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The paper examines the role of the banking network of foreign banks, namely Greek and Italian banks, on the transfer of remittances of Albanian immigrants. Remittances through the official network that is formed mainly by the banking network, grew much higher in comparison to non-official network during the period 1994–2006. The paper finds that the growth of the amount of remittances conveyed through the official network as part of the total amount of remittances is related to the evolution of branches of Greek and Italian banks in Albania.
Nikolaos SariannidisEmail:

This paper investigates the determinants of migrants’ financial transfers to their home country using German data. A double-hurdle model is applied to analyze the determinants of the propensity to send transfers to the country of origin and the amount of transfers. The findings reveal that return intentions positively affect financial transfers of immigrants to their home country. The results of a decomposition analysis suggest that only a small part of the gap in financial transfers between temporary and permanent migrants can be attributed to differences in observable characteristics.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use a real option framework in order to study the role of combined entry and exit strategies in migration. The paper’s aim consists in investigating migrants’ behaviour and in particular their duration of stay in the host country. Our framework shows two threshold levels: the first triggers the migration choice, while the second triggers the return to the country of origin. The difference between these two thresholds defines a region of inaction (hysteresis) i.e. the length of the immigrant’s stay in the host country (duration). Our theoretical results show that: (a) the phenomenon of hysteresis is amplified by ethnic communities both in entry and in exit cases; and (b) migration policies that attempt to exacerbate entry could increase duration of immigrants and the migration stock in the host country. Furthermore, the community could reduce the minimum wage level required to trigger both exit and entry. This fact could explain why we sometimes see migration inflows with a low wage differential and also with underemployment.  相似文献   

This paper frames how parents’ health problems may affect a child’s subsequent working status. Parental health problems occurring in their prime working years undermine an adult child’s resources and tend to affect the child’s preferences over time-allocations among leisure, market- and non-market-labor. Empirical applications in this paper focus on a situation with pervasive health problems, lack of social safety network, and a substantial gender gap in labor market return. Exploiting Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS) for the period 1994–2004, empirical results indicate that a father’s poor health status is a significant predictor of lowering a daughter’s educational attainment and working probability during her subsequent, adulthood years.  相似文献   

It was hypothesized that bilingual Iranian immigrants in the United States who prefer to use the Persian language, compared to Iranians who prefer to use English, would be more likely to express a desire to return to Iran to live. Participants were 292 bilingual Iranian immigrants in the United States (128 men, 164 women) who completed a questionnaire with a similar content, prepared in Persian on one side and in English on the other side. Participants were given the option to either complete the Persian or English version of the questionnaire. Results confirmed the research hypothesis suggesting that the immigrants’ preference in using their native language serves as a “pull” factor that increases the probability of a desire to return to the country of birth. It was also found that women and younger respondents were less likely to express a desire to return to Iran. Level of education, marital status, years of living in the United States, and attitudes toward marriage and the family did not predict such a desire. Implications for acculturation research and for counseling culturally diverse clients are discussed. Policy implications to attract immigrants back to their country of birth were also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the structure and performance of the banking industry in Egypt during the period from 2002 to 2009. The Central Bank of Egypt undertook a major banking reform towards a more liberal system. This included the strengthening of bank supervision and regulation and the bank privatization, where it helped to improve market competitiveness and efficiency. Total registered banks’ deposits grew at a CAGR of 11.43% during 2002–2009, reaching LE 848.7 billion at the end of December 2009, while their total credit facilities increased at a CAGR of 10%, reaching LE 793.8 billion.  相似文献   

China’s market-oriented reform has had great success in the past few decades. Along with the rapid economic growth of the country, the economic development also influenced various aspects of China’s social, economical, and political life. Recent debate has criticized the overheated market reform in social provision, thus arguing for the return of government interventions. However, in the health care sector, it is inappropriate to attribute all distortions to market imperfection. It is rather the design of the health care system and the lack of government interventions in regulating the health care market that obstruct the functions of health care provision. To examine the proposed hypotheses, the paper focuses on China’s medical care provision, evaluating the actual performance of China’s medical care provision in the environment of economic transition from a multidimensional analysis, hence providing forward-looking suggestions for the design of China’s health care provision. Findings from this study indicate that government interventions are indispensable in regulating the health care market as well as ensuring health care delivery.   相似文献   

The paper examines how important family reunification is in immigrants' decision to settle permanently in their country of destination. Using longitudinal data for a cohort of recent immigrants to Australia, it examines whether migrants' permanent settlement intention reported soon after arrival is related to their family sponsorship patterns and intention to sponsor, and whether family sponsorship patterns and intention in turn have an effect on immigrants' permanent settlement/return migration decision. The results show that a significant relation exists between sponsorship of close family members for migration and immigrants' permanent settlement intention and that the relation is particularly strong among skilled migrants. The study demonstrates the importance of kinship ties in permanent settlement and return migration decisions and suggests that liberal policies on family reunion migration may minimize settle loss, especially among skilled immigrants.  相似文献   

Albania’s experience with transition is unlike most Eastern European countries. In particular, transition started from a deeply impoverished state, proceeded faster than other countries in the region, and was disrupted by financial sector crises. In addition, Albania experienced extreme population movements both abroad (to as many as twenty different countries) and within the country (from rural areas to major cities). All these changes combined have altered the composition of the local labour force in unknown ways. Understanding who Albania’s unemployed are at present is important for policy decisions, especially given the double-digit unemployment rates of the last decade. In addition, employment stabilization policies in Albania are important from an international perspective, since Albania exports about 15–20% of its labour force to neighbouring countries. This paper uses administrative data from one of the largest, recently established labour offices, to gain insights into the composition and characteristics of Albania’s unemployed.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the determinants of interethnic marriages by immigrants in the United States. The dependent variable is intermarriage across ethnic groups (on the basis of ancestry and country of birth) and the inclusion of the explanatory variables is justified by a simple rational choice economic model. A binomial logistic regression is estimated using data from the 1980 US Census, the last Census where post-migration marriages can be identified. Results show that the probability of intermarriage increases the longer a migrant resides in the U.S. and the younger the age at arrival. Both relationships can be attributable to the accumulation of US-specific human capital and an erosion of ethnic-specific human capital. Inter-ethnic marriages are more likely between individuals with similar education levels, providing evidence of positive assortative mating by education for immigrants. The construction of the “availability ratio” for potential spouses from one’s own group and group size where one lives using data from several Censuses provides a the measure of the marriage market. Intermarriage is lower the greater the availability ratio and the larger the size of one’s own group. Linguistic distance of the immigrant’s mother tongue from English indirectly measures the effect of English language proficiency at arrival and is found to be a significant negative predictor of intermarriage. Those who report multiple ancestries and who were previously married are more likely to intermarry.  相似文献   

The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), the largest amnesty in U.S. history, took effect in 1986 and legalized all immigrants who arrived before 1982. The IRCA creates a discontinuity, according to the year of entry, in the probability of having legal status. Therefore, I use the regression discontinuity approach to study the impact of legality on immigrants’ labor market outcomes and human capital. Using Californian Latino immigrants from Census 1990, I find that the 1975–81 arrivals, on average, outperform the 1982–86 arrivals in male wages, female employment probability, and male English-speaking ability. These findings are not due to a general trend in U.S. labor market conditions because the same analysis, using refugees, Puerto Rican migrants and U.S.-born Latinos—three comparison groups without legality issues—indicates no difference in outcomes between the 1975–81 and 1982–86 cohorts. However, the advantage of Latino immigrants of the earlier cohort over the later cohort diminishes in Census 2000.  相似文献   

During the past 20 years, Italy has changed from being a country with well-established traditions of emigration to a country of destination. Italy had achieved 1 of the highest economic growth rates in the world. Conditions in Italy are favorable for hundreds of thousands of immigrants from developing countries. Most immigrants settle in large cities and in the South; most are in Italy illegally, performing jobs which Italians do not want. The Act n.943 of January 27, 1987, 1 of the most advanced and most liberal unilateral legal texts has 2 sections: 1) the 1st section establishes regulations governing the admission and residence of foreigners and conditions under which they may enter employment and 2) the 2nd section concerns the regularization of all situations involving the illegal presence of the hundreds of thousands of workers who arrived in Italy before 1987. During the 1st year of implementation, the Act proved to be ideologically enviable but unsuitable in practice. Specifically, Italian consulates in developing countries have received very few applications for permanent residence permits, while clandestine immigration is continuing. Also, only about 14% of clandestine immigrants who arrived before 1987 have regularized their situations. Insufficient information and excessive red tape in the regularization procedures contributed to these results. However, the fundamental cause of failure is economic: migrants know that regularization would keep them out of the labor market and be followed by loss of job and unemployment. Italians are uninterested in the role of immigrants as new members of society; the migrants, in turn, do everything possible not to draw attention to their presence and their diversity. Still, most Italians view immigrants with suspicion. To prepare for the future, account must be taken of possible fluctuations in the economic situation of expanding receiving countries and of the impact which these fluctuations may have on the degree of acceptance of immigrants. To solve these problems Italy must, 1) have a rational, realistic, and comprehensive approach to medium-term planning;2) use official development assistance to carry out labor-intensive projects in the partner country, to reduce the pressure to migrate; 3) base the planning of migration policy on the establishment of admission criteria for immigrants; 4) treat immigrants fairly and promote integration that respects their cultural identity; and 5) achieve international and multilateral coordination and consultation for migration policies.  相似文献   

The few studies that have been carried out only take into account the annual inflows of seasonal immigrants. This present article covers 2 other aspects of the problem: 1) the seasonal nature of immigration in general and 2) above all the role of permanent immigrant workers in certain sectors influenced by seasonal changes. The number of permanent first-time immigrants is determined, among other causes, by the need for a certain seasonal regulation of overall economic activity. The role of the foreign work force is o fparticular importance in 3 sectors influenced by seasonal changes, and it fulfills a function of seasonal regulation of activity in at least 2 of these sectors: the building trade and agriculture. However, the recognition of the need for seasonal regulation has been used as a pretext for making employment more unstable, in particular for permanent immigrant workers, many of whom cannot find work for the whole year. Seasonal work also plays a key role in agriculture and the hotel trade. Moreover, the part played by illegal immigrants is decisive, not only in these 2 sectors, but throughout the illegal labor market. In the years to come it is likely that seasonal immigration will continue to fall perhaps by half, as a result of mechanization in general, its application in grape-harvesting, and the adoption of new farming techniques. However, it will probably remain sufficiently high to make up for the lack of a national reserve of seasonal labor, especially in vegetable and fruit farming, lumbering, and catering. Seasonal immigration will doubtlessly continue also because it puts a downward pessure on the average wage and makes employment more precarious. It also constitutes a reserve of illegal labor, which can be used in sectors which have a crucial impact on the balance of goods and services in France. These advantages for the French government and employers are above all disadvantages for the seasonal immigrant workers themselves, whose living and health conditions are increasingly catastrophic.  相似文献   

This paper uses the concept of a computer as a public good within the household to model the demand for computers at home. It also investigates the determinants, and consequences for earnings, of computer use. The equations are estimated using data on the native born and immigrants from the 2001 Census of Population and Housing in Australia. The multivariate analyses show that recent arrivals are more likely to use computers than the Australian born. The data suggests a high degree of favorable selection in migration as the level of computer use in Australia is much higher than in most of the countries that Australia’s immigrants come from. Those with a higher permanent income (education, household assets) are more likely to have a computer at home, but there is no effect of transitory income (unemployment). Immigrants who are more proficient in English are also more likely to use a computer. The relation between age and computer use is strongly influenced by cohort effects. Using a computer at home is associated with about 7% and 13% higher earnings for native-born and foreign-born men, respectively. For the immigrants, the effects of schooling and English language proficiency on earnings are greater among those who use a computer at home. This suggests complementarity in the labor market. The use of a computer is shown to be a way the foreign born can increase the international transferability of their pre-immigration skills, a finding that has implications for immigrant assimilation policies.
Barry R. ChiswickEmail:

Conclusion As the search for microfoundations of macroeconomics has intensified over the last 25 years or so, macroeconomists have paid increasing attention to the economics of the labor market. Hutt’s work on the labor market could provide the microfoundations of a macroeconomics which emphasizes a process perspective and the importance of psychological, institutional, and political rigidities in how that process plays out. The work of the Austrians and the monetary disequilibrium theorists has articulated a consistent vision of how disequilibria in the money market spill over into nonmoney markets and cause real disturbances therein. Along with Hayek’s more general work on the informational properties of prices, Hutt’s work on the price coordination pro-cess in labor markets, can provide a more complete theory of the pricing process which implicitly and explicitly underlies the macroeconomics of those two schools of thought. Aside from his contributions to labor economics per se, Hutt’s work has implications for many fundamental questions in macroeconomics, as his life-long critique of Keynes illustrates. As modern macroeconomics continues its frustrating slide into complex, yet unrealistic, technique, perhaps Hutt’s work will finally begin to get its due when more macroeconomists begin to look for a more institutionally rich and realistic theory of the labor market to serve as their microfoundations.  相似文献   

We develop a new approach to assessing the value of home production time based on willingness to spend time and money to obtain environmental improvements. When peoples’ choice is constrained by time as well as money, measures of willingness to pay can be defined with respect to either numeraire. In a model that explicitly allows for multiple shadow values of time, we show that the willingness to pay time and money measures are linked through the value of saving time. With survey information on peoples’ willingness to spend additional time on housework activities, as well as pay money, to obtain environmental quality improvements, joint estimation within a utility-consistent structure produces estimates of both willingness to pay and the value of saving housework time. From the value of saving housework time, the marginal value of housework time can be readily identified. When applied to Korean households’ valuation of water quality improvements in the Man Kyoung River, we find that the value of housework time is 70–80% of the market wage.
Douglas M. LarsonEmail:

Hu  Lina 《The American Sociologist》2007,38(3):262-287
Through the in-depth analysis of the features of Huabei rural industrialization, the unique factory regime in Baigou, Hebei, and the resulting special workers, this paper reveals two dilemmas the migrant workers in Baigou and larger Hubei area face: Because of the interpersonal network of labor market, personalized trade, familial labor process, and patrimonial management, the workers are unable to become either industrial working class or citizens. Facing this special group of workers, we still believe in their power of self-liberation. Drawing on Touraine’s action sociology and sociological intervention, and Burawoy’s public sociology and praxis-oriented research, we modify “sociological intervention” according to the reality of Chinese society and propose the methodology of “strong sociological intervention” whose vehicle is “Baigou Migrant Worker Night School.” The night school provided workers with courses of labor law, English, and computer based on their actual needs. Labor law is the core to evoke the self-consciousness of the workers. Through communications in the night school and workers’ real living circumstances, we collected their true information and treated it as the source of sociological knowledge. After three sessions of night school training, workers showed changes in skills, social, and psychological aspects, laying a foundation for the growth of self-consciousness.  相似文献   

This paper highlights how the social and economic situation of immigrants changes after their formal legalization and discusses what they nave to go through for their complete integration. Legalization can hardly solve the problem of immigrant employment, nor can it pull all immigrants out of the underground labor market and integrate them into the Greek economy ana society. The process towards complete integration is painful and involves a series of successive phases of various durations. During this period, apart from economic conditions, various institutional and cultural factors can hinder or delay integration. With respect to economic integration, immigrants seem to fare rather well. Their official unemployment rate is only slightly higher than the Greek unemployment rate, the two rates converging over time. This suggests increasing relative opportunities for immigrant employment, precarious or stable as it might be. Immigrant jobs come as a result of their flexible adjustment to the needs of the labor market ‐ official or underground ‐ compared to the inflexibility in the supply of Greek workers, due to labor mismatches and relatively high reservation wages. Wages of immigrants are generally lower, but are approaching the wages of their Greek counterparts. Educated immigrants much more than educated Greeks are forced by the circumstances to exercise jobs not measuring up to their qualifications.  相似文献   

Our paper contributes to the literature on the Romanian banking sector by analyzing a particular credit institution, namely the Cluj Napoca regional corporate business center of BCR Erste Bank Romania. Our choice is motivated by the fact that the Cluj Napoca regional center represents the pilot used by Erste Bank in testing all structural changes, new technologies and management and risk strategies. The analysis being developed focuses on the restructuration process taking place due to BCR’s merger with Erste Group, in what was considered to be one of the most spectacular takeovers in Central and Eastern Europe, therefore forming BCR Erste. The analyzed period also involves financial crisis circumstances. Considering the changes taking place within both the internal and external environment of the bank we oriented our analysis towards the bank’s clients. More precisely, we tested if, under the considered circumstances, we could find a connection between the bank’s clients’ reaction to the events taking place and their perception upon the same phenomenon. Regression models are used in developing the analysis. The results of the study come to prove the existence of a medium intensity relationship between clients’ perception on the two considered phenomenon and their reaction. Such results are justified if we think that on one hand the restructuration contributed towards positive effects while on the other we have negative effects due to the financial crisis. Our study has the obvious limitation of only approaching one case study. The analysis performed on BCR Erste’s case could also be extended to other banks. Conclusions therefore being reached and the potential effects of this type of research could be directly beneficial for the local, regional and/or national economic environment. The information aimed to be obtained is in line with the bank’s policy of orientation towards its clients. Besides analyzing clients’ perception, our analysis also considers its connection to their reaction. Since clients’ behavior is always in the center of management’s attention, dimensioning this connection bears significant practical implications. The distinctive element of the study is given by the analyzed period representing for the chosen bank both its restructuration process and the period when the financial crisis peaked in its manifestation.  相似文献   

Asian immigrants accounted for one-eighth of the total U.S. population in 2009. With Asian immigrants having higher levels of education and income than average Americans, their potential contribution to American philanthropy will be even more significant. This study examines the volunteering patterns of Korean immigrants, one of the fastest growing segments of the Asian immigrant population in the United States. This study explains Korean immigrants’ volunteering within ethnic and mainstream (American) organizations using the concepts of bonding and bridging social capital. The bivariate probit regression results suggest that ethnic volunteering and mainstream volunteering are generally the substitutes for each other. The findings nevertheless suggest that providing Asian immigrants’ with English education and continuing education opportunities may boost their volunteering to mainstream nonprofit organizations without discouraging their volunteering for ethnic organizations.  相似文献   

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