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11.医学文化中原医学文化以整体的治疗思想、多角度观察病理的方法、奇特的治疗技术、和谐的用药手段而著称于世,是传统文化中的精华与国粹。  相似文献   

二、中原文化的显著特点从中原历史文化的主要内容可以看出,作为一种地域文化,中原文化的确源远流长、博大精深、内涵丰富、光辉灿烂。概括起来,其有以下五个主要特点。  相似文献   

党的十七大报告指出:"当今时代,文化越来越成为民族凝聚力和创造力的重要源泉、越来越成为综合国力竞争的重要因素,丰富精神文化生活越来越成为我国人民的热切愿望。要坚持社会主义先进文化前进方向,兴起社会主义文化建设新高潮,激发全民族文化创造活力,提高国家文化软实力,使人民基本文化权益得到更好保障,使社会文化生活更加丰富多彩,使人民精神风貌更加昂扬向上。"  相似文献   

王品 《决策探索》2007,(11):29-30
为了统筹区域协调发展,中央做出了"促进中部地区崛起"的战略决策.作为中部地区的人口与经济大省,河南在快速发展、努力缩小与东部地区差距的同时,又面临中部其他省份以及西部大开发中迅速崛起省份赶超的压力,河南正面临着"不进则退"、"慢进亦退"的严峻挑战.  相似文献   

高山镇是荥阳市重镇之一。全镇有19个行政村,195个村民组,3.2万人,总面积61.5平方公里。该镇东临河南省会郑州,西依九朝古都洛阳,北临滔滔万里黄河.南望千年占刹少林寺。陇海铁路、310国道、连霍高速贯穿该镇东西.县乡公路、乡村公路已形成网络,长达100多公里,交通十分便利,通讯设施先进,以阀门、炭素、粉末、冶金、机械制造等为支柱的企业星罗棋布,千亩优质核桃、  相似文献   

王平 《决策探索》2005,(9):37-38
人类社会经济形态发展经历了从以地理资源为主的原始自然经济到以土地为第一资源的农业经济。再到以资本为核心要素的工业经济,现在开始进入以人才为第一资源的知识经济。要在中央提出中部崛起战略中,率先实现中原崛起,最大限度地挖掘、开发利用人才作用来推动经济社会发展,具有十分重要的意义。资料显示:河南每万人中拥有的人才数和专业技术人才数分别为360人和140人,低于全国500人和220人的平均水平,分别居全国第27位和第31位。  相似文献   

<正>"中原兴则中部兴,中部兴则中华兴。"9月18日,"建设中原经济区高层研讨会"在京召开。厉以宁、王梦奎、郑新立、刘国光等国内著名专家齐聚一堂,为中原经济区建设出谋划策。理论界高层的密切关注,使"中原经济区"话题引发了更高层次和更大范围的热议。  相似文献   

这次我们以文化为抓手和平台,组织"中原文化香港行和2007年豫港贸易洽谈会"活动,目的是为更好地促进河南和香港各界增加了解、增进互信、加强合作.这里,我愿以"中原文化与中原崛起"这个题目作一主题发言,谈谈自己的一些看法. 大家知道,河南又称.中州"、"中原",为什么呢?因为中国古有九州,河南称"豫州",因居九州之中,故称"中州";又因境内平原多,故又称"中原".中原是一个以河南为中心相对的区域性概念.一个是大概念,就是泛指黄河中下游地区;一个是中概念,主要指黄河中游地区,包括河南、陕西、山西、安徽、山东一部分,湖北一小部分;小概念,特指河南.我们现在讲的中原崛起,就是小概念,指河南经济社会发展如何加快实现崛起.现在我要讲的中原文化就是指河南文化.那么,什么是中原文化呢?外面的人未必了解,甚至有些河南人也未必清楚,我到河南工作两年多了,一直在思考这个问题.这次来香港前,我又花了时间专门对这个问题进行了研究.  相似文献   

运用科学发展观构建文化旅游强省 实现中原崛起   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用科学发展观构建文化旅游强省,对于实现中原崛起和河南全面建设小康社会的宏伟目标具有十分重要的战略意义。对此.我们在调查了解全省文化旅游建设和发展现状的基础上.提出如下设想和建议。  相似文献   

奋斗目标 综合经济实力明显提升。在优化结构、提高效益和降低消耗的基础上。主要经济指标年均增速高于全国平均水平、力争高于中部地区平均水平。人口自然增长率低于全国平均水平。生产总值突破4万亿元,财政总收入增速高于生产总值增速。城镇化率接近50%。有利于科学发展的体制机制不断完善,内陆开放高地基本建成。  相似文献   

本文通过对100家企业和100所高校案例样本25年跟踪研究,提出了转型国家管理本土化概念;分析了中国转型期各阶段的管理思想、体制和经济增长特点,概括性地阐述了中国经济崛起与管理中国化的相辅相承关系,以及加速管理中国化与国际合作与交流的问题.本文重点研究了以下三个问题:第一个问题,转型期中国管理变革的模型.本文重点阐述了中国转型期管理变革模型与其他国家的区别.本文采用了"管理思想-经济体制-管理形态"理论框架,对转型期25年进行了分析和研究.转型初期中国从计划经济体制向市场经济过渡,中国管理思想还不成熟,主要依靠从西方引进案例开始,由此导致许多管理实践和管理教育的问题;管理兴企计划的提出与实施,加强了转型中期中国管理科学的实践研究,带动了转型近期的中国管理理论体系提升.第二个问题,中国崛起需要管理中国化.管理中国化是中国转型期解决管理问题的重要理论与实践方法,它包括管理经验化、本土化和现代化三个阶段.中国从国情出发提出了"案例三个车间理论",比较好地解决了中国管理科学、管理教育存在的难题,为实现管理中国化找到了新方法.第三个问题,中国管理本土化与国际合作问题.中国作为转型国家的一个典型范例,除国内需要深化研究外;近期主要是加快案例国际化的步伐,开展与发达国家学术交流活动,与转型期国家建立合作关系,在世界范围内实行中国本土化案例库资源共享.本文作者欢迎全世界的管理学者、企业界和政府机构加强与中国管理界多层次、全方位的合作与交流.  相似文献   

全球公司治理运动的兴起   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文分析了改善公司治理机制的目标,介绍了全球公司治理运动发源地英国的公司治理准则,指出公司治理机制与亚洲经济增长机制之间的关系并回顾了全球公司治理热潮。最后,文章对如何改善中国公司治理机制提出若干建议。  相似文献   

Following a tragic accident in 1993 involving the deaths of teenagers while kayaking a new regulatory regime was imposed upon some adventure sports providers in the United Kingdom. In particular, a new regulatory body, the Adventure Activities Licensing Authority (AALA), was established to oversee the sector. Yet in 2010, a government‐sponsored review recommended that AALA be abolished and this recommendation has been quickly accepted by government. This article explores the background to these developments through documentation, interviews with those affected by the AALA regime, and court cases. Evidence reported here, perhaps surprising, is that AALA itself is seen in a very positive light by many, even those it regulates. What may have happened is that AALA became caught up in a wider debate about the place and management of risk in life beyond the workplace, which has been simmering in the United Kingdom for a decade or more, and of which it fell foul. It may also be that adventure sports, because they entail voluntary engagement with high consequence hazards, starkly expose serious questions about the application of conventional, factory‐originated risk assessment approaches to life in general.  相似文献   

The earnings premium received by African, urban, male union members in South Africa, as compared to other regular, urban male employees, is explored using two national sample surveys conducted in 1985 and 1993. The historical setting of this change is of particular interest, in the light of the transformation from the apartheid regime. Union membership grew very rapidly during this interval, as earlier prohibitions on African unions were lifted. Subsequently, the high rates of unemployment and segmentation of the labor force have been issues of central concern to the new government, elected in 1994. In this context, the paper extends prior methodology, by systematically comparing possible approaches to estimation, in addition to contributing fresh empirical results. Four approaches to estimation are adopted, allowing for: a single earnings regime with union dummy variable; the possibility of different earnings regimes among union members as compared to non‐members; endogenous switching between such regimes; sample selection arising from lack of employment and from division between regular and informal work. A series of tests on nested specifications indicate the importance of recognizing endogenous switching between differing pay structures in the covered and uncovered sectors. However (as with previous research on the South African labor market), no sample selection is detected with respect to employment status. The results suggest that collective bargaining resulted in wage compression among the expanding union membership while significantly widening the gap between members and non‐members. The latter widening gap cannot be attributed to the changing composition of union membership as reflected in observed characteristics of employees.  相似文献   

组织工作是党的建设的重要组成部分,组织部门是党委的重要职能部门.要体现落实党管干部、党管人才、党管队伍的任务要求,可以说举足轻重,影响巨大.其职能角色具有双重性、双向性:一方面,受托于党委领导,必须坚决贯彻执行党委的方针政策;另一方面,又承载着广大党员群众的期盼和要求,必须吃透下情,顺应民意.既具有政党内务工作执行部门的角色定位,也具有社会公共管理部门的角色性质,实际上承担着承上启下、沟通内外的桥梁纽带作用.  相似文献   

企业项目管理中的企业文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业价值目标是企业文化的核心,对其它文化元素具有决定性的影响,。现代项目管理发展成为一系列的工作价值观和一种独特的、与传统管理有显著区别的管理哲学。企业项目管理是根植于企业文化的土壤之中的,企业文化为企业项目管理提供软环境,是企业项目管理的重要支柱。  相似文献   

The relationship between culture and organization has often been discussed, but rarely explored directly. This paper implements a cultural values instrument taken from Hofstede together with a behavioural instrument derived from Van de Ven to matched samples of British and French managers working on the Channel Tunnel project. The results largely replicate the findings of Hofstede regarding cultural values, but do not support the predicted implications for behaviour. In essence, the British were found to be more bureaucratic and more team-oriented than their French counterparts, who tended to be more fonceur and competitive. This indicates that the relationship between culture and behaviour might be more complicated than research to date suggests.  相似文献   

We use variation in historical state centralization to examine the long‐term impact of institutions on cultural norms. The Kuba Kingdom, established in Central Africa in the early 17th century by King Shyaam, had more developed state institutions than the other independent villages and chieftaincies in the region. It had an unwritten constitution, separation of political powers, a judicial system with courts and juries, a police force, a military, taxation, and significant public goods provision. Comparing individuals from the Kuba Kingdom to those from just outside the Kingdom, we find that centralized formal institutions are associated with weaker norms of rule following and a greater propensity to cheat for material gain. This finding is consistent with recent models where endogenous investments to inculcate values in children decline when there is an increase in the effectiveness of formal institutions that enforce socially desirable behavior. Consistent with such a mechanism, we find that Kuba parents believe it is less important to teach children values related to rule‐following behaviors.  相似文献   

The central planning agencies in Latin America have undergone multiple transformations in their structural design. These agencies came to life during the late 1950s in response to a development strategy that required the state to provide long-run direction to development by means of economic planning. Five decades later, the same agencies were redeployed to perform an open-market development strategy. What explains the fact that the same agency, created with the purpose of planning economic development, has functioned across time and governments with sharp economic, and political differences? Following Mahoney and Thelen (2010), this paper highlights the idea that the basic properties of institutions provide some forceful elements that permit change. In this sense, the document shows how veto possibilities and compliance are key variables in understanding the changing role of the central planning offices in Latin America.  相似文献   

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