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This paper investigates the association between mass education and married women’s experience with domestic violence in rural Nepal. Previous research on domestic violence in South Asian societies emphasizes patriarchal ideology and the widespread subordinate status of women within their communities and families. The recent spread of mass education is likely to shift these gendered dynamics, thereby lowering women’s likelihood of experiencing domestic violence. Using data from 1775 currently married women from the Chitwan Valley Family Study in Nepal, we provide a thorough analysis of how the spread of mass education is associated with domestic violence among married women. The results show that women’s childhood access to school, their parents’ schooling, their own schooling, and their husbands’ schooling are each associated with their lower likelihood of experiencing domestic violence. Indeed, husbands’ education has a particularly strong, inverse association with women’s likelihood of experiencing domestic violence. These associations suggest that the proliferation of mass education will lead to a marked decline in women’s experience with domestic violence in Nepal.  相似文献   

Research examining the determinants of fear of crime has arguably raised more questions than it has answered. This exploratory study addresses one of the compelling questions that remains unanswered: what is the role of ethnicity, both at the community and individual levels, in understanding variation in fear of crime? Guided by racial or minority group threat theory, we examine the relative sizes of both the Black and Latino populations as indicators of minority group threat to determine their role in understanding individual fear of crime in a city where Latinos represent a much larger proportion of the population than Blacks (Miami-Dade County, Florida). Furthermore, the race and ethnic backgrounds of the respondents are also considered to evaluate their role in understanding variation in the fear of crime. Using both Census tract-level data and data collected from a NIDA sponsored grant that was part of a larger study about physically disabled residents, our findings reveal that in Miami-Dade County where Blacks are highly segregated from whites, the relative size of the Latino population is a predictor of fear of crime among white residents. Implications of this finding are considered, including a call for more nuanced research focusing on the predictors of fear of crime within multiethnic communities.  相似文献   

Research examining the effect of neighborhoods on personal health has often focused on neighborhood disorder, or visual cues in neighborhoods perceived as personally threatening or noxious. Neighborhood disorderliness is thought to elevate individuals’ fear of crime, thereby negatively impacting personal and mental health. Unfortunately, the pathways between disorder, fear of crime, and health have yet to be established. This study examines the pathways between neighborhood disorder, fear of crime, and three health outcomes. Using the Community, Crime and Health Survey, this study employs structural equation modeling to examine how general (being afraid of walking alone) and offense-specific fear of crime (being afraid of specific crimes) mediate the relationship between individuals’ disorder perceptions and self-rated health, depression and anxiety. Results show that fear of crime does mediate the relationship between disorder perceptions, self-rated health and depression, though the mediating pathways are weak. This study suggests that the disorder-fear of crime-health nexus should be re-examined theoretically.  相似文献   

Using a sample of employed adults living in Canada, this article examines patterns and antecedents of work-to-family conflict (WFC) among immigrants, relative to the native-born. We test whether the origin-country— or intermediary country of residence— country-level economic development, and length of residence in Canada interact to affect WFC differentially for immigrants. We hypothesize that origin-country economic development impacts the value and transferability of immigrants' capital in the host country. Discrepancies between the two results in underemployment, stressful work experiences, and thus greater WFC for immigrants, relative to the native-born. Results indicate greater WFC among recent and established immigrants from less developed countries and among established immigrants from developed countries. This finding, however, is conditioned by gender and particularly strong among established immigrant men from less developed countries, compared to their female counterparts.  相似文献   

Although sociologists have identified education as likely determinant of migration, the ways in which education affects migration are unclear and empirical results are disparate. This paper addresses the relationship between educational attainment, enrolment, and migration, focusing on the role of gender and how it changes with evolving social contexts. Using empirical analyses based in Nepal, results indicate that educational attainment has positive effects and enrolment has negative effects on out-migration and including enrolment in the model increases the effect of attainment. In the case of women, with the changing role of gender, increased education and labor force participation, the affect of educational attainment changes drastically over time, from almost no effect, to a strong positive effect. Consideration of enrolment, and the role of gender in education, employment, and marriage may help to explain the disparate results in past research on education and migration.  相似文献   

国际刑事法院管辖战争罪中非国际性武装冲突   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
继第二次世界大战后纽伦堡和东京国际军事法庭成功审判战争罪犯后,前南斯拉夫和卢旺达国际特设刑事法庭又成功审判了非国际性武装冲突构成的战争罪。国际社会在建立国际刑事法院《罗马规约》的谈判过程中,基于规范战争和武装冲突的习惯国际法律文件和国际刑事司法实践,尝试性地将非国际性武装冲突纳入国际刑事法院管辖的战争罪,成为部分国家对《罗马规约》投反对票的理由之一。事实上,联合国安理会以及相关的国际机构依照《联合国宪章》的规定准确界定非国际性武装冲突,并严格掌握法律适用的标准及规則,非国际性武装冲突作为战争罪纳入国际刑事法院的管辖范围内不应引发更多的歧异。  相似文献   

This analysis examines fear of interpersonal racial discrimination among Black, Hispanic, and White adolescents. The extent and correlates of these concerns are examined using survey data from the Project for Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods. Borrowing from the fear-of-crime literature, the contact hypothesis, and group threat theory, several hypotheses are developed linking discrimination fear to direct personal experience with discrimination, indirect or vicarious experience, and environmental signals of discrimination. Results show that about half of Blacks and Hispanics have feared discrimination in the past year. Multivariate results indicate that fear is most likely if one has experienced victimization first-hand and when one's parent is affected by discrimination. Further, a larger presence neighborhood outgroups produces greater fear. Overall, discrimination fear constitutes an additional obstacle for minority adolescents as they transition to adulthood. The phenomenon warrants increased scholarly attention and represents a fruitful avenue for future research.  相似文献   

We examine race differences in delinquency using the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. We use a new method that permits an examination of offense specialization. We argue that an examination of offense patterns provides an opportunity for testing theoretical explanations of race effects. If race differences in violent crime reflect race differences in serious crime, then theories of crime can explain race effects. Otherwise, theories of violence are needed to explain the phenomenon. Our results suggest that black adolescents have higher rates of violence, particularly armed violence, but they do not have higher rates of serious (or minor) property or drug crime. Race differences in violence are generally stronger for adolescents who would otherwise be at lower risk: girls and adolescents from educated and intact families. Puerto Rican adolescents also have higher rates of violence than Anglos, but other Hispanic groups do not. We conclude with a discussion of the implication of the empirical literature (including our results) for various theoretical explanations of race differences in violence.  相似文献   

傅世昌 《学术探索》2013,(6):117-120
通过205个来自不同行业的实际样本,研究了中国传统文化下的五种经典个人冲突管理风格的分布,以及它们和团队关系冲突、团队合作绩效之间的关系。结果表明:按照李克特五分量表测度,在中国,团队关系冲突对团队合作绩效的边际影响达到-0.67,也就是关系冲突将显著降低团队绩效;回避性冲突管理风格对团队合作绩效负效应显著,而对关系冲突影响不显著,这一点与相关研究结论有差异;关系冲突与团队绩效互有负面影响。另一个值得注意的问题,除回避性风格外,其他四种风格对团队关系冲突及团队绩效均无显著影响。  相似文献   

中国研究者多认为“公众安全感”概念与西方研究者的“犯罪恐惧感”概念相同或相近.从适用语境和内涵、二者出现背离的情形以及实务部门的观点进行比较分析可以看出这两个词并非相同的概念.从最初的犯罪恐惧感形成、影响因素分析到后来的恐惧感对人行为和社会的影响研究,对恐惧感的研究日见其深;对安全感的研究却驻足不前.不囿于因变量研究而视恐惧感为对个人和社会的重要影响因素,将为警察工作拓宽视角,极大提升警察机构的工作作风.  相似文献   

根据行为经济学的基本理论以及相应的实证分析,发现当前我国居民由于损失规避心理较强,因而在决定是否进行货币替代时,对人民币实际汇率的绝对水平反应不足,但对人民币实际汇率的波动程度反应敏感。故人民币汇率制度从盯住单一美元过渡到盯住一篮子货币后,为了防范由货币替代的潜在加剧而造成对宏观经济的冲击,政策当局应该做到:短期内不应对人民币币值进行大幅度或频繁的调整,同时必须维持当前汇率政策的延续性;长期内必须完善国内市场化环境,不断缓解居民的损失规避心理,培育和提升居民对汇率制度改革的应变能力。  相似文献   

社会公正是和谐社会的核心和实质,性别公正则是社会公正的重要内容。家庭暴力是一种具有明确性别特点的男人对妇女的暴力行为。受虐妇女以杀夫方式摆脱暴力固然不可取,但她们自身也是社会问题的受害者,她们杀人背后深刻的社会原因不容忽视。平等保护受虐妇女作为独立的人的基本权利,并充分考虑男女之间的自然差异和社会差异,对受虐杀夫妇女予以倾斜保护,根据案件具体情况判决无罪或减免刑罚,是性别公正社会应尽的责任。  相似文献   

Using data from the Fragile Families Study, we examine how unmarried parents’ risk of divorce influences their decision to marry. Regression results show that unmarried parents with a high predicted probability of marital dissolution (based on estimates of marital dissolution for a sample of initially married mothers with similar characteristics) had significantly lower odds of marriage to the father of their child even after controlling for individual and relationship characteristics expected to influence marriage transitions. The dissolution propensity we examine also includes a measure of the local divorce climate. As such, our results provide support for the argument that high rates of divorce in the population have led to a fear of divorce among unmarried parents which reduces their probability of marriage.  相似文献   

The Catholic Church has had a strong influence on the Chilean legal and social landscape in ways that have adversely affected victims of intimate partner violence; e.g., it succeeded until just five years ago in blocking efforts to legalize divorce. At the same time, quantitative studies based on survey data from the United States and other countries show a generally favorable influence of religion on health and many other domains of life, including intimate partner violence. The present study explores the puzzle posed by these seemingly opposing macro- and micro-level forces. Results based on data from the 2005 Survey of Student Well-Being, a questionnaire on gender-based violence administered to students at a large public university in Chile, show that moderate or low levels of religiosity are associated with reduced vulnerability to violence, but high levels are not. This non-linearity sheds light on the puzzle, because at the macro level the religious views shaping Chile’s legal and social environment have been extreme.  相似文献   

家庭暴力,特别是女性遭受家庭暴力是一个严重的社会问题。从马克思主义劳动异化理论的视角看,女性遭受家庭暴力是性别异化的结果,社会性别角色的固定化是主要根源,父权制是最终根源。马克思对异化的扬弃是通过消灭私有制、消灭分工来完成的,因此,根除和减少家庭暴力就必须消解社会性别角色的束缚;提高女性的经济地位;扩大女性的政治参与权;增强女性防暴能力,同时,加强社会对家庭暴力的干预力度。  相似文献   

We develop a game theoretic model of conflict and empirically test its predictions to study the emergence of social hierarchies in small groups. Previous research shows uncertainty about actors' ability may lead to more conflict; conflict demonstrates actors' ability and establishes relationships of dominance and submissiveness. Since we assume uncertainty regarding ability to be a crucial cause of conflict, we focus on the effects of different information conditions. We posit that actors know the distribution of abilities in their group and vary whether or not they know (1) their own ability and (2) their interaction partners' interaction histories. Our results from a laboratory experiment closely match qualitative model predictions. Most importantly, conflict produces information about actors’ ability, which reduces subsequent conflict. In an exploratory analysis we investigate to what extent gender, social value orientation, risk preferences and a competitive personality account for the quantitative discrepancies between model predictions and subject behavior.  相似文献   

李新 《学术探索》2012,(1):143-145
"复仇"作为传统母题之一,在不同的时代、不同作家的文本中有着不同的书写模式,对此进行比较研究可以帮助我们更为深刻地认识文本及作家。传统复仇文学中的复仇书写常常遵循"为富不仁——投告无门——暴力复仇"的三步走模式,在"红色经典"文本中得到继承的同时被加以改造,从而形成了"为富必不仁——投告总无门——武装革命"的新情节。这是传统复仇文化与现代阶级观念合谋的产物,同时是作家自觉地放弃了某些独立思考与追求配合政治宣传的结果。  相似文献   

We examine the effect of the race, age, and gender of victims of assault on the offenders’ use of weapons and lethal intent. Evidence from the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) suggests that offenders are particularly likely to use guns against young black men—a three-way interaction - and to kill black males and young black adults. Black offenders respond more strongly to the victim’s race than do white offenders. As a result of these effects, a violent incident between two young black men is about six times more likely to involve a gun than a violent incident between two young white men. We suggest that adversary effects, i.e., an offender’s tactical response to the threat posed by adversaries, help explain why violence in black communities tends to be much more serious than violence in white communities.  相似文献   

麦尔维尔是美国著名的小说家,他的作品《白鲸》被公认为19世纪美国小说的杰作。在这部作品中,他的思想自始至终是矛盾的。他既忠诚于基督教,又反叛基督教。这一矛盾贯穿小说的始终。  相似文献   

王欢 《兰州学刊》2009,(7):109-112
女性、社会性别和全球化之间的关系一直是女性主义者关心的话题。经济全球化是与就业结构的深远变化紧密联系在一起的,在此期间女性就业的转变同样复杂和多样。从社会性别的视角,探讨全球化背景下男女就业参与度、男女失业率、男女收入以及性别分工的变化,这对分析目前全球金融危机中的女性就业问题具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

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