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The birth of a child may re-orientate the relations between adult children and their parents; however, the previous studies on the topic are both scarce and methodologically limited. The current study investigates whether younger adults' entry into parenthood (i.e., the birth of the first child) is associated with increased contact frequency, emotional closeness, intimacy and conflict with their own parents. The participants are from the German Panel Analysis of Intimate Relationships and Family Dynamics, which is a prospective survey of younger adults with six annual follow-up waves between 2009 and 2014 (n = 17,662 person-observations from 4821 persons). Within-person regression with a focus on each individual's variation over time was used to detect changes in intergenerational relations. The contact frequency between daughters and mothers increased after the arrival of their first child. In contrast, the emotional closeness and intimacy between sons and mothers decreased after the birth of their first child. The results are discussed with reference to gender-based differences in intergenerational relations.  相似文献   

This study revisits and extends a classic question in sociology and tests three competing hypotheses about the effects of intragenerational social class mobility on distress and psychological well-being at midlife. Prior research on this topic investigated the effects of intergenerational mobility, but did not look at how mobility during adulthood (intragenerational mobility) affects psychological distress and well-being. Previous literature is also limited by methodological problems that make it difficult to estimate the separate effects of prior social class, current social class, and social mobility. This study overcomes this methodological problem using a novel approach that breaks the linear dependence between prior class, current class, and intragenerational mobility. After accounting for prior and current class, I find that social mobility is not associated with psychological distress and self-acceptance. Instead, mobile individuals come to resemble their nonmobile counterparts in their current class on the outcomes of study.  相似文献   

因民族关系不和谐引发激烈的民族矛盾,是当今世界多民族国家面临的一个突出问题。随着我国经济社会的快速发展,在城市化的进程中,影响我国民族关系的因素增多,民族矛盾突显,如果处理不当,不仅会影响我国的社会稳定,而且对我国的国家安全可能会造成威胁。因此,构建平等、团结、互助、和谐的民族关系对建设一个文明和谐的社会具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

徐静 《学术探索》2012,(5):43-46
话语实践在向技术化趋势发展的过程中,会出现话语规范和习俗的一个相对的"断裂"。因其图像所产生的拼图效果,Fairclough将之称为"马赛克"模式。本文依据这种模式,从积极话语分析的视角,研究私人区域中局部的女性主义话语秩序,如何运用话语实践的策略,在更普遍的男权主义话语秩序中反抗,妥协,最终得以协商亲和的。研究发现:在运用语气、自称语反抗男权主义的同时,女性主义者会综合运用介入标记语、模糊语、态度词汇多种人际互动手段来实现协商亲和的。  相似文献   

Studies of teen dating violence have focused heavily on family and peer influences, but little research has been conducted on the relationship contexts within which violence occurs. The present study explores specific features of adolescent romantic relationships associated with the perpetration of physical violence. Relying on personal interviews with a sample of 956 adolescents, results indicate that respondents who self-report violence perpetration are significantly more likely than their non-violent counterparts to report higher levels of other problematic relationship dynamics and behaviors such as jealousy, verbal conflict, and cheating. However, we find no significant differences in levels of love, intimate self-disclosure, or perceived partner caring, and violent relationships are, on average, characterized by longer duration, more frequent contact, sexual intimacy and higher scores on the provision and receipt of instrumental support. Finally, violence is associated with the perception of a relatively less favorable power balance, particularly among male respondents. These findings complicate traditional views of the dynamics within violent relationships, add to our understanding of risk factors, and may also shed light on why some adolescents remain in physically abusive relationships.  相似文献   

Mobility analysis has traditionally concentrated on the task of charting flows in the two-way contingency table which relates occupational origin to occupational destination. It has not yet undertaken a unified analysis of intergenerational and intragenerational aspects of mobility. And only rarely does it incorporate terms which represent ordered concepts such as inequality or vertical movement. In contrast, path analysis has typically imposed strong orderings on the data, and it has been employed to tease out the relations among several occupational variables. Its main defect is that it entirely abstracts from shifts in mean occupational position, and also from change in the shape of the occupational distribution. Yet both of these are important sources of mobility. The present paper shows how two innovations in mobility analysis may be generalized to constitute a technique which unites the strengths of path analysis with those of log-linear analysis. The two innovations are (a) the conceptual disaggregation of perfect and exchange mobility, and (b) the imposition of an ordered component within each (K. Hope, 1981, Sociology 15, 19–55). The outcome of this generalization is a simple yet powerful account of mobility in Britain.  相似文献   

Although some point to the large effects of schooling on civic engagement (usually measured in terms of volunteering and participation in civic organizations) and social cohesion (usually measured in terms of social networks and relationship quality), the effects of schooling on social outcomes have not been estimated with the same rigor as the effects of schooling on labor-market outcomes, such as earnings. In particular, previous research has failed to consider (i) the many potential and often unobserved confounding factors (“endowments”) influencing both schooling and social outcomes, including family upbringing, innate characteristics, and personality, and (ii) the ways in which schooling pushes individuals in multiple directions simultaneously, including toward greater social engagement, but also toward more independent and market-driven pursuits. Using samples of unrelated persons, ordinary siblings, and identical twins, this study explores the effects of schooling on measures of civic engagement and social relationships, as well as labor-force earnings and labor-force participation. The siblings models reveal a more complex picture than typically suggested by standard individual estimates. On one hand, the results reveal a robust positive effect of schooling on earnings: well-schooled persons work more and earn more, albeit not as much as associations without control for endowments suggest. On the other hand, the results reveal more tenuous and occasionally negative effects of schooling on social outcomes. The effects of schooling on volunteering and membership in civic organizations, for example, disappear almost entirely with control for endowments. Also, within-identical-twins models reverse the positive effects of schooling on reports of support from friends, family, and coworkers. These results may reflect the tension schooling creates between market and non-market commitments, as well as between independence and interpersonal reliability. Schooling may, indeed, induce some pro-social behaviors, but schooling allows individuals choices of whether to pursue more personal interests as well.  相似文献   

冷战后国际体系的两个突出特征是美国霸权主导的单极世界与中国的迅速发展。中美两国在当前的国际体系中既存在着结构上的战略矛盾,但由于美国霸权自身的局限性以及中国在迅速发展过程中国内面临的种种困难,特别是中国经济很强的对外依赖性,又使得两国之间的结构性矛盾不至于演变成为无法控制的大规模冲突。由于中美关系之间这种矛盾与合作并存的复杂性,两国关系近年来表现出十分明显的、周期性的起伏不定的突出特点。从近期来看,中美两国在各自的核心利益上并不存在根本冲突;从长远来看,中美两国避免冲突、加强合作符合各自的国家利益;同时,国际政治中权力本质的变化也将改变国际体系中权力分配的变动必然导致大国之间发生冲突的传统认识;另外,外交可以发挥重要的作用,以和平方式促进两国各自的国家利益。  相似文献   

Sibling interactions play important roles in socialization; however, little is known about sibling caretaking in contemporary families. This study examined the prevalence of adolescents providing care for younger siblings and the quality of care as associated with a broad spectrum of individual, microsystem, and macrosystem factors. Relying on nationally representative time diary data from the American Time Use Survey, we found that factors at multiple levels (individual, microsystem, and macrosystem) were associated with sibling caretaking. Gendered patterns in caretaking emerged. The caretaker’s sex and the ages and sexes of younger siblings correlated with the incidence and quality of sibling care. Boys more often cared for younger brothers, and girls more often cared for younger sisters. In addition, boys more often played with younger siblings while girls more often provided physical care and talked with younger siblings, mirroring gendered patterns seen in parents.  相似文献   

刘金伟 《新疆社会科学》2012,(1):111-116,142
阶级作为我国历史上分析不同社会群体之间关系的基本方法,随着时代的进步,面临着理论和现实的困境。在社会主义初级阶段,我国要正确认识阶级分析的功能,特别是要正确认识阶级冲突的功能,既不能忽视也不能放大。目前,迫切需要处理好几种主要的阶层关系,通过调整不同阶层之间的利益关系、权力关系和身份关系,重塑中国新型的阶层关系,促进社会的和谐与进步。  相似文献   

Distinctions among kinds of relations (friendship, advice, intimacy, and so on) are typically ad hoc in empirical research. These ad hoc distinctions among relation contents can be expected to increase the likelihood of equivocal research conclusions. We develop three ideas indicating how standard, well-known, network models of relationship form can be used to clarify relationship content. (a) We begin with an idea for recovering the semantic context in which a relation content occurs. This context is cast as a network of tendencies for contents to be confused for one another and the form of this network—dissected with network models of relation form—holds insights into the ways in which relation contents are understood in a study population. (b) The network concept of structural equivalence is used to define content domains composed of specific relation contents that are substitutable for one another in described relationships. (c) The network concept of network prominence is used to define the ambiguity of contents in described relationships. The proposed perspective is analogous to a linguistic componential analysis of relation content.  相似文献   

Data from the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth (N = 11,180) are used to examine the intergenerational transmission of nonmarital childbearing for US men and women. Findings suggest that being born to unmarried parents increases the risk of offspring having a nonmarital first birth, net of various confounding characteristics. This intergenerational link appears to particularly operate via parents’ breaking up before offspring are age 14 and offspring’s young age at first sex. While the link across two generations in nonmarital childbearing is not accounted for by parents’ socioeconomic status (measured as fathers’ education), several mediating factors vary by socioeconomic background. Gender and race/ethnicity also moderate the intergenerational transmission of nonmarital childbearing. This research sheds light on the prevalence of, and process by which, nonmarital childbearing is repeated across generations, which has important implications for long-term social stratification and inequality.  相似文献   

李晔 《阴山学刊》2003,16(6):79-84
法与道德的关系是法哲学的基本问题之一,也是伦理学、政治学要研究的重要问题,从西方法哲学史及其近现代转型的过程、它们的区别与联系、冲突或难题等方面来梳理二者比较基础性的关系,是进一步与深层次探究二者关系的基础,也是正确理解和认识“以德治国”及其合理性的学理基础。  相似文献   

中美关系发展中出现分歧、矛盾甚至冲突增加,是由各自的国家利益决定的,是两个大国关系相互依赖日益加深的正常反映,也是霸权国与崛起国权势转移的必然结果,因而是真实的国家关系体现。全方位、多视角、理性地分析、考察双边关系发展的历史、现状、态势、特点,以及中美关系在所有大国双边关系中的成熟性,中美战略关系保持相对稳定的前景是可以期待的。  相似文献   

俄美的矛盾与争端,影响着欧洲与世界的安全与稳定,本文研究了俄美在地区与全球范围内的矛盾与对抗,分析了近期俄美关系的新变化,认为俄美关系尖锐对抗的势头会有所缓和,但从长远看,俄美在地区和全球问题上的分歧还会加剧,俄美矛盾仍将是当今世界的重要矛盾。  相似文献   

近年来,我国各地日益增多的雾霾天气给人民健康、经济和社会发展等带来了越来越多的负面影响。日益频繁和增多的雾霾天气已不仅仅是自然因素影响的结果,我国目前的雾霾天气更多的是由人为因素引起的。大气的流动性和开放性使得雾霾污染由局部性空气污染向区域性污染扩张蔓延,这使得建立各级政府间的联防联控机制显得尤为必要。本文认为雾霾治理的政府间合作关系既包括纵向上中央政府与地方政府间的关系,同时也包括区域内横向政府间的关系,中央政府要建立完善的法律法规和空气质量标准,推动区域合作机制的建立,完善对地方政府的考核体系来转变经济发展模式,地方政府要构建合作平台,协调好彼此之间的利益关系,建立空气污染和雾霾天气预警报告机制等措施,以实现对雾霾天气的有效治理。  相似文献   

We analyze intra-family support among Palestinians living in Lebanon, using detailed household survey data from the refugee camps and Palestinian communities in Lebanon and latent class analysis technique. The study uncovers five latent classes of familial exchange. Two different theoretical models—the solidarity and reciprocal exchange—are used to examine the link between patterns of assistance and labor market conditions. Contrary to the solidarity account, we find no evidence of high familial assistance among the unemployed, or those excluded from the labor market, and this is true regardless of type of exchange. However, the camp population is more likely to engage in exchange relations than their non-camp counterparts. The married, loners, educated, employed, and those with stronger ties to relatives are more likely to be money exchangers. The findings are similar for care receivers, but age and gender figure prominently here. Some policy implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

亲子关系是家庭教育中最受关注的一种长辈与幼辈之间的互动关系,对儿童身心发展和社会性发展有着非常重要的影响。和谐的亲子互动关系具有尊重信任——相互配合、民主平等——和谐亲密、共享共创——共同发展三大典型特征,而影响和谐亲子互动关系建立的因素主要包括父母意识、儿童气质特点及家庭结构等因素,因此构建和谐的亲子互动关系可从父母树立正确的教育观念、注重“言传”与“身教”并重、创设亲子游戏、正确认识代际差异、构建和谐家庭结构五个方面进行。  相似文献   

网络直播中社交关系的重建,依赖于传播平台从信息内容传递向各种关系建设的转换。网络直播中的社交关系,其实质是人际关系的回归,种类繁多的直播类型其实在迎合大众各异的社交兴趣,且可以脱离空间的桎梏,在地点转变和场景交换中制造出新奇的在场感,分众化地将有共同兴趣爱好和价值取向的人,通过点赞、弹幕、送礼物连接在一起,建构更丰富、更加个性化的社交关系。网络直播虽然营造出理性化的社交关系——陪伴和分享,但过分沉迷其中容易将社交行为异化,会伤害现实生活中的人际关系。网络直播中的社交关系要向健康有序的方向发展,需要直播平台处理好技术与价值观二者之间的关系。  相似文献   

This paper models the distribution of older women across household types, taking account of variations in the availability of kin, as well as other explanatory variables such as income and race. Household types are distinguished by the presence or absence in the household of siblings, parents, children, or others, including unrelated individuals. A modified multinomial logit model is used to represent the simultaneous effects of kin availability and other variables on the probability of living in each household type. The results indicate that while income is related to the propensity to live alone, the relationship appears to operate solely through the effect of income upon the propensity to share a household with close relatives. Older black women are shown to be more likely to live in extended-family households, holding constant both income and the availability of kin.  相似文献   

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