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In this paper the question, which role the working relationship plays in coaching, is taken up. Based on the reflections of Neukom et al. (OSC 18(3):317–332, 2011), who see the working relationship both as premise for coaching processes and as the medium, in which coaching takes place, it is attempted to differentiate the concept of the work relationship. Furthermore it is shown, that many effective factors in coaching are underestimated or overlooked, since they are only seen as part of the relationship and not as independent factors themselves.  相似文献   

The author seeks a deeper understanding of the relationships between coaching and psychotherapy. He reflects first of all his own practical experience as psychoanalyst, coach, and as trainer/supervisor of coaches and psychotherapists. Therapy, he says, develops a long-range-approach of alleviating symptoms and helping to strengthen potentials in a close relationship between therapist and client. Coaching is more focused on short, exactly aimed interventions and acute problems in the relationship between the coachee and his job. Professional exchange between therapists and coaches should be encouraged, because therapist often are deeply ignorant of the professional reality of patients, and coaches tend to underestimate the relevance of personality problems which work against rational organizations of professional development and constructive relationships in teams.  相似文献   

Supervision and coaching in the field of clinical neuropsychologyThe author discusses the special importance of supervision and coaching in the clinical neuropsychology. At first, she shows the origins of both consultation forms, then she discusses supervision and coaching as methods of quality management in hospitals as well as their importance for the patients as vocational rehabilitation, before they return into their jobs.  相似文献   

Do university teachers have finished to learn, when they are hired for a position as full professor? That seems to be false, if you look at knowledge enrichment by research as learning. For Teaching and management it seems more justified. Factually full professors very seldom participate at corresponding continuing education or consulting. Learning takes place mostly on the side as learning by doing. Professionalization in a full sense however is only realized, if competences are developed also in these fields. As corresponding learning can be supported by continuous education and consulting is a very important task of academic personnel development.  相似文献   

Alumni Relationship Management is an important attribute in the increasingly competitive environment of German universities. Alumni are ambassadors of their alma mater and are part of its reputation. The retention of alumni is of further importance because it enhances the transfer between the academic’s and practitioner’s worlds and can contribute to a sound financial basis of universities. This empirical survey of alumni organisations of universities shows two general types of alumni organisations which can be differentiated by their parameters and activities. The success of alumni relationship management is reflected by professionalism of its organisation and the quality, which is determined by its acceptance of its members.  相似文献   

Handling a coachees individual crisis in the setting of a job-coachingThe author reports about an individual crisis in the setting of a job-coaching. The job-coaching is successful, so that after three sittings the coachee has achieved a job-contract. Three months later she asks for a follow-up-coaching, and it is becoming obvious that the coachee finds herself in a crisis. She feels socially isolated in the new city, she recognizes that she is less and less able to function and she suffers from feeling deficitary. By telling her concrete situation and by working on her resources within the crisis-coaching she is able to clarify her new situation, to see abilities to act and enlarge and strengthen them.  相似文献   

The main elements of the ongoing reform of youth welfare in Germany “Neue Steuerung” (“New Regulation”) are the reconstruction of its administration, local networking and the transfer of economical criterions to the context of social work. Advisors and coaches, working in this field, are confronted with a problem, which is highly characterized by institutional dynamics of changes, and especially with the question of efficiency of social measures. We think, it is important that advisers, coaches an supervisors, who work in this field of “New Regulation”, are informed profoundly of the current state of the reform of the administration in their region, that they find their own point-of-view to the theme of pressure in financing social measures and social providing, and that they create a flexible supply of consultation, which is comprehensive in methods and that they cooperate with their clients` institutions.  相似文献   

The BoxCoaching is based on the certified results of the neuroscience, that the body-self-images form base elements of the interventions for mental health. After the author’s credo: everyone is boxing in the way of his basically psychological structure, the behaviour of the client, boxing in the limbic highly active borderline situation of the conflict, reveals the base-self and as a result of this the base-maps of its mentality, kind of feeling and acting, which lead him outside of the boxing ring. The article explains how the BoxCoaching activates those basal cerebral structures and releases by that long-term resources and how the self experience by boxing creates and found with so-called ?winner values“ (for example: courage, self trust, risk taking, resoluteness) solution working self-image-constructions.  相似文献   

In recent years, the situation of e-commerce in Germany especially in the retail sector has not only been characterized by a sustained growth in sales but also by an increase in deficits in payment. Companies considering a general exclusion of risky payment methods to be suboptimal are challenged by an adequate assessment of their prospective customers’ risk of payment default. Thereby, inability and unwillingness to pay has to be considered as possible reasons on a transactional basis and in real-time. This paper presents a new approach combining common methods for risk identification and assessment. Case studies show that a more sophisticated risk control can be achieved by applying the approach presented.  相似文献   

This contribution focuses on the interrelation of biography and diversity in the context of supervisory processes. It is highlighted how the biography of the supervisee can be used as an important resource when dealing with diversity issues. The contribution gives a short overview of the current status of the theoretical discourse in this field. Next, an example case from supervision is used to outline how the reflection of the own biographical context provides new views and perspectives for the supervisee. Theoretical as well as practical impact and perspectives on the supervisory process are outlined.  相似文献   

Learning processes in coaching This Coaching is approached from the view of the coachee. Different learning processes which the coachee should run through in his/her coaching are deduced from three approved theoretical concepts close to practice. The Kolb circle is presented as first basic concept. It is described by the author as action leading for coachee and coach by a coaching-questionnaire. Several learning forms are shown and related to the first basic concept. The most important factor for the coaching success is the sustainability of the realization of the recognized learning goals. Therefore some proposals are submitted basing on the Kuhl-concept.  相似文献   

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