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Directors of and faculty teaching research/statistics in undergraduate social work programs were surveyed to (1) determine research requirement for undergraduates; (2) characterize those faculty teaching research; and (3) ascertain directors' and faculty perceptions of student attitudes toward research. Results revealed that most undergraduate programs required from 3 to 6 semester hours in research; course objectives varied widely from program to program; sociology faculty taught most of the research courses; and students were perceived as being negative toward research. Findings generally were consistent with prior surveys of MSW programs and practitioners. Dilemmas in teaching research are discussed.  相似文献   

To examine the influence of gender and gender role on anger experiences in the workplace, 257 adult students completed narratives describing their anger‐provoking issues and anger expression. Seven issues were identified: work performance of coworkers, work performance of supervisors, relationships with coworkers, relationships with supervisors, dealing with the public, work performance of subordinates, and work context issues. Analyses revealed that gender did not influence the types of issues cited or workers' anger expressions. Although gender role did not influence anger expression, androgynous and feminine persons were more likely to cite relationships with coworkers as anger provoking than were undifferentiated persons.  相似文献   


This paper examines the social role of the foreign advisor. Drawing on the experience of foreign advisors in Thailand, the case of the professional from a Western, industrialized nation serving as an expert consultant in a less developed country is considered in detail. Special attention is paid to the impact of being foreign and being an advisor in the less developed world.  相似文献   

在生育政策与社会发展的转型中,儿童照料局面呈现出了一个新的矛盾局面。本文引入布迪厄的场域—惯习理论框架,研究父亲在儿童照料中的参与,发现了传统性别角色差异转变,为当代男性在儿童照料中的父职参与提供了角色转换的可能,在这背后也有一整套关于这样性别转变的逻辑。在儿童照料场域中,从传统的密集母职照料到父职参与过程中,行动者作为主体发生了一系列的转变:从观念到行动,再到具体的选择,并最终通过经验积累和自我再生产进而形成了新的惯习。  相似文献   


The UK Women's Budget Group (WBG) is a think tank focusing on the gender implications of economic policy that attempts to influence UK government policy to be more gender aware and adopt policies that decrease gender inequality. The WBG has had the overarching aim of encouraging the government to take account of gender in policy formation and to monitor and hold itself accountable for the gender effects of its policies. At the same time the WBG has advised the government on the gender effects of particular policies and proposed modifications to make policies more supportive of (or less harmful to) women, and poor women in particular. Such advice has covered a number of areas, including fiscal policy, tax credits, income support, financial support for children, childcare policy, maternity and parental leave, work-life balance policies, pensions, pay equity, training and productivity, the use of indicators and the collection of government statistics. While the government has been keen to acknowledge the WBG's influence on certain policies, in other areas the WBG has had no discernible effect on policy. This analysis focuses on several common gender issues, including taking account of gendered life-courses, intra- as well as inter-household gender inequalities, valuing and remunerating care and accounting for unpaid work, to assess the WBG's impact and possible reasons for success or failure.  相似文献   

Objective: Previous research has established a gap in orgasm frequency between men and women. This study investigates explanations for the gender gap in orgasm. Methods: Crosstab analysis and logistic regression are used to examine the gender gap in orgasms from one Canadian city: Hamilton, Ontario (N = 194). Results: We find a strong association between women’s orgasms and the type of sexual behavior in which partners engage. Women who receive oral sex are more likely to reach orgasm. Conclusion: Sexual practices focused on clitoral stimulation are important to reducing the gender gap in orgasms.  相似文献   

This article examines discourses of management and leadership in the light of gender inequalities in social relations and in educational administration in particular. It is argued that women's viewpoints and critiques of masculinist managerial perspectives are important in debates about alternative models of leadership. Interview data from a recent study of a group of six women working in teaching/managing positions in some primary and secondary schools in New Zealand is used to analyse a leadership style and philosophy which cuts across traditional gendered splits between private and public spheres, emotionality and rationality, teaching and administration. In this holistic approach, emphasis is placed on integrating such dichotomies through affiliation with others and power sharing. The paper concludes that such a management style must be supported and valued for the contribution it can make to improving organizational cultures and enhancing school learning and teaching environments. An original version of this paper was presented at the NZARE 13th National Conference at Knox College, Dunedin, New Zealand on 30 November 1991.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a survey conducted on formal research requirements in the master's degree program of accredited schools of social work. Requirements were found to vary widely in type and extent among the sixty-seven reporting schools, ranging from schools that required only a single research course to those that required courses in research and statistics and an empirical research project as well. In terms of the proportion of total graduation credit devoted to research-related requirements, the spread was from 24 to 5 percent, with a mean of 12 percent. Issues and implications for social work education are noted.  相似文献   

Increasing demand for social work placements in a climate of decreasing availability has intensified the search for capacity-building models of field education. Rotation placements may be part of the solution, yet little is currently known about how rotations affect the experience of field education in the context of block placements. A study of 128 Master of Social Work (MSW) students and 92 supervisors provided insights into the experience of rotation placements in five Australian hospitals. The study adopted a mixed-methods design using online surveys followed by postplacement interviews over 3 years. The findings show that experiences were mixed. However, there were also some common themes that help inform what might work, for whom, and under what circumstances.  相似文献   

上海举行重大政治、体育活动,建设国际航运中心及国际型大都市都需要安全的港口环境。就上海港口危险货物管理工作做一些经验介绍,并提出可以完善及加强的地方,以期可以更好的开展工作。  相似文献   

This article presents results from an exploratory study conducted as a component of an assessment of the implicit curriculum in one master’s-level social work program. Web-based surveys were used to collect data from 80 graduate social work students in online and face-to-face programs. Findings indicate students who perceived social media as more useful reported higher levels of engagement and participation in program governance. The implications for social work education deal with the ability to competently use social media as a tool to increase student engagement. Students will only be exposed to elements of the implicit curriculum if they are active participants in their academic environments.  相似文献   


This article argues that elder abuse in institutional as opposed to domestic settings remains invisible because institutions for elders are mainly all-female spaces where ageism and sexism converge and clients and workers are economically and socially disadvantaged. A general culture of violence that increasingly legitimates the everydayness of abuse and that conforms to dominant gender stereotypes refuses to investigate abuse of women by women. Research is needed into the different kinds of abuse committed in institutional settings by women. Staff and clients need to be enabled to report abuse and effective measures for combating it put in place.  相似文献   


All members of the Pacific Coast College Health Association were surveyed to determine their policies for evaluating and restricting the attendance of severely disturbed students who were not cooperative with mental health intervention.

One hundred of the 135 institutions returned questionnaires. Fifty-eight percent of the respondents reported that they medically exclude or otherwise restrict students due to their emotional condition. Privately funded schools were more likely to restrict than were tax supported schools. The more residential the campus, the more probable the students were to be restricted. The mean number of students excluded during one academic year was 3.15 (range = 0–25). Despite general recognition of the difficulties involved in responding to uncooperative, severely disturbed students, only 7% of the restrictive schools had written policies which detailed the procedures to be followed when considering restricting students for mental health reasons.

The need to develop clear procedures which respond to the needs of the students as well as the institutions was emphasized.

“Acquired Immune Deficiency in Haitians: Opportunistic Infections in Previously Healthy Haitian Immigrants,” JEFFREY VIEIRA, et al. We describe acquired immune deficiency manifested by opportunistic infections in 10 previously healthy heterosexual Haitian men. The opportunistic pathogens included Toxoplasma gondii (in four patients), Cryptococcus neoformans (in one), Pneumocystis carinii (in four patients), and Candida albicans (in three). Six of the patients also had Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Immunologic studies of three patients showed a decrease in the numbers and activity of helper T cells, with normal or increased populations of supporessor T cells. Serologic markers for previous infections from hepatitis A, cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex virus were detected in several patients. Six of the patients died despite specific antimicrobial therapy. The clinical and immunologic findings in these 10 Haitians are similar to those reported in drug addicts and homosexuals with the acquired immune-deficiency syndrome.  相似文献   

Although a recent review suggests that students' attitudes toward homosexuality change as a result of taking a human sexuality course, research in this area has not adequately addressed the issues of gender of target and gender of respondent. Attitude measures rarely distinguish between lesbians and gay men; respondents are expected to hold more negative attitudes toward homosexuals of their own sex; and women are expected to be more readily influenced in some situations. This study shows that women and men did not differ significantly in their attitudes toward lesbians and gay men, but attitudes toward lesbians were more easily changed than attitudes toward gay men regardless of the gender of the respondent.  相似文献   

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