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论非监禁刑的人性基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非监禁刑是指在监狱之外对犯罪人适用的刑罚,即不对犯罪人监禁、不剥夺其自由的刑罚。按照我国刑法的规定,非监禁刑包括:罚金、没收财产、剥夺政治权利、驱逐出境和管制。刑罚适用的目的在于维护社会正义与秩序,为了实现这一目的,长期以来刑罚以剥夺人身自由的监禁刑为主,但随着经济与社会的发展,犯罪也随之增多,特别是累犯和惯犯的增多,使人们看到监禁刑并不能实现人们预想的目的,而非监禁刑因为其符合人性的要求,在当今社会被广泛应用,成为实现刑罚目的的重要手段。  相似文献   

非监禁刑是相对于监禁刑而言的、是对被判处刑罚的罪犯不关押行刑的刑罚的总称,在我国是指管制、罚金、没收财产、剥夺政治权利和仅时犯罪的外国人适用的驱逐出境.它是实现刑罚轻缓化的重要途径.但在执行中有执行机构分散、财产刑执行率低、行刑效果不明、对非监禁刑苛求的问题,为了保证非监禁刑的正确执行,实现刑罚目的、保障罪犯人权,必须加强监督,针对非监禁刑执行检察监督中存在的实施监督的操作性不强、检察制度建设不完善、检察力量配备不足、衔接不畅、检察工作过于被动、检察措施贫乏、检察内容不完整的问题,应采取的对策是落实组织建设和人事配备措施、形成科学的检察工作制度、重视宣传、创新监督手段、加强与执行机关的协调.  相似文献   

关于非规范性理由存在三种典型误解,即认为非规范性理由(1)不存在、(2)不重要或(3)至少其重要程度远不及规范性理由。前两种误解实质上是在指责非规范性理由概念无法满足理论建构的一致性标准与必要性标准。而第三种误解实质上是认为,非规范性理由在实践思考结构中作为被动者而存在。这三种误解来源于对规范性和实践思考结构的模糊把握。如果对规范性进行适当分类,对实践思考结构的对称性进行合理刻画,那么就可以证明非规范性理由是存在的、重要的,并且其重要性不弱于规范性理由。  相似文献   

后苏联时代初期的社会政治体系的形成和发展都具有明显的非道德特色,多党派发育方式的非道德化、政党行动的自我利益中心化、政治实践过程的实用主义化、种族和边疆地区政治活动的分裂化、对特殊人群和阶层安置问题上的非人道化是其集中表现。非道德的政治改革导致社会陷入全面混乱、国家政治发展失去价值指引、政权的不稳定性极度增强等后果。  相似文献   

非有效一词用来表示法律行为不发生预定效力的状态,然而它并不是一个被广泛认同的术语。实际上,关于效力的术语在罗马法当中就没有什么章法,《德国民法典》也并没有完成效力否定的体系化工作。相关术语在学理解释和法律移植过程中,又随着时间而不断演化,生出了更多疑窦。可见,效力否定术语难以体系化的现象,只能在术语的使用中逐渐积累共识,再加以解决。因为这种混乱的形成,本就是历史的结果,是文化的结果,而不是始发的预先安排。  相似文献   

心理惩罚的特征与表现形式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张守臣 《学术交流》2002,(4):164-167
心理惩罚作为教育中的一种普遍存在着的现象,对教育教学产生了严重的不良影响。心理惩罚具有非明确的目的性、隐蔽性、影响的广泛性、破坏性和长期性等特征。教育中的心理惩罚的表现形式有轻视(包括羞辱、威胁、冷漠等)、忽视和“畸形”重视。研究心理惩罚的特征与表现形式,可以为解决心理惩罚问题提供相应的理论依据。  相似文献   

刑罚威慑理论:过去、现在和未来——刑罚的经济学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
威慑理论是法经济学在刑法领域的核心贡献。自贝卡利亚和边沁之后很长一段时间,威慑理论归于沉寂,贝克尔复兴了这一理论,近代波斯纳、沙维尔、莱维特等使之更加细致,深入研究了刑罚决定各个影响因素及其之间的关系。尽管一些实证研究证明威慑效应确实存在,但批评意见始终不绝。在批评意见的激励下以及借助于经济学的新进展,威慑理论在向着更加精致化、实证化的方向发展,其中行为经济学的引入大大提高了威慑理论的现实性。  相似文献   

腐败循环是一种典型的社会困境问题,其根源在于反腐败组织无法打破腐败利益交易双方在长期博弈中形成的稳定均衡态势。通过演化博弈分析发现,惩罚机制可以起到促进反腐败组织协调高效运作的作用,有助于打破腐败交易双方的长期合作关系,从而为最终阻断腐败循环提供可能性。  相似文献   

Sweden is widely believed to have an exceptionally low incidenceof child maltreatment deaths. Since Sweden is also the firstcountry to have outlawed all forms of corporal punishment, proponentsof a total ban on corporal punishment, in the UK and elsewhere,haveargued that this demonstrates that such a ban prevents fatalchild abuse. While not taking sides on the corporal punishmentissue, this paper demonstrates that the argument is misleadingon several counts. The available evidence suggests that Swedenhas a low, though not uniquely low, incidence of child maltreatmentdeaths. Widely cited statistics suggesting that Sweden is inan entirely different league from other countries are, however,seriously misleading. Nor does the evidence really allow usto conclude that Sweden’s relative success in this areais attributable to the ban on corporal punishment. Other countrieswithout a corporal punishment ban also have low or lower childmaltreatment death rates; the figures that are commonly citedin any case pre-date Sweden’s corporal punishment banand there are a number of other important variables, other thana ban on corporal punishment, that could account for internationalvariations. The article concludes with some thoughts about theselective use of evidence in debates of this kind.  相似文献   

罪责刑相适应原则不是简单的罪刑均衡 ,而是以刑事责任概念为纽带 ,把罪刑相适应原则和刑罚个别化原则有机结合起来。其中 ,刑罚的轻重与犯罪人所犯“罪行”相适应 ,肯定了罪刑相适应原则的基本内容 ;刑罚轻重与犯罪人所承担的“刑事责任”相适应 ,吸收了刑罚个别化原则的合理成分。罪责刑相适应原则使刑罚的适用既注重犯罪行为又兼顾犯罪人。犯罪行为、犯罪人和刑罚之间的关系表现为 :犯罪行为决定一个与其危害程度相适应的公正的刑罚幅度 ,犯罪人的人身危险性大小在此幅度内调节刑罚的轻重。  相似文献   

Attitude scales are common in the social sciences but quite often they are very long and hence short forms are needed. Short forms can reduce the fatigue problem and make it possible for other measurements to be included, but short forms must be produced without much sacrifice to reliability and validity. In this paper, capital punishment attitude scales are investigated as a special case. A total of 27 items whose psychometric properties have been well established are used. A simple and direct method of producing short forms is used to produce half (14 items) and quarter (7 items) versions of the original. Both two- and six-point Likert scales are used to investigate the interaction effects between number of item-response option and scale length. Results show that there is no clear difference between the two- and six-point scales in terms of reliabilities, but the six-point scale is preferred in respect of trace information and percentages of variance in the one-factor model, and is closer to normality. In practice, we suggest short forms should always be considered for attitude scales in social services, and more Likert scale points can produce even better short forms. Limitations and further directions are discussed.  相似文献   

新中国减灾60年   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
减灾制度从新中国成立初期的创建与发展,到改革开放后的改革与创新,再到新世纪的现代化与法制化,这一变化过程不仅反映了生产力发展和科技进步,也是社会主义政治文明建设推进的结果。  相似文献   

We report an experiment on two treatments of an ultimatum minigame. In one treatment, responders reactions are hidden to proposers. We observe high rejection rates reflecting responders intrinsic resistance to unfairness. In the second treatment, proposers are informed, allowing for dynamic effects over eight rounds of play. The higher rejection rates can be attributed to responders provision of a public good: Punishment creates a group reputation for being tough and effectively educate proposers. Since rejection rates with informed proposers drop to the level of the treatment with non-informed proposers, the hypothesis of responders enjoyment of overt punishment is not supported.  相似文献   

孙喆 《唐都学刊》2010,26(5):84-87
在传统社会中,"德主刑辅"作为治国的一种方式,常被封建帝王奉为治国的圭臬。但在现实生活中,封建帝王并非按其行事,而是因地制宜地实施其统治。实践证明,凡当帝王因地制宜实施统治时,便会国泰民安、国祚长久;反之,则会社会混乱、国祚短暂。  相似文献   

Studying attitudes toward capital punishment has been a topic of interest for decades. Indeed, it is often the subject of Gallup polls, political commentary, and social science research. Research indicates that attitudes vary by demographic factors, educational influences, and neighborhood crime rates. Building on prior research, the current study examined death penalty attitudes among 599 college students and 213 residents from high crime and low crime neighborhoods. In particular, the research investigated differences between how students and residents view the death penalty as no research to date has analyzed this issue. The authors also analyzed how different populations perceived the impact of race on the administration of the death penalty. Results suggested that demographics, especially race, have the strongest impact on death penalty attitudes, but that there are few differences between students and residents and those living in high and low crime neighborhoods.  相似文献   

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