centers on successful economic incorporation in American society (e.g., “model minority”). Unfortunately, previous research has overlooked the changing economic circumstances of native- and foreign-born Chinese children, despite the fact that Chinese children living in America are diverse in socioeconomic status and geographic origin. In this paper, we use data from the 1990 and 2000 censuses to compare levels and changes in child poverty rates among U.S.-born Chinese and immigrants from Taiwan, Mainland China, and Hong Kong, and to investigate how changes in maternal employment and family structure (including cohabitation) contributed to the decline in poverty rates in the 1990s. Compared to other Asian Americans and non-Asians, Chinese children in the U.S. are less likely to live in poverty, thanks in part to more married-couple families and higher levels of maternal employment. Yet, child poverty rates vary among Chinese American subpopulations—being lowest for children of U.S.-born Chinese and highest for children of mainland-born Chinese. In addition, we find that poverty among U.S.-born and Taiwan-born Chinese would have been even lower had their rates of divorce and cohabitation had been similar to those for mainland-born and Hong Kong-born Chinese.  相似文献   

This study analyses the antecedents of exclusionist political attitudes towards Palestinian citizens of Israel among Israeli immigrants from the former Soviet Union in comparison to Old Jewish Israelis (OJI). A large-scale study of exclusionist political attitudes was conducted in the face of ongoing terrorism in Israel through telephone surveys carried out in September 2003 with 641 OJI and 131 immigrants. The main goal of the survey was to estimate the influence of perceived loss and gain of resources-as a consequence of terror-on attitudes towards Palestinian Israelis, while controlling for other relevant predictors of exclusionism-i.e. authoritarianism or threat perception. Findings obtained via interaction analyses and structural equation modelling show that a) immigrants display higher levels of exclusionist political attitudes towards Palestinian citizens of Israel than OJI; b) loss of resources, authoritarianism, and hawkish (rightist) worldviews predict exclusionist political attitudes among both immigrants and non-immigrants; c) failure to undergo post-traumatic growth (resource gain) in response to terrorism (e.g. finding meaning in life, becoming closer to others) is a significant predictor of exclusionist political attitudes only among immigrants.  相似文献   

肃南是甘肃省重要的牧业基地之一,但近年来伴随着生态环境恶化,西部裕固族生产与生活面临困难与问题,生态移民成为政策选择的重点。文章以从莲花乡黄土坡村到明花农业开发区双海子村移民为个案,对移民的过程及文化适应与整合进行了描述与分析,对移民遇到的困难与问题以及进一步发展的对策进行了一定思考。  相似文献   

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