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This paper studies the impact of learning on a multi‐staged investment scenario. In contrast to other models in the real options literature in which learning is viewed as a passive consequence of the delay period, this paper quantifies information acquisition by merging statistical decision theory with the real options framework. In this context, real option attributes are discussed from a Bayesian perspective, thresholds are identified for improved decision‐making, and information's impact on downstream decision‐making is discussed. Using real data provided by a firm in the aerospace maintenance, repair, and overhaul industry, the methodology is used to guide a multi‐phased irreversible investment decision involving process design and capacity planning.  相似文献   

谭杨  王晓明  李仕明 《管理学报》2009,6(2):259-263
在传统项目价值评估方法的基础上,分析了小灵通市场价值的构成和来源.进而采用实物期权法,在考虑未来3G牌照的基础上,对小灵通的价值进行重新评估.得到了小灵通在短期内不能帮助固话运营商收回投资,但从长期来看却可以帮助固话运营商抢得获取3G移动牌照的筹码,从而带来稳定收益的结论.该结论也从侧面揭示了企业是经济体的本质,当社会利益与企业利益发生矛盾时,固话运营商会不惜以阻碍产业发展为代价,利用技术落后的小灵通,以图获取自身的价值.  相似文献   

房地产投资的实物期权理论研究回顾与述评   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
笔者以为:房地产投资的实物期权理论研究从研究范围来看可分为增量房与存量房两大层次;从历史角度来看:自1985年以来,相关研究大致经历了一个从只关注客观变量的传统视角到更多关注主观性变量的现代视角的转变过程.基于此,本文对以往研究作了系统性的回顾、梳理与评论.指出决策的灵活性是把握该领域内研究脉络的一个主线.最后,本文指出了以往研究的局限性并对其发展方向作了展望.  相似文献   

运用期权的观点和方法研究项目区域投资问题具有重要的现实意义.在衡量投资区域机会价值的基础上,分析了项目区域投资的期权特征,建立了项目区域投资决策的实物期权模型,为实际中的多区域投资决策问题提供了一种量化分析方法.  相似文献   

本文通过将新技术的出现描述为泊松过程,在未来多代新技术和投资成本随新技术出现不断下降的情形下,通过新技术采纳的累积概率分布函数,研究企业最优的技术投资策略以及新技术的扩散过程。在分析未来两代新技术的情形时,对比净现值(NPV)法则下得到的企业最优投资策略,由于NPV法忽视了企业推迟投资的期权价值,企业在NPV方法下只能得到次优的决策。数字释例显示出企业的技术采纳行为如何受到创新速度、折现率、投资成本及其下降幅度的影响。进一步在无穷代新技术的情形下,得到了企业最迟投资时间的计算方法。本文模型可以用来预测现实中企业的投资策略,并为实证分析新技术的采纳和扩散过程提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

In this article, we study a firm's interdependent decisions in investing in flexible capacity, capacity allocation to individual products, and eventual production quantities and pricing in meeting uncertain demand. We propose a three‐stage sequential decision model to analyze the firm's decisions, with the firm being a value maximizer owned by risk‐averse investors. At the beginning of the time horizon, the firm sets the flexible capacity level using an aggregate demand forecast on the envelope of products its flexible resources can accommodate. The aggregate demand forecast evolves as a Geometric Brownian Motion process. The potential market share of each product is determined by the Multinomial Logit model. At a later time and before the end of the time horizon, the firm makes a capacity commitment decision on the allocation of the flexible capacity to each product. Finally, at the end of the time horizon, the firm observes the demand and makes the production quantity and pricing decisions for end products. We obtain the optimal solutions at each decision stage and investigate their optimal properties. Our numerical study investigates the value of the postponed capacity commitment option in supplying uncertain operation environments.  相似文献   

It is well recognized that adaptive and flexible flood risk strategies are required to account for future uncertainties. Development of such strategies is, however, a challenge. Climate change alone is a significant complication, but, in addition, complexities exist trying to identify the most appropriate set of mitigation measures, or interventions. There are a range of economic and environmental performance measures that require consideration, and the spatial and temporal aspects of evaluating the performance of these is complex. All these elements pose severe difficulties to decisionmakers. This article describes a decision support methodology that has the capability to assess the most appropriate set of interventions to make in a flood system and the opportune time to make these interventions, given the future uncertainties. The flood risk strategies have been explicitly designed to allow for flexible adaptive measures by capturing the concepts of real options and multiobjective optimization to evaluate potential flood risk management opportunities. A state‐of‐the‐art flood risk analysis tool is employed to evaluate the risk associated to each strategy over future points in time and a multiobjective genetic algorithm is utilized to search for the optimal adaptive strategies. The modeling system has been applied to a reach on the Thames Estuary (London, England), and initial results show the inclusion of flexibility is advantageous, while the outputs provide decisionmakers with supplementary knowledge that previously has not been considered.  相似文献   

从项目筹资模式、基础设施投资担保现状及其运营模式视角出发,研究我国基础设施投资担保负担测度及其风险管理的问题。利用或有负债思想,分析了下限式担保、上下限式担保、比例上下限式担保三类担保的期权特性及其影响因素;运用实物期权方法,在不同担保方式下构建了担保负担评估模型,并对相应的项目投资担保负担进行了评估,结果显示,投资收益担保是担保负担最直接、最主要的来源,也是政府方的或有负债,基于此,在融资谈判中,政府方可以通过调整项目投资担保水平和项目投资担保方式来控制担保负担和锁定担保风险。  相似文献   

资源松弛视角下企业技术创新策略选择的实物期权模型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
组织资源对企业的创新行为具有重要作用.本文通过建立数学模型,采用实物期权分析方法,分析了松弛资源与技术创新策略选择之间的关系.分析结果表明:发掘、利用的松弛资源达到某一临界点时,能对选择基于研发的自主创新策略产生足够的激励;在基于技术引进的技术创新策略越来越难以实现的情况下,正确辨识、发掘、利用松弛资源对于提高组织的自主创新能力和绩效,显得格外重要.  相似文献   

学习型组织的过程模型、本质特征和设计原则   总被引:66,自引:3,他引:66  
本文提出了更系统完整的学习型组织的过程模型(6P- 1B模型),认为要使组织从整体上具有学习和自我更新的行为能力,必须在组织的运作中具备发现、发明、选择、执行、推广、反馈六个过程以及知识库。基于该模型,提出了学习型组织 7个方面的设计原则。本文还提出了反映学习型组织本质特征的七大比喻,即灵敏多波段收音机(发现)、人类大脑(发明)、筛子(选择)、军队(执行)、水中涟漪(推广)、飞机驾驶系统(反馈)、及水库(知识库),目的是为了让人们更加形象而深刻地理解学习型组织。  相似文献   

Complex engineering systems are usually designed to last for many years. Such systems will face many uncertainties in the future. Hence the design and deployment of these systems should not be based on a single scenario, but should incorporate flexibility. Flexibility can be incorporated in system architectures in the form of options that can be exercised in the future when new information is available. Incorporating flexibility comes, however, at a cost. To evaluate if this cost is worth the investment a real options analysis can be carried out. This approach is demonstrated through analysis of a case study of a previously developed static system-of-systems for maritime domain protection in the Straits of Malacca. This article presents a framework for dynamic strategic planning of engineering systems using real options analysis and demonstrates that flexibility adds considerable value over a static design. In addition to this it is shown that Monte Carlo analysis and genetic algorithms can be successfully combined to find solutions in a case with a very large number of possible futures and system designs.  相似文献   

基于实物期权的新技术投资决策实证研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
本文基于对我国高新技术企业的实际调研,从实物期权视角检验不同类型不确定性对企业新技术投资决策的影响。研究结果表明,市场与政策不确定性对投资的延迟作用与技术不确定性对投资的促进作用得到不同程度验证,而竞争强度与投资不可逆程度对不确定性与投资关系的调节作用则不完全符合实物期权的理论预期。论文结果揭示了我国高新技术企业进行投资决策的一般规律,可为企业应用实物期权方法提供参考。  相似文献   

市场竞争优势不对等下投资决策的期权博弈分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李军  黄学军  吴冲锋 《管理工程学报》2009,23(1):163-166,170
可获得的竞争优势对不确定性和竞争性环境下的企业的投资决策有着重要影响.在引入市场份额因子后建立了体现这种竞争优势不对等情形下的双寡头期权博弈模型,并进行了数值分析,发现领先者拥有竞争优势能激励其更早进入,而追随者拥有竞争优势而不怕其它企业抢先进入的威胁.最后分析了模型对企业的投资策略选择和产业进入壁垒等实际应用中的意义.  相似文献   

组织学习的模型、案例与实施方法研究   总被引:32,自引:4,他引:32  
本文应用作者提出的组织学习过程模型,分析评估了北京华翔电子有限公司组织学习的现状和障碍,并给出了改进的建议。最后,文章初步提出了组织学习的实施过程和方法。  相似文献   


Organizational performance is a function of many variables, two of which are work process factors and human performance factors. Our study compared the effects of changing a work process versus human performance improvement techniques and the combined effects of combing both techniques. A 2 (manual vs. electronic process) X 2 (with vs. without behavioral intervention) between-subjects design with stratified random assignment was employed. Forty-eight participants performed a word processing task where their minutes-in-possession and error rate were recorded. Results revealed a main effect for process type and a main effect for behavioral intervention. The largest effects were observed with the context of a combined intervention. The implications of using a combined approach and topics for future researchers are discussed.  相似文献   

通过建立实物期权模型,我们分析了集中股权结构下,股东异质性所导致的控股股东代理冲突对企业投资决策和负债融资代理成本的影响。研究发现,集中股权结构下的控股股东价值最大化动机会导致过度投资的产生,并显著提高负债融资的代理成本,即控股股东的价值侵占行为不仅影响到大小股东间的代理冲突,而且会加重股东与债权人之间的代理冲突。控股股东的持股比例会产生公司治理的正向激励效应,持股比例的增加会降低过度投资程度、增加企业价值和降低负债融资代理成本。而控制权和现金流权的分离则会产生公司治理的负向侵占效应,分离程度的增加会导致更严重的过度投资、更低的企业价值和更高的负债融资代理成本。  相似文献   

代理冲突下企业多元化投资行为的实物期权分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
利用实物期权的方法,本文分别建立了以股东利益最大化以及企业价值最大化为目标时的负债企业多元化投资模型.通过两种决策目标下多元化投资政策的比较,分析了负债代理下股东存在的投资决策非最优化问题.结果发现,若负债企业在投资前后都不存在债务风险,股东的投资决策将符合企业价值最大化原则;若投资能使债务由无风险变为有风险,企业将过度投资;若投资前后都存在风险,企业将投资不足.  相似文献   

巨灾指数期权是最重要的巨灾衍生工具之一,在我国有很好的发展前景。但巨灾指数期权在我国推广的一个主要技术障碍是,在信息较少的情况下,如何对巨灾指数期权进行快速的定价。本文提出了一种基于Esscher变换的巨灾指数期权定价的解析表达公式,区别于以往文献采用亚式期权或随机时间变化的方法。这个方法的优势在于能够反映巨灾指数的跳跃性、两部性(损失期和延展期)、上界性特点。同时,Esscher 变换的无套利等价性也赋予该方法坚实的理论基础,有较好的延展性,可以使用多种分布过程。首先,具体给出漂移泊松、漂移伽马和维纳过程条件下的巨灾指数期权定价公式。通过数值模拟分析结果与Black-Scholes公式结果及巨灾指数历史数据的对比,认为基于漂移伽马过程的定价结果能更好地反映巨灾指数的特点。最终,指出了巨灾指数的开发和本文提出的方法在中国具有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

本文从学习视角分析新技术商业化投资过程中面临的三种不同类型不确定性及其解决方式,阐述各类不确定性及分布影响新技术商业化投资决策背后的内在机制与路径.在此基础上运用实物期权方法构建新技术商业化投资评估与决策模型并导出最优投资规则,进而利用数值模拟进行比较静态分析,详细讨论各种参数变化对新技术商业化投资价值与投资门槛的影响,阐述结果的经济与管理涵义.  相似文献   

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