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Book Reviewed in this article:
Keeney, Bradford P. and Ross, Jeffrey M. Mind in therapy: Constructing systemic family therapies .
Hahlweg, Kurt and Jacobson, Neil S. (Eds.). Marital interaction: Analysis and modification .
Nelsen, Judith C. Family treatment: An integrative approach .
Munson, C. E. (Ed.). Family of origin applications in clinical supervision .
Papp, Peggy. The process of change .
Falloon, Ian R. H., Boyd, Jeffrey L., and McGill, Christine W. Family care of schizophrenia: A problem-solving approach to the treatment of mental illness .
Weeks, Gerald R. (Ed.). Promoting change through paradoxical therapy .
Levant, Ronald. Family therapy: A comprehensive overview .  相似文献   

The Troublesome Presence: American Democracy and the Negro. By E li G inzberg and A lfred E ichner .
Social Change. By R ichard T. L apiere .
Social Deviance: Social Policy, Action, and Research. By L eslie T.W ilkws
Probation and Parole: Principles and Practices. By R eed K. C legg .
Population Dynamics: Causes and Consequences of World Demo-graphic Change. By R alph T homlinson .
Drinking Among Teen-Agers: A Sociological Interpretation of Alcohol Use by High-School Students. By G eorge L. M addox and B evode C. M c C all .
Health Progress in the United States: 1900–1960. Edited by M onroe L erner and O din W. A nderson .
The Nature of Human Conflict.Edited by Elton B. McNeil
Sociological Theory: A Book of Readings (2nd ed.). Edited by Lewis A. Coser and Bernard Rosenberg
The Anarchists. Edited with an Introduction by Irving L. Horowitz
Aging and the Economy. Edited by Harold L. Orbach and Clark Tibbits
Great Rulers of the African Past. By Lavinia Dobler and William A.Brown
Lift Every Voice. By Dorothy Sterling and Benjamin Quarles
Pioneers and Patriots. By Lavinia Dobler and Edgar A. Toppin  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Barker, Robert L. Treating couples in crisis.
Taub-Bynum, E. Bruce. The family unconscious: "An invisible bond."
Ziffer, Robert L. (Ed.). Adjunctive techniques in family therapy.
Kaslow, F. W. and Ridenour, R. I. (Eds.). The military family: Dynamics and treatment.
Grunwald, Bernice and McAbee, Harold. Guiding the family: Practical counseling techniques.
Nadelson, Carol, C. and Polonsky, Derek C. (Eds). Marriage and divorce: A contemporary perspective.
Haley, Jay (Ed.). Conversations With Milton H. Erickson (Volumes I, II, III).
Schwartzman, John (Ed.). Families and other systems.
Freeman, Dorothy. Marital crisis and short-term counseling.
Mazor, Miriam D., MD and Simons, Harriet F. (Eds.). Infertility: Medical, Emotional and Social Considerations.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Laird, J., & Green, R. (Eds.). (1996). Lesbians and gays in couples and families: A handbook for therapists.
Levant, R., & Pollack, W. (Eds.). (1995). A new psychology of men.
Combrinkc-Graham, L. (Ed.) (1995). Children in Families at risk: Maintaining the connections.
Dishion, T. J., & Ptterson, S. G. (1996). Preventive Parenting with love, Encouragement, and limits: The preschool years.
Quick, E. E. (1996). Doing what works in brief therapy: A strategic solution focused approach.
Chevalier, A. J. (1995). On the client's path: A manual for the practice o solution-focused therapy.
Carlson, J., Sperry, L., & Lewis, J. A. (1997). family Therapy: Ensuring treatment eficacy.
Rosen, R., & Leiblum, S. (Eds.) (1995). Case studies in sex therapy.
Fenell, D., & Weinhold, B. (1997). Counseling families; An introduction to marriage and family therapy
Hofman, S., Gafni, S., & Laub, B. (Eds.). (1995). Cotherapy with individuals, amilies, and groups.
Bloomquist, M. L. (1996). Skills training for children with behavior disorders: A parent and therapist guidebook.
GENERAL INTEREST BOOKS: Weakland, J. H., & Ray, W. A. (Eds.). (1995). Propagations: Theirty years o inluence from the Mental Research Institute.
GENERAL INTEREST BOOKS: Anderson, C., & Stewart, S., With Dimidjian, S. (1995). Flying solo: single women in midlife.  相似文献   

PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Goldenberg, I., & Goldenberg, H. (1991). Family therapy: An overview
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Horne, A. N., & Passmore, J. L. (Eds.). (1991). Family counseling and therapy
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Nichols, M. P., & Schwartz, R. C. (1991). Family therapy: Concepts and methods
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Hurvitz, N., & Straus, R. A. (1991). Marriage and family therapy: A sociocognitive approach.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Ducan B. L., solovey, A. D., & Rusk, G. S. (1992) Changing the rules: A client-directed approach to therapy.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Geller, J. (1992). Breaking destructive pattersn: Multiple strategies for treating partner abuse.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Cirillo, S., & DiBlasio, P. (1992). Families that abuse: Diagnosis and therapy.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Shenson, H. L. (1990). How to develop and promote successful seminars and workshops: The definitive guide to creating and marketing seminars, workshops, classes, and conferences.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Hudson, P. O. & O'Hanlon, W. H. (1991). Rewriting love stories: Brief marital therapy.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Loriedo, C., & Vella, G. (1992). Paradox and the family system.
SELF-HELP BOOKS: Anton, L. H. (1992). Never to be a mother.
SELF-HELP BOOKS: West, M. G. (1992). If only were a better mother.
SELF-HELP BOOKS: Burton, L. A. (Ed.). (1992). Religion and the family: When God helps.
SELF-HELP BOOKS: Hare-Mustin, R. T., & Marecek, J. (Eds.). (1990). Marking a difference: Psychology and the construction of gender.
SELF-HELP BOOKS: Gilligan, C., Rogers, A., & Tolman, D. (Eds.). (1991). Women, girls, and psychotherapy: Reframing resistance.
SOFTWARE: What a Family , 1.0. (1991). (Family-exploration software.)Ecola Design, P.O. Box 13402, Portland, OR, 97213, IBM, $29.00.  相似文献   

Middletown: A Study in Modern American Culture. R. S. Lynd & H. M. Lynd. Predicting Success or Failure in Marriage. E. W. Burgess & L. S. Cottrell, Jr. Family, Socialization and Interaction Process. T. Parsons & R. F. Bales. The Social Psychology of Groups. J. W. Thibaut & H. H. Kelley. Husbands and Wives. Dynamics of Married Living. R. O. Blood & D. M. Wolfe. World Revolution and Family Patterns. W. J. Goode. Blue‐Collar Marriage. M. Komarovsky. Emerging Conceptual Frameworks in Family Analysis. F. I. Nye & F. M. Berardo (Eds.). Family and Social Network(2nd ed.). E. Bott. The Future of Marriage. J. S. Bernard. All Our Kin: Strategies for Survival in a Black Community. C. B. Stack. Children of the Great Depression. G. H. Elder. Inside the Family: Toward a Theory of Family Process. D. Kantor & W. Lehr. A Treatise on the Family. G. S. Becker.  相似文献   

Professional Books: Minuchin, S., & Nichols, M. P. (1993). Family healing: Tales of hope and renewal from family therapy.
Professional Books: Small, R. F. (1990). Maximizing third-party reimbursement in your mental health practice.
Professional Books: Shenson, H. L. (1990). The contract and fee-setting guide for consultants and professionals.
Professional Books: Lachkar, J. (1992). The narcissistic/borderling couple: A psychoanalytic perspective on marital treatment.
Professional Books: Charny, I. (1992). Existential/dialectical marital therapy: Breaking the secret code of marriage.
Professional Books: Brothers, B. J. (Ed.). (1991). Virginia Satir: Foundational ideas.
Professional Books: Kaufman, E., & Kaufmann, P. (1992). Family therapy of drug and alcohol abuse (2nd ed.).
Professional Books: O'Hanlon, W. H., & Martin, M. (1992). Solution-oriented hypnosis.
Professional Books: Bryant, D., Kessler, J., & Shirar, L. (1992). The family inside: Working with the multiple.
General Interest Books: Wolin, S. J., & Wolin, S. (1993). The resilient self: How survivors of troubled families rise above adversity.
General Interest Books: Baber, K. M., & Allen, K. R. (1992). Women and families: Feminist reconstructions.
General Interest Books: Thorne, B., with Yalom, M. (1992). Rethinking the family: Some faminist questions (rev. ed.).  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Carter, B. and McGoldrick, M. (Eds.). The changing family life cycle: A framework for family therapy
Falicov, C. J. (Ed.). Family transitions: Continuity and change over the life cycle.
Walters, M., Carter, E., Papp, P. and Silverstein, O. The invisible web: Gender patterns in family relationships.
Luepnitz, D. A. The family interpreted: Feminist theory in clinical practice.
Jacob, Theodore. Family interaction and psychopathology: Theories, methods, and findings.
Napier, Augustus Y. The fragile bond: In search of an equal, intimate and enduring marriage.
Solomon, Marion F. Narcissism and intimacy: Love and marriage in an age of confusion.
Fishman, H. Charles & Rosman, Bernice L. (Eds.). Evolving models for family change: A volume in honor of Salvador Minuchin.
Toman, W Family therapy and sibling position.
Hoopes, M. M. & Harper, J. M. Birth order roles and sibling patterns in individual and family therapy.
Kahn, M. D. & Lewis, K. G. (Eds.) Siblings in therapy.
Liddle, H. A., Breunlin, D. C. & Schwartz, R. C. (Eds.). Handbook of family therapy training and supervision.
Weeks, Gerald R., & Hof, Larry (Eds.). Integrating sex and marital therapy.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Department of Manpower and Immigration, Canadian Immigration and Population Study, Volumes 1–4. Howard Palmer (Ed.), Immigration and the Rise of Multiculturalism Gerald L. Gold, Strint Prrscd: Clitinging Lrtrdcrsliip & Sockrl Orgtrnization In a Quebec Town Niels Winther Braroe, Indian & White: Self-Image and Intcruction in a Canadian Plain Community W.T. Stanbury, assisted by Jay H. Siegel, Success arid Failure: Indians in Urban Society J.S. Frideres, Canada's Indians: Contemporary Conflicts D.B. Fields and W.T. Stanbury, The Economic Impact of The Public Sector upon the Indians of British Colrrmbia: An Examination of the Incidence of Taxation and Expenditure of Three Levels of Golxernment David Flint, The Htttterites: A Study in Prejudice Pat Duffy Hutcheon, A Sociology of Canadian Edrrcation Marion R. Porter, John Porter Be Bernard R. Blishen, Does Money Matter? Prospects for Higher Education Craig L. Boydell, Paul C. Whitehead, and Carl F. Grindstaff (eds.). The Administration of Criminal Justic in in Canada Elia Zureik and Robert M. Pike (Eds.). Socialization and Values in Canadian Society. Volume One: Political Socialization R. Boily, A. Dubuc, F.M. Gagnon Et M. Rioux, Données sur le Que'bec, avec une division par J.-c. Bonenfant Explorations in Communication, Volume I, no. I Tom Mc Feat, Small-Group Cultures Bernard Devault et Benoct Levesque, eléments pour une sociologie des communautés religieuses au Québec  相似文献   

Friedman, P. H. Outline (alphabet) of 26 techniques of marital and family therapy: A through Z.
Fuchs, K., Abramovici, H., Hoch, Z., Timor-Tritsch, I. & Kleinhaus, M. Vaginismus—the hypno-therapeutic approach.
Goldberg, M. The uses of dreams in conjoint marital therapy.
Grunebaum, H. & Abernethy, V. Marital decision making as applied to family planning.
Hadley, T. R., Jacob, T., Milliones, J., Caplan, J., & Spitz, D. The relationship between family developmental crises and the appearance of symptoms in a family member.
Jacobs, M. & Whiteley, J. M. (Eds.). Sex counseling.
Leichter, E. & Schulman, G. L. Multi-family group therapy: a multidimensional approach.
McPherson, S. R., Brackelmanns, W. E., & Newman, L. E. Stages in the family therapy of adolescents.
Slipp, S., Ellis, S., & Kressel, K. Factors associated with engagement in family therapy.
Spark, G. Grandparents and intergenerational family therapy.
Weakland, J.H., Fisch, R., Watzlawick, P., & Bodin, A. M. Brief therapy: focused problems resolution.
Wilson, W. C. The distribution of selected sexual attitudes and behaviors among the adult population of the United States.  相似文献   

Weingarten, K. (2003). Common shock witnessing violence every day: How we are harmed, how we can heal.
Warner, C. T. (2001). Bonds that make us free: Healing our relationships, coming to ourselves.
Sprenkle, D. H. (Ed.). (2002). Effectiveness research in marriage and family therapy.
Erdman, P., & Caffery, T. (Eds.). (2003). Attachment and family systems: Conceptual, empirical, and therapeutic relatedness.
Kaslow, F. W., Massey, R. F., & Massey, S. D. (Eds.). (2002). Comprehensive handbook ofpsychotherapy (Vol. 3: Interpersonal/humanistic/existential).
Kaslow, F. W., & Lebow, J. (Eds.). (2002). Comprehensive handbook of psychotherapy (Vol. 4: Integrative/eclectic).  相似文献   

Noller, P., Feeney, J.A. (Eds.). Understanding marriage: Delopment in the study of couple interaction.
McCarthy, B., & McCarthy, E. (2003). Rekindling desire: A step-by-step program to help low-sex and no-sex marriages.
Lipehik, E. (2002). Beyond Technique in Solution-Focused Therapy.
Kaslow, F. W., & Magnavita, J. J. (Eds.). (2002). Comprehensive handbook of psychotherapy: Vol. 1. Psychodynamic/object relations.
Kaslow, F. W., & Patterson T. (Eds.). (2002). Comprehensive handbook of psychotherapy: Vol. 2. Cognitive-behavioral approaches.
Feindler, E. L., Rathus, J. H., & Silver, L. B. (2003). Assessment of family violence:Ahandbook for researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Managing World Debt. Edited by S . Griffith-Jones International Capital Markets: Developments and Prospects. By an IMF Staff Team Multilateral Official Debt Rescheduling: Recent Experience. By P.M. Keller with N.E. Weerasinghe African Debt: The Case for Relief for Sub-Saharan Africa. By P.S. Mistry The International Debt Crisis of the Third World. By P. Nunnenkamp. The African Debt Crisis. By T.W. Parfitt and S.P. Riley Developing Country Debt: the Budgetary and Transfer Problem. By H. Reisen and A. van Trotsenburg Latin American Debt and the Adjustment Crisis. Edited by R. Thorp and L. Whitehead Voluntary Approaches to Debt Relief. By J. Williamson  相似文献   

McDaniel, S. H., Hepworth, J., & Doherty, W. J. (1992) Medical family therapy: A biposychosocial apprach to familees with health problems .
Walsh, F.,& McGoldrick, M. (Eds.). (1991). Living beyond loss: Death in the family.
Edelwich, J., & Brodsky, A.(1991). Saexual dilemmas for the helping professional(2nd ed.).
Skynner, R. (Ed.). (1990). Explorations with families: group analysis and family therapy.
Weiner-Davis, M.(1992). Divorce busting: a revolutionary and rapid program for stayin together.
Powell, E.(1991). Talking back to sexual pressure: What to say to resist persuasion, avoid disease, stop harassment, and avoid acquaintance rape.
Albert, G., & Michael, S.(1991). No-fault living.
Emmons, M.L. & Alberti, R.E (1991). Accepting each other: Individuality and intimacy in your loving relationship.
Misflwy, J., & Midgley, S.V. (1990). Partners on a journey: A support structure for the newly married.
Bilofsky, P., & Sacharow, F. (1991). In laws/outlaws: How to make lpeace with his family and yours.
Disabilty in the Family and Disability in the Family Part II: Assessment.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
SANDRA B. BURMAN and BARBARA HARRELL-BOND, (eds.), The Imposition of Law.
J. PAUL GRAYSON (ed.) Class, State, Ideology and Change: Marxist Perspectives on Canada.
DAVID COBURN, CARL D'ARCY, PETER NEW and GEORGE TORRENCE (eds.), Health and Canadian Society: Sociological Perspectives.
S.E.D. SHORTT, (ed.), Medicine in Canadian Society: Historical Perspectives.
CHARLES C. LEMERT (ed), French Sociology: Rupture and Renewal Since 1968.
DEREK L. PHILLIPS, Equality, Justice and Rectification: An Exploration in Normative Sociology.
WILLIAM H. DURHAM, Scarcity and Survival in Central America: Ecological Origins of the Soccer War.
RANDLE W. NELSEN and DAVID A. NOCK (eds.), Reading, Writing, and Riches: Education and the Socio-Economic Order in North America.
JEFFREY G. REITZ, The Survival of Ethnic Groups.
HAROLD E. PEPINSKY, Crime Control Strategies: An Introduction to the Study of Crime.
MICHIEL HORN, The League for Social Reconstruction: Intellectual Origins of the Democratic Left in Canada, 1930–1942.
ALVIN FINKEL, Business and Social Reform in the Thirties.
SUZANNE BERGER and MICHAEL J. PIORE, Dualism and Discontinuity in Industrial Societies.
PAUL I. AHMED and GEORGE V. COELHO (eds,), Toward a New Definition of Health, Psychosocial Dimension.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Rural sociology》1993,58(4):643-667
Book reviewed in this article: International Development: Mestrovic , Stjepan G., with Miroslav Goreta, and Slaven Letica. The Road from Paradise: Prospects for Democracy in Eastern Europe. International Development: Presley , Cora Ann . Kikuyu Women, the Mau Mau Rebellion, and Social Change in Kenya. International Development: Ekins , Paul . A New World Order. International Development: Bernstein , Henry , Ben Crow , and Hazel Johnson (eds.). Rural Livelihoods: Crises and Responses. International Development: Cancian , Frank . The Decline of Community in Zinacantán. International Development: Lewis , Suzanne Grant , and Joel Samoff (eds.). Microcomputers in African Development: Critical Perspectives. Sociology of Agriculture: Bonanno , Alessandro (ed.). The Agricultural and Food Sector in the New Global Era. Sociology of Agriculture: Tweeten , Luther , Cynthia L. Dishon , Wen S. Chern , Naraomi Imamura , and Masaru Morishima (eds.). Japanese and American Agriculture: Tradition and Progress in Conflict. Sociology of Agriculture: Hamlin , Christopher , and Philip T. Shepard . Deep Disagreement in U.S. Agriculture: Making Sense of Policy Conflict. Sociology of Agriculture: Bowler , I. R., C. R. Bryant , and M. D. Nellis (eds.). Contemporary Rural Systems in Transition (vol. 1): Agriculture and Environment. Sociology of Agriculture: Fliegel , Frederick C. Diffusion Research in Rural Sociology: The Record and Prospects for the Future. Sociology of Agriculture: Goreham , Gary A., David L. Watt , and Roy M. Jacobsen (eds.). Sociology of Agriculture: Attebery , Louie W. Sheep May Safely Graze: A Personal Essay on Tradition and a Contemporary Sheep Ranch.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Tiefer, L. (1995). Sex is not a natural act and other essays. PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Carr, A. (1995). Positive practice: A step-by-step guide to family therapy. PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Read, J. (1995). Counseling for fertility problems. PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Roy, R., & Frankel, H. (1995). How good is family therapy? A reassessment. PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Kaslow, F. (1995). Projective genogramming. PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Held, B. S. (1995). Back to reality: A critique of postmodern theory in psychotherapy. PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Fontes, L. A. (Ed.). (1995). Sexual abuse in nine north American cultures. GENERAL INTEREST BOOK: Bor, R., & Elford, J. (Eds.). (1994). The family and HIV. SELF-HELP BOOKS: Wassil-Grimm, C. (1994). Where's daddy? How divorced, single, and widowed mothers can provide what's missing when dad's missing. SELF-HELP BOOKS: Block J. (1994). Family myths: Living our roles, betraying ourselves. VIDEOTAPE REVIEW: The Psychological Residuals of Slavery. (1995). (Videotape presenting emotional and behavioral consequences of historical enslavement on contemporary African Americans).  相似文献   

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