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基于湖南省964份农村留守妇女调查问卷数据的多元回归分析结果表明,年龄、身体健康状况、家务劳动时间、伙食情况、有无被欺凌的经历、对婚姻感情发生变化的担心和婚姻家庭的稳定性等变量对农村留守妇女的家庭生活满意度都有着显著影响。年龄每增大1年,满意度得分增加0.008分;家务劳动时间的影响呈正U型;丈夫外出打工期间的联系频率和探亲频率这两个变量影响不显著。  相似文献   

Marital terminations are life transitions that may lead to changes in diet, activity, and body weight. This investigation examined how marital status was associated with relative body weight, underweight, overweight, and obesity among men and women in the United States using cross-sectional nationally representative data from the 1992 HRS cohort age 51–61 and the 1993 AHEAD cohort age 70 and older. Results in the HRS cohort revealed that even when adjusting for demographic and behavioral variables, widowed women were significantly more likely to be obese than married women, while men who were never married, divorced, or separated were more likely to be underweight. Results in the AHEAD cohort showed few significant associations between marital status and weight for either men or women when demographics were controlled. Clear gender variations appeared to exist in how marriage is related to body weight among unmarried older adults, with widows in their 50s being obese and divorced/separated/never married men being underweight. However, marital status differences in weight were not present among much older adults of either gender. Jeffery Sobal is a asociologist who is an associate professor at the Division of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell University. He has studied food systems, food choice, and is currently examining social aspects of body weight and obesity, particularly marriage and body weight. Barbara S. Rauschenbach is a sociologist who is a research associate in the Division of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell University. She has studied food insecurity and food assistance, and is currently examining marital status and body weight.  相似文献   

The increase in births within cohabitation in the United States and across Europe suggests that cohabitation and marriage have become more similar with respect to childbearing. However, little is known about additional childbearing after first birth. Using harmonized union and fertility histories from surveys in 15 countries, this study examines second conception risks leading to a live birth for women who have given birth within a union. Results show that women who continue to cohabit after birth have significantly lower second conception risks than married women in all countries except those in Eastern Europe, even when controlling for union duration, union dissolution, age at first birth, and education. Pooled models indicate that differences in the second conception risks by union type between Eastern and Western Europe are significant. Pooled models including an indicator for the diffusion of cohabitation show that when first births within cohabitation are rare, cohabiting women have significantly lower second conception risks than married women. As first births within cohabitation increase, differences in second conception risks for cohabiting and married women narrow. But as the percent increases further, the differentials increase again, suggesting that cohabitation and marriage are not becoming equivalent settings for additional childbearing. However, I also find that in all countries except Estonia, women who marry after first birth have second conception risks similar to couples married at first birth, indicating that the sequence of marriage and childbearing does not matter to fertility as much as the act of marrying itself.  相似文献   

Survival models are widely used in demography to analyse the timing of events such as death or leaving school. However, for events such as marriage or childbirth that are not experienced by everyone, standard survival analysis conflates the speed of progressing to an event with the proportion that never experience the event. The problem can be overcome by applying a ‘split population’ or ‘cure’ survival time model which splits the population into those who eventually experience the event and those who do not, and determines the speed of progression for the former. This paper demonstrates the use of split-population models in examining variables which affect the propensity and timing of additional births. The data analysed are from a sample of women from the 2001 Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey (N = 4,611). We model the propensity and time to have another child given sex composition of existing children, number of siblings and age at first birth for three cohorts of women. The study finds evidence of a preference for a mixed-sex composition, and an increased propensity for women with two boys to try for a third child. Women in later cohorts tend to have more children if they themselves come from larger families. Age at first birth is strongly associated with the propensity to have another child and with the speed of progression.  相似文献   

Union dissolution is a critical event for women’s living standards. Previous work has found that women in high-income unions lose more from union dissolution than women in low-income unions. This study proposes two mechanisms to explain this “convergence” in living standards. The compensation mechanism concerns the ability to compensate the loss of partner earnings with alternative sources of income, whereas the partner independence mechanism concerns how much women stand to lose from dissolution in the first place. To test these mechanisms, the author drew on a unique administrative dataset from the Netherlands, covering women who experienced dissolution within ten years after union formation (N = 57,960). A decomposition analysis showed that convergence was not driven by compensation: women from all income groups decreased their household size and re-partnered, women from low-income unions increased transfer income, and women from high-income unions increased personal earnings and decreased tax payments. Instead, convergence was driven by partner independence: women from lower-income unions depended relatively less on their partners because they relied more on transfer income prior to dissolution. These results demonstrate how partners’ interdependence moderates the consequences of life events. The welfare state plays a crucial role in this process.  相似文献   

文章通过解剖石家庄地区部分村庄已婚妇女回娘家索要承包地的案例发现,很多妇女是出于对自家经济状况的考虑而不是从维护权利的角度出发决定自己是否从娘家要回自己的承包地,土地承包权流转市场不发达是阻碍已婚妇女维护自己土地权利的重要影响因素,不同的村庄的舆论、传统习惯也对已婚妇女能否维护自己的土地承包权利产生重要影响。由于观念改变、移风易俗和市场培育都是漫长的工程,因此,维护已婚妇女的土地权益还需要制度的创新。  相似文献   

青年的恋爱观、婚姻观以及婚姻状况一直是社会普遍关注的问题。伴随着中国改革开放成长起来的新一代青年已经进入婚育年龄,巨大的社会变革在这一代青年身上留下深深的烙印,必将对其各个方面产生重大的影响。陕西当代青年婚恋观的特点是:重视人品、健康和才能;关注职业、收入、住房和性生活;淡化海外关系、社会地位等外在因素。  相似文献   

留守妇女,也称留守妻子,指丈夫外出后单独或与其他家庭成员居住在户籍地的妇女。随着改革开放和城市化进程的加快,中国人口的流动性不断提高。在农村劳动力向城市转移的过程中,由于外出劳动力的主体是男性,老人、妇女和孩子留在户籍地,于是农村出现了留守妇女群体。留守妇女是中国式留守的又一典型代表。鉴于留守妇女在中国社会的特殊性和重要性,作者以2012年中国西部农村留守妇女幸福感调查为研究基础,对农村留守妇女的幸福感及其影响因素进行了分析。通过与西方女性的幸福感进行对比,分析结果表明,经济条件、政府部门办事效率、是否乐观、夫妻关系、公婆关系等5个方面因素对农村留守妇女的幸福感有显著的影响,而自由、工作满意度、婚姻状况及家庭生活的满意度、情绪以及年龄对西方女性幸福感影响较大。对比发现,情绪和夫妻关系是影响两类群体的相同因素,而在其他因素上则存在差异。  相似文献   

Household composition of older unmarried women in Hungary is analyzed using data from the 1984 microcensus. The principal determinants of household composition investigated are kin availability — the number of living children, siblings, and parents — health status, marital status, age, and income. A multinomial logit model distinguishing among five household types reveals that number of children, severe disabilities, age and income are all strongly related to household composition. Trends in fertility and mortality patterns suggest that kinship patterns will change in coming years; these results imply that household composition will, in turn, change as well.  相似文献   

进化心理学的研究显示,女性更喜欢那些拥有男性化面孔及特定体味、身体对称、外表健康的男性,并且这种偏好会随着女性的月经周期而发生转变。在排卵期表现出明显的男性化偏好,而在其他时段偏好不明显,该效应被称为"周期转换效应"。通过梳理三种主流的解释视角,即基因选择假设、激素刺激假设和排卵引起知觉偏差的假设,结合"周期转换效应"遇到的挑战,从而指出未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

采用抽样问卷调查的方法,对厦门市流动妇女的健康状况及其影响因素进行了实证研究.研究表明:年龄、经济状况、文化程度、婚姻状况以及流入时间等因素对流动妇女的生理健康具有显著影响.对流动妇女的心理健康研究表明:经济状况对流动妇女的心理健康具有较显著的影响,年龄、文化程度及婚姻状况的影响不显著.  相似文献   

We investigate how lone mothers’ heterogeneity in partnership trajectories is associated with children’s well-being. We use data from the Millennium Cohort Study, which follows a large sample of children born in the UK in 2000–2002. We divide children who were born to lone mothers into four groups based on their mothers’ partnership trajectories between birth and age seven, which cover more than 80% of these children’s family experiences. We then analyse how these trajectories are associated with markers of health, cognitive and socio-emotional outcomes measured at around age seven. We find that compared to the children that live continuously with lone mothers, children whose biological father stably joined the household have better cognitive and socio-emotional outcomes. In contrast, children in trajectories characterised by living with a stepfather or who experienced biological father joining in the family followed by biological parents’ dissolution had outcomes similar to children living continuously with lone mothers. The results underscore the importance of treating children born to lone mothers as a heterogeneous category.  相似文献   

中国现代文坛上的天才女作家张爱玲,以独特的视角和敏锐的洞察力描绘了一个"大而破"时代女性的生存状态,塑造了一系列鲜明生动的女性形象,主要有被扭曲的疯狂变态女性和为谋生而谋爱的女性两种;张爱玲洞察和把握女性生存状态的高超能力,主要缘自于她的家庭和生活环境.  相似文献   

史前时代希腊人的妇女观经历了由"女神"至"女人"再至"女奴"的衍变过程。母系氏族社会时期,妇女在生产、战争、人类自身再生产和婚姻状况中发挥着重要作用,女性在社会中受到尊崇;父系氏族社会时期,男子在经济上跃居统治地位,他们要求改革继承制度,女性地位下降;文明时代之初,妇女完全被排斥于社会生产活动之外,被锁闭在家庭中进行生育和家务劳动,女性地位沦落到社会的底层。  相似文献   

This work examines what role children play in the re-partnering process in five European countries (Norway, France, Germany, Romania, and the Russian Federation) by addressing the following research questions: (1) To what extent do men and women differ in their re-partnering chances?; (2) Can gender differences in re-partnering be explained by the presence of children?; (3) How do the custodial arrangements and the child’s age affect the re-partnering chances of men and women? We use the partnership and parenthood histories of the participants in the first wave of the Generations and Gender Survey (United Nations, Generations and Gender Programme: Survey Instruments. United Nations, New York/Geneva, 2005) to examine the transition to moving in with a new partner following the dissolution of the first marital union, separately for men and women. The story that emerges is one of similarities in the effects rather than differences. In most countries, men are more likely to re-partner than women. This gender difference can be attributed to the presence of children as our analyses show that childless men and women do not differ in their probability to re-partner. Mothers with resident children are less likely to re-partner than non-mothers and a similar though often non-significant effect of resident children is observed for fathers. In most countries we find that as the child ages, the chances to enter a new union increase. In sum, our study indicates that children are an important factor in re-partnering and a contributor to the documented gender gap in re-partnering, and this holds throughout distinct institutional and cultural settings.  相似文献   

通过对美国南方的社会传统、女性的生存状况及婚姻观念的阐释,揭示了南北战争后男权社会对女性价值的漠视以及南方传统对女性的束缚,剖析了凯特·肖邦《一个正派的女人》中女主人公巴罗达夫人女性自我意识觉醒的过程,展示了妇女对于内心自由梦想追求的顿悟。  相似文献   

在奥斯汀生活的时代,社会对于女性角色的定位是:愚昧无知,天生在智力和能力上低于男性,无法独立,一生只能局限在家庭,做一个谦卑、顺从的妻子或母亲。作为一位女作家,奥斯汀对这样的女性定位极其不满,在小说《劝导》中创造了独立、睿智、在婚姻中不依附丈夫的克劳福德夫人和安妮等女性形象,表达了她超越时代的女性意识。  相似文献   

女性意识与政治意识的交结——谈丁玲创作中的两重性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁玲作品中具有强烈的女性意识,在五四时代表现出别具一格的先锋色彩。在其后的创作中,政治意识开始凸显并占据主导地位,女性意识弱化,形成了以女性意识为基点,以政治意识为客观表现形式的双重性特点。这与作家理论素养及创作思维的局限性有关。但政治意识的强化并没有完全湮没作家的女性意识,仍不时以探讨民族、阶级解放的方式表达对社会变革中女性命运的关注。  相似文献   

孙惠芳是一位守望乡土的女性作家,在小说创作中,她依据女性切身的生命体验,建构出一个以荡妇为基本特征的乡村女性世界。概括为三类人物系列:一是在越轨的行为中,蕴含着对精神境界的向往与提升;二是在情欲的驱动下,表现出对生活法则与道德规范的大胆蔑视与叛逆;三是采用传统的偷情或调情方式获取生命激情的宣泄和满足。在作者笔下,所有女性都无法逃脱既定的悲剧命运。在当代文坛上,孙惠芳所表现出的女性体验、生命视角与人性关爱具有积极的探索意义。  相似文献   

萧红的绝大多数小说都以女性为主要表现对象,但她从来不曾对女性的存在做过浪漫的期许,自身所经历的苦难使她洞见了生命的空洞与无奈。她笔下的女性大都没有清晰的自我意识,也鲜有自觉的生命意识,有的甚至没有自己的名字,她们如同动物般挣扎在生与死的轮回场上。萧红是一位热衷描写死亡的作家,但她没有一般作家关于死亡的诗意化想象,更多的指向了死亡本身。萧红以她深邃的内在质询探索着女性的命运,提示着女性悲剧的深层文化根源。  相似文献   

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