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彭贺  苏勇 《管理学报》2009,6(2):160-164,186
中国管理学科建设是一个长期的过程,这需要很多学者从不同途径去努力,应该采取一种包容、鼓励的态度,同时开展对话.对话应该有一个前提,不能因反对而反对,要心平气和地对学术观点进行探讨,不断达成共识,逐步推进管理学在中国的发展.东方管理研究不仅是对民族文化的认同,更多的是受当代管理实践的推进,对现实问题的呼应.尽管需要进一步加大经验证据的收集和操作工具的细化,但东方管理毫无争议地不是意识形态.  相似文献   

传统管理学批判   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
构成一个组织的基本要素应该是管理学的重要内容,但许多教科书并没有这样来说明。因此,管理学应该从组织的要素和对组织的分类开始。现有的管理学大多是针对已经存在的组织而言的。管理学不应仅仅涉及对现存组织的管理,还要考虑组织的产生、消亡及其法人性。现代企业管理的实践对管理科学最大的功绩之一在于提出了“治理”的概念。治理是“依法管理”的表现形式,是管理的前提和广义的管理。在最早的管理学中并没有把激励当成管理的一项职能。激励是经济的办法而不是管理的办法。激励是用经济手段来管理,管理在激励中消失自我并得以升华。管理的目的是为了经营,不可以离开经营来谈管理或把经营排斥在管理之外。广义的管理包含经营,广义的经营包含管理,没有经营就没有管理。  相似文献   

盛昭瀚 《管理科学》2019,22(5):1-11
问题是理论研究的起点.在人类管理理论时代性贡献与实践性关系上, 主要的困难不是答案, 而是问题.真正有价值的实际问题既能使管理理论具有旺盛的生命力, 又能使管理理论保持与时俱进的鲜活度, 并且理论的学术价值与真理性最终只能用解决实际问题的实践来证明.反之, 长久地脱离生动的管理问题, 忘记实践本身就是伟大的思想者, 或者一味生活在别人的思想栅栏和理论围城中, 终究会使我们自己的学术生命力慢慢衰落.问题导向原则要求我国管理理论研究不仅坚持实践化, 更从本国国情出发, 以解决我国现实问题和指导我国管理实践为主旨, 最终推动管理学术中国化的实现.当前需要认真弄清楚这一学理逻辑的基本形态与范式, 弄清楚如何在问题导向原则中保持这种形态的持久张力, 并使这种形态超越民族与地域的局限而融入人类管理学术整体文明之中.  相似文献   

With the growing influence of online social media, firms increasingly take an active role in interacting with consumers in social media. For many firms, their first step in online social media is management responses, where the management responds to customers' comments about the firm or its products and services. In this article, we measure the impact of management responses on customer satisfaction using data retrieved from a major online travel agency in China. Applying a panel data model that controls for regression toward the mean and heterogeneity in individual preference for hotels, we find that online management responses are highly effective among low satisfaction customers but have limited influence on other customers. Moreover, we show that the public nature of online management responses introduces a new dynamic among customers. Although online management responses increase future satisfaction of the complaining customers who receive the responses, they decrease future satisfaction of complaining customers who observe but do not receive management responses. The result is consistent with the peer‐induced fairness theory.  相似文献   

Worldwide modern organisation is continuously crossed by a great number of information but frequently information is not accurate, the needed information is not generated or it cannot be easily identified and, more, the information cannot flow through the whole organisation. This paper proposes the application of lean thinking in the field of information management. In the areas of manufacturing and production, the lean thinking is well known but usually the importance of a holistic approach is neglected and the improvement involves only the production and logistic areas and there is not a specific focus on the lean information management. We applied lean thinking to information management in order to improve the performance of an automotive company. We analysed the as-is company condition, we identified the present muda and we introduced the necessary changes. Then, we verified the modification efficiency through the calculation of a performance index. The paper proposes an interesting and exhaustive case of lean information management application and it highlights the possible improvement of such approach. The results of this study are not sector specific: they are not only applicable by other automotive industries, but they can also be extended to many other sectors.  相似文献   

王利平 《管理学报》2012,(4):473-480
作为一种"式"的中国式管理不单纯是管理哲学或管理方法问题,还是贯通、跨越了从管理哲学到管理方法诸层次的,体现为一种与文明类型相伴的管理类型。在一体化组织理论框架的范畴体系中,中国式管理就是在中国组织中通行的目标整合、制度规范内在逻辑支配下,包含了部分相容的西方现代管理体系和方法在内的,体现了至今仍有现实价值的中国传统观念和意义的管理类型,即"中魂西制"。当前阶段,致力于探究中国改革以来成功企业管理经验,并在此基础上做理论总结和提炼,才可能形成能反映中国经验的管理学理论和体系。  相似文献   

供应链集成的新思路:管理界面集成   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
管理界面作为管理集成的基本问题,可以表示供应链中结点企业间具体的联系方式。通过管理界面集成原理分析,提出了供应链管理界面集成的三种模式,不仅为供应链集成研究提供了新的思路,还为供应链管理的整体哲学思想增添了新的内涵。  相似文献   

李培挺  张守连 《管理学报》2011,(10):1451-1456,1461
谢尔登是通过"冲破"当时已有广泛普及性但研究方式僵化的"科学管理","立"其"管理哲学"的。其管理哲学的要点是:重视从整体意义上把握管理;工业关系中的个人既是工人,更是一个具有公民权利的人;工业组织本身不应是一架精密的机器,它首先应是人群的复合体;管理是一种艺术,具有科学的属性,但它本身不是科学;研究工业组织不能蜕变为研究机械工程学。谢尔登管理哲学的实质是一种关于工业管理的社会哲学。这种管理哲学对中国管理有很大的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The career path leading toward being a physician executive is similar for men and women, but there are some issues that have unique elements for women. Thus, any person interested in developing a medical management career can follow the advice in the following pages, but it is especially useful for women or for those who are coaching women in career development and management.  相似文献   


Manufacturers have extensively recognised the strategic importance of quality and environmental management. However, there is little guidance on how they adopt and exercise both management practices in a way that enhances firms’ performance outcomes. To fill the research gap, this paper empirically investigates the relationships among mimetic pressures, a firm’s quality management practices (QMPs), environmental management system (EMS), and environmental and financial performances. By using a data set collected from 212?U.S. manufacturing firms, this study examines the proposed hypotheses. Our major findings are: first, mimetic pressures are a driving factor for EMS but do not motivate the adoption of QMPs; second, QMPs are an important enabler not only for enhancing firms’ financial performance but also for promoting EMS and environmental performance; and finally, EMS does not influence firms’ financial performance directly, but indirectly does so through enhancing environmental performance. This study contributes to the literature of quality and environmental management and provides practical implications by addressing motivating factors of both QMPs and EMS, and identifying factors for successful environmental management practices.  相似文献   

从管理与文化的关系看中国式管理   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
彭贺 《管理学报》2007,4(3):253-257
有关管理与文化的争论不应再纠缠于文化是否影响管理,而应该去研究文化究竟如何影响管理实践,以及如何在管理理论中考虑文化要素。文化不仅对管理实践具有重要的影响作用,而且对管理理论来说更是建构地方性管理知识体系的基点。在中国的管理研究中,对文化的不同处理构成了3种研究途径:管理中国化研究、中国管理研究以及管理普适性研究。从当前中国实践的需求来看,中国管理研究是最为迫切需要的。中国式管理不仅存在,而且应成为中国学者研究的重要领域。  相似文献   

徐少春 《管理学报》2009,6(12):1597-1600
在中国和平发展的过程中,中国的管理科学要提高水平、走向世界,既要适应全球化,又要实现本土化。管理理论无所谓中式、美式、欧式、日式的区分,各国的管理科学也没有本质差别,譬如战略理论、生产管理、营销方法等。中国管理科学的全球化就是要学习、引进、发展现代管理科学。但因文化的差异,各国管理哲学有很大的差别。中国管理科学的本土化就是要继承并发展优良传统中国管理文化,促进管理科学在中国的实践。中国管理哲学与现代管理科学在中国成功管理实践中融合,形成了支撑中国经济持续高速增长的中国管理模式,而中国管理模式在实践中不断创新也必将推动现代管理科学进步和中国管理哲学的提升。  相似文献   

在救灾物资管理中,购买方在物资采购策略上常陷入两难的境地。从零售商处即时采购物资虽然可以减少库存成本,但物资单价高。从生产商处预先采购物资虽然物资单价低,但会面临风险损失。为解决这一问题,本文将供应链管理引入救灾物资管理体系中,将其视为一个单购买方、单供应方的供应链系统。本研究给出了,带期权契约机制的生产商采购策略中的救灾物资供应链整体期望利润,大于带退货机制的零售商采购策略中的救灾物资供应链总体期望利润的存在条件。在该存在条件满足的情况下,期权契约机制可以协调救灾物资供应链并达到Pareto均衡。此外在考虑了风险水平和风险偏好的情况下,提出了一种基于Nash讨价还价模型的效用函数,以确定能够被供应和购买双方同时接受的期权契约。  相似文献   

It is widely argued that to be competitive, a company not only needs to focus on internal aspects but on the entire supply chain. Lean supply chain management has become a means of enhancing competitiveness by improving efficiency and increasing flexibility at all stages of the supply chain. This research develops and validates a lean supply chain management measurement instrument. A two-phase approach is used for scale development and refinement. In the first phase, a literature review is conducted to identify definitions of lean supply chain management and agile supply chain management and their corresponding measurement items. In the second phase, the lean supply chain management measurement instrument is validated using survey data based on scales developed in the first phase by 59 scholars with experience in lean management and/or supply chain management. The results provide a structured and comprehensive measure of lean supply chain management indicating that there are two differentiated dimensions in the measurement instrument: one related to the operational aspects of lean supply chain strategy implementation and the second related to lean supply chain planning.  相似文献   

彭贺 《管理学报》2012,(5):637-641
不仅理论本身的原因会导致理论与实践的脱节,管理者不愿意使用理论或者不正确使用理论也会造成理论与实践的脱节,因此对管理者实践逻辑本身的分析就非常必要。基于对管理者实践逻辑的分析,管理者不仅应作为研究对象进入研究过程,即对管理者的实践智慧进行研究、吸纳和提炼,而且应作为研究主体进入研究过程。弥合管理理论与实践的距离,不仅要基于实践的逻辑去构建理论,更要研究实践者如何才能成为一个高效的研究者。  相似文献   


Critical management studies (CMS) offers a range of alternatives to mainstream management theory with a view to radically transforming management practice. The common core is deep skepticism regarding the moral defensibility and the social and ecological sustainability of prevailing conceptions and forms of management and organization. CMS's motivating concern is neither the personal failures of individual managers nor the poor management of specific firms, but the social injustice and environmental destructiveness of the broader social and economic systems that these managers and firms serve and reproduce. This chapter reviews CMS's progress, main themes, theoretical and epistemological premises, and main projects; we also identify some problems and make some proposals. Our aim is to provide an accessible overview of a growing movement in management studies.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the discussion on how to manage knowledge in organizations. Taking a perspective which acknowledges the importance of, but does not privilege, IT as the decisive element, it reports the results of a study investigating the process of establishing as opposed to conducting knowledge management. Based on a grounded theory approach to the analysis of the empirical data, a model of establishing knowledge management in organizations is developed. The model emphasizes how the organizational members make sense of the action and behavior of management, and how this understanding influences their own perceptions and actions in the process of establishing knowledge management. This leads to an understanding of knowledge management as an autonomous venturing process. The model is then used to suggest an explanation of why establishing knowledge management was not successful in the case which was investigated. Conclusions are provided on how the model can be further exploited for studying and improving the practice of knowledge management.  相似文献   

Ken Starkey and Paula Madan's report, Bridging the Relevance Gap (2001), advocates the development of collaborative networks between academics and organizations. Drawing on similar experiences, this article discusses two essential conditions of such programmes: a clarification of the scientific object of management research, and the design of research-oriented partnerships. The scientific identity of management research should be distinguished from other social sciences: management sciences do not study economic or social facts, but 'models of collective action' which are then perceived and judged conventionally and historically as 'economic or social phenomena'. Therefore, the essence and universality of management research is in understanding, criticizing and inventing 'models of collective action'. In management research, as in other design sciences, the classical laboratory and field models of research are important. However, a third model of research based on partnerships is required, where knowledge does not transcend action but is integral to it. Yet research is not simply 'doing better' and requires theoretical and empirical control. Hence, the design of 'research oriented partnerships' is a crucial key of new management research. Inspired by existing experiences, the research community could lay down the rules and commitments expected from academics and companies in research-oriented partnerships. Resting on these two pillars, research could contribute to the invention of new models of collective action adapted to contemporary issues and values and reduce misleading mimetic behaviour, blind compliance to gurus or fashion in management practice.  相似文献   

Management revolution in the age of the new economy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the age of the new economy a management has evolved, including management ideology, learning organization, team work, incentive of all the staff, cooperative competition, and strategic alliances. The concept of this new management did not appear all of a sudden. It evolved from the traditional, profound thought of management culture and the traditional Chinese management culture in particular. The principles of the new economy are in accord with ancient Eastern philosophy. Management culture in the East and that in the West have been gradually integrated with one another. The Eastern management culture has undergone a period of spreading to the West and returning to the East. Management scholars throughout the world have noted and paid attention to the traditional Chinese management culture, whose quintessence is human orientation, moral priority, and behavioral cultivation by self-discipline (or ren wei wei ren). It is not only a new way of thinking about modern management behavior but also a manifestation of the successful adoption of the philosophical thoughts of ancient China into the age of networks.  相似文献   

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