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The study reported in this paper investigated how an adolescent father's relationship with his family of origin affects his relationship with his own child. The dependent variable was parental behavior. The adolescent father's perceived role conceptions of his parents and his feeling and attitudes toward his family were the independent variables. The study included a non-random sample of 43 African-American unwed adolescent fathers. The findings of the study indicated a father's parental behavior was influenced by his perceived role conceptions of his mother and his feelings and attitudes toward his family of origin.  相似文献   

As more individuals live past age 100, it is important for health professionals to better understand characteristics important to the mental health of the oldest-old in our society. Few studies have been conducted on mental health in this group, but current literature suggests these individuals are very resilient with respect to mental health and life satisfaction, despite their health disadvantages. In interviews in a variety of studies, participants talked of the importance of both inner and outer resources for empowerment. Greater understanding of mental health in aging can inform policy makers as they draft new legislation and programs to enhance quality of life for the oldest-old.  相似文献   

Effects of mothers and daughters life cycle changes on mother–daughter relationships in the present study. The life cycle transitions focused on in this study are daughters' marriage and parenthood and mothers' widowhood and declining health. In-depth interviews were conducted with thirty Turkish adult daughter–aging mother pairs. Analyses of interviews with mothers and daughters revealed that age related changes reported by Turkish mothers and daughters were similar to those reported by western participants. Mother–daughter relationships were transformed when daughters got married, had children, and when mothers became widows. Relationships generally improved over the life cycle. Shared sense of femaleness increased and was reinforced by daughters' experience of wife and mother roles and resulted in greater empathy for mothers. Mothers' widowhood and declining health were associated with role reversal. Certain culture specific themes emerged. These were transfer of the responsibility for the daughter's honor from the family to the husband, stress on filial obligations, view of care giving and care taking as cyclic over the life cycle, explanations of conflicts by external norms and/or circumstances, association of women with places and/or relationships. Ambivalence voiced by daughters was interpreted as renegotiation of roles within a society in transition from traditional to more individualist norms.  相似文献   

This study is a qualitative interview study about the household possessions that elderly women and men brought with them when moving into assisted living. The move implied a substantial reduction of their possessions since, in all cases, they had left a larger dwelling than the one they moved to. The study gives a glimpse into the everyday life of the oldest old in assisted living. The things the elderly participants brought were of three types; cherished objects, representations of who they were, and mundane objects. The most important objects indicated by the elderly often belonged to the third type, and were preferred for the significance they had for the everyday life of the individual. These objects revealed a circumscribed but dignified life in their private bed-sitting room, often in solitude, where the elderly individuals pursued various interests and small-scale activities. However, this life was organized and preferred by the individuals themselves, in accordance with the principles of resident autonomy and individual choice that are promoted in assisted living. The author suggests that these self-engaged pursuits can contribute to bridging the gap between disengagement and activity theories. The study results also contribute to making visible the private life of the oldest old in assisted living.  相似文献   

The increase in working mothers has led to a growing demand for day care cross-culturally. Attitudes and opinions vary in regard to the necessity of parental involvement in these programs. However, to foster development of the “whole” child, meaningful and shared communication must exist between the parents of preschool children and their caretakers. The Family Life Education discussion ρoup is a form of social work intervention developed around the life tasks facing families and individuals. This article explores the use of such groups in conjunction with day care programs serving black children from low-income families.  相似文献   

O'Donnell JM 《Child welfare》2001,80(4):453-479
Using data from case records and from questionnaires completed by caseworkers, this article describes contact between 132 fathers of children in kinship foster care and their caseworkers over a period of 12 months, and the fathers' involvement in permanency planning for their children. The data indicate that most fathers had no contact with the caseworkers during the period under study and had never participated in planning. Analysis revealed that paternal involvement varied significantly by the child's family composition. Fathers of two or more children from a one-father family were most involved, while fathers of one child from a multiple-father family were least involved. Possible explanations for the findings are identified, and implications for practice and research are presented.  相似文献   

This paper contrasts and compares the institutional framework for fatherhood and father involvement and the survey evidence relating to fathers’ contribution to childcare and domestic work in the two countries. It shows that while men's contribution to such activities appears to be increasing in both France and the UK, change is slow and father involvement does not necessarily seem to correlate directly either with patterns of female labour force participation or with the support offered by the institutional framework. The authors explore the theoretical frameworks most appropriate for explaining their findings and situate them primarily in terms of Pfau-Effinger's theorization of the gender arrangement (1998, 2002, 2004). The authors conclude that while change in father involvement is slow, the introduction of statutory and organizational work–life balance measures which alter the gender order open up opportunities for negotiated change in the division of the labour in the home.  相似文献   

This article builds upon results from an empirical study of nine cases where single mothers and their teenage sons have reflected on the relationship to the absent father and on his significance for the family. The results have led us to reflect further on how the construction of a father figure is shaped. The cases are selected from ongoing interventions from the social services. The child's age at the start of the father's absence varied from birth to seven years old or more. Through analysis of the different cases of mother–son dyad, their narratives and their joint construction of a father figure, the dyad transforms into a triad with the presence of the absent father. Also discussed is the question of which underlying conditions contribute to the need for a joint construction of the father. Further, doubt is cast on the one-sided gender perspective that presupposes young men's need for an adult man as a model of masculinity. The analysis is related to Swedish legislation, emphasising the importance of ascribed biological parenthood, meaning that fathers’ right to joint custody and to visit the child have been strengthened. Along with the biological relationship, the welfare state also regulates the content of fatherhood, i.e. a state-controlled fatherhood.  相似文献   

As a result of changes in family role distribution generated by the Women's Movement, many fathers are participating more directly in the care of their infants and young children. To be responsive to this change in the ecology of parenting, clinicians must reconsider and update traditional formulations about fatherhood toward, an expanded theoretical perspective for learning about and helping families. Using Mahler's phases of separation-individuation as an organizing conceptual framework, the author, reviews recent theory and empirical findings regarding the role of the father in preoedipal development and discusses some implications for social work practice.  相似文献   

Assuming the division of behavioral economics into old and new, the paper begins to argue that old behavioral economics began with the works of two giants – George Katuna and Herbert Simon during the 1950s and early 1960s. The contributors of Herbert Simon are well established, thanks to the popularity of bounded rationality and satisficing, and his being award Noble Prize in economics. However, economists are much less familiar with the contributions of George Katona that can be viewed as the father of behavioral economics. Furthermore, the author argues that Katona was also misunderstood by various economists when he was attempting to create a psychologically based economics that rejected the mechanistic psychology of neoclassical economics and introducing the survey method to economic research that he had been using in his experimental psychology research previously. He also had influenced various economists during their debates in the 1950s without given the credit for. Many historians of behavioral economics limit Katona's contributions to the start of behavioral economics only to his contributions to macroeconomics. However, the paper demonstrates that Katona's behavioral economics included his contributions to macroeconomics (bringing realism to Keynesian consumption function and consumption behavior), micro-economics (business behavior, the rationality assumption, etc.), public finance and economic policy, and his introduction of the survey method. To demonstrate these contributions, the author argues that Katona attempted to bring realism to economic analysis – through psychological concepts – beginning with his early days of research in Germany which coincided with German hyper inflation- and continued whether working at New school for Social Research, Chicago University's Cowles Commission, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, or the University of Michigan's Survey Research Center. The author also argues that Katona's contributions went through stages, depending upon what economic problem persisted at the time, what advertises he was facing, and what institution/organization he was associated with.  相似文献   

The role of the father in child development is discussed. Children's reactions to the death, separation, or divorce of their fathers are explored. Implications for diagnosis are stated along with specific recommendations for treatment. Crucial factors in diabnosis and treatment were concluded to be: the developmental stage of the child at the time of the loss, the reason for the father's absence, the state of the relationship with the father prior to the loss, the mother's reaction to the loss of her husband, and the environment provided for the child subsequent to the loss.  相似文献   

This article describes the fragmented array of financial supports for family caregivers currently provided by the federal government, the states, and private employers-provisions that range from direct payments to tax allowances, dependent-care tax credits, and unpaid leave. It highlights the uneven pattern of supports available to family caregivers of the elderly, the younger physically disabled, and children and adults with mental retardation and developmental disabilities that results from the welfare bias still shaping many current provisions. The article then critiques current policy and examines the potential for more explicit family caregiver financial support policy through pending initiatives of the Clinton Administration.  相似文献   

Community schools expand learning time and opportunities as one important dimension of a comprehensive strategy to ensure that students are ready for college, career, and citizenship.  相似文献   

Philip Anderson (not his real name) was one of thirty people who talked to Wendy Booth and Tim Booth as part of their recently published study Growing Up with Parents who have Learning Difficulties (London: Routledge, 1998). Philip's stoy illustrates many of the themes common to the experience of this group: resilience in the face of risk; the importance of family, especially grandma; social exclusion; the effects of hardship; and the enduring nature of parent-child bonds.  相似文献   

This autobiographical sketch is divided into five major sections. A first indicates how participation in certain sectors of institutional life in a small industrial community (in central PA between World Wars I and II) might be conducive to non-conformity. A third shows how early personal experiences could commit one to religious dissent, involving a CO. position, entering civilian public (rather than military) service, and volunteering as a subject in a semi-starvation experiment in a laboratory at a major Midwestern university, which simultaneously permitted work on an M.A. in sociology. A fourth (after discharge from service) brought a return to normal civilian life, marriage, and completion of sociology doctorates (by both spouses). The fifth summarizes the pursuit of a career specializing in sociological theory (especially history of American theory) and development of a classificatory-periodizing scheme considerably at variance with the conventional approach in the history of theory.  相似文献   

This paper looks at the perspectives of a particular 'stakeholder' in the care/work sharing construction, namely the father, and how his rights to leave are secured in paternity and parental leave legislation in Scandinavia. The paper claims that the ideology and social constructions of the role of the mother and father differ in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Fatherhood and the modern father are important in Sweden, whereas the emphasis is on parenthood in Denmark, and motherhood is a central feature of Norwegian leave policies. Éste articulo considera las perspectivas de un interesado en la construcción social de cuidar/trabajar--concretamente el padre--y como sus derechos de permiso laboral están asegurados en la legislación sobre la paternidad y la baja por paternidad en los países escandinavos. El articulo afirma que la ideologé a y las construcciones sociales del papel de la madre el del padre son diferentes en Noruega, Suecia, y Dinamarca. Paternidad y el padre moderno son importantes en Suecia, mientras se enfatiza paternidad (ambas partes) en Dinamarca, y maternidad es una característica clave de la política de permiso en Noruega.  相似文献   

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