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彭炜  于英川 《管理评论》2001,(11):16-18
多元化战略是企业成长的重要行为。目前,我国许多企业正面临着多元化成长的问题。不少企业采取多元化战略并没有取得成功,如巨人集团的盲目多元化使其陷入了困境,人们开始对多元化经营产生了怀疑,应不应该多元化,如何选择多元化战略,成为了企业界、学术界的研究热点。本文从多元化理论出发,分析了海尔集团多元化经营的战略,得到了一些多元化经营的经验。  相似文献   

在许多企业发展的过程中,都会遇到多元化经营与专业化经营的战略选择问题。本文简述了多元和专业化的含义,分析了多元化和专业化的利弊,探讨了影响企业多元化和专业化战略选择的因素,建立了多元化和专业化战略选择矩阵,以期对我国企业的经营战略选择有所启示和帮助。  相似文献   

理论、经验与我国企业多元化经营战略调整   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄继忠  杨凤 《管理评论》2003,15(10):19-22
我国许多企业在寻求成长的过程中,曾一度陷入多元化经营发展战略的误区,从而使其战略选择归于失败。本文着眼于科学把握多元化经营战略的理论内核,主要运用实证和比较的方法。借鉴以美国为主线的多元化经营战略国际经验,分析我国企业应用多元化经营战略失败的原因,并从归核化战略、多元化投资,以及战略融合的角度提出若干战略调整的建议。  相似文献   

多元化经营战略是企业战略理论的重要组成部分,是企业实现资本扩张、取得市场优势的有效途径。然而近年来,由于国内许多多元化经营企业纷纷落马,也使这一理论引起了较大争议。本文从分析多元化经营战略的利弊出发,指出了我国企业实施多元化经营战略存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

多元化战略是学术界和企业界长期研究的重要课题,是企业总体战略层面所面,临扩张发展的抉择之一。本文从多元化战略的理论定位切入,分析了万科和海尔两家企业实施多元化的路径,在此基础上,从突出主业、认识误区和战略协同三个角度,提出了多元化战略实施的关注要点。  相似文献   

任荷芬 《经营管理者》2012,(13):145+144
企业多元化经营一直是理论界和企业界研究的一个重要课题。企业多元化战略的成功给企业带来的经济效益大大超过了想象,然而企业多元化战略的失败又让企业陷入了绝境。本文通过对多元化战略的讨论,分析了多元化战略的机遇与挑战,指出多元化作为企业发展到一定阶段的一种经营战略,其本身并没有优劣对错之分,关键在于运用多元化战略的企业。缺少对多元化经营战略路径审慎思考的企业必定会在发展上吃亏。  相似文献   

浅析多元化战略与专业化战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过对比分析企业选择专业化战略和多元化战略的利弊以及经营中存在的风险,为企业如何选择经营战略提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

本文通过对实施多元化战略的基础以及企业实施多元化战略与企业核心竞争力之间的关系进行重点分析,提出企业实施多元化战略的策略选择,并提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

战略管理和国际企业管理领域经常忽视对新兴市场国家的"后来者"的研究。本文分析了产业动态、资源能力和制度变迁等方面因素对我国企业经营的规模和范围的影响,并提出相应假设。本文试图找到与国际化程度相关联的专业化战略或多元化战略与中国企业绩效之间的关系。基于我国上市公司2002年至2004年共2189个样本数据,本文实证研究发现,在我国,专业化企业比多元化企业具有更大的竞争优势,并且获得更好的经济绩效。这可能是由于国内市场日益激烈的竞争和开放政策下全球化的压力决定了企业选择规模竞争。  相似文献   

谢武  陈晓剑 《管理科学》2002,15(4):23-27
多元化战略是提高企业效益和经营安全性的重要战略.然而,其中每一个战略是环环相扣、紧密相关的多元化战略体系中的一环,而不是零零散散的.通过分析目前我国企业多元化的现状,提出了多元化战略体系的四种理论模式,并认为其中的极核轴向发展模式和中心辐射圈层发展模式是我国企业实施多元化经营战略应该首选的模式.  相似文献   

Production competence is an enigmatic functional phenomenon. What is it? Can it be measured? Does it affect business performance? The literature barely touches on these issues. If competence is defined as a variable rather than a fixed attribute, it can be measured by how well manufacturing's strengths and weaknesses complement the priorities of the business strategy. Since performance is a measure of how well that strategy works, there should be a definable relationship between competence and performance. This study proposes just such a relationship and promotes production competence as the theoretical link between production process and business strategy.  相似文献   

中国医药保健卫生企业采用整合营销传播的战略线索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对激烈的市场竞争,中国医药保健卫生企业要想立于不败之地,唯有探索发展战略的线索。只有保证核心力量,才可能从容应对各种考验和挑战。为此,本研究在整合营销传播理论基础上提出一些中国医药保健卫生企业的战略思路。本研究由四部分构成:第一部分是整合营销传播理论的介绍;第二部分是中国医药保健卫生企业的整合营销传播战略分析;第三部分是中国医药保健卫生企业整合营销传播战略模型的设计;第四部分是结论与发展方向。  相似文献   

已有研究将发达国家高比例的企业专业化归因于其长期发展形成的强制度环境,那么,弱制度环境下的新兴国家如何推动企业采取专业化发展方式?现实中,中国一些地区(如深圳、广州)已表现出明显的专业化倾向,原因在哪?文章基于环境依赖视角探讨新兴国家的企业专业化问题,通过对深圳的三家专业化企业进行多案例研究,旨在识别该地区影响企业采取专业化发展方式的情境框架,并分析具体的影响机制。研究发现:(1)识别了支持型营商环境、高度市场化、敏捷供应链构成的企业战略选择情境框架。受到改革开放政策、内地庞大市场容量、近港区位优势和全价值链分工等外力作用,以及营商环境、市场环境、供应链之间相互作用内生关系影响,形成了螺旋演进式的情境正向优化模型。(2)外部情境会引致企业固化甚至暂时锁定在专业化战略上。支持型营商环境产生资源集聚效应,高度市场化引导行业分工出现,敏捷供应链形成专业化固化效应。研究解释了新兴国家为何会出现专业化比例提高现象,从情境构建角度拓展了企业战略选择的环境依赖理论,对新兴国家的产业政策调整和企业战略选择实践具有指导意义。  相似文献   

What determines which manufacturing flexibility strategies are feasible and which are not? In this paper, I build both theoretical and empirical understanding of task‐environmental contingencies that may either enable or constrain the selection of various flexibility strategies. The special emphasis is on the various plant‐level actions that are used to seek manufacturing flexibility. Demand uncertainty and variability, technology, and competitive strategy emerge as the most important contingencies, although not in ways that are immediately apparent. Finally, managerial implications at both the corporate as well as manufacturing unit levels are discussed.  相似文献   

市场定位战略的综合模型研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
本文构建了帮助企业界定有竞争力的定位战略的综合模型,即市场定位方法的钻石模型.本文认为,定位涉及三个关键任务:(1)准确识别目标顾客的需要并确定定位的外延或范围;(2)明确企业在定位主张中强调的顾客收益和价值;(3)制定相应的4P战略以支持定位主张.因此,市场定位需要沿着三个维度展开:(1)制定定位战略的程序;(2)在程序维度的每个具体步骤上需要完成的核心任务;(3)任务维度的每个具体举措所涉及的4P范畴.钻石模型就是整合了这三个维度的理论框架.本文对钻石模型的理论优势和对营销实务的指导作用进行了实证检验.  相似文献   

This paper examines cognitive considerations in developing model management systems (MMSs). First, two approaches to MMS design are reviewed briefly: one based on database theory and one based on knowledge-representation techniques. Then three major cognitive issues—human limitations, information storage and retrieval, and problem-solving strategies—and their implications for MMS design are discussed. Evidence indicates that automatic modeling, which generates more complicated models by integrating existing models automatically, is a critical function of model management systems. In order to discuss issues pertinent to automatic modeling, a graph-based framework for integrating models is introduced. The framework captures some aspects of the processes by which human beings develop models as route selections on a network of all possible alternatives. Based on this framework, three issues are investigated: (1) What are proper criteria for evaluating a model formulated by an MMS? (2) If more than one criterion is chosen for evaluation, how can evaluations on each of the criteria be combined to get an overall evaluation of the model? (3) When should a model be evaluated? Finally, examples are presented to illustrate various modeling strategies.  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework that links strategic MIS planning and business strategy and relates it to competitive advantage and company performance. To achieve this objective, the paper first delineates the dimensions of strategic MIS planning, focusing on both content and process issues. The notion of fit within dimensions, between sets of dimensions (process and content), and between MIS planning and competitive strategy is also introduced. Next, employing the Miles-Snow typology of business strategy, the paper posits normative differences in the dimensions of strategic MIS planning along different business (or competitive) strategies. The implications of our study for both decision makers and scholars are discussed. Propositions that tie competitive strategy, strategic MIS planning, and company financial performance are then presented. The paper concludes by providing direction for future research.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this paper is to examine the sourcing strategy for one business function (accounting services), by looking at the degree of outsourcing for each task of this function. Three research questions are addressed: (1) What sourcing strategy do SMEs use for accounting services? (2) What are the reasons? (3) Is there a link between sourcing strategy and company characteristics? The research design consisted of a postal survey sent out to 1200 managers of SMEs in Belgium. The main results showed that 53% use selective outsourcing, i.e. combining both an inhouse accountant with an accounting service provider. The results also showed that 35% use total insourcing and 12% prefer total outsourcing. Surprisingly, cost reduction is not the main reason for outsourcing. External expertise is the main reason for selectively outsourcing. SMEs select a total insourcing strategy because they want the accounting information at hand. Finally, larger SMEs decide for a total insourcing strategy and prefer to keep the accounting services internal. The conclusions show that future research should focus on the degree of outsourcing. The practical implication of this study is that accounting service providers should highlight their expertise and overcome the disadvantage of remote data analysis to attract more SME-customers.  相似文献   

基于企业——顾客认知互动过程的企业战略观   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文分析了企业战略理论发展的三种思想逻辑,总结了认识论是企业战略管理的理论基础,提出了基于企业—顾客认知互动过程的企业战略观。  相似文献   

全球营销作为21世纪指导跨国公司在全球市场扩张的全新营销理论和战略构架,得到了管理理论界和企业界的普遍关注.随着WTO各项准入规则在中国的实施,中国市场将在更大的范围内和更深的程度上与国际市场并轨,中国企业融入国际市场、参与全球化竞争已经迫在眉睫.本文主要研究全球营销战略的主要观点、基本模式、整合的全球营销战略--IGMS模型及全球营销及其整合战略的结论及其对中国企业发展国际化战略的启示.  相似文献   

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