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Social network data usually contain different types of errors. One of them is missing data due to actor non-response. This can seriously jeopardize the results of analyses if not appropriately treated. The impact of missing data may be more severe in valued networks where not only the presence of a tie is recorded, but also its magnitude or strength. Blockmodeling is a technique for delineating network structure. We focus on an indirect approach suitable for valued networks. Little is known about the sensitivity of valued networks to different types of measurement errors. As it is reasonable to expect that blockmodeling, with its positional outcomes, could be vulnerable to the presence of non-respondents, such errors require treatment. We examine the impacts of seven actor non-response treatments on the positions obtained when indirect blockmodeling is used. The start point for our simulation are networks whose structure is known. Three structures were considered: cohesive subgroups, core-periphery, and hierarchy. The results show that the number of non-respondents, the type of underlying blockmodel structure, and the employed treatment all have an impact on the determined partitions of actors in complex ways. Recommendations for best practices are provided.  相似文献   

《Social Networks》2006,28(3):247-268
We perform sensitivity analyses to assess the impact of missing data on the structural properties of social networks. The social network is conceived of as being generated by a bipartite graph, in which actors are linked together via multiple interaction contexts or affiliations. We discuss three principal missing data mechanisms: network boundary specification (non-inclusion of actors or affiliations), survey non-response, and censoring by vertex degree (fixed choice design), examining their impact on the scientific collaboration network from the Los Alamos E-print Archive as well as random bipartite graphs. The simulation results show that network boundary specification and fixed choice designs can dramatically alter estimates of network-level statistics. The observed clustering and assortativity coefficients are overestimated via omission of affiliations or fixed choice thereof, and underestimated via actor non-response, which results in inflated measurement error. We also find that social networks with multiple interaction contexts may have certain interesting properties due to the presence of overlapping cliques. In particular, assortativity by degree does not necessarily improve network robustness to random omission of nodes as predicted by current theory.  相似文献   

Structural balance theory has proven useful for delineating the blockmodel structure of signed social networks. Even so, most of the observed signed networks are not perfectly balanced. One possibility for this is that in examining the dynamics underlying the generation of signed social networks, insufficient attention has been given to other processes and features of signed networks. These include: actors who have positive ties to pairs of actors linked by a negative relation or who belong to two mutually hostile subgroups; some actors that are viewed positively across the network despite the presence of negative ties and subsets of actors with negative ties towards each other. We suggest that instead viewing these situations as violations of structural balance, they can be seen as belonging to other relevant processes we call mediation, differential popularity and internal subgroup hostility. Formalizing these ideas leads to the relaxed structural balance blockmodel as a proper generalization of structural balance blockmodels. Some formal properties concerning the relation between these two models are presented along with the properties of the fitting method proposed for the new blockmodel type. The new method is applied to four empirical data sets where improved fits with more nuanced interpretations are obtained.  相似文献   

Information about social networks can often be collected as event stream data. However, most methods in social network analysis are defined for static network snapshots or for panel data. We propose an actor oriented Markov process framework to analyze the structural dynamics in event streams. Estimated parameters are similar to what is known from exponential random graph models or stochastic actor oriented models as implemented in SIENA. We apply the methodology on a question and answer web community and show how the relevance of different kinds of one- and two-mode network structures can be tested using a new software.  相似文献   

Social networks describe the relationships and interactions among a group of individuals. In many peer relationships, individuals tend to associate more often with some members than others, forming subgroups or clusters. Subgroup structure varies across networks; subgroups may be insular, appearing distinct and isolated from one another, or subgroups may be so integrated that subgroup structure is not visually apparent, and there are numerous ways of quantifying these types of structures. We propose a new model that relates the amount of subgroup integration to network attributes, building on the mixed membership stochastic blockmodel (Airoldi et al., 2008) and subsequent work by Sweet and Zheng (2017) and Sweet et al. (2014). We explore some of the operating characteristics of this model with simulated data and apply this model to determine the relationship between teachers’ instructional practices and their classrooms’ peer network subgroup structure.  相似文献   

《Social Networks》2004,26(3):205-219
Centrality is an important concept in social network analysis which involves identification of important or prominent actors. Three common definitions of centrality are degree centrality, closeness centrality and betwenness centrality which yield actor indices. By aggregating these actor indices of centrality across actors, we obtain a single group-level index of centralization. In this paper, we consider the problem of testing whether the observed data is likely to have come from a particular kind of centralized structure of a given size, edge probability and extent of centralization. Eight different group-level indices of centralization are used as test statistics of graph centralization. As our graph model, we assume a general blockmodel which allows a rich probabilistic structure. By carrying out a simulation study the performance of the tests is evaluated by comparing their power functions. The results imply that two tests based on degree and four tests based on closeness have high power. In addition, critical values of the tests are modeled conditional on graph parameters via a linear regression model. An application is illustrated with analysis on a real data set.  相似文献   

Logit Models for Affiliation Networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Once confined to networks in which dyads could be reasonably assumed to be independent, the statistical analysis of network data has blossomed in recent years. New modeling and estimation strategies have made it possible to propose and evaluate very complex structures of dependency between and among ties in social networks. These advances have focused exclusively on one-mode networks—that is, networks of direct ties between actors. We generalize these models to affiliation networks, networks in which actors are tied to each other only indirectly through belonging to some group or event. We formulate models that allow us to study the (log) odds of an actor's belonging to an event (or an event including an actor) as a function of properties of the two-mode network of actors' memberships in events. We also provide illustrative analysis of some classic data sets on affiliation networks.  相似文献   

Economic and sociological exchange theories predict divisions of exchange benefits given an assumed fixed network of exchange relations. Since network structure has been found to have a large impact on actors’ payoffs, actors have strong incentives for network change. We answer the question what happens to both the network structure and actor payoffs when myopic actors change their links in order to maximize their payoffs. We investigate the networks that are stable, the networks that are efficient or egalitarian with varying tie costs, and the occurrence of social dilemmas. Only few networks are stable over a wide range of tie costs, and all of them can be divided into two types: efficient networks consisting of only dyads and at most one isolate, and Pareto efficient and egalitarian cycles with an odd number of actors. Social dilemmas are observed in even-sized networks at low tie costs.  相似文献   

《Social Networks》1995,17(1):1-26
This paper explores the application of two contemporary computational methods to the development of sociological theory. Specifically, we combine the methods of object-orientation with discrete event simulation. This approach has several advantages for constructing and evaluating dynamic social theories.In object-oriented program design, objects combine and integrate the traditional concepts of data structures and algorithms, the building blocks of structured programming. Algorithms associated with objects are called methods or member functions. Constructing social actors as objects involves defining both their data attributes and the methods associated with these attributes. We also treat a social network as a computational object. It has data types of nodes and ties. As an object, the network must also have methods that add and delete nodes and ties. Once a network exists, we can create other data types and methods that describe and analyze the network. For example, networks have in-degree and out-degree vectors, and measures of hierarchy. In principle, we can create attributes of networks for all of the structural measures we use to describe networks.We use actor and network objects in a discrete event simulation of a process of formation of dominance structures, exploring several dynamic variations of the underlying theoretical model.  相似文献   

Research on measurement error in network data has typically focused on missing data. We embed missing data, which we term false negative nodes and edges, in a broader classification of error scenarios. This includes false positive nodes and edges and falsely aggregated and disaggregated nodes. We simulate these six measurement errors using an online social network and a publication citation network, reporting their effects on four node-level measures – degree centrality, clustering coefficient, network constraint, and eigenvector centrality. Our results suggest that in networks with more positively-skewed degree distributions and higher average clustering, these measures tend to be less resistant to most forms of measurement error. In addition, we argue that the sensitivity of a given measure to an error scenario depends on the idiosyncracies of the measure's calculation, thus revising the general claim from past research that the more ‘global’ a measure, the less resistant it is to measurement error. Finally, we anchor our discussion to commonly-used networks in past research that suffer from these different forms of measurement error and make recommendations for correction strategies.  相似文献   

A stochastic model is proposed for social networks in which the actors in a network are partitioned into subgroups called blocks. The model provides a stochastic generalization of the blockmodel. Estimation techniques are developed for the special case of a single relation social network, with blocks specified a priori. An extension of the model allows for tendencies toward reciprocation of ties beyond those explained by the partition. The extended model provides a one degree-of-freedom test of the model. A numerical example from the social network literature is used to illustrate the methods.  相似文献   

Network studies on cognitive social structures collect relational data on respondents’ direct ties and their perception of ties among all other individuals in the network. When reporting their perception networks, respondents commit two types of errors, namely, omission (false negatives) and commission (false positives) errors. We first assess the relationship between these two error types, and their contributions on overall respondent accuracy. Next we propose a method for estimating networks based on perceptions of a random sample of respondents from a bounded social network, which utilizes the receiver operator characteristic curve for balancing the tradeoffs between omission and commission errors.  相似文献   

《Social Networks》1998,20(4):353-387
For many years, network analysts viewed positional centrality as a source of social power. More recently, laboratory studies of exchange networks have called the centrality–power link into question: under zero-sum exchange conditions, the ability of certain actors to directly exploit others has been found to account for power independent of actors' centrality. But most observers believe that in non-zero-sum communication networks, centrality should positively affect power. In this study we examine the effect of centrality on power in a communication network involving group voting on political issues. Using a model in which actors' votes are determined by the strength of their initial positions and the social pressures to which they are subjected, we conduct computer simulations to examine the extent to which actors in various network positions achieve favorable political outcomes. Our findings indicate that the link between centrality and power is highly contingent on the structure of the network. In networks with a central actor and an odd number of subgroups, central actors fail to dominate. In fact, in these networks, when peripheral actors are able to directly influence one another, the central actor becomes the least powerful in the network. In networks with a central actor and an even number of subgroups, however, the central actor dominates even in situations with connected peripherals. The highly contingent effect of centrality on power accords with the findings of exchange theorists who have studied power under zero-sum conditions. This raises questions about the nature of the distinction between communication and exchange networks.  相似文献   

This paper reviews, classifies and compares recent models for social networks that have mainly been published within the physics-oriented complex networks literature. The models fall into two categories: those in which the addition of new links is dependent on the (typically local) network structure (network evolution models, NEMs), and those in which links are generated based only on nodal attributes (nodal attribute models, NAMs). An exponential random graph model (ERGM) with structural dependencies is included for comparison. We fit models from each of these categories to two empirical acquaintance networks with respect to basic network properties. We compare higher order structures in the resulting networks with those in the data, with the aim of determining which models produce the most realistic network structure with respect to degree distributions, assortativity, clustering spectra, geodesic path distributions, and community structure (subgroups with dense internal connections). We find that the nodal attribute models successfully produce assortative networks and very clear community structure. However, they generate unrealistic clustering spectra and peaked degree distributions that do not match empirical data on large social networks. On the other hand, many of the network evolution models produce degree distributions and clustering spectra that agree more closely with data. They also generate assortative networks and community structure, although often not to the same extent as in the data. The ERGM model, which turned out to be near-degenerate in the parameter region best fitting our data, produces the weakest community structure.  相似文献   

Recently there has been a surge in the availability of online data concerning the connections between people, and these online data are now widely used to map the social structure of communities. There has been little research, however, on how these new types of relational data correspond to classical measures of social networks. To fill this gap, we contrast the structure of an email network with the underlying friendship, communication, and advice seeking networks. Our study is an explorative case study of a bank, and our data contains emails among employees and a survey of the ego networks of the employees. Through calculating correlations with QAP standard errors and estimating exponential random graph (ERG) models, we find that although the email network is related to the survey-based social networks, email networks are also significantly different: while off-line social networks are strongly shaped by gender, tenure, and hierarchical boundaries, the role of these boundaries are much weaker in the email network.  相似文献   

We consider data with multiple observations or reports on a network in the case when these networks themselves are connected through some form of network ties. We could take the example of a cognitive social structure where there is another type of tie connecting the actors that provide the reports; or the study of interpersonal spillover effects from one cultural domain to another facilitated by the social ties. Another example is when the individual semantic structures are represented as semantic networks of a group of actors and connected through these actors’ social ties to constitute knowledge of a social group. How to jointly represent the two types of networks is not trivial as the layers and not the nodes of the layers of the reported networks are coupled through a network on the reports. We propose to transform the different multiple networks using line graphs, where actors are affiliated with ties represented as nodes, and represent the totality of the different types of ties as a multilevel network. This affords studying the associations between the social network and the reports as well as the alignment of the reports to a criterion graph. We illustrate how the procedure can be applied to studying the social construction of knowledge in local flood management groups. Here we use multilevel exponential random graph models but the representation also lends itself to stochastic actor-oriented models, multilevel blockmodels, and any model capable of handling multilevel networks.  相似文献   

《Social Networks》1987,9(1):1-36
In 1983, Holland, Laskey, and Leinhardt, using the ideas of Holland and Leinhardt, and Fienberg and Wasserman, introduced the notion of a stochastic blockmodel. The mathematics for stochastic a priori blockmodels, in which exogenous actor attribute data are used to partition actors independently of any statistical analysis of the available relational data, have been refined by several researchers and the resulting models used by many. Attempts to simultaneously partition actors and to perform relational data analyses using statistical methods that yield stochastic a posteriori blockmodels are still quite rare. In this paper, we discuss some old suggestions for producing such posterior blockmodels, and comment on other new suggestions based on multiple comparisons of model parameters, log-linear models for ordinal categorical data, and correspondence analysis. We also review measures for goodness-of-fit of a blockmodel, and we describe a natural approach to this problem using likelihood-ratio statistics generated from a popular model for relational data.  相似文献   

Introduction to stochastic actor-based models for network dynamics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Stochastic actor-based models are models for network dynamics that can represent a wide variety of influences on network change, and allow to estimate parameters expressing such influences, and test corresponding hypotheses. The nodes in the network represent social actors, and the collection of ties represents a social relation. The assumptions posit that the network evolves as a stochastic process ‘driven by the actors’, i.e., the model lends itself especially for representing theories about how actors change their outgoing ties. The probabilities of tie changes are in part endogenously determined, i.e., as a function of the current network structure itself, and in part exogenously, as a function of characteristics of the nodes (‘actor covariates’) and of characteristics of pairs of nodes (‘dyadic covariates’). In an extended form, stochastic actor-based models can be used to analyze longitudinal data on social networks jointly with changing attributes of the actors: dynamics of networks and behavior.  相似文献   

Social network researchers are routinely faced with the boundary specification problem, namely, where to place limits on nodes that constitute a social network. The complexity of the issue varies; some networks are easily delineated, while others are not. For instance, if we were interested in exploring the relations among older people in an elder care home, then ‘residence’ would define actor membership. However, where a network exists with ambiguous, perhaps unstable, outer limits and its population proves tricky to access, significant challenges arise for the researcher. In this article, I consider ‘the boundary specification problem’ as it relates to an amorphous, ‘tricky-to-access’ population of cross-community youth leaders in North Belfast, Northern Ireland. This article will review current strategies and approaches for bounding social networks, assess the applicability of each and provide practical insights and extended ideas around delineating ambiguous, unstable, elusive structures composed of ‘tricky to access’ populations.  相似文献   

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