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An employer pool is an association that, formed under a French act of 1901, hires wage-earners who share their time between two or even three employers who are members of the association. The objectives of these pools are: to turn contingent or part-time jobs into steady, full-time occupations covered by permanent employment contracts; and to make the employer's need for economic flexibility compatible with the individual's need for security. The results of a survey conducted in two employer pools are used to examine actual practices by inquiring into the meaning of a "shared worktime" for wage-earners and by observing the various uses that these employers make of this work force and the new social forms that thus arise. Employees' intermittent presence in the firms and the triangular features of their employment relationship lead to socially distributed sets of constraints and resources, as well as a stronger individualization of work relations.  相似文献   

Nonprofit employees can make ideal volunteers for other organizations in the sector, and understanding their participation in volunteering is a timely task. Based on “spillover theory,” this study tests how nonprofit employees’ experience on the job may carry over into the nonwork arena. The study focuses on how nonprofit employees’ satisfaction with the job and perception of the organization's mission achievement relate to their volunteering, controlling for the generally higher levels of prosocial motivation found in the sector. The findings suggest that the consequences of job satisfaction for this group extend beyond the workplace, contributing to societal benefits.  相似文献   

Since the creation of Sociologie du travail, the importance and forms of conflicts and of negotiations have changed. Nor are the stakes still necessarily the same. Given the emergence of new players in public movements and of new strategies in social protest, it is worthwhile reviewing the ideas of “conflict” and “negotiation” in the light of the forms of circulation between different universes (government, labor unions, employer organizations, associations). Though a topic of debate, the law's place in labor relations has special importance with regard to these two ideas.  相似文献   

如百思买这样外资背景的零售企业在中国为什么水土不服?原因很多,但商务模式不够"本土化"、决策时不够放权、海外总部与中国子公司沟通不顺畅,效率低可能是主要原因。  相似文献   

A debate about the effectiveness of secure residential youth care is currently going on. While some continue to support secure residential youth care, others conclude that ‘nothing works’ in secure residential youth care, and argue that non-residential treatment is superior to secure residential treatment. This article reviews recent research on this topic. The conclusion is that evidence for the effectiveness of non-residential treatment for youth with severe behavioural problems and/or criminal behaviour is sparse if considered as an alternative for secure residential youth care. Secure residential treatment shows a modest, but positive effect. We need to overhaul the myth that ‘nothing works’ in secure residential youth care, and focus on how to optimise the effects of secure residential youth care.  相似文献   

Event Set × Event Set designs were used to study the rotating screen paradigm introduced by Baillargeon, Spelke, and Wasserman (1985). In Experiment 1, 36 5 1/2‐month‐old infants were habituated to a screen rotating 180° with no block, a screen rotating 120° up to a block, or a screen rotating 180° up to and seemingly through a block. All infants were then tested on the same 3 events and also a screen rotating 120° with no block. The results indicate that infants are using novelty and familiarity preference to determine their looking times. To confirm this, in Experiment 2, 52 5 1/2‐month‐old infants were familiarized on either 3 or 7 trials to a screen rotating 180° with no block or a screen rotating 120° with no block. All infants were then tested on the same test events as in Experiment 1. Infants with fewer familiarization trials were more likely to prefer the familiar rotation event. The results of these 2 experiments indicate that infants did not use the possibility or impossibility of events but instead used familiarity or novelty relations between the habituation events and the test events to determine their looking times, and suggest that the Baillargeon et al. study should not be interpreted as indicating object permanence or solidity knowledge in young infants.  相似文献   

This study explored whether religiously affiliated nonprofit schools participating in Milwaukee's long‐standing school voucher program engage in more fundraising and perform better on academic indicators than nonsectarian nonprofit schools. The analysis of three years of organizational‐level voucher school data reveals that a higher percentage of religious affiliated schools engage in fundraising, and that religious schools affiliated with umbrella organizations have higher test score indicators than nonsectarian schools. The author concludes that the religious advantage is likely in part a result of the broader access to networks and resources available to religious schools associated with umbrella organizations like a Catholic archdiocese or Lutheran synod. The results are relevant to policymakers who are considering implementing a reinvented government approach to the provision of public goods, as well as leaders of nonprofit corporations who seek to maximize performance.  相似文献   

在3·15当晚,奥迪年会的一幅中国地图反而引发了更多关注. 据国内数家媒体报道,德国汽车品牌奥迪在其年会上宣布涉及中国业务时,公开使用不完整的中国地图.尽管此事在现场没有产生任何反响,但由于有少数几家中国媒体受邀参加本次德国举行的年会,这张地图被拍下来并在国内传开,引起不少关注和热议.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of the longer‐run effects of a college‐preparatory program implemented in inner‐city schools that provided teacher training in addition to payments to 11th‐ and 12th‐grade students and their teachers for passing scores on Advanced Placement (AP) exams. Affected students passed more AP exams, were more likely to remain in college beyond their first and second years, and earned higher wages. Effects are particularly pronounced for Hispanic students who experienced a 2.5‐percentage‐point increase in college degree attainment and an 11% increase in earnings. While the study is based on nonexperimental variation, the results are robust across a variety of specifications, and most plausible sources of bias are ruled out. The results provide credible evidence that implementing high‐quality college‐preparatory programs in existing urban schools can improve the long‐run educational and labor‐market outcomes of disadvantaged youth. (JEL I2, I24, J0)  相似文献   

日前,胡润研究院《2017年胡润艺术榜》的公布,引发了艺术圈的广泛关注和争议.依据2016年度公开拍卖市场作品总成交额,榜单公布了前100位中国在世艺术家的排名,其中国画家崔如琢、当代艺术家曾梵志、国画家范曾分列榜单的前三名.但是对于这样一份榜单的学术性、权威性目前各方颇有微词,有人表示对用表面的成交记录评判艺术不看好,也有人觉得如今各种榜单已经越来越娱乐化,不必太当真.  相似文献   

Working part‐time: achieving a successful ‘work‐life’ balance?1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of part-time employment in the balancing of women's employment and family lives has generated an immense literature. Using data on women working part-time and full-time in different level occupations in the British Household Panel Survey, this paper argues that it is now vital to move these balancing debates on from their location within work-family rhetoric and to re-position the study of women's working time in broader work-life discussions. Work-family debates tend to neglect a number of key domains that women balance in their lives, in addition to family and employment, including their financial security and their leisure. The paper shows that examining the financial situations and the leisure lives of female part-timers in lower level jobs reveals a less positive picture of their 'life balancing' than is portrayed in much work-family literature. Instead, they emerged as the least financially secure employees and, linked to this, less satisfied with their social lives too. It is concluded that since the work-life system is multi- and not just two-dimensional, it is important to examine how all life domains interrelate with each other. In this way, we would be in a better position to begin to assess all the benefits and disadvantages associated with working part-time and with other work-life balancing strategies.  相似文献   

This article analyzes two broad questions: Does your first name matter? And how did you get your first name anyway? Using data from the National Opinion Research Centers General Social Survey, we find evidence that, even after controlling for a myriad of exogenous background factors, first name features are predictors of many lifetime economic outcomes that are related to labor productivity such as education, happiness, and early fertility. However, we also find evidence, based on the differential impacts of gender and race on the “blackness” of a name, that identity could be an important channel for linking first name to lifetime economic outcomes. (JEL D1, J1, J7)  相似文献   

最近,国际货币基金组织(IMF)语出惊人:中国经济规模将在2016年首超美国,到时按货币购买力平价(PPP)计算,中国的经济规模将逾19万亿美元,而美国则为18.8万亿美元。由于IMF是一家权威国际机构,做如此激进预测,给日益升温的"中国模式"之争加了把火。IMF说的是5年以后的事,也是我国"十二五规划"结束时。所见略同的是,4月20日,在本刊与清华大学国际传媒研究中心和春秋研究院共同主办的"百年清华·中国模式"高峰论坛上,"中国模式"论始倡者之一,全国政协常委、外事委员会主任赵启正在发言中指出:大约5年以后,"中国模式"会变得更清晰,更为世人所了解与接受。这是美好的愿景,毕竟还有5年,一切都建立在某种假设之上。国内外持"中国崩溃"论、"不可持续"论者从没有停止忧心忡忡和提出尖锐批评。即使是对中国模式持最乐观判断的瑞士日内瓦外交与国际关系学院教授张维为也承认,中国模式还存在很多缺陷与问题急待解决。中国是否独创了自己的发展模式?其内涵与外延是什么?是不是具有普遍意义?是不是西方主流之外一种新话语力量的崛起?随着对中国模式越来越热的争议,参与的精英人士越来越多,其结论、走向如何,会越来越大地影响正在高速发展且不算稳定的中国经济、政治、社会、文化的基本面。可以说这场讨论、争议本身会对现实产生重大影响,由于它太重要,以致有可能产生"预言自我实现"的效应。因此,我们呼吁参与争论者诉诸严肃的学术规范和学术理性,在尊重事实与逻辑的基础上贡献自己的智慧。我们欣喜地看到,参与此次论坛讨论的嘉宾大多是国内学术前沿广受尊重的学者,他们展示了最新研究成果。我们希望5年后不仅能印证IMF的预言,还能印证此间学者们的大部分判断,也许5年还不够,这没关系,这场争论的意义已不言自明。  相似文献   

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