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人类的个体行为必然受到群体行为的影响。中国人的社会行为取向具有他人导向性的明显特征,这一特征必然对译者个体的文化翻译活动产生影响,并在一定程度上指导译者的翻译思想和行为。从关注他人、"大我优先"和关系中心三个方面探讨中国人社会行为取向对译者文化翻译的影响,能够深化对译者在文化翻译活动中心理特征的研究。中国人的社会行为取向的他人导向性特征,让译者在翻译活动中尤其关注他人、关注关系、重视集体利益。但是,社会行为取向对译者影响不是绝对的、一成不变的,而是相对的、因人而异的。  相似文献   

We develop and empirically test a theory concerning host-society natives' beliefs about whether immigrants should culturally assimilate into the host society or preserve their own cultural norms. We argue that when national identity is a source of intrinsic utility, the longevity of national identity influences a national identity's perceived resilience to an ostensible immigrant threat and, thus, affects natives' beliefs about the need for immigrants' cultural assimilation. Empirical evidence based on data from countries of wider Europe supports our theory. An expert survey-based measure of the longevity of national identity, first, exhibits a robustly negative effect on the strength of natives' preferences in favor of immigrants' cultural assimilation and, second, is an important contextual moderating variable that shapes the effect of individual-level characteristics on their beliefs. Thus, host-society natives' beliefs about the necessity of immigrants' cultural assimilation versus accommodation of cultural diversity reflect a historically-rooted sense of national identity.  相似文献   

Sociological research on collective behavior provides strong evidence for the sources of collective action and shared attitudes based on overlapping experience. We know, for example, that members of social movement organizations are likely to share similar beliefs. However, a significant portion of the prior research on shared behaviors or attitudes analyzes individuals who do not know one another. This research using large surveys often infers overlapping experience based on generic connections: People in unions generally or church groups generally are likely to hold similar beliefs or engage in similar behaviors as if they were in the same unions or church groups. In this paper, I challenge this simple inference by arguing that the generic affiliations we hold contribute to our identity. Specifically, our identities can, in part, be seen as a network of overlapping roles based on generic affiliations. Findings indicate the importance of considering generic affiliation networks when modeling trust and political partisanship. Individuals who share multiple affiliations often appear to be similar to one another along a number of socio-demographic dimensions and report similar attitudes. Conclusions highlight the promise and challenge of relational approaches to social life.  相似文献   

We compare family and parental effects on child verbal facility, verbal achievement and mathematics achievement in the United States and Great Britain. We study 3,438 5–13 year-old children from the 1994 NLSY Child-Mother Data Set and 1429 same-aged children from the National Child Development Study, also known as the British Child. Multivariate analyses suggest that the processes through which families invest in child cognition are similar across societies, with factors including low birth weight, child health, maternal cognition, family size and children's home environments being consequential. We conclude that parental investments are equally important across the two societies. The more developed welfare state in Great Britain does not notably compensate for parental investments in that society, although it may play a greater role when parental resources are absent or stretched thin.  相似文献   

在转型中国,当工人提出工资增长等诉求时,场景中个体行动似乎正在消逝,取而代之是大量的集体行动。是什么因素推动了这种行动的产生?在从个体行动到集体行动的过程中,其动员的中观和微观机制是什么?通过研究发现,社会结构变化、怨恨集聚、共同命运和宿舍空间是工人集体行动几个主要变量,其线性序列构成工人集体行动动员机制。我国人均GDP已经突破4000美元,由于社会日渐断裂,从而为工人集体行动提供了机遇;生活中的怨恨集聚为其动员提供了情感动因;集体命运在组织缺失下为集体认同动员发挥了重要作用;宿舍等公共空间为工人集体行动动员提供了独特生态环境。  相似文献   

社会质量理论与和谐社会建设   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
进入21世纪以来,中国政府提出了构建和谐社会的社会目标及改善民生为重点的社会建设路径.要实现这一目标,我们有必要对社会建设所面临的种种问题和障碍展开深入研究,并进行理论创新.社会质量理论作为国际社会政策领域的一个新的研究范式,可以为中国的社会政策分析提供理论依据.该理论倡导社会团结理念,也涉及社会经济保障与社会和谐的关系.这对于缓解改革开放以来中国以市场化为导向的快速经济增长所造成的各种社会问题,并设立相关的发展战略,具有一定的借鉴作用.  相似文献   

熟人社会实际是由人们基于身份认同而具有共同利益基础的单元结构集合,它具有四大基本特征,其内在的道德框架是熟人社会秩序自我维稳的重要能量源。但是,随着现代化的进展,熟人社会作为传统事物在现实中遭遇到了前所未有的危机,并且不同类型熟人社会的邻里互助、集体行动及道德维系等基本功能逐渐退化,其本身也由此发生了异化:道德滑坡、社会失信等现象层出不穷。在和谐社会的建构中,传统的熟人社会将得到升级改造。  相似文献   

杨敏 《河北学刊》2005,25(2):105-112
全球化的迅速发展对东亚地区产生了日益深刻的持续影响.一方面,为了成为全球化的适应者,东亚三国强化了国内的政策调整与制度改革,以提高对超国家的全球体系的应对能力.另一方面,在金融、贸易、生态环境等领域,东亚已形成了跨国性的区域合作.如何使国家在全球体系中获得安全,并进一步促进跨国性区域合作,以对国际关系机制形成广泛而积极的影响,是东亚国家所要面对的共同课题.从社会行动意义效应的理论角度看,社会行动与社会结构是同一社会过程的两个观察侧面,它们之间是相互胶着和彼此建塑的关系.现代社会主体是"意义主体",社会行动则是"意义行动".在社会主体行动的意义效应过程中,促成了意义化的行动关联模式体系,亦即行动的结构.结构中的"异者"与"异见"可通过结构意义资源的不断生成而建立起某种共同的悟知和一致性的意愿.如果结构内部的意义资源能够形成一轮又一轮的递进状态,将为持久、稳定、富于生机的合作体系奠定坚实的基础.因此,"东亚三国集体结构"可以说应当是作为行动主体的中、日、韩三国间的行动意义效应过程所锻铸或建塑的一种事实过程.随着中、日、韩三国共有悟知的发展,去中心化过程、主体平等必将进一步推进,从而使相互间通过让与或坚持、接受或拒绝,增进认可、理解、共识以及智慧和创意,将为"东亚三国集体结构"提供现实性基础.  相似文献   

论合作治理中的制度设计和制度安排   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张康之 《齐鲁学刊》2004,(1):115-120
公共管理是一种新型的合作治理体系,其制度设计和制度安排应当从后工业社会的交往关系和行为互动机制出发,谋求优化社会整体的道德化方案。从人的行为需要规范的角度看,制度化的道德规范可以发挥引导性的功能,使人在社会合作治理中增强自愿行为。合作治理取决于人们之间信任关系的确立,而道德则是人们之间信任关系的基础。所以,只有建立起道德制度,才是社会治理体系健全的根本出路。  相似文献   

论教师信念在教学实践中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师信念是教师对于人、自然、社会和教育科学的看法和观点。它一经形成就会影响并指引教师的判断和教学行为,并逐渐成为他们价值观的一部分。教师信念在确认程度、内容成分以及结构方式等方面表现出极强的能动性,使它显得比知识更为重要。也因此使得它成为掌控教学最为有力的因素。尤其是自我效能和集体效能的发挥使得它从根本上决定教学实践的好与坏,成与败。  相似文献   

当前,我国某些农村在现代化、城市化影响下,正面临"原子化…离散化"和"空心化"的困境.在地方经济较为弱势、未能分享区域优势的中部农村,不愿务农的村民只能外出打工,村民们现实互动的减少加剧了离散化趋势,使社区认同成为无源之水.基于移动互联网技术的微信群为村民提供了全新的互动平台,离乡村民也能通过智能手机接入网络,在微信群实现"身体缺席"的"虚拟在场".这种"虚拟在场"克服了时间和空间的局限,为社区的再整合提供了基础.村民们在微信群中的话语实践能强化社会关系网络、催生共同体认同、维护公共秩序、展开行动动员,并成功实施线下公共行动,从而促进乡村社会的重新整合.  相似文献   

Research on collective action problems and the provision of public goods has yielded an array of important insights into why people sacrifice for their groups, but ignores the processes that bring people into those groups in the first place. The literature is also silent on the fact that groups providing similar public goods often compete with one another to attract new members. We extend the reach of theories of collective action problems to bring them to bear on these interrelated issues. Results from four experiments support our predictions about when group members compete to attract new adherents by sacrificing more for group goals. Further, we find that prospective members join more productive groups at much higher rates and then contribute to them at high levels. These processes give way to cumulative advantage, whereby initially productive groups continually attract new members. Thus competition for members can yield large inequalities in the size and success of collective action groups.  相似文献   

东亚“新公共性”的构建及其限制——以中日两国为中心   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如果我们把近代以来东亚社会在建立民族国家进程中形成的以“官”为主要承载者的公共性作为东亚公共性的“典型构造”或“旧公共性”的话,那么,从20世纪90年代开始,以东亚社会的进一步发展为背景,中日两国先后出现的见之于NPO和福利政策的非政府、非市场的“新公共性”诉求,以及在全球化背景下出现的跨越国境的公共性构建活动,则是一种典型的“新公共性”。东亚新公共性的构建是一个异常复杂的进程,其进一步的成长和推进面临着诸多制约因素。东亚在直面公共性问题挑战的同时应努力突破欧美中心主义,充分注意东亚公共性构造转换的一系列特殊的制约限制因素。  相似文献   

对于只提供集体公共产品的商会来说,如果行业内的企业都是利己主义者,且加入商会完全自愿,则"搭便车"的行为会使得集体行动无法实现,商会的发生机制亦将成为难解之迷。假如行业中存在利他主义的企业,其利他行为将使其他企业意识到行业的共同利益,从而抑制各自的机会主义倾向。利他主义者的存在起到了一种"凝结核"的作用,他们除了付出物质上的代价去增进行业的共同利益外,还会付出时间和精力去游说其他企业,推动行业的集体行动。多数行业的市场结构是不完全竞争的,企业规模参差不齐,一些规模较大的企业对于通过集体行动来获得合作剩余有着更强烈的需求,为了增进自身利益和整个集团的利益,这些规模较大的企业会成为商会的发起人。  相似文献   

I examine the attitudinal ambivalence created by conflicting social expectations regarding parent-child devotion, filial obligation and family membership, and gender norms in a national population of Japanese adults. I ask: in a context of rapidly changing family and elder care norms, how do different beliefs and attitudes overlap and conflict and how are they related to elder care preferences? I analyze data from the 2006 Japanese General Social Survey and use Latent Class Analysis to identify latent groups in the population defined by their beliefs and examine the relationship between class membership and elder care preferences. I found variation in the population with respect to the measured beliefs as well as a relationship between patterns of beliefs and choice of elder caregiver. I found conflicting expectations regarding elder care responsibility in one latent class and this class also expressed elder care preferences that conflict with at least some of their strongly held beliefs.  相似文献   

于健宁 《理论界》2014,(5):152-156
进入21世纪后,互联网和集体行动的结合产生的一种新的集体行动类型——网络集体行动日益为学者所关注,互联网在集体行动中的角色和作用也成为了核心关注点之一。在网络集体行动中,互联网扩展了集体行动的机会结构、增加其动员潜力,并提供了一个独立于官方和官方媒体的公共舆论平台,影响着集体行动的产生与发展。同时,互联网对集体行动的影响在扩展集体行动发生环境、降低参与组织成本、打破话语权垄断和突破地理边界限制四个方面上扩展了传统集体行动理论的前提。因此,对互联网与集体行动关系的考察需要置于一个包括参与者、互联网、集体行动、制度背景四个要素及相互作用关系组成的问题分析框架之中,研究四个要素之间不同条件下的相互影响和相互制约机制,才能对两者关系有更深入理解。  相似文献   

群体性事件已严重危害社会的稳定,探讨这类事件发生的心理机制对于有效预防此类事件可以提供理论依据。本文以120名大学生为被试,采用2(低认同、高认同)×2(低效能、高效能)的组间设计,在实验室模拟群体性事件的发生过程,探讨群体认同、集群效能与集群行为的关系。研究结果显示:群体认同的水平越高,集群效能水平越高;集群效能的水平越高,个体参与集群的行为越多;集群效能在群体认同与集群行为间起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

《Social science research》1987,16(2):185-210
Studies of ethnic conflict and protest find patterns of systematic “cycles of protest” in which minorities become the targets of concentrated attack or instigate protests against discrimination and prejudice. Such cycles have been linked to the persistence of economic exploitation and the occurrence of economic contractions, which exacerbate ethnic tensions. Proponents of competition theory claim that rising levels of ethnic competition over jobs, housing, and other resources increases the likelihood of ethnic collective action. This paper extends competition theory by specifying the effects of changes in immigration flows and economics on ethnic competition. It uses data on collective actions in 80 large cities in the United States from 1877 through 1889 to test propositions about competition and contagion. Analyses reported here support the contention that (a) high levels and rapid rates of immigration, (b) increases in the wages of common laborers, (c) increases in business failures, and (d) contagion, indicated by the recency of prior waves of events, all raise rates of ethnic collective action.  相似文献   

全球化给美国和中国的多语教育带来什么挑战?美中两国采取何种语言战略应对全球化挑战?这些都是全球化时代大国在政治斗争和软实力较量中不可回避的问题.针对这些问题,本文提出语言意识形态和语言秩序两个概念,并以这两个概念为理论框架,对美中两国的语言意识形态、语言秩序及语言战略的历史和现实做出初步分析.全球化正在改变美中两国的语言意识,并重组两国的语言秩序,从而给多语教育带来挑战和机会.  相似文献   

The welfare reform bill adopted in 1996 limited the eligibility of immigrants on federal funding for welfare use, while vesting states with the authority to create new state-funded substitute benefits for immigrants. This paper capitalizes on this inter-state variation in state welfare rules regarding new immigrants and estimates a triple difference-in-difference estimator that provides evidence on the impact of removing public assistance on Mexican immigrants’ infant mortality rates. Using the US linked birth and infant death cohort files from 1995 to 1996 and from 1999 to 2002, I find that infant mortality rates have decreased at a slower rate among children of low-educated Mexican immigrant women compared to their native Mexican-origin counterparts, especially for those mothers residing in less affluent metropolitan counties within their own state. These findings suggest that there may be unintended social costs associated with the Personal Responsibility Work Opportunity and Reconciliation Act, resulting in disparate impact on immigrant mothers and infants.  相似文献   

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