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The approach is by a winding road about nine miles long, boldly cut out of the rock … the road comes to an end in front of a long underground passage leading into the mountain, enclosed by a heavy double door of bronze. At the far end of the underground passage a wide lift, panelled with sheets of copper, awaits the visitor. Through a vertical shaft of 330 feet cut right through the rock, it rises up to the level of the Chancellor's [Hider's] dwelling place. Here is reached the astonishing climax. The visitor finds himself in a strong and massive building containing a gallery with Roman pillars, an immense circular hall with windows all around … It gives the impression of being suspended in space … The whole, bathed in the twilight of the autumn evening is grandiose, wild, almost hallucinating. The visitor wonders whether he is awake or dreaming.  相似文献   

Geraerts et al. (2008)   reported that misleading individuals with false beliefs about having gotten sick on egg salad in childhood can reduce the probability of subsequently consuming egg salad. They concluded that their results "… have important implications for people's food and dieting choices…" (p. 752). We argue that their conclusion represents a fundamental generalization problem. We report new findings that, together with other recent studies, data on disgust and the fact that hard boiled eggs produce a chemical associated with rotten food, suggest that Geraerts et al.'s success in reducing individuals' interest in eating egg salad is likely restricted to less appealing foods that are less frequently consumed. Because of potential applicability of their results to public health and well-being, and the more general applicability of the false-feedback paradigm to legal cases, it is important to accurately limit these conclusions and generalizations.  相似文献   

Summary The empirical facts seem to indicate that in real economies the effect of uncertainty tends to decrease production. The limitations of empirical investigations presented should be stressed: they were performed mainly on an aggregate level, they mainly refer to Austrian manufacturing, they rely heavily on questionnaires. Above all empirical investigation will never be able to decide normative questions or to explain the behavior in the general equilibrium. Nevertheless in the short run, given all the rigidities and disequilibria which exist, uncertainty tends to lower optimal production even in absence of risk aversion. Risk aversion becomes important for large, for once-for-all decisions, but it is not the only channel through which uncertainty changes decisions.Technological concavity created by concave marginal revenues or by convex marginal costs, marginal costs of uncertainty in disequilibria model or asymmetric costs of revisions of the preliminary decision are able to bias the decision downward in a real world economy without invokingPaper presented to the 2nd Conference on the Foundations of Risk and Utility (FUR), Venezia, 1984.  相似文献   

Until quite recently, Russian philosophy was studied mainly from the standpoint of its development "along the path to Marxism." Understandably, attention was mainly devoted to "the solid materialist tradition," which overshadowed all other currents of Russian thought. However, the question arises of whether this "materialist tradition," i.e., the philosophy of the Russian revolutionary democrats, is so consonant with Marxism. One need only examine the facts to persuade oneself of the untenability of such an assumption.  相似文献   

The author attacks the practice of "quoting authorities" in science, and cites the need for an open mind to new experimental methods and the facts they disclose. Literaturnaya Gazeta, February 24, 1962; slightly abridged.  相似文献   

Discussions about homelessness can be approached as action that constructs social reality. From this point of view, an important finding in the analysis of interviews with four leading politicians is the number of rhetorical devices the speakers use in factual accounting: to make the state of affairs and events around homelessness appear as obvious facts, a reflection of reality. Five strategies of factual accounting are identified in this article: the witness strategy (the speaker has seen or heard the facts him- or herself), no alternatives strategy ("this is the only way to act"), the quantification strategy (warranting by means of figures and/or nonnumerical quantification), the social norms strategy (appealing to consensually accepted issues) and the expertise strategy (appealing to specialized knowledge). These strategies are used by the speakers to warrant the truth of facts that in many ways are more than likely to contribute to homelessness. Above all, they create an image of a static housing problem for which there is no remedy. It is, however, possible to alter this static picture if we start from the assumption that there are two sides to every issue. It is possible to argue against facts offered as true; the housing problem may not be so static after all, and solving it may not be so hopeless.  相似文献   

影视史学与书写史学之异同--三论影视史学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张广智 《学习与探索》2002,1(1):125-130
叙事是影视史学与书写史学的共同特征 ,前者崇奉“虚构叙事” ,后者笃信“实录叙事” ,通过叙事各自都融合了自己的主体意识 ,进行了艺术的加工 ,实现了相同的宗旨。其最大区别在于传达媒体的不同 ,前者运用艺术的形式 ,以影像或声影手法来表现过去 ,再现历史 ;而后者依赖书写文字的方式 ,以具体确凿可靠的史实叙述往事 ,反映历史。影视史学的出现 ,促进了书写史学的重新定位 ,两者在竞争、并存与兼容中相得益彰地发展起来。  相似文献   

赵宬斐 《阅江学刊》2012,4(1):86-91
马克思主义中国化和中国对现代性的诉求、消化与建构存在着密切的关联。中国共产党是在半封建半殖民地的历史境遇中接受马克思主义的现代性启蒙与教育,由于马克思主义理论本身具有的开放性和世界性意识,中国共产党在马克思主义的现代性指导过程中,具体、科学和有效地结合中国社会发展的实际状况,实现了对西方现代性的"本土化"与"中国化"的转换,彻底摆脱了对现代性的模仿与焦虑;同时清醒地认识和解决了对被各种主义、话语、框架、叙事等掩盖的实事与问题,特别是那些本己的实事与问题,开启真正的自我理解的现代性道路,彰显出马克思主义中国化的当代价值与意义。  相似文献   

Although this historical sketch is far from complete, it gives some interesting facts concerning the progress of the materialistic point of view in physiology. This movement began with Sechenov's Reflexes of the brain in 1863, banned for its materialistic attitude. The ideas of the objective rather than subjective explanations were reinforced by Pavlov's reduction of mental phenomena to conditional reflexes. However, Pavlov was careful to assert that he did not deny the subjective phenomena — religion, art, literature — but that there was no scientific method of studying the subjective.  相似文献   

论新闻的真实性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘亚和 《学术交流》2001,(2):152-154
真实是新闻报道的根本原则.我们党历来重视新闻的真实性,在不同的革命和建设时期都强调必须坚持新闻报道讲真话的原则.在新的历史条件下,坚持新闻的真实性,就要按照江泽民同志提出的"三个代表"的重要思想和要求,从讲政治的高度,切实提高新闻工作者对坚持新闻真实性的认识,不断增强新闻工作者的政治素质和业务素质.  相似文献   

汉初刘邦分封异姓王原因新探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汉初刘邦分封异姓王不能只归结为刘邦的"不得已而为之",因为任何一个历史事实的出现,必定有其时代的需要,所以应看到当时的文化、政治、经济和军事发展的推动作用。且从刘邦本人及其集团对他的影响来看,刘邦潜意识中也有分封异姓王的想法。  相似文献   

张天社 《唐都学刊》2012,28(4):84-89
有人误读历史文献,得出陈胜"出身是相当高贵的","当上900民工的屯长","不是一般的庄稼人","是地方上的豪强"等新结论。但通过对"为人佣耕"、"闾左適戍"、"失期当斩"、"屯长职爵"、"陈胜字涉"的考辨和对历史文献的解析,揭破了这些"新结论"的虚妄和与历史事实的背离。  相似文献   

徐东日 《求是学刊》2007,34(3):140-144
李德懋是一位崇经溯古、注重实际和实用的朝鲜朝后期的博学之士,他力求以“博”、“约”去克服朱子学末流的“偏”、“弊”,同时善于运用“训诂”、“考证”等考证学治学方法,破除迷古偏见,从而开创了朝鲜古书辨伪的新风。  相似文献   

李育华 《唐都学刊》2005,21(3):58-61
投资环境尤其是投资软环境,是影响投资者动机和行为的重要因素.理论界将其称为衡量一个国家或地区社会文明水平的"晴雨表"和"温度计".陕西是西部大开发北线的桥头堡,是资源、科技、文化大省,有着巨大的发展潜力和良好前景.应该进一步解放思想,实事求是,改善陕西投资软环境,加快构建和谐陕西.  相似文献   

This study examined how 69 low-income women enrolled in an educational training program perceived social class and upward mobility. Participants identified their social class during childhood, their current status, and their anticipated post graduate status. Beliefs about income inequality and attributions for wealth and poverty were also assessed. Respondents expected to achieve middle class status and perceived higher education as a route to upward mobility, although the accessibility of post-secondary programs was questioned. Consistent with previous research involving low-income groups ( Bullock, 1999 ; Kluegel & Smith, 1986 ), structural attributions for poverty and wealth were favored over individualistic causes. Also, respondents perceived income inequality as unjust. The construction of class identity and implications for class-based mobilization are discussed .

It [the American dream] means the opportunity to go as far in life as your abilities will take you. Anyone in America can aspire to be a doctor, a teacher, a police officer or even, as Oprah said, a President. But you can't get any of those important jobs if you don't have the opportunity to acquire the skills you need … . And that's why I believe that the key to the American Dream is education.
—————Former President George Herbert Walker Bush, 1997

Time changes the methodology of investigating global social processes. It is useless to attempt to make them fit rigid patterns, to establish "obligatory" models for the course of history. Relatively reliable prognoses require a certain fullness of political facts, a knowledge of their nature, and an understanding of the real needs of ethnic groups and states.  相似文献   

In this summary article, some advances of, the potential for, and challenges faced by environmental psychology as a contributor to sustainability science are outlined. In its first 40 years, it has evolved from a discipline primarily—but never solely—concerned with proximate architecture to one that adds concern with larger-scale issues, particularly sustainability. This growth of interest has in turn led to increased interest within it in public policy, technology, cooperation with other disciplines, multilevel analyses of problems, the ingestion of new ideas, and concern with the health of the biotic and ecological world. Some challenges are that the central proponents of "sustainability science" itself have not acknowledged environmental psychology as a potential contributor, the field is comparatively young, that it needs to explore biotic and ecological issues more, needs to help discriminate facts from nonfacts about environmental problems, and needs to warn sustainability science about the daunting task of overcoming environmental numbness and self-interest in individuals. Nevertheless, there is hope: sustainability scientists, including environmental psychologists, may be Adam Smith's "invisible hand."  相似文献   

包括黑猩猩在内的很多物种的动物都经常杀害同类。这些事实再次引起了关于进化过程中形成的生物特性是否影响着以及如何影响着人类好战的倾向等问题的讨论。要讨论这方面的问题,需要区分动物的两类暴力行为,即“猎杀”与“斗杀”。猎杀是猎食者对无助的动物的攻击。小群的黑猩猩或游动性的狩猎—采集者有时会杀死邻近社群的竞争对手。现有的资料表明,由这种群间攻击导致的死亡在总的死亡率中所占的比例与人类与黑猩猩这两个物种大致相同。这方面行为的普遍性说明这两个物种都存在进化过程中形成的致命的暴力行为,其认知能力也适应了成功地进行杀戮的需要。  相似文献   

Over the past twenty years, social researchers have had increasingly to turn from domestic to international and global perspectives in their efforts to account for growing levels of social inequality and in their search for practical policy solutions. It is against this background that China's recent experience is to be appreciated. The combined programme of economic reform coupled with an open-door policy has achieved much, yet has been accompanied by marked increases in social inequality. Until recently, most experts seemed to believe this trend to be a mere transitional "by-product" of domestic economic reform. Further social reform, backed by sustained economic growth, would be sufficient to resolve the problem. However, the facts now suggest otherwise. Sustained economic growth and reform, especially from the later 1990s, has been accompanied by ever-widening social inequality, with no signs of an end in sight. This is a critical period. China is now on the eve of entry into the WTO, with all the anxieties as well as rewards this signals for the Chinese people. Against this background the present paper weighs up the likely impact of globalization on China's social structure and its systems of social protection. It concludes by offering suggestions for international social policy advance both "longitudinal" (between developed and developing countries) and "latitudinal" (between developing countries in competition with each other). Only by means of such "joint efforts" might China hope to escape the "social protection dilemmas" associated with entry into the WTO.  相似文献   

倪玉珍 《社会》2019,39(1):184-210
法国大革命遭遇的挫折促成了19世纪初法国思想界对自然权利学说的反思。这一反思的重要成果是社会范畴受到关注和社会学说的兴盛。圣西门接续了孔多塞和观念学派创立“社会科学”的努力,探索“社会生理学”。他摒弃了启蒙时代盛行的抽象个体观,揭示了人的社会属性。他把社会视为有机体,认为社会的各个部分应相互协作,构成和谐的统一体。他还强调了欧洲社会历史演进的动力机制。在此基础上,圣西门提出了“组织”社会的初步设想。圣西门的社会学说融合了社会科学和社会主义的萌芽,促进了法国从革命向社会重建的重要转变。它给后世留下了双重的精神遗产:既唤起人们同情社会苦难的博爱情感,又提醒人们要科学地观察和研究社会事实,尤其在行动时要保持清明的理性。  相似文献   

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