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新生代农民工与城市居民的社会距离分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
史斌 《南方人口》2010,25(1):47-56
本文运用2008年宁波城市新生代农民工调查数据,对新生代主体视角下与城市居民社会距离的现状及影响凶素进行了探讨。分析结果发现:以新生代农民工为主体视角的社会距离建立在融入意愿和排斥预期两个层面基础上;与上一代农民工相比.新生代农民工与城市居民的社会距离在增大。社会经济地位、社会关系网络、居住空间和社会文化会显著影响新生代农民丁的社会距离。要促进新生代农民丁的城市融人,缩短新生代农民工与城市居民的社会距离,需要新生代农民工、城市居民、政府和社会等多方行动者的共同努力。  相似文献   

从阜新市的调查看城市居民对农民工信任缺失问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农民工虽然进城,但是却没有取得城市居民的信任,这就使得农民工很难融入城市,进而影响了社会秩序的稳定和城市化的进程。本文以阜新市为例分析了城市居民对农民工所表现出的信任缺失,又从农民工的社会名声污名化、流动性、社群隔离、城市居民自身处境的忧虑、传统文化的影响五个方面分析了城市居民对农民工信任缺失的原因。最后,从四个方面提出了克服城市居民对农民工信任缺失的措施。  相似文献   

城市农民工的分布、居住与社会融合--以上海为例   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王桂新 《人口研究》2005,29(4):39-41
改革开放以来,大量农村人口迁入城市,与城市本地居民"共居"于同一城市空间.农民工在迁入城市的空间分布,很大程度上决定着他们与城市居民接触"界面"的大小和交流机会的多少;农民工的居住状况,又在一定意义上反映了他们与城市居民社会差异的大小及相互融合的程度.  相似文献   

新生代农民工与城市居民社会距离实证研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
本文根据抽样调查的结果,探讨新生代农民工与城市居民社会距离状况及影响因素。本研究发现,新生代农民工还没有完全融入城市居民的生活圈,存在着一定的社会隔离。回归分析结果表明,性别、是否独生子女、城市生活体验、社区参与程度、相对剥夺感对其与城市居民的社会距离感有显著性影响。  相似文献   

张原震 《西北人口》2007,28(3):119-122
农民工犯罪呈现不断增长的趋势,其犯罪农民工的性别结构严重失衡,犯罪年龄与文化程度低于城市居民的犯罪人口。犯罪农民工的经济生活水平处于较低的状态。  相似文献   

通过对成都、义乌两地抽样问卷调查的资料,分析城市居民对农民工随迁子女的接纳态度及影响因素.结果发现,城市居民对农民工随迁子女的接纳态度处于中等水平,其中对农民工随迁子女的情感接纳程度>行为接纳程度>认知接纳程度.不同性别、政治面貌和主观阶层地位的城市居民对农民工随迁子女的接纳存在较大的差异性,而不同年龄、文化程度和收入水平的城市居民对农民工随迁子女的接纳差异性不大.回归模型表明,政治面貌、主观阶层地位、社会关系网络、政策认知认同、对两类子女素质差异的评价以及认知来源是影响城市居民接纳农民工随迁子女的重要因素.  相似文献   

吴华安  王崇举  石智雷 《西北人口》2010,31(6):82-86,92
从城市容量角度关注农民工城市化的研究成果比较少见,本文从城市容量出发结合人口城市化的相关研究成果,提出城市容量是一个以人口负荷量为主体,包含自然容量、经济容量和社会容量的三维系统,并建构了人口城市化与城市容量之间交互作用的分析框架。认为,在现阶段,城市的自然容量和经济容量有助于人口城市化,而城市的社会容量则因无法满足农民工均等地享受公共服务而延缓着这一过程,也使农民工"半城市化"成为长期现象。因此,作出农民工城市化进程包括两个阶段、四种身份和八个特征的判断。在此基础上,认为,解决农民工"半城市化"的关键须从城市的社会容量着手,系统地考虑三维容量之间的相互嵌入和协调扩张,并提出农民工"深度城市化"的几点建议。  相似文献   

关注中国农民工社会保障权益   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
众所周知,我国正在经历两大历史性的变革。一是从传统的农业社会向工业社会的转型,另一个是从传统的计划经济向市场经济的转型[1]。这两大深刻的经济社会转型带来了广泛的社会变迁,逐步形成了共处的若干阶层和更多的群体,农民工就是在我国城市化和工业化的进程中产生的。如此庞大数量的农民工涌入城市,带来了一系列我国政府以前没有遇到过的问题,农民工社会保障就是其中一个关键问题。一、农民工社会保障问题的提出农民进城务工经商,加快了城镇服务业的发展,方便了城市居民的生活,为当地创造了财富和税收,促进了城市经济和社会的繁荣。但是…  相似文献   

文章以田野调查资料为基础,运用叙事分析的质性研究方法剖析新生代农民工漂泊与迷茫的生存特点。新生代力图通过自己的努力融入城市或实现自我发展,但制度性障碍和歧视性政策依然将他们挡在了城市边缘,他们的漂泊已经从时空的频繁转换延伸为一种内心深处的漂泊感受,个人生命周期的发展阶段又加剧了他们的抗争和迷茫。新生代从农民工转变成工人,转变为城市居民,需要国家相应的制度安排和政策支持。  相似文献   

论农民工就业与城市化——基于年龄结构-生命周期分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章运用年龄结构-生命周期方法分析农民工的就业与城市化。指出,城市企业为了追求利润,在用工时主要招收高劳动生产率的青年农民工,导致了(1)乡村还存在大量低劳动生产率的中年剩余劳动力的条件下,城市出现全国性的民工荒。(2)进入中年后的农民工绝大多数无法继续在城市就业,因而工作年限成为农民工城市化的关键因素。作者应用该模型估算出农民工家庭进城定居所需的最低连续工作年限,并对农民工预期工作年限的分析与对农民工工作寿命表的估算相结合,估算出中国具备城市化最低限度经济能力的农民工总量。  相似文献   

Kathy Burrell 《Mobilities》2017,12(6):813-826
This paper puts the spatiality of migration, and more specifically post-migration connections, centre stage. It explores the distances confronted by migrants as they stay connected with their pre-migration lives, recognising that these distances are recalcitrant, asymmetrically governed spaces. Indeed, migrants can be understood as experts in the navigation of international space and ‘the tyranny of distance’. Inspired by recent work on urban and translocal infrastructures and taking the empirical example of migration infrastructures in the lives of Poles and Zimbabweans in the UK, looking particularly at the materiality and logistics of sending things back, this paper builds new discussions about migration which take the spatial, physical and grounded elements of migration and translocalism more seriously.  相似文献   

The current state of Korean internal migration in 1961–75 is examined from three perspectives: (1) where migrants go; (2) who moves; and (3) why they move. It is followed by a closer examination of the experiences that in-migrants to Seoul, the capital city of Korea, undergo in regard to (1) decision-making of migration; (2) job mobility; (3) settlement patterns; and (4) living conditions of squatters. Evaluation of the migration policies named in the Seoul population dispersal and relocation plans leads to a conclusion that they have little concern with the welfare of the urban poor and in-migrants to Seoul.  相似文献   

Internal migration is typically associated with higher income, but its relation with life satisfaction remains unclear. Is internal migration accompanied by an increase in life satisfaction and does this increase depend on the reason for moving? What are the aspects of life underlying overall life satisfaction that change following migration? These questions are addressed using longitudinal data from the Swedish Young Adult Panel Study. Migration is defined as a change in municipality of residence. Comparing migrants to non-migrants, it is found that internal migration is accompanied by a short to medium term increase in life satisfaction for those who move due to work (work migrants), as well as those who move for other reasons (non-work migrants). However, only work migrants display an improvement in life satisfaction that remains significant 6 or more years following the move. Work and non-work migrants also differ in the aspects of life that change following migration. For work migrants the move is accompanied by an improvement in occupational status positively associated with well-being 6–10 years after the move. For non-work migrants, a persisting increase in housing satisfaction follows migration, but this housing improvement is accompanied by only a short to medium term increase in overall well-being.  相似文献   

Relative deprivation and international migration oded stark   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
This article provides theoretical reasoning and empirical evidence that international migration decisions are influenced by relative as well as absolute income considerations. Potential gains in absolute income through migration are likely to play an important role in households' migration decisions, but international migration by household members who hold promise for success as labor migrants can also be an effective strategy to improve a household's income position relative to others in the household's reference group. The findings reported in this article provide empirical support for the hypothesis that relative deprivation plays a significant role in Mexico-to-U.S. migration decisions. The findings also suggest that this migration is an effective mechanism for achieving income gains in households that send migrants to the U.S. and that households wisely choose as migrants those of their members who are most likely to provide net income gains.  相似文献   

The Harris-Todaro model of labour migration was developed almost four decades ago, and since has become a classic method of migration analysis in less developed countries. This paper explores the applicability of the Harris-Todaro (HT) framework outside its traditional use, by modelling frontier-metropolis migration in Canada. If appropriate, the framework can potentially be used in other countries with similar regional dichotomies, such as Russia and Australia. The paper argues that the HT model is generally applicable in the context of migration from the resource frontier to large metropolitan areas of the Canadian south, although it requires several modifications. The classic HT model is extended to account for northern labour-force heterogeneity (Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal), the possibility of having or losing jobs in the declining and undiversified frontier economy, and living cost differentials. Further analysis is focused on Aboriginal migration from isolated northern communities. The plausibility of the modified HT model is demonstrated using an empirical test, in which the model is used to assess migration probabilities of Aboriginal labour migrants. These new insights into the mechanisms of frontier-metropolis migration could provide a better basis for developing planning strategies, aimed to sustain human capital in the Canadian North, and for optimizing welfare policies both in the North and in the South.  相似文献   

We use the Immigrants Admitted to the United States (microdata) supplemented with special tabulations from the Department of Homeland Security to examine how family reunification impacts the age composition of new immigrant cohorts since 1980. We develop a family migration multiplier measure for the period 1981–2009 that improves on prior studies by including immigrants granted legal status under the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act and relaxing unrealistic assumptions required by synthetic cohort measures. Results show that every 100 initiating immigrants admitted between 1981 and 1985 sponsored an average of 260 family members; the comparable figure for initiating immigrants for the 1996–2000 cohort is 345 family members. Furthermore, the number of family migrants ages 50 and over rose from 44 to 74 per 100 initiating migrants. The discussion considers the health and welfare implications of late-age immigration in a climate of growing fiscal restraint and an aging native population.  相似文献   

Abstract Statistics ofpersons classified jointly by county of birth and county ofresidence have been published in the England and Wales census volumes since 1851 and the present study draws mainly on these data. A group of persons recorded in a census as natives of county A and residents of county Bare sometimes referred to as lifetime migrants from county A to county B. Statistics of lifetime migrants have often been used in studies of internal migration but these have one great disadvantage. The number of lifetime migrants from A to B does not relate to a specific period of time. It is impossible, for example, in such studies to consider the association between specific migration streams and differential economic activity. An attempt is made in this study to transform lifetime migration data into intercensal migration streams. Some of the results are presented and the most significant migration patterns during the period 1851-1951 are described.  相似文献   

城市外来人口劳动福利获得歧视分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章以2008年四大城市的外来人口问卷调查资料为基础,对比分析了本地市民、外来市民和农民工在劳动福利总量及具体福利项目获得上存在的差异及其影响因素,并测算了外来人口所受到的歧视程度。结果表明,三群体在劳动福利获得上存在梯度差异;劳动合同和城市因素对各群体的影响均显著,农民工受人力资本和社会禀赋的双重影响,本地市民和外来市民则受雇主类型的影响较大;与本地市民相比,农民工和外来市民在劳动福利获得上均存在歧视,且前者所受歧视程度大于后者。与外来市民相比,农民工在社会保险参与率上存在歧视,但在假期获得上不存在歧视。  相似文献   

Interrelations between migration and fertility in Thailand   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Based on special tabulations of 1960 census data on migration within Thailand, this analysis attempts to assess the role of migration in the urbanization process and the relation between migration and fertility. The importance of migration to urban growth is evidenced by the clearcut positive relationship between the percentage of persons classified as either lifetime or 5-year migrants and the urban character of their 1960 place of residence. Yet, the evidence also points to an increasing proportion of urban growth in recent decades attributable to natural increase. The specific relation between fertility and migration varies depending on the measure of migration used: Compared to nonmigrants in their place of destination, the fertility levels of lifetime migrants are not very different; but those of 5-year migrants are considerably lower. Regardless of migration status, however, fertility level is markedly lower for those living in urban places compared to those in rural places. This suggests the important role of both migration and urbanization in affecting fertility levels in Thailand.  相似文献   

三峡移民迁移满意度的转变及其根源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
三峡移民在搬迁到新迁入地后,对迁移的总体评价态度有一个从较高的满意度向较低的满意度过渡的转变。本文采用“同期群”研究方法,通过对三峡移民评价态度影响因素的回归分析,说明了三峡移民在安置地的适应过程大致可以分为三个阶段,即角色标签阶段、角色学习阶段、角色同化与比较阶段。而角色同化和比较阶段中,三峡移民的横向比较引起的相对剥夺感是三峡移民满意度变低的主要原因。  相似文献   

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