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Coaching for executives in social work – an empirical study on consultancy needs. Executives in social work see themselves under special demands to balance the necessity to cope with public cost cutting requirements on the one hand and the design of organization structures which are to master future challenges on the other. In order to adapt coaching to the consultancy needs in this field, 96 executives working in social facilities in Thuringia were interviewed with a view to their potential consultancy needs, in particular with respect to their management functions and leadership challenges. This investigation showed a high degree of acceptance for coaching and differentiated consultancy needs in the dilemma between economization and quality oriented social work. A preliminary competence profile for coaching personnel is derived thereof.  相似文献   

Coaching in administrative authorities. A study on the acceptance of a new counseling method This study proves that also leadership in administrative authorities are in need of counseling for developing their social, professional and organizational competence. Coaching turns out to be a helpful method for it. Occasions for coaching, efficacy and conditions of coaching are explored. In spite of the promising start support of the organization is necessary to establish coaching in the long run. For this aspects and suggestions are discussed.  相似文献   

Conflict-coaching and mediation: complement or competition? The author illustrates mediation and conflict-coaching as methods of conflict management of particular importance. Mediation acts as current conflict management in organization, conflict coaching performs more an advisory function. Additional increases coaching as method of personnel development the competence of conflict management of executives. The lines between mediation and coaching are often blurred.  相似文献   

From its very beginning executive coaching has been suspected of being a consultancy fad. To meet with the fashion point there are three standpoints: (1) Executive coaching is a real competitive social innovation; (2) it is both, a fad and an instrument for coping with problems; (3) executive coaching is almost ignored as sheer fashion phenomenon. The article takes a fourth account by showing that the fashion verdict applies only for the booming coaching literature whose rate of expansion exceeds all rates of comparable issues like human resource development, leadership development, clinical supervision, and mentoring. In contrast in organizations executive coaching is of little importance. What is more, the discussion of coaching fails to keep up with recent organization science’s standard of knowledge.  相似文献   

Executives working globally have increasing demands for coaching. International coaches need to understand the complexity and dynamics of global executive challenges beyond intercultural concepts. The author offers concepts and tools that bridge the worlds of global executives and the practice of coaching. She offers an easy to use translation between the degree and level of internationalization of an organization on one side and the competences needed for global executives on the other side. She tells the story of three real-life coaching cases. She discusses consequences of global executive coaching – using these cases – in four dimensions: content, social, space and time. Finally, she develops recommendations for global coaching and lists the unique requirements for coaches working internationally.  相似文献   

There are many different ways to understand and use coaching in organization which are influenced by the organizational culture with different basic assumptions about learning and change of humans. The question is on behalf of which implicit theory the members understand and develop their organization. The goal of the following investigation is to describe these implicit theories of change. Therefore a large sample of human resource managers were interviewed about assessment criteria for coaches, coaching topics, expectations on coaching, attitudes on coaching and the impact of coaching in their organization. The results show that there are no distinguishable patterns in the formal coaching processes but clear und different types of implicit theories about coaching. Finally some implication for coaching in organization and for external professional coaches were made.  相似文献   

Rites of passage are helpful to master difficult situations in life, such as crises, changes in status or social roles, or transition between two phases in life. The concepts developed in sociology and cultural anthropology around this subject can be utilized in coaching, when dealing with issues related to change and transition. The paper focuses on the main aspects of these concepts in addition to proposing concrete methods to employ ritual elements in coaching situations.  相似文献   

Leadership coaching reflects an evolving dynamic between the client and coach that is qualitatively different from most approaches to leadership development and therefore holds particular challenges for evaluation. Based on reviews of academic and practitioner literatures, this paper presents an integrated framework of coaching evaluation that includes formative evaluations of the client, coach, client–coach relationship, and coaching process, as well as summative evaluations based on coaching outcomes. The paper also includes a quantitative synthesis examining evaluation methodologies in 49 leadership coaching studies. The results revealed that self-reported changes in clients' leadership behaviors are the most frequently assessed coaching outcome, followed by clients' perceptions of the effectiveness of coaching. Recommendations to advance coaching evaluation research include the creation of collaborative partnerships between the evaluation stakeholders (client, coach, client's organization, and coaching organization) to facilitate systematic formative evaluations, the collection of multi-source and multi-level data, and the inclusion of distal outcomes in evaluation plans.  相似文献   

How coaching is accepted in a traditional technological service-companyFor the present article four leading managers (two women, two men) of a big technological service-company were asked about their experiences with coaching. Their individual accounts are interpreted on the back-ground of the concrete changes in structure and culture of the company. The report gives an impression about the fact, how coaching is accepted in a more traditionally labelled, mainly hierarchically organized and male-dominated structure. There are some points of special interest for the implementation of coaching in that kind of organization structure.  相似文献   

Coaching in the software development industry. The author describes the basic principles and starting points of a coaching concept within the context of the software development industry. The structures and processes in this context create a special need for support that can be addressed by different forms of coaching. A company-specific coaching concept has to define the goals and rationality of coaching, to determine the different ways coaching is requested and provided and to outline the overall strategy to introduce and to integrate coaching within the organization. The special need for coaching is related to the communication-intensive collaboration within software development teams and the complexity of the overall process. In particular forms of internal coaching are discussed to address these needs and a way of implementing an internal coaching pool is sketched.  相似文献   

The coaching culture as an impact factor on the efficacy of Coaching has rarely been addressed in scientific research so far. This article differentiates the coaching culture in aspects of the organizational embedding and attitudes towards coaching. The results of the quantitative study, where N = 49 members of organizations took part, show that the coaching processes are conducted in diverse ways, that the format is being applied for a broad range of issues and that the attitudes towards coaching lead into a positive direction. As a significant predictor for the judgement of coaching effects the reputation of the format in the organization was identified.  相似文献   

This article addresses the interface of personal trust and trust in the organization in internal coaching taking particular account of the fact that the coach is part of the organization. The consequences of the mode of assignment, i.e. the circumstances under which the coaching is initiated, the importance of neutrality, discretion, voluntariness and the importance of the coachee??s previous experience with the organization are discussed. The article also explains which aspects affect trust development and how trust building in internal coaching can be improved.  相似文献   

Prescribed coaching — and chances and limits of organization development On the basis of two case studies it is shown how and under which conditions ?prescribed coaching“ can become effective for the coachee as well as for the organization. With that the Kühl-thesis, coaching was nothing but a placebo for the organisation, is at least partly refuted.  相似文献   

Out of strategic considerations, companies offer their employees coaching as an internal method of personnel development. A wide range of organizational forms can be taken into consideration for those internal coaching offers. As coach and client belong to the same organization, specific areas of conflict can arise in the coaching process. Those will be briefly described. Thereafter it will be discussed how the anticipated conflicts arising during the phase of contract formation can be dealt with. Furthermore it is shown how organizational implementation of internal coaching offers can mitigate the assumed conflicts.  相似文献   

The program “Mentoring for female junior executives at schools” in Hamburg has the goal of recruiting more female executives for schools in Hamburg. As a headmaster of a high school the author has attended this program as a mentor. She discusses the following questions: What are the differences between mentoring and coaching? Where are the limits of mentoring? When is coaching the better method? The main result is, that the mentor has to be very attentively of his position as a member of the organization. He has to decide, if he can advise the mentee for example in conflicts with superiors or if a coach could do a better job. A missing link in the mentoring program is the analysis of the culture of organizations, because this is an important factor for a successful start into the new function.  相似文献   

Supervision and coaching as internal consulting in a great public administrationThe author describes the process of the implementing of supervision, coaching and practise discussion in a great public administration. The difficulties of such an intention are shown, which appear, if an organization has no experiences with these formats and the decision makers have no background knowledge. Furthermore it is explained by which measures an institutional anchorage was possible. Because the process is not finished yet, a view of further developments is given.  相似文献   

Psychiatrization, personification and personalization. Individual-centred consulting in organizations The individual-centred consulting already achieved high popularity in supervision and coaching. Based on system theory this article aims to define the functions of individual-centred consulting approaches — such as supervision and consulting — for organizations. The function of person-centred consulting is less an obvious manifest function of human resources development and more an invisible one for isolating conflicts in special interactional contexts. The organization achieves protection of its structure through coaching and supervision, because it is able to isolate its conflicts interactionally and therefore these conflicts remain to a large extent without any consequences for the organization.  相似文献   

Stages of a coaching in the medical area. A case study with hypothetical counseling situations This article presents typical points of a career in the medical field in Germany, structured by hypothetical coaching interventions including thorough methodological reflections. Career counseling, analysis of the organizational chart and culture as well as conflict counseling constitute the main focus of this paper. Creative methods such as painting and use of hand puppets supplement the therapeutic methods discussed, such as Socratic dialogue, role play exercises and an analysis of a sibling constellation.  相似文献   

For psychological coaching the insurance distribution as an extremely competitive setting still is widely unexploited in Germany. However, the increasing staff shortage in sales in the course of the demographic change creates a growing readiness on the side of the insurer to invest in coaching as a highly personal and practical form of human resources development. The article discusses role conflicts and stress of sales agents as consequences of the systems parameters and the development of social and emotional competencies as tasks for coaching in insurance distribution. The article furthermore points out strategies of intervention that are adjusted to the setting of sale.  相似文献   

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