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In this paper the issue of making inferences with misclassified data from a noisy multinomial process is addressed. A Bayesian model for making inferences about the proportions and the noise parameters is developed. The problem is reformulated in a more tractable form by introducing auxiliary or latent random vectors. This allows for an easy-to-implement Gibbs sampling-based algorithm to generate samples from the distributions of interest. An illustrative example related to elections is also presented.  相似文献   

We develop a hierarchical Bayesian approach for inference in random coefficient dynamic panel data models. Our approach allows for the initial values of each unit's process to be correlated with the unit-specific coefficients. We impose a stationarity assumption for each unit's process by assuming that the unit-specific autoregressive coefficient is drawn from a logitnormal distribution. Our method is shown to have favorable properties compared to the mean group estimator in a Monte Carlo study. We apply our approach to analyze energy and protein intakes among individuals from the Philippines.  相似文献   

The two-parameter generalized exponential (GE) distribution was introduced by Gupta and Kundu [Gupta, R.D. and Kundu, D., 1999, Generalized exponential distribution. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 41(2), 173–188.]. It was observed that the GE can be used in situations where a skewed distribution for a nonnegative random variable is needed. In this article, the Bayesian estimation and prediction for the GE distribution, using informative priors, have been considered. Importance sampling is used to estimate the parameters, as well as the reliability function, and the Gibbs and Metropolis samplers data sets are used to predict the behavior of further observations from the distribution. Two data sets are used to illustrate the Bayesian procedure.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a Bayesian mixture model that allows us to integrate out the weights of the mixture in order to obtain a procedure in which the number of clusters is an unknown quantity. To determine clusters and estimate parameters of interest, we develop an MCMC algorithm denominated by sequential data-driven allocation sampler. In this algorithm, a single observation has a non-null probability to create a new cluster and a set of observations may create a new cluster through the split-merge movements. The split-merge movements are developed using a sequential allocation procedure based in allocation probabilities that are calculated according to the Kullback–Leibler divergence between the posterior distribution using the observations previously allocated and the posterior distribution including a ‘new’ observation. We verified the performance of the proposed algorithm on the simulated data and then we illustrate its use on three publicly available real data sets.  相似文献   

Here we consider a multinomial probit regression model where the number of variables substantially exceeds the sample size and only a subset of the available variables is associated with the response. Thus selecting a small number of relevant variables for classification has received a great deal of attention. Generally when the number of variables is substantial, sparsity-enforcing priors for the regression coefficients are called for on grounds of predictive generalization and computational ease. In this paper, we propose a sparse Bayesian variable selection method in multinomial probit regression model for multi-class classification. The performance of our proposed method is demonstrated with one simulated data and three well-known gene expression profiling data: breast cancer data, leukemia data, and small round blue-cell tumors. The results show that compared with other methods, our method is able to select the relevant variables and can obtain competitive classification accuracy with a small subset of relevant genes.  相似文献   

The hidden Markov model (HMM) provides an attractive framework for modeling long-term persistence in a variety of applications including pattern recognition. Unlike typical mixture models, hidden Markov states can represent the heterogeneity in data and it can be extended to a multivariate case using a hierarchical Bayesian approach. This article provides a nonparametric Bayesian modeling approach to the multi-site HMM by considering stick-breaking priors for each row of an infinite state transition matrix. This extension has many advantages over a parametric HMM. For example, it can provide more flexible information for identifying the structure of the HMM than parametric HMM analysis, such as the number of states in HMM. We exploit a simulation example and a real dataset to evaluate the proposed approach.  相似文献   

The main aim of this paper is to perform sensitivity analysis to the specification of prior distributions in a Bayesian analysis setting of STAR models. To achieve this aim, the joint posterior distribution of model order, coefficient, and implicit parameters in the logistic STAR model is first being presented. The conditional posterior distributions are then shown, followed by the design of a posterior simulator using a combination of Metropolis-Hastings, Gibbs Sampler, RJMCMC, and Multiple Try Metropolis algorithms, respectively. Following this, simulation studies and a case study on the prior sensitivity for the implicit parameters are being detailed at the end.  相似文献   

Efficient estimation of the regression coefficients in longitudinal data analysis requires a correct specification of the covariance structure. If misspecification occurs, it may lead to inefficient or biased estimators of parameters in the mean. One of the most commonly used methods for handling the covariance matrix is based on simultaneous modeling of the Cholesky decomposition. Therefore, in this paper, we reparameterize covariance structures in longitudinal data analysis through the modified Cholesky decomposition of itself. Based on this modified Cholesky decomposition, the within-subject covariance matrix is decomposed into a unit lower triangular matrix involving moving average coefficients and a diagonal matrix involving innovation variances, which are modeled as linear functions of covariates. Then, we propose a fully Bayesian inference for joint mean and covariance models based on this decomposition. A computational efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo method which combines the Gibbs sampler and Metropolis–Hastings algorithm is implemented to simultaneously obtain the Bayesian estimates of unknown parameters, as well as their standard deviation estimates. Finally, several simulation studies and a real example are presented to illustrate the proposed methodology.  相似文献   


In this article, a new model is presented that is based on the Pareto distribution of the second kind, when the location parameter depends on covariates as well as unobserved heterogeneity. Bayesian analysis of the model can be performed using Markov Chain Monte Carlo techniques. The new procedures are illustrated in the context of artificial data as well as international output data.  相似文献   

It is now possible to carry out Bayesian image segmentation from a continuum parametric model with an unknown number of regions. However, few suitable parametric models exist. We set out to model processes which have realizations that are naturally described by coloured planar triangulations. Triangulations are already used, to represent image structure in machine vision, and in finite element analysis, for domain decomposition. However, no normalizable parametric model, with realizations that are coloured triangulations, has been specified to date. We show how this must be done, and in particular we prove that a normalizable measure on the space of triangulations in the interior of a fixed simple polygon derives from a Poisson point process of vertices. We show how such models may be analysed by using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods and we present two case-studies, including convergence analysis.  相似文献   

Bayesian inference for the superposition of nonhomogeneous Poisson processes is studied. A Markov-chain Monte Carlo method with data augmentation is developed to compute the features of the posterior distribution. For each observed failure epoch, a latent variable is introduced that indicates which component of the superposition model gives rise to the failure. This data-augmentation approach facilitates specification of the transitional kernel in the Markov chain. Moreover, new Bayesian tests are developed for the full superposition model against simpler submodels. Model determination by a predictive likelihood approach is studied. A numerical example based on a real data set is given.  相似文献   

Many study designs yield a variety of outcomes from each subject clustered within an experimental unit. When these outcomes are of mixed data types, it is challenging to jointly model the effects of covariates on the responses using traditional methods. In this paper, we develop a Bayesian approach for a joint regression model of the different outcome variables and show that the fully conditional posterior distributions obtained under the model assumptions allow for estimation of posterior distributions using Gibbs sampling algorithm.  相似文献   

A fully parametric first-order autoregressive (AR(1)) model is proposed to analyse binary longitudinal data. By using a discretized version of a copula, the modelling approach allows one to construct separate models for the marginal response and for the dependence between adjacent responses. In particular, the transition model that is focused on discretizes the Gaussian copula in such a way that the marginal is a Bernoulli distribution. A probit link is used to take into account concomitant information in the behaviour of the underlying marginal distribution. Fixed and time-varying covariates can be included in the model. The method is simple and is a natural extension of the AR(1) model for Gaussian series. Since the approach put forward is likelihood-based, it allows interpretations and inferences to be made that are not possible with semi-parametric approaches such as those based on generalized estimating equations. Data from a study designed to reduce the exposure of children to the sun are used to illustrate the methods.  相似文献   

We introduce a Bayesian approach to test linear autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) models against threshold autoregressive moving-average (TARMA) models. First, the marginal posterior densities of all parameters, including the threshold and delay, of a TARMA model are obtained by using Gibbs sampler with Metropolis–Hastings algorithm. Second, reversible-jump Markov chain Monte Carlo (RJMCMC) method is adopted to calculate the posterior probabilities for ARMA and TARMA models: Posterior evidence in favor of TARMA models indicates threshold nonlinearity. Finally, based on RJMCMC scheme and Akaike information criterion (AIC) or Bayesian information criterion (BIC), the procedure for modeling TARMA models is exploited. Simulation experiments and a real data example show that our method works well for distinguishing an ARMA from a TARMA model and for building TARMA models.  相似文献   

The computation in the multinomial logit mixed effects model is costly especially when the response variable has a large number of categories, since it involves high-dimensional integration and maximization. Tsodikov and Chefo (2008) developed a stable MLE approach to problems with independent observations, based on generalized self-consistency and quasi-EM algorithm developed in Tsodikov (2003). In this paper, we apply the idea to clustered multinomial response to simplify the maximization step. The method transforms the complex multinomial likelihood to Poisson-type likelihood and hence allows for the estimates to be obtained iteratively solving a set of independent low-dimensional problems. The methodology is applied to real data and studied by simulations. While maximization is simplified, numerical integration remains the dominant challenge to computational efficiency.  相似文献   

A density estimation method in a Bayesian nonparametric framework is presented when recorded data are not coming directly from the distribution of interest, but from a length biased version. From a Bayesian perspective, efforts to computationally evaluate posterior quantities conditionally on length biased data were hindered by the inability to circumvent the problem of a normalizing constant. In this article, we present a novel Bayesian nonparametric approach to the length bias sampling problem that circumvents the issue of the normalizing constant. Numerical illustrations as well as a real data example are presented and the estimator is compared against its frequentist counterpart, the kernel density estimator for indirect data of Jones.  相似文献   

Convergence assessment techniques for Markov chain Monte Carlo   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
MCMC methods have effectively revolutionised the field of Bayesian statistics over the past few years. Such methods provide invaluable tools to overcome problems with analytic intractability inherent in adopting the Bayesian approach to statistical modelling.However, any inference based upon MCMC output relies critically upon the assumption that the Markov chain being simulated has achieved a steady state or converged. Many techniques have been developed for trying to determine whether or not a particular Markov chain has converged, and this paper aims to review these methods with an emphasis on the mathematics underpinning these techniques, in an attempt to summarise the current state-of-play for convergence assessment techniques and to motivate directions for future research in this area.  相似文献   

Shookri and Consul (1989) and Scollnik (1995) have previously considered the Bayesian analysis of an overdispersed generalized Poisson model. Scollnik (1995) also considered the Bayesian analysis of an ordinary Poisson and over-dispersed generalized Poisson mixture model. In this paper, we discuss the Bayesian analysis of these models when they are utilised in a regression context. Markov chain Monte Carlo methods are utilised, and an illustrative analysis is provided.  相似文献   

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